%% %% This is file `struktxf.sty', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% struktex.dtx (with options: `struktxf') %% %% Copyright (C) 1989-2006 by Jobst Hoffmann. All rights reserved. %% %% IMPORTANT COPYRIGHT NOTICE: %% %% No other permissions to copy or distribute this file in any form %% are granted and in particular NO PERMISSION to modify its contents. %% %% You are NOT ALLOWED to change this file. %% %% Please address error reports and any problems in case of UNCHANGED versions %% to %% j.hoffmann@fh-aachen.de \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1999/12/01] \def\filedate{2006/01/20} \def\fileversion{v8.2a} \ProvidesPackage{struktxf} [\filedate\space\fileversion\space Fonts for Nassi Shneidermann Charts (Jobst Hoffmann)] %% \@ifundefined{nat}{}{\endinput} \DeclareSymbolFont{italics}{\encodingdefault}{\rmdefault}{m}{it}% \DeclareSymbolFont{AMSb}{U}{msb}{m}{n} \DeclareSymbolFontAlphabet{\mathbb}{AMSb} \def\nat{{\mathbb N}} \def\integer{{\mathbb Z}} \def\real{{\mathbb R}} \def\complex{{\mathbb C}} \DeclareFontFamily{OT1}{cmbtt}{} \DeclareFontShape{OT1}{cmtt}{bx}{n}{ <-8> cmbtt8 <9> cmbtt9 <10-> cmbtt10 }{} \def\btt% {% \fontencoding{\encodingdefault}\fontfamily{cmbtt}\fontseries{bx}% \fontshape{n}\selectfont% } \def\@setmcodes#1#2#3{{\count0=#1 \count1=#3 \loop \global\mathcode\count0=\count1 \ifnum \count0<#2 \advance\count0 by1 \advance\count1 by1 \repeat}} \def\MathItalics% {% \@setmcodes{`A}{`Z}{"7\hexnumber@\symitalics41} \@setmcodes{`a}{`z}{"7\hexnumber@\symitalics61} } \def\MathNormal% {% \@setmcodes{`A}{`Z}{"7141} \@setmcodes{`a}{`z}{"7161} } \MathItalics \endinput %% %% End of file `struktxf.sty'.