%% boundbox.sty
%% Copyright 1997 Sigitas Tolu\v sis
%% VTeX Ltd., Akademijos 4, Vilnius, Lithuania
%% e-mail sigitas@vtex.lt
%% http://www.vtex.lt/tex/download/macros/
% This program can redistributed and/or modified under the terms
% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
% archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either
% version 1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
% PURPOSE:   Calculate TeX Bounding Box in points (LaTeX2e)
% \@calculate
% -----------
%  Internal macro \@calculate  writes TeX box dimensions 
%  to the token list \bound in such format:
%        \bound{left=x1 top=y1 right=x2 bottom=y2}
%          x1 - distance in points from the left side of paper
%               to the left side of TeX box
%          y1 - distance in points from the top of paper
%               to the top of TeX box (including head)
%          x2 - distance in points from the left side of paper
%               to the right side of TeX box
%          y2 - distance in points from the top of paper
%               to the bottom of TeX box 
%		(including foot; with option "nofoot" without foot)
% \topoint#1#2
% ------------
%  Dimension #1 in any unit of measure converts to value in points
%  and defines it to macro #2
% This package writes such special to DVI:
%     \special{mt:TeXBBox left=x1 top=y1 right=x2 bottom=y2}
\newif\if@withfoot \@withfoottrue
\newtoks\bound \bound={}%
\multiply\@tempcnta by10
\divide\@tempcnta by18647 \advance\@tempcnta by1
\multiply\@tempcnta by72 \divide\@tempcnta by2540
\advance\@tempdima by\hoffset
\advance\@tempdima by\oddsidemargin
\advance\@tempdima by\voffset
\advance\@tempdima by\topmargin
\advance\@tempdima by\headheight
\advance\@tempdima by\headsep
\@@to\bound{left=\@a\space top=\@b\space right=\@c\space bottom=\@d}%
\AtBeginDocument{\@calculate\special{mt:TeXBBox \the\bound}}