% Package robustindex.sty, Wilberd van der Kallen 2005, 2017. % % Third parties often change the page numbers without rerunning makeindex. % One would like to make the page numbers in the index entries more robust. % We use the \pageref mechanism for that. Only after adding, deleting or % otherwise modifying an \index{entry}, or after changing the order of the % index entries, does one have to rerun makeindex. % Other changes do not matter, as long as one runs LaTeX or pdflatex until % labels are stable. % As usual a makeindex run has to be preceded and also followed by its % LaTeX or pdflatex run. % % % If you use hyperref, you must choose the option hyperindex=false. % Our package already gives hyperlinks in the index. % Alternatively, you may go against the advice of hyperref and put our % package later. % % We tested with % % \usepackage[plainpages=false,hyperindex=false]{hyperref} % % Automatic page ranges are not supported. % Commands of the type \index{entry|editing command} are supported, % but much more naively than in the encapsulating mechanism of makeindex. % For instance, \index{term|(textbf} may be followed by \index{term|)textit}. % % % Our package performs no miracles. But in simple situations all you need is % adding the \usepackage{robustindex} to the preamble. Do not exclude any % relevant files, as in \includeonly. % % The option multind provides support for several indexes with pagerefs. % There is just one index file, and the usual compilation cycle % (latex, makeindex, latex) suffices. % With the command \setindex in the LaTeX file one arranges which index is % the active one at any given moment. % This steers the behaviour of \index and \printindex. % % That is the positive part. % % While robustindex.sty broke the automatic page range feature of % makeindex, the multind option also breaks the insertions % of \indexspace in the index file. And it messes up the sorting a bit. % Therefore, when using the option multind, we require that the argument of % an \index command always starts with at least two lower case letters. % We then hack some more to restore the placement of \indexspace % and also introduce tools to embellish an index with letter headings. % % The various hacks make the index file pretty unreadable % and style files of makeindex will probably fail. % % Remark. % The package imakeidx also synchronises the index with the manuscript, % but it has a different method and different requirements. % % https://www.staff.science.uu.nl/~kalle101/stind % % Copyright 2017 Wilberd van der Kallen % % This file may be distributed under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public % License, either version 1.2 of this license or (at your option) any % later version. The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 1999/12/01 or later. \ProvidesPackage{robustindex} [2017/09/28 index entries with pagerefs] \DeclareOption{multind}{ \AtBeginDocument{\setindex{main}}% \def\robust@mult{\relax} }% \ProcessOptions\relax \newcounter{indexctr}% \newcounter{maxindctr}% Used to check if number of \index commands has changed. \newcommand{\indstring}{ind.}% \def\@wrindex#1{% \@bsphack \stepcounter{indexctr}% \stepcounter{indexctr}% second time, to emulate makeindex -r. \protected@write \@auxout {}{% \string \newlabel {\indstring\theindexctr}{{\relax }{\thepage }% \ifx\ifHy@bookmarks\undefined\else{\relax }{page.\thepage }{}\fi% }% }% \@esphack \protected@write \@indexfile {}{\string \indexentry {\findencap#1|\relax }{\theindexctr}}% \findencap will check for the \endgroup % encap symbol | in the argument. \@esphack }% \def\@multwrindex#1{% \@bsphack \stepcounter{indexctr}% \stepcounter{indexctr}% second time, to emulate makeindex -r. \protected@write \@auxout {}{% \string \newlabel {\indstring\theindexctr}{{\relax }{\thepage }% \ifx\ifHy@bookmarks\undefined\else{\relax }{page.\thepage }{}\fi% }% }% \@esphack \protected@write \@indexfile {}{\string \indexentry {\string\indnr\robustchoice bs\findencap#1|\relax }{\theindexctr}}% \endgroup \@esphack } \ifx\robust@mult\undefined\else\let\@wrindex\@multwrindex\fi \newcommand\sindex{\@ifnextchar[{\@sindex}{\@@sindex}}% \def\@sindex[#1]{\setindex{#1}\index} \def\@@sindex{\setindex{main}\index} \newif\ifinside@range% output must be supressed inside page range. \inside@rangefalse \newcommand{\indpageref}[1]{% \ifinside@range \findEndPageRange\else \ifnum\c@maxindctr<#1\relax\setcounter{maxindctr}{#1}\fi \pageref{\indstring#1}% \fi }% \newcommand{\indexpreamble}{\relax}% compare the preamble of makeindex \newcommand{\indexincontents}{% \def\indexpreamble{% \refstepcounter{subsection}% % This creates a hyperlink destination. % Compare phantomsection in hyperref. % An index is not to be followed immediately by a subsection. \addcontentsline{toc}% {\ifx\c@chapter\undefined section\else chapter\fi}{\indexname}% }% }% \newcommand{\old@theindex}{}% \let\old@theindex\theindex \newcommand{\cndhyprndxwrng}{% \ifHy@hyperindex \PackageWarning{robustindex}{% Use option hyperindex=false in hyperref. Hyperlinks in the index will be made through \string\pageref. Detected% }% \fi }% \def\theindex{% \old@theindex \indexpreamble \ifx\ifHy@hyperindex\undefined\else\cndhyprndxwrng\fi }% \ifx\ifHy@hyperindex\undefined\else\Hy@hyperindexfalse\fi % If you put our package after the hyperref package, % then you probably do not mind our disabling its hyperindex mechanism. \AtEndDocument{% \ifnum\c@indexctr=\c@maxindctr \else \ifnum\c@indexctr=0% \PackageWarning{robustindex}{% Package needs \string\make index in preamble, and if you use hyperref, you must use option hyperindex=false. Detected% }% \else \ifx\robust@mult\undefined \PackageWarning{robustindex}{% Index not up to date, run makeindex. Detected% }\else \PackageWarning{robustindex}{Print each index or run makeindex. Detected}% \fi \fi \fi }% \newcommand{\wrappageref}{\protect\wrapindpageref}% \newcommand{\wrapindpageref}{}% \def\wrapindpageref#1, \indpageref#2{% \ifnum\c@maxindctr<#2\relax \setcounter{maxindctr}{#2}% \fi #1{\pageref{\indstring#2}}% }% \newcommand{\gobbleindpageref}{\wrappageref\@gobble}% \newcommand{\gobblepageref}{% to suppress one page number. \protect\gobbleindpageref }% % Now it gets ugly, because we wish to implement a poor man's encap % mechanism, distinguishing \index{entry}, \index{entry|(}, \index{entry|)}, % \index{entry|towrap}, \index{entry|(towrap}, \index{entry|)towrap}, where % towrap is a sequence of letters and \towrap is to be wrapped around % \indpageref{countervalue}. \newcommand{\findencap}{}% \def\findencap#1|#2\relax{% \ifx\relax#2\relax #1|indpageref% The easy case \else #1|\wr@pencap#2% There is a | in the argument. \fi }% \newcommand{\wr@pencap}{}% \def\wr@pencap#1|{encpageref{#1}}% \newcommand{\encpageref}[2]{% \findleft@brack#1(\relax{#2}% }% \newcommand{\findleft@brack}{}% \def\findleft@brack#1(#2\relax#3{% \ifx|#1| \dropleft@brack#2{#3}% bracket ( found. \else \findright@brack#1)\relax{#3}% \fi }% \newcommand{\dropleft@brack}{}% \def\dropleft@brack#1(#2{% \ifx|#1|\indpageref{#2}\inside@rangetrue% \else \csname #1\endcsname{\indpageref{#2}}\inside@rangetrue% \fi % output for this key must be suppressed until end of range. \findEndPageRange% }% \newcommand{\findEndPageRange}{}% Name is helpful in error message if end not found. \def\findEndPageRange#1,{% It actually removes a comma. \ignorespaces #1% }% \newcommand{\findright@brack}{}% \def\findright@brack#1)#2\relax#3{% \ifx|#1|\unskip \dropright@brack#2{#3}% bracket ) found. \else \ifinside@range \findEndPageRange \else \csname#1\endcsname{\indpageref{#3}}% \fi \fi }% \newcommand{\dropright@brack}{}% \def\dropright@brack#1)#2{% \inside@rangefalse% output no longer suppressed. \ifx|#1|\unskip \mbox{--}\nobreak\indpageref{#2}% \else \unskip \mbox{--}\nobreak\csname #1\endcsname{\indpageref{#2}}% \fi \ignorespaces }% % Now the part that supports multiple indices. We hack the sorting mechanism of % Makeindex and put instructions for the mouth of TeX in the index file. % But first some code for embellishing an index. Our hacking brakes the insertion of % \indexspace at appropriate places. We have to work hard to restore that. While we % are at it, we may as well add the possibility to insert a letter T after the % \indexspace that precedes the entries that start with t. % First we describe the default style, without the T. \newcommand{\indexcapstyle}[1]{\indexspace} % To get the T one changes the style like this % \renewcommand{\indexcapstyle}[1]{\indexspace\textbf{#1}\par}% \newcommand{\nxtletre}{\relax}% nextletter in alphabet \newcommand{\indexcapitalhead}[1]{% Preparing for a heading; not printed. \index{#1@\protect\nxtletre\protect\def\protect \item{\protect\olditem\protect\letretst}% \protect\edef\protect\nwletre{\uppercase{#1}}\gobblepageref}}% \newcommand{\capitalsinindex}[1]{% Will be called by \newindex with full alphabet. \index{-@\protect\let\protect\olditem\protect\item\gobblepageref}% \find@capitals#1\relax}% \newcommand{\find@capitals}{\relax}% \def\find@capitals#1#2\relax{% To deal with 26 letters. \indexcapitalhead #1% \ifx\relax#2\relax \else\find@capitals#2\relax \fi}% \newcommand{\letretst}{\relax}% To test if entry starts with new letter. \long\def\letretst#1{\ifx#1\nxtletre\else\procletter{#1}\fi}% \newcommand{\procletter}{\relax}% To process a new letter. \def\procletter#1{\long\def\item{\olditem}\indexcapstyle{\nwletre}\ifx#1\indnr \expandafter\ja@\else #1\fi}% \newcommand{\olditem}{\relax}% \def\ja@#1s{\fi}% Seems necessary. % All this just to embellish an index. Now the support for multiple indexes. \newcommand{\setindex}[1]{% \@bsphack \expandafter\ifx\csname#1ind\endcsname\relax \newindex{#1}% \else \edef\robustchoice{\csname#1ind\endcsname}% \fi \@esphack}% \ifx\robust@mult\undefined\def\setindex{\relax}\fi \newcounter{multindctr}% \newcommand{\robustcutpoint}{\relax}% \newcommand{\untilrobustcutpoint}{\relax}% \newcommand{\newindex}{\relax}% \newcommand{\robustchoice}{\relax}% \newcommand{\indnr}{\relax}% \setcounter{multindctr}{999}% \long\def\untilrobustcutpoint#1\robustcutpoint{\fi}% % This tels the mouth of TeX not to send too much to the stomach. % It should only forward the part that belongs to the active index. \def\indnr#1s{}% \newcommand{\gobbletillnine}{\relax} \def\gobbletillnine#1 9{\relax} \def\newindex#1{\@bsphack \ifnum\c@multindctr=999% \protected@write \@indexfile {}{\string \indexentry {\string\indnr 999bs @\string\nxtletre \string\robustcutpoint\string\gobbletillnine}{9}}% \@esphack \fi \addtocounter{multindctr}{-1}% \expandafter\edef\csname#1ind\endcsname{\the\c@multindctr}% \edef\robustchoice{\csname#1ind\endcsname}% \@esphack \protected@write \@indexfile {}{\string \indexentry {\string\indnr\the\c@multindctr as @\string\robustcutpoint \string\ifnum \string\robustchoice=\the\c@multindctr\string\relax \string\else\string\nxtletre\string\untilrobustcutpoint \string\fi\string\gobbletillnine }{9}}% \capitalsinindex{abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz}% \@esphack }% \endinput