-- Packageversion: 0.50 -- Packagedate: 2019/01/04 -- tagpdf.lua -- Ulrike Fischer --[[ The code has quite probably a number of problems - more variables should be local instead of global - the naming is not always consistent due to the development of the code - the traversing of the shipout box must be tested with more complicated setups - it should probably handle more node types - --]] --[[ the main table is named uftag. It contains the functions and also the data collected during the compilation. uftag.mc will contain mc connected data. uftag.struct will contain structure related data. uftag.page will contain page data uftag.tables contains also data from mc and struct (from older code). This needs cleaning up. There are certainly dublettes, but I don't dare yet ... uftag.func will contain (public) functions. uftag.trace will contain tracing/loging functions. local funktions starts with __ functions uftag.func.get_num_from (tag): takes a tag (string) and returns the id number uftag.func.output_num_from (tag): takes a tag (string) and prints (to tex) the id number uftag.func.get_tag_from (num): takes a num and returns the tag uftag.func.output_tag_from (num): takes a num and prints (to tex) the tag uftag.func.store_mc_data (num,key,data): stores key=data in uftag.mc[num] uftag.func.store_mc_label (label,num): stores label=num in uftag.mc.labels uftag.func.store_mc_kid (mcnum,kid,page): stores the mc-kids of mcnum on page page uftag.func.store_mc_in_page(mcnum,mcpagecnt,page): stores in the page table the number of mcnum on this page uftag.func.store_struct_mcabs (structnum,mcnum): stores relations structnum<->mcnum (abs) uftag.func.mc_insert_kids (mcnum): inserts the /K entries for mcnum by wandering throught the [kids] table uftag.func.mark_page_elements(box,mcpagecnt,mccntprev,mcopen,name,mctypeprev) : the main function uftag.func.mark_shipout (): a wrapper around the core function which inserts the last EMC uftag.func.fill_parent_tree_line (page): outputs the entries of the parenttree for this page uftag.func.output_parenttree(): outputs the content of the parenttree uftag.func.markspaceon(), uftag.func.markspaceoff(): (de)activates the marking of positions for space chars uftag.trace.show_mc_data (num): shows uftag.mc[num] uftag.trace.show_all_mc_data (max): shows a maximum about mc's uftag.trace.show_seq: shows a sequence (array) uftag.trace.show_struct_data (num): shows data of structure num uftag.trace.show_prop: shows a prop uftag.trace.log uftag.trace.showspaces : boolean --]] local mctypeattributeid = luatexbase.registernumber ("g__uftag_mc_type_attr") local mccntattributeid = luatexbase.registernumber ("g__uftag_mc_cnt_attr") local iwspaceattributeid = luatexbase.registernumber ("g__uftag_interwordspace_attr") local iwfontattributeid = luatexbase.registernumber ("g__uftag_interwordfont_attr") local catlatex = luatexbase.registernumber("catcodetable@latex") local tagunmarkedbool= token.create("g__uftag_tagunmarked_bool") local truebool = token.create("c_true_bool") local tableinsert = table.insert -- not all needed, copied from lua-visual-debug. local nodeid = node.id local nodecopy = node.copy local nodegetattribute = node.get_attribute local nodesetattribute = node.set_attribute local nodenew = node.new local nodetail = node.tail local nodeslide = node.slide local noderemove = node.remove local nodetraverseid = node.traverse_id local nodetraverse = node.traverse local nodeinsertafter = node.insert_after local nodeinsertbefore = node.insert_before local pdfpageref = pdf.pageref local HLIST = node.id("hlist") local VLIST = node.id("vlist") local RULE = node.id("rule") local DISC = node.id("disc") local GLUE = node.id("glue") local GLYPH = node.id("glyph") local KERN = node.id("kern") local PENALTY = node.id("penalty") local LOCAL_PAR = node.id("local_par") local MATH = node.id("math") local function __uftag_get_mathsubtype (mathnode) if mathnode.subtype == 0 then subtype = "beginmath" else subtype = "endmath" end return subtype end uftag = uftag or { } uftag.mc = uftag.mc or { } -- mc data uftag.struct = uftag.struct or { } -- struct data uftag.tables = uftag.tables or { } -- tables created with new prop and new seq. -- wasn't a so great idea ... uftag.page = uftag.page or { } -- page data, currently only i->{0->mcnum,1->mcnum,...} uftag.trace = uftag.trace or { } -- show commands uftag.func = uftag.func or { } -- functions uftag.conf = uftag.conf or { } -- configuration variables local __uftag_log = function (message,loglevel) if (loglevel or 3) <= tex.count["l__uftag_loglevel_int"] then texio.write_nl("tagpdf: ".. message) end end uftag.trace.log = __uftag_log local __uftag_get_mc_cnt_type_tag = function (n) local mccnt = nodegetattribute(n,mccntattributeid) or -1 local mctype = nodegetattribute(n,mctypeattributeid) or -1 local tag = uftag.func.get_tag_from(mctype) return mccnt,mctype,tag end local function __uftag_insert_emc_node (head,current) local emcnode = nodenew("whatsit","pdf_literal") emcnode.data = "EMC" emcnode.mode=1 head = node.insert_before(head,current,emcnode) return head end local function __uftag_insert_bmc_node (head,current,tag) local bmcnode = nodenew("whatsit","pdf_literal") bmcnode.data = "/"..tag.." BMC" bmcnode.mode=1 head = node.insert_before(head,current,bmcnode) return head end local function __uftag_insert_bdc_node (head,current,tag,dict) local bdcnode = nodenew("whatsit","pdf_literal") bdcnode.data = "/"..tag.."<<"..dict..">> BDC" bdcnode.mode=1 head = node.insert_before(head,current,bdcnode) return head end -- this is for debugging the space chars local function __uftag_show_spacemark (head,current,color,height) local markcolor = color or "1 0 0" local markheight = height or 10 local pdfstring = node.new("whatsit","pdf_literal") pdfstring.data = string.format("q "..markcolor.." RG "..markcolor.." rg 0.4 w 0 %g m 0 %g l S Q",-3,markheight) head = node.insert_after(head,current,pdfstring) return head end --[[ a function to mark up places where real space chars should be inserted it only sets an attribute. --]] local function __uftag_mark_spaces (head) local inside_math = false for n in nodetraverse(head) do local id = n.id if id == GLYPH then local glyph = n if glyph.next and (glyph.next.id == GLUE) and not inside_math and (glyph.next.width >0) then nodesetattribute(glyph.next,iwspaceattributeid,1) nodesetattribute(glyph.next,iwfontattributeid,glyph.font) -- for debugging if uftag.trace.showspaces then __uftag_show_spacemark (head,glyph) end end elseif id == PENALTY then local glyph = n -- uftag.trace.log ("PENALTY ".. n.subtype.."VALUE"..n.penalty,3) if glyph.next and (glyph.next.id == GLUE) and not inside_math and (glyph.next.width >0) and n.subtype==0 then nodesetattribute(glyph.next,iwspaceattributeid,1) -- nodesetattribute(glyph.next,iwfontattributeid,glyph.font) -- for debugging if uftag.trace.showspaces then __uftag_show_spacemark (head,glyph) end end elseif id == MATH then inside_math = (n.subtype == 0) end end return head end local function __uftag_activate_mark_space () if not luatexbase.in_callback ("pre_linebreak_filter","markspaces") then luatexbase.add_to_callback("pre_linebreak_filter",__uftag_mark_spaces,"markspaces") luatexbase.add_to_callback("hpack_filter",__uftag_mark_spaces,"markspaces") end end uftag.func.markspaceon=__uftag_activate_mark_space local function __uftag_deactivate_mark_space () if luatexbase.in_callback ("pre_linebreak_filter","markspaces") then luatexbase.remove_from_callback("pre_linebreak_filter","markspaces") luatexbase.remove_from_callback("hpack_filter","markspaces") end end -- uftag.func.markspaceoff=__uftag_deactivate_mark_space local default_space_char = node.new(GLYPH) local default_fontid = font.id("TU/lmr/m/n/10") default_space_char.char = 32 default_space_char.font = default_fontid local function __uftag_insert_space_char (head,n,fontid) if luaotfload.aux.slot_of_name(fontid,"space") then local space -- head, space = node.insert_before(head, n, ) -- Set the right font -- n.width = n.width - space.width -- space.attr = n.attr end end --[[ Now follows the core function It wades through the shipout box and checks the attributes ARGUMENTS box: is a box, mcpagecnt: num, the current page cnt of mc (should start at -1 in shipout box), needed for recursion mccntprev: num, the attribute cnt of the previous node/whatever - if different we have a chunk border mcopen: num, records if some bdc/emc is open These arguments are only needed for log messages, if not present are replaces by fix strings: name: string to describe the box mctypeprev: num, the type attribute of the previous node/whatever there are lots of logging messages currently. Should be cleaned up in due course. One should also find ways to make the function shorter. --]] function uftag.func.mark_page_elements (box,mcpagecnt,mccntprev,mcopen,name,mctypeprev) local name = name or ("SOMEBOX") local mctypeprev = mctypeprev or -1 local abspage = tex.count["g__uftag_abspage_int"] --["c@abspage"] uftag.trace.log ("PAGE " .. abspage,3) uftag.trace.log ("FUNC ARGS: pagecnt".. mcpagecnt.." prev "..mccntprev .. " type prev "..mctypeprev,4) uftag.trace.log ("TRAVERSING BOX ".. tostring(name).." TYPE ".. node.type(node.getid(box)),3) local head = box.head -- AtBeginShipoutBox is a vlist? if head then mccnthead, mctypehead,taghead = __uftag_get_mc_cnt_type_tag (head) uftag.trace.log ("HEAD " .. node.type(node.getid(head)).. " MC"..tostring(mccnthead).." => TAG "..tostring(mctypehead).." => "..tostring(taghead),3) else uftag.trace.log ("HEAD is ".. tostring(head),3) end for n in node.traverse(head) do local mccnt, mctype, tag = __uftag_get_mc_cnt_type_tag (n) local spaceattr = nodegetattribute(n,iwspaceattributeid) or -1 uftag.trace.log ("NODE ".. node.type(node.getid(n)).." MC"..tostring(mccnt).." => TAG "..tostring(mctype).." => " .. tostring(tag),3) if n.id == HLIST then -- enter the hlist mcopen,mcpagecnt,mccntprev,mctypeprev= uftag.func.mark_page_elements (n,mcpagecnt,mccntprev,mcopen,"INTERNAL HLIST",mctypeprev) elseif n.id == VLIST then -- enter the vlist mcopen,mcpagecnt,mccntprev,mctypeprev= uftag.func.mark_page_elements (n,mcpagecnt,mccntprev,mcopen,"INTERNAL VLIST",mctypeprev) elseif n.id == GLUE then -- at glue real space chars are inserted, for the rest it is ignored -- for debugging if uftag.trace.showspaces and spaceattr==1 then __uftag_show_spacemark (head,n,"0 1 0") end if spaceattr==1 then local space local space_char = node.copy(default_space_char) local curfont = nodegetattribute(n,iwfontattributeid) uftag.trace.log ("FONT ".. tostring(curfont),3) if curfont and luaotfload.aux.slot_of_name(curfont,"space") then space_char.font=curfont end head, space = node.insert_before(head, n, space_char) -- n.width = n.width - space.width space.attr = n.attr end elseif n.id == LOCAL_PAR then -- local_par is ignored elseif n.id == PENALTY then -- penalty is ignored elseif n.id == KERN then -- kern is ignored else -- math is currently only logged. -- we could mark the whole as math -- for inner processing the mlist_to_hlist callback is probably needed. if n.id == MATH then uftag.trace.log("NODE "..node.type(node.getid(n)).." "..__uftag_get_mathsubtype(n),3) end -- endmath uftag.trace.log("CURRENT "..mccnt.." PREV "..mccntprev,3) if mccnt~=mccntprev then -- a new mc chunk uftag.trace.log ("NODE ".. node.type(node.getid(n)).." MC"..tostring(mccnt).." <=> PREVIOUS "..tostring(mccntprev),3) if mcopen~=0 then -- there is a chunk open, close it (hope there is only one ... box.list=__uftag_insert_emc_node (box.list,n) mcopen = mcopen - 1 uftag.trace.log ("INSERT EMC " .. mcpagecnt .. " MCOPEN = " .. mcopen,2) if mcopen ~=0 then uftag.trace.log ("!WARNING! open mc" .. " MCOPEN = " .. mcopen,1) end end if uftag.mc[mccnt] then if uftag.mc[mccnt]["artifact"] then uftag.trace.log("THIS IS AN ARTIFACT of type "..tostring(uftag.mc[mccnt]["artifact"]),3) if uftag.mc[mccnt]["artifact"] == "" then box.list = __uftag_insert_bmc_node (box.list,n,"Artifact") else box.list = __uftag_insert_bdc_node (box.list,n,"Artifact", "/Type /"..uftag.mc[mccnt]["artifact"]) end else uftag.trace.log("THIS IS A TAG "..tostring(tag),3) mcpagecnt = mcpagecnt +1 uftag.trace.log ("INSERT BDC "..mcpagecnt,2) local dict= "/MCID "..mcpagecnt if uftag.mc[mccnt]["raw"] then uftag.trace.log("RAW CONTENT"..tostring(uftag.mc[mccnt]["raw"]),3) dict= dict .. " " .. uftag.mc[mccnt]["raw"] end if uftag.mc[mccnt]["alt"] then uftag.trace.log("RAW CONTENT"..tostring(uftag.mc[mccnt]["alt"]),3) dict= dict .. " " .. uftag.mc[mccnt]["alt"] end if uftag.mc[mccnt]["actualtext"] then uftag.trace.log("RAW CONTENT"..tostring(uftag.mc[mccnt]["actualtext"]),3) dict= dict .. " " .. uftag.mc[mccnt]["actualtext"] end box.list = __uftag_insert_bdc_node (box.list,n,tag, dict) uftag.func.store_mc_kid (mccnt,mcpagecnt,abspage) uftag.func.store_mc_in_page(mccnt,mcpagecnt,abspage) uftag.trace.show_mc_data (mccnt) end mcopen = mcopen + 1 else uftag.trace.log("THIS HAS NOT BEEN TAGGED",1) -- perhaps code that tag a artifact can be added ... if tagunmarkedbool.mode == truebool.mode then box.list = __uftag_insert_bmc_node (box.list,n,"Artifact") end mcopen = mcopen + 1 end mccntprev = mccnt end end -- end if end -- end for if head then mccnthead, mctypehead,taghead = __uftag_get_mc_cnt_type_tag (head) uftag.trace.log ("ENDHEAD " .. node.type(node.getid(head)).. " MC"..tostring(mccnthead).." => TAG "..tostring(mctypehead).." => "..tostring(taghead),3) else uftag.trace.log ("ENDHEAD is ".. tostring(head),3) end uftag.trace.log ("QUITTING TRAVERSING BOX ".. tostring(name).." TYPE ".. node.type(node.getid(box)),3) return mcopen,mcpagecnt,mccntprev,mctypeprev end function uftag.func.mark_shipout () mcopen = uftag.func.mark_page_elements (tex.box["AtBeginShipoutBox"],-1,-100,0,"Shipout",-1) if mcopen~=0 then -- there is a chunk open, close it (hope there is only one ... local emcnode = nodenew("whatsit","pdf_literal") local box = tex.box["AtBeginShipoutBox"].list emcnode.data = "EMC" emcnode.mode=1 if box then box = node.insert_after (box,node.tail(box),emcnode) mcopen = mcopen - 1 uftag.trace.log ("INSERT LAST EMC, MCOPEN = " .. mcopen,2) else uftag.trace.log ("UPS ",1) end if mcopen ~=0 then uftag.trace.log ("!WARNING! open mc" .. " MCOPEN = " .. mcopen,1) end end end function uftag.trace.show_seq (seq) if (type(seq) == "table") then for i,v in ipairs(seq) do __uftag_log ("[" .. i .. "] => " .. tostring(v),1) end else __uftag_log ("sequence " .. tostring(seq) .. " not found",1) end end local __uftag_pairs_prop = function (prop) local a = {} for n in pairs(prop) do tableinsert(a, n) end table.sort(a) local i = 0 -- iterator variable local iter = function () -- iterator function i = i + 1 if a[i] == nil then return nil else return a[i], prop[a[i]] end end return iter end function uftag.trace.show_prop (prop) if (type(prop) == "table") then for i,v in __uftag_pairs_prop (prop) do __uftag_log ("[" .. i .. "] => " .. tostring(v),1) end else __uftag_log ("prop " .. tostring(prop) .. " not found or not a table",1) end end local __uftag_get_num_from = function (tag) if uftag.tables["g__uftag_role_tags_prop"][tag] then a= uftag.tables["g__uftag_role_tags_prop"][tag] else a= -1 end return a end uftag.func.get_num_from = __uftag_get_num_from function uftag.func.output_num_from (tag) local num = __uftag_get_num_from (tag) tex.sprint(catlatex,num) if num == -1 then __uftag_log ("Unknown tag "..tag.." used") end end local __uftag_get_tag_from = function (num) if uftag.tables["g__uftag_role_tags_seq"][num] then a = uftag.tables["g__uftag_role_tags_seq"][num] else a= "UNKNOWN" end return a end uftag.func.get_tag_from = __uftag_get_tag_from function uftag.func.output_tag_from (num) tex.sprint(catlatex,__uftag_get_tag_from (num)) end function uftag.func.store_mc_data (num,key,data) uftag.mc[num] = uftag.mc[num] or { } uftag.mc[num][key] = data __uftag_log ("storing mc"..num..": "..tostring(key).."=>"..tostring(data)) end function uftag.trace.show_mc_data (num) if uftag and uftag.mc and uftag.mc[num] then for k,v in pairs(uftag.mc[num]) do __uftag_log ("mc"..num..": "..tostring(k).."=>"..tostring(v),3) end if uftag.mc[num]["kids"] then __uftag_log ("mc" .. num .. " has " .. #uftag.mc[num]["kids"] .. " kids",3) for k,v in ipairs(uftag.mc[num]["kids"]) do __uftag_log ("mc ".. num .. " kid "..k.." =>" .. v.kid.." on page " ..v.page,3) end end else __uftag_log ("mc"..num.." not found",3) end end function uftag.trace.show_all_mc_data (max) for i = 1, max do uftag.trace.show_mc_data (i) end end function uftag.func.store_mc_label (label,num) uftag.mc["labels"] = uftag.mc["labels"] or { } uftag.mc.labels[label] = num end function uftag.func.store_mc_kid (mcnum,kid,page) uftag.trace.log("MC"..mcnum.." STORING KID" .. kid.." on page " .. page,3) uftag.mc[mcnum]["kids"] = uftag.mc[mcnum]["kids"] or { } local kidtable = {kid=kid,page=page} tableinsert(uftag.mc[mcnum]["kids"], kidtable ) end function uftag.func.mc_insert_kids (mcnum) if uftag.mc[mcnum] then uftag.trace.log("MC-KIDS test " .. mcnum,4) if uftag.mc[mcnum]["kids"] then for i,kidstable in ipairs( uftag.mc[mcnum]["kids"] ) do local kidnum = kidstable["kid"] local kidpage = kidstable["page"] local kidpageobjnum = pdfpageref(kidpage) uftag.trace.log("MC" .. mcnum .. " insert KID " ..i.. " with num " .. kidnum .. " on page " .. kidpage.."/"..kidpageobjnum,3) tex.sprint(catlatex,"<> " ) end else uftag.trace.log("WARN! MC"..mcnum.." has no kids",0) end else uftag.trace.log("WARN! MC"..mcnum.." doesn't exist",0) end end function uftag.func.store_struct_mcabs (structnum,mcnum) uftag.struct[structnum]=uftag.struct[structnum] or { } uftag.struct[structnum]["mc"]=uftag.struct[structnum]["mc"] or { } -- a structure can contain more than on mc chunk, the content should be ordered tableinsert(uftag.struct[structnum]["mc"],mcnum) -- but every mc can only be in one structure uftag.mc[mcnum]= uftag.mc[mcnum] or { } uftag.mc[mcnum]["parent"] = structnum end function uftag.trace.show_struct_data (num) if uftag and uftag.struct and uftag.struct[num] then for k,v in ipairs(uftag.struct[num]) do __uftag_log ("struct "..num..": "..tostring(k).."=>"..tostring(v)) end else __uftag_log ("struct "..num.." not found ") end end -- pay attention: lua counts arrays from 1, tex pages from one -- mcid and arrays in pdf count from 0. function uftag.func.store_mc_in_page (mcnum,mcpagecnt,page) uftag.page[page] = uftag.page[page] or {} uftag.page[page][mcpagecnt] = mcnum uftag.trace.log("PAGE " .. page .. ": inserting MCID " .. mcpagecnt .. " => " .. mcnum,3) end function uftag.func.fill_parent_tree_line (page) -- we need to get page-> i=kid -> mcnum -> structnum -- pay attention: the kid numbers and the page number in the parent tree start with 0! local numsentry ="" local pdfpage = page-1 if uftag.page[page] and uftag.page[page][0] then mcchunks=#uftag.page[page] uftag.trace.log("PAGETREE PAGE "..page.." has "..mcchunks.."+1 Elements ",3) for i=0,mcchunks do uftag.trace.log("PAGETREE CHUNKS "..uftag.page[page][i],0) end if mcchunks == 0 then -- only one chunk so no need for an array local mcnum = uftag.page[page][0] local structnum = uftag.mc[mcnum]["parent"] local propname = "g__uftag_struct_"..structnum.."_prop" local objnum = uftag.tables[propname]["objnum"] or "XXXX" texio.write_nl("=====>"..tostring(objnum)) numsentry = pdfpage .. " ".. objnum .. " 0 R" uftag.trace.log("PAGETREE PAGE" .. page.. " NUM ENTRY = ".. numsentry,3) else numsentry = pdfpage .. " [" for i=0,mcchunks do local mcnum = uftag.page[page][i] local structnum = uftag.mc[mcnum]["parent"] local propname = "g__uftag_struct_"..structnum.."_prop" local objnum = uftag.tables[propname]["objnum"] or "XXXX" numsentry = numsentry .. " ".. objnum .. " 0 R" end numsentry = numsentry .. "] " uftag.trace.log("PAGETREE PAGE" .. page.. " NUM ENTRY = ".. numsentry,3) end else uftag.trace.log ("PAGETREE: NO DATA FOR PAGE "..page,3) end return numsentry end function uftag.func.output_parenttree (abspage) for i=1,abspage do line = uftag.func.fill_parent_tree_line (i) .. "^^J" tex.sprint(catlatex,line) end end