\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesFile{standalone.cfg}[% 2015/07/15 v1.2 Default configuration file for 'standalone' class]% %% Enabled the "varwidth" option if the "varwidth" package is available: %%\IfFileExists{varwidth.sty}{% %% \standaloneconfig{varwidth}% %%}{}% %% Default options: \standaloneconfig{crop} %% Option which 'preview' should be loaded with \PassOptionsToPackage{active,tightpage}{preview}% %% Enable 'preview' option by default: %%\standaloneconfig{preview} %% Remove the border: \standaloneconfig{border=0pt} %% Default preview border (used by standalone v0.x): %%\standaloneconfig{border=0.50001bp} %% Disable navigation symbols in beamer. %% This must be done AtEndOfClass because the options are not processed yet, %% so "beamer" mode is not enabled yet. \AtEndOfClass{% \ifstandalonebeamer \setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}% \fi } %% vim: ft=tex