%% %% This is file `siunitx-version-1.cfg', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% siunitx.dtx (with options: `config,version-1') %% --------------------------------------------------------------- %% The siunitx package --- A comprehensive (SI) units package %% Maintained by Joseph Wright %% E-mail: joseph.wright@morningstar2.co.uk %% Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later %% See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% --------------------------------------------------------------- %% \ProvidesExplFile {siunitx-version-1.cfg} {2015/07/17} {2.6h} {siunitx: Version 1 settings} \keys_define:nn { siunitx } { addsign .choice: , addsign / all .meta:n = { explicit-sign = + }, addsign / exp .meta:n = { explicit-sign = + }, addsign / false .meta:n = { explicit-sign = }, addsign / mant .meta:n = { explicit-sign = + }, addsign / none .meta:n = { explicit-sign = }, addsign / true .meta:n = { explicit-sign = + }, addsign .default:n = { true }, allowlitunits .meta:n = { free-standing-units = #1 }, allowlitunits .default:n = { true }, allowoptarg .meta:n = { unit-optional-argument = #1 }, allowoptargs .default:n = { true }, allowzeroexp .meta:n = { retain-zero-exponent = #1 }, allowzeroexp .default:n = { true }, alsoload .code:n = , angformat .code:n = , anglesep .choice: , anglesep / cdot .meta:n = { arc-separator = \ensuremath { { } \cdot { } } }, anglesep / comma .meta:n = { arc-separator = \ensuremath { { {,} } } }, anglesep / fullstop .meta:n = { arc-separator = \ensuremath { { { . } } } }, anglesep / med .meta:n = { arc-separator = \ensuremath { \: } }, anglesep / medium .meta:n = { arc-separator = \ensuremath { \: } }, anglesep / none .meta:n = { arc-separator = }, anglesep / period .meta:n = { arc-separator = \ensuremath { { { . } } } }, anglesep / space .meta:n = { arc-separator = \text { ~ } }, anglesep / stop .meta:n = { arc-separator = \ensuremath { { { . } } } }, anglesep / thick .meta:n = { arc-separator = \ensuremath { \; } }, anglesep / thin .meta:n = { arc-separator = \ensuremath { \, } }, anglesep / tightcdot .meta:n = { arc-separator = \ensuremath { \bgroup \cdot \egroup } }, anglesep / tighttimes .meta:n = { arc-separator = \ensuremath { \bgroup \times \egroup } }, anglesep / times .meta:n = { arc-separator = \ensuremath { \times } }, anglesep / unknown .meta:n = { arc-separator = \ensuremath {#1} }, astroang .meta:n = { angle-symbol-over-decimal = #1 }, astroang .default:n = { true }, closeerr .meta:n = { close-bracket = \ensuremath {#1} }, closefrac .meta:n = { close-bracket = \ensuremath {#1} }, closerange .meta:n = { close-bracket = \ensuremath {#1} }, colour .code:n = { color = #1 }, colorall .code:n = , colourall .code:n = , colorneg .code:n = , colourneg .code:n = , colorunits .meta:n = , colourunits .meta:n = , colorvalues .meta:n = , colourvalues .meta:n = , decimalsymbol .choice: , decimalsymbol / cdot .meta:n = { output-decimal-marker = \ensuremath { { } \cdot { } } }, decimalsymbol / comma .meta:n = { output-decimal-marker = { \ensuremath { { , } } } }, decimalsymbol / fullstop .meta:n = { output-decimal-marker = { \ensuremath { { . } } } }, decimalsymbol / period .meta:n = { output-decimal-marker = { \ensuremath { { . } } } }, decimalsymbol / stop .meta:n = { output-decimal-marker = { \ensuremath { { . } } } }, decimalsymbol / tightcdot .code:n = { output-decimal-marker = \ensuremath { \bgroup \cdot \egroup } }, decimalsymbol / unknown .meta:n = { output-decimal-marker = \ensuremath {#1} }, debug .code:n = , detectdisplay .meta:n = { detect-display-math = #1 }, detectdisplay .default:n = { true }, digitsep .choice: , digitsep / cdot .meta:n = { group-separator = \ensuremath { { } \cdot { } } }, digitsep / comma .meta:n = { group-separator = \ensuremath { { , } } }, digitsep / fullstop .meta:n = { group-separator = \ensuremath { . } }, digitsep / med .meta:n = { group-separator = \ensuremath { \: } }, digitsep / medium .meta:n = { group-separator = \ensuremath { \: } }, digitsep / none .meta:n = { group-separator = }, digitsep / period .meta:n = { group-separator = \ensuremath { . } }, digitsep / space .meta:n = { group-separator = \text { ~ } }, digitsep / stop .meta:n = { group-separator = \ensuremath { . } }, digitsep / thick .meta:n = { group-separator = \ensuremath { \; } }, digitsep / thin .meta:n = { group-separator = \ensuremath { \, } }, digitsep / tightcdot .meta:n = { group-separator = \ensuremath { \bgroup \cdot \egroup } }, digitsep / tighttimes .meta:n = { group-separator = \ensuremath { \bgroup \times \egroup } }, digitsep / times .meta:n = { group-separator = \ensuremath { \times } }, digitsep / unknown .meta:n = { group-separator = \ensuremath {#1} }, dp .meta:n = { round-mode = places, round-precision = #1, }, emulate .code:n = , errspace .choice: , errspace / med .meta:n = { uncertainty-separator = \ensuremath { \: } }, errspace / medium .meta:n = { uncertainty-separator = \ensuremath { \: } }, errspace / none .meta:n = { uncertainty-separator = }, errspace / space .meta:n = { uncertainty-separator = \text { ~ } }, errspace / thick .meta:n = { uncertainty-separator = \ensuremath { \; } }, errspace / thin .meta:n = { uncertainty-separator = \ensuremath { \, } }, errspace / unknown .meta:n = { uncertainty-separator = \ensuremath {#1} }, eVcorra .code:n = , eVcorrb .code:n = , expbase .choice: , expbase / ten .meta:n = { exponent-base = 10 }, expbase / two .meta:n = { exponent-base = 2 }, expbase / unknown .meta:n = { exponent-base = #1 }, expproduct .choice: , expproduct / cdot .meta:n = { exponent-product = \ensuremath { { } \cdot { } } }, expproduct / tightcdot .meta:n = { exponent-product = \ensuremath { \bgroup \cdot \egroup } }, expproduct / tighttimes .meta:n = { exponent-product = \ensuremath { \bgroup \times \egroup } }, expproduct / times .meta:n = { exponent-product = \ensuremath { \times } }, expproduct / unknown .meta:n = { exponent-product = \ensuremath {#1} }, fixdp .choice:, fixdp / false .meta:n = { round-mode = none }, fixdp / true .meta:n = { round-mode = places }, fixdp .default:n = { true }, fixsf .choice: , fixsf / false .meta:n = { round-mode = none }, fixsf / true .meta:n = { round-mode = figures }, fixsf .default:n = { true }, fraction .choice: , fraction / frac .meta:n = { fraction-function = \frac }, fraction / nice .meta:n = { fraction-function = \frac }, fraction / sfrac .meta:n = { fraction-function = \sfrac }, fraction / ugly .meta:n = { fraction-function = \frac , per-mode = symbol-or-fraction }, inlinebold .meta:n = { detect-inline-weight = #1 }, log .code:n = , load .code:n = , loctolang .code:n = , mathOmega .meta:n = { math-ohm = #1 }, mathcelsius .meta:n = { math-celsius = #1 }, mathdegree .meta:n = { math-degree = #1 }, mathminute .meta:n = { math-arcminute = #1 }, mathmu .meta:n = { math-micro = #1 }, mathringA .meta:n = { math-angstrom = #1 }, mathrm .code:n = { \use:x { \keys_set:nn { siunitx } { math-rm = \exp_not:c {#1} } } }, mathsOmega .meta:n = { math-ohm = #1 }, mathscelsius .meta:n = { math-celsius = #1 }, mathsdegree .meta:n = { math-degree = #1 }, mathsecond .meta:n = { math-arcsecond = #1 }, mathsf .code:n = { \use:x { \keys_set:nn { siunitx } { math-sf = \exp_not:c {#1} } } }, mathsminute .meta:n = { math-arcminute = #1 }, mathsmu .meta:n = { math-micro = #1 }, mathsringA .meta:n = { math-angstrom = #1 }, mathsrm .code:n = { \use:x { \keys_set:nn { siunitx } { math-rm= \exp_not:c {#1} } } }, mathssecond .meta:n = { math-arcsecond = #1 }, mathssf .code:n = { \use:x { \keys_set:nn { siunitx } { math-sf = \exp_not:c {#1} } } }, mathstt .code:n = { \use:x { \keys_set:nn { siunitx } { math-tt = \exp_not:c {#1} } } }, mathtt .code:n = { \use:x { \keys_set:nn { siunitx } { math-tt = \exp_not:c {#1} } } }, negcolor .meta:n = { negative-color = #1 }, negcolour .meta:n = { negative-color = #1 }, noload .code:n = , numaddn .meta:n = { input-symbols = #1 }, numcloseerr .meta:n = { input-close-uncertainty = #1 }, numdecimal .meta:n = { input-decimal-markers = #1 }, numdigits .meta:n = { input-digits = #1 }, numdiv .meta:n = { input-quotient = #1 }, numexp .meta:n = { input-exponent-markers = #1 }, numgobble .meta:n = { input-ignore = #1 }, numopenerr .meta:n = { input-open-uncertainty = #1 }, numprod .meta:n = { input-product = #1 }, numsign .meta:n = { input-signs = #1 }, obeyall .meta:n = { detect-all = #1 }, obeyall .default:n = { true }, obeybold .meta:n = { detect-weight = #1 }, obeybold .default:n = { true }, obeyfamily .meta:n = { detect-family = #1 }, obeyfamily .default:n = { true }, obeyitalic .meta:n = { detect-shape = #1 }, obeyitalic .default:n = { true }, obeymode .meta:n = { detect-mode = #1 }, obeymode .default:n = { true }, openerr .meta:n = { open-bracket = \ensuremath {#1} }, openfrac .meta:n = { open-bracket = \ensuremath {#1} }, openrange .meta:n = { open-bracket = \ensuremath {#1} }, padangle .choice: , padangle / all .meta:n = { add-arc-degree-zero = true, add-arc-minute-zero = true, add-arc-second-zero = true }, padangle / both .meta:n = { add-arc-degree-zero = true, add-arc-minute-zero = true, add-arc-second-zero = true }, padangle / false .meta:n = { add-arc-degree-zero = false, add-arc-minute-zero = false, add-arc-second-zero = false }, padangle / large .meta:n = { add-arc-degree-zero = true, add-arc-minute-zero = true, add-arc-second-zero = false }, padangle / none .meta:n = { add-arc-degree-zero = false, add-arc-minute-zero = false, add-arc-second-zero = false }, padangle / small .meta:n = { add-arc-degree-zero = false, add-arc-minute-zero = true, add-arc-second-zero = true }, true .meta:n = { add-arc-degree-zero = true, add-arc-minute-zero = true, add-arc-second-zero = true }, padnumber .choice: , padnumber / all .meta:n = { add-decimal-zero = true, add-integer-zero = true }, padnumber / both .meta:n = { add-decimal-zero = true, add-integer-zero = true }, padnumber / false .meta:n = { add-decimal-zero = false, add-integer-zero = false }, padnumber / leading .meta:n = { add-decimal-zero = true, add-integer-zero = false }, padnumber / none .meta:n = { add-decimal-zero = false, add-integer-zero = false }, padnumber / trailing .meta:n = { add-decimal-zero = false, add-integer-zero = true }, padnumber / true .meta:n = { add-decimal-zero = true, add-integer-zero = true }, per .choice: , per / frac .meta:n = { per-mode = fraction }, per / fraction .meta:n = { per-mode = fraction }, per / reciprocal .meta:n = { per-mode = reciprocal }, per / slash .meta:n = { per-mode = symbol }, prefixbase .code:n = , prefixproduct .code:n = , prefixsymbolic .meta:n = { prefixes-as-symbols = #1 }, prefixsymbolic .default:n = { true }, prespace .meta:n = { space-before-unit = #1 }, prespace .default:n = { true }, redefsymbols .meta:n = { redefine-symbols = #1 }, redefsymbols .default:n = { true }, repeatunits .choice: , repeatunits / false .meta:n = { multi-part-units = single, product-units = single, }, repeatunits / power .meta:n = { multi-part-units = repeat, product-units = power, }, repeatunits / true .meta:n = { multi-part-units = repeat, product-units = repeat, }, repeatunits .default:n = { true }, retainplus .meta:n = { retain-explicit-plus = #1 }, retainplus .default:n = { true }, seperr .meta:n = { separate-uncertainty = #1 }, seperr .default:n = { true }, sepfour .meta:n = { group-four-digits = true }, sepfour .default:n = { true }, sf .meta:n = { round-mode = figures, round-precision = #1, }, sign .meta:n = { explicit-sign = #1 }, slash .choice: , slash / slash .meta:n = { per-symbol = \ensuremath { / } }, slash / unknown .meta:n = { per-symbol = \ensuremath {#1} }, stickyper .meta:n = { sticky-per = #1 }, stickyper .default:n = { true }, strictarc .code:n = , tabalign .code:n = { \str_if_eq:nnTF {#1} { centre } { \keys_set:nn { siunitx } { table-alignment = center } } { \keys_set:nn { siunitx } { table-alignment = #1 } } }, tabalignexp .code:n = { table-align-exponent = #1 }, tabautofit .meta:n = { table-auto-round = #1 }, tabautofit .default:n = { true }, tabexpalign .code:n = { table-align-exponent = #1 }, tabformat .meta:n = { table-format = #1 }, tabnumalign .code:n = { \str_if_eq:nnTF {#1} { centre } { \keys_set:nn { siunitx } { table-number-alignment = center } } { \str_if_eq:nnTF {#1} { centredecimal } { \keys_set:nn { siunitx } { table-number-alignment = center-decimal-marker } } { \str_if_eq:nnTF {#1} { centerdecimal } { \keys_set:nn { siunitx } { table-number-alignment = center-decimal-marker } } { \keys_set:nn { siunitx } { table-number-alignment = #1 } } } } }, tabparseonly .meta:n = { table-parse-only = #1 }, tabparseonly .default:n = { true }, tabtextalign .code:n = { \str_if_eq:nnTF {#1} { centre } { \keys_set:nn { siunitx } { table-text-alignment = center } } { \keys_set:nn { siunitx } { table-text-alignment = #1 } } }, tabunitalign .code:n = { \str_if_eq:nnTF {#1} { centre } { \keys_set:nn { siunitx } { table-unit-alignment = center } } { \keys_set:nn { siunitx } { table-unit-alignment = #1 } } }, textOmega .meta:n = { text-ohm = #1 }, textcelsius .meta:n = { text-celsius = #1 }, textdegree .meta:n = { text-degree = #1 }, textminute .meta:n = { text-arcminute = #1 }, textmode .choice: , textmode / true .meta:n = { mode = text }, textmode / false .meta:n = { mode = math }, textmode .default:n = { true }, textmu .meta:n = { text-micro = #1 }, textringA .meta:n = { text-angstrom = #1 }, textrm .code:n = { \use:x { \keys_set:nn { siunitx } { text-rm = \exp_not:c {#1} } } }, textsecond .meta:n = { text-arcsecond = #1 }, textsf .code:n = { \use:x { \keys_set:nn { siunitx } { text-sf = \exp_not:c {#1} } } }, texttt .code:n = { \use:x { \keys_set:nn { siunitx } { text-tt = \exp_not:c {#1} } } }, tightpm .meta:n = { tight-spacing = #1 }, tightpm .default:n = { true }, tophrase .meta:n = { range-phrase = #1 }, trapambigerr .choice: , trapambigerr / false .meta:n = { multi-part-units = single }, trapambigerr / true .meta:n = { multi-part-units = brackets }, trapambigerr .default:n = { true }, trapambigfrac .meta:n = { bracket-numbers = #1 }, trapambigfrac .default:n = { true }, trapambigrange .choice: , trapambigrange / false .meta:n = { range-units = single }, trapambigrange / true .meta:n = { range-units = brackets }, trapambigrange .default:n = { true }, unitcolor .meta:n = { unit-color = #1 }, unitcolour .meta:n = { unit-color = #1 }, unitmathrm .code:n = { \use:x { \keys_set:nn { siunitx } { unit-math-rm = \exp_not:c {#1} } } }, unitmathsf .code:n = { \use:x { \keys_set:nn { siunitx } { unit-math-sf = \exp_not:c {#1} } } }, unitmathsrm .code:n = { \use:x { \keys_set:nn { siunitx } { unit-math-rm = \exp_not:c {#1} } } }, unitmathssf .code:n = { \use:x { \keys_set:nn { siunitx } { unit-math-sf = \exp_not:c {#1} } } }, unitmathstt .code:n = { \use:x { \keys_set:nn { siunitx } { unit-math-tt = \exp_not:c {#1} } } }, unitmathtt .code:n = { \use:x { \keys_set:nn { siunitx } { unit-math-tt = \exp_not:c {#1} } } }, unitmode .meta:n = { unit-mode = #1 }, unitsep .choice: , unitsep / cdot .meta:n = { inter-unit-product = \ensuremath { { } \cdot { } } }, unitsep / comma .meta:n = { inter-unit-product = { {,} } }, unitsep / fullstop .meta:n = { inter-unit-product = { { . } } }, unitsep / med .meta:n = { inter-unit-product = \ensuremath { \: } }, unitsep / medium .meta:n = { inter-unit-product = \ensuremath { \: } }, unitsep / none .meta:n = { inter-unit-product = }, unitsep / period .meta:n = { inter-unit-product = { { . } } }, unitsep / space .meta:n = { inter-unit-product = \text { ~ } }, unitsep / stop .meta:n = { inter-unit-product = { { . } } }, unitsep / thick .meta:n = { inter-unit-product = \ensuremath { \; } }, unitsep / thin .meta:n = { inter-unit-product = \, }, unitsep / tightcdot .meta:n = { inter-unit-product = \ensuremath { \bgroup \cdot \egroup } }, unitsep / tighttimes .meta:n = { inter-unit-product = \ensuremath { \bgroup \times \egroup } }, unitsep / times .meta:n = { inter-unit-product = \ensuremath { \times } }, unitsep / unknown .meta:n = { inter-unit-product = \ensuremath {#1} }, unitspace .choice: , unitspace / med .meta:n = { inter-unit-product = \ensuremath { \: } }, unitspace / medium .meta:n = { inter-unit-product = \ensuremath { \: } }, unitspace / none .meta:n = { inter-unit-product = }, unitspace / space .meta:n = { inter-unit-product = \text { ~ } }, unitspace / thick .meta:n = { inter-unit-product = \ensuremath { \; } }, unitspace / thin .meta:n = { inter-unit-product = \, }, unitspace / unknown .meta:n = { inter-unit-product = \ensuremath {#1} }, valuecolor .meta:n = { number-color = #1 }, valuecolour .meta:n = { number-color = #1 }, valuemathrm .code:n = { \use:x { \keys_set:nn { siunitx } { number-math-rm = \exp_not:c {#1} } } }, valuemathsf .code:n = { \use:x { \keys_set:nn { siunitx } { number-math-sf = \exp_not:c {#1} } } }, valuemathsrm .code:n = { \use:x { \keys_set:nn { siunitx } { number-math-rm = \exp_not:c {#1} } } }, valuemathssf .code:n = { \use:x { \keys_set:nn { siunitx } { number-math-sf = \exp_not:c {#1} } } }, valuemathstt .code:n = { \use:x { \keys_set:nn { siunitx } { number-math-tt = \exp_not:c {#1} } } }, valuemathtt .code:n = { \use:x { \keys_set:nn { siunitx } { number-math-tt = \exp_not:c {#1} } } }, valuemode .meta:n = { number-mode = #1 }, valuesep .choice: , valuesep / cdot .meta:n = { number-unit-product = \ensuremath { { } \cdot { } } }, valuesep / comma .meta:n = { number-unit-product = { {,} } }, valuesep / fullstop .meta:n = { number-unit-product = { { . } } }, valuesep / med .meta:n = { number-unit-product = \ensuremath { \: } }, valuesep / medium .meta:n = { number-unit-product = \ensuremath { \: } }, valuesep / none .meta:n = { number-unit-product = }, valuesep / period .meta:n = { number-unit-product = { { . } } }, valuesep / space .meta:n = { number-unit-product = \text { ~ } }, valuesep / stop .meta:n = { number-unit-product = { { . } } }, valuesep / thick .meta:n = { number-unit-product = \ensuremath { \; } }, valuesep / thin .meta:n = { number-unit-product = \, }, valuesep / tightcdot .meta:n = { number-unit-product = \ensuremath { \bgroup \cdot \egroup } }, valuesep / tighttimes .meta:n = { number-unit-product = \ensuremath { \bgroup \times \egroup } }, valuesep / times .meta:n = { number-unit-product = \ensuremath { \times } }, valuesep / unknown .meta:n = { number-unit-product = \ensuremath {#1} }, xspace .meta:n = { use-xspace = #1 }, xspace .default:n = { true }, } \keys_define:nn { siunitx } { unknown .code:n = { \msg_error:nnx { siunitx } { unknown-option } { \exp_not:V \l_keys_key_tl } } } \keys_set:nn { siunitx } {free-standing-units = true} \cs_new_eq:NN \newunit \DeclareSIUnit \cs_new_eq:NN \renewunit \DeclareSIUnit \cs_new_eq:NN \provideunit \DeclareSIUnit \NewDocumentCommand \newpower { o m m } { \IfNoValueTF {#1} { \DeclareSIPrePower #2 {#3} } { \DeclareSIPostPower #2 {#3} } } \NewDocumentCommand \renewpower { o m m } { \IfNoValueTF {#1} { \DeclareSIPrePower #2 {#3} } { \DeclareSIPostPower #2 {#3} } } \NewDocumentCommand \providepower { o m m } { \IfNoValueTF {#1} { \DeclareSIPrePower #2 {#3} } { \DeclareSIPostPower #2 {#3} } } \NewDocumentCommand \newprefix { o m m m } { \IfNoValueTF {#1} { \DeclareSIPrefix #2 {#3} {#4} } { \DeclareBinaryPrefix #2 {#3} {#4} } } \NewDocumentCommand \renewprefix { o m m m } { \IfNoValueTF {#1} { \DeclareSIPrefix #2 {#3} {#4} } { \DeclareBinaryPrefix #2 {#3} {#4} } } \NewDocumentCommand \provideprefix { o m m m } { \IfNoValueTF {#1} { \DeclareSIPrefix #2 {#3} {#4} } { \DeclareBinaryPrefix #2 {#3} {#4} } } \NewDocumentCommand \newqualifier { m m } { \__siunitx_declare_qualifier:Nn #1 {#2} } \cs_new_eq:NN \renewqualifier \newqualifier \cs_new_eq:NN \providequalifier \newqualifier \DeclareSIPrePower \Square { 2 } \DeclareSIPrePower \ssquare { 2 } \DeclareSIUnit \BAR { \bar } \DeclareSIUnit \bbar { \bar } \DeclareSIUnit \Day { \day } \DeclareSIUnit \dday { \day } \DeclareSIUnit \Gray { \gray } \DeclareSIUnit \ggray { \gray } \DeclareSIUnit \atomicmass { \atomicmassunit } \DeclareSIUnit \arcmin { \arcminute } \DeclareSIUnit \arcsec { \arcsecond } \DeclareSIUnit \are { a } \DeclareSIUnit \curie { Ci } \DeclareSIUnit \gal { Gal } \DeclareSIUnit \millibar { \milli \bar } \DeclareSIUnit \rad { rad } \DeclareSIUnit \rem { rem } \DeclareSIUnit \roentgen { R } \DeclareSIUnit \micA { \micro \ampere } \DeclareSIUnit \micmol { \micro \mole } \DeclareSIUnit \micl { \micro \litre } \DeclareSIUnit \micL { \micro \liter } \DeclareSIUnit \nanog { \nano \gram } \DeclareSIUnit \micg { \micro \gram } \DeclareSIUnit \picm { \pico \metre } \DeclareSIUnit \micm { \micro \metre } \DeclareSIUnit \Sec { \second } \DeclareSIUnit \mics { \micro \second } \DeclareSIUnit \cmc { \centi \metre \cubed } \DeclareSIUnit \dmc { \deci \metre \cubed } \DeclareSIUnit \cms { \centi \metre \squared } \DeclareSIUnit \centimetrecubed { \centi \metre \cubed } \DeclareSIUnit \centimetresquared { \centi \metre \squared } \DeclareSIUnit \cubiccentimetre { \centi \metre \cubed } \DeclareSIUnit \cubicdecimetre { \deci \metre \cubed } \DeclareSIUnit \squarecentimetre { \centi \metre \squared } \DeclareSIUnit \squaremetre { \metre \squared } \DeclareSIUnit \squarekilometre { \kilo \metre \squared } \DeclareSIUnit \parsec { pc } \DeclareSIUnit \lightyear { ly } \DeclareSIUnit \gmol { g \text { - } mol } \DeclareSIUnit \kgmol { kg \text { - } mol } \DeclareSIUnit \lbmol { lb \text { - } mol } \DeclareSIUnit \molar { \mole \per \cubic \deci \metre } \DeclareSIUnit \Molar { \textsc { m } } \DeclareSIUnit \torr { Torr } \DeclareSIUnit \gon { gon } \DeclareSIUnit \clight { \text { \ensuremath { c } } } \DeclareSIUnit \micron { \micro \metre } \DeclareSIUnit \mrad { \milli \rad } \DeclareSIUnit \gauss { G } \DeclareSIUnit \eVperc { \eV \per \clight } \DeclareSIUnit \nanobarn { \nano \barn } \DeclareSIUnit \picobarn { \pico \barn } \DeclareSIUnit \femtobarn { \femto \barn } \DeclareSIUnit \attobarn { \atto \barn } \DeclareSIUnit \zeptobarn { \zepto \barn } \DeclareSIUnit \yoctobarn { \yocto \barn } \DeclareSIUnit \nb { \nano \barn } \DeclareSIUnit \pb { \pico \barn } \DeclareSIUnit \fb { \femto \barn } \DeclareSIUnit \ab { \atto \barn } \DeclareSIUnit \zb { \zepto \barn } \DeclareSIUnit \yb { \yocto \barn } \NewDocumentCommand \requiresiconfigs { m } { \keys_set:nn { siunitx } { version-1-compatibility } } %% Copyright (C) 2008-2014 by %% Joseph Wright %% %% It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of %% the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either version 1.3c of %% this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest %% version of this license is in the file: %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% %% This work is "maintained" (as per LPPL maintenance status) by %% Joseph Wright. %% %% This work consists of the file siunitx.dtx %% and the derived files siunitx.pdf, %% siunitx.sty and %% siunitx.ins. %% %% End of file `siunitx-version-1.cfg'.