% qcircuit version 2.5.2 % Contributors: Steve Flammia, Bryan Eastin, Travis Scholten % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software % Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA % Thanks to the Xy-pic guys, Kristoffer H Rose, Ross Moore, and Daniel Müllner, % for their help in making Qcircuit work with Xy-pic version 3.8. % Thanks also to Dave Clader, Andrew Childs, Rafael Possignolo, Tyson Williams, % Sergio Boixo, Cris Moore, Jonas Anderson, and Stephan Mertens for helping us test % and/or develop the new version. \ProvidesPackage{qcircuit}[2016/04/06] \RequirePackage{xy} \DeclareOption{braket}{ \newcommand{\bra}[1]{\ensuremath{\left\langle{#1}\right\vert}} \newcommand{\ket}[1]{\ensuremath{\left\vert{#1}\right\rangle}} } \DeclareOption{qm}{ \newcommand{\ip}[2]{\ensuremath{\left\langle{#1}\right\vert{#2}\rangle}} \newcommand{\melem}[3]{\ensuremath{\left\langle{#1}\right\vert{#2}\vert{#3}\rangle}} \newcommand{\expval}[1]{\ensuremath{\left\langle #1 \right\rangle}} \newcommand{\op}[2]{\ensuremath{\vert{#1}\rangle\langle{#2}\vert}} } \ProcessOptions\relax \xyoption{matrix} \xyoption{frame} \xyoption{arrow} \xyoption{arc} \usepackage{ifpdf} \ifpdf \else \PackageWarningNoLine{Qcircuit}{qcircuit is not loading in PDF mode. Activating all Xy-pic features to compensate. If you wish to use specific drivers for Xy-pic, you must modify the code in qcircuit.sty} % The following option loads all the features in Xy-pic. This % this is included as work-around to ensure documents compile % images correctly when using XeLaTeX. \xyoption{all} \fi % The following resets Xy-pic matrix alignment to the pre-3.8 default, as % required by Qcircuit. \entrymodifiers={!C\entrybox} \newcommand{\qw}[1][-1]{\ar @{-} [0,#1]} % Defines a wire that connects horizontally. By default it connects to the object on the left of the current object. % WARNING: Wire commands must appear after the gate in any given entry. \newcommand{\qwx}[1][-1]{\ar @{-} [#1,0]} % Defines a wire that connects vertically. By default it connects to the object above the current object. % WARNING: Wire commands must appear after the gate in any given entry. \newcommand{\qwa}[1][-1]{\ar @{<-} [0,#1]} % Defines a wire that connects horizontally with an arrow. By default it makes an end wire with an arrow indicating the end of the circuit. % WARNING: Wire commands must appear after the gate in any given entry. \newcommand{\cw}[1][-1]{\ar @{=} [0,#1]} % Defines a classical wire that connects horizontally. By default it connects to the object on the left of the current object. % WARNING: Wire commands must appear after the gate in any given entry. \newcommand{\cwx}[1][-1]{\ar @{=} [#1,0]} % Defines a classical wire that connects vertically. By default it connects to the object above the current object. % WARNING: Wire commands must appear after the gate in any given entry. \newcommand{\cwa}[1][-1]{\ar @{<=} [0,#1]} % Defines a classical wire that connects horizontally with an arrow. By default it makes an end wire with an arrow indicating the end of the circuit. % WARNING: Wire commands must appear after the gate in any given entry. \newcommand{\cds}[2]{*+<1em,.9em>{\hphantom{#2}} \POS [0,0].[#1,0]="e",!C *{#2};"e"+ R \qw} % Allows the insertion of text without a box and exands circuit around this text. % This is useful for such things as ... to indicate a generalized circuit. \newcommand{\gate}[1]{*+<.6em>{#1} \POS ="i","i"+UR;"i"+UL **\dir{-};"i"+DL **\dir{-};"i"+DR **\dir{-};"i"+UR **\dir{-},"i" \qw} % Boxes the argument, making a gate. \newcommand{\sgate}[2]{\gate{#1} \qwx[#2]} % Creates a gate and a qwx wire going #2 spots below, for a gate split over % non-adjacent rows \newcommand{\meter}{*=<1.8em,1.4em>{\xy ="j","j"-<.778em,.322em>;{"j"+<.778em,-.322em> \ellipse ur,_{}},"j"-<0em,.4em>;p+<.5em,.9em> **\dir{-},"j"+<2.2em,2.2em>*{},"j"-<2.2em,2.2em>*{} \endxy} \POS ="i","i"+UR;"i"+UL **\dir{-};"i"+DL **\dir{-};"i"+DR **\dir{-};"i"+UR **\dir{-},"i" \qw} % Inserts a measurement meter. % In case you're wondering, the constants .778em and .322em specify % one quarter of a circle with radius 1.1em. % The points added at + and - <2.2em,2.2em> are there to strech the % canvas, ensuring that the size is unaffected by erratic spacing issues % with the arc. \newcommand{\metersymb}{\xy ="j","j"-<.778em,.322em>;{"j"+<.778em,-.322em> \ellipse ur,_{}},"j"-<0em,.4em>;p+<.5em,.9em> **\dir{-},"j"+<2.2em,2.2em>*{},"j"-<2.2em,2.2em>*{} \endxy} % A longer meter \newcommand{\meterB}[1]{*=<1.8em,2.6em>{\xy 0;<0em,-.8em>: 0*{\begingroup \everymath{\scriptstyle} \tiny #1 \endgroup},<0em,.7em>*{\xy ="j","j"-<.778em,-.322em>;{"j"+<.778em,.322em> \ellipse ur,_{}},"j"-<0em,-.2em>;p+<.5em,.9em> **\dir{-},"j"+<2.2em,2.2em>*{},"j"-<2.2em,2.2em>*{} \endxy} \endxy} \POS ="i","i"+UR;"i"+UL **\dir{-};"i"+DL **\dir{-};"i"+DR **\dir{-};"i"+UR **\dir{-},"i" \qw} % A meter that allows for a measurement operator to be added below \newcommand{\smeterB}[2]{\meterB{#1} \qwx[#2] \qw} % A split meter that allows for a measurement operator to be split over non- % adjacent rows \newcommand{\measure}[1]{*+[F-:<.9em>]{#1} \qw} % Inserts a measurement bubble with user defined text. \newcommand{\measuretab}[1]{*{\xy*+<.6em>{#1}="e";"e"+UL;"e"+UR **\dir{-};"e"+DR **\dir{-};"e"+DL **\dir{-};"e"+LC-<.5em,0em> **\dir{-};"e"+UL **\dir{-} \endxy} \qw} % Inserts a measurement tab with user defined text. \newcommand{\measureD}[1]{*{\xy*+=<0em,.1em>{#1}="e";"e"+UR+<0em,.25em>;"e"+UL+<-.5em,.25em> **\dir{-};"e"+DL+<-.5em,-.25em> **\dir{-};"e"+DR+<0em,-.25em> **\dir{-};{"e"+UR+<0em,.25em>\ellipse^{}};"e"+C:,+(0,1)*{} \endxy} \qw} % Inserts a D-shaped measurement gate with user defined text. \newcommand{\multimeasure}[2]{*+<1em,.9em>{\hphantom{#2}} \qw \POS[0,0].[#1,0];p !C *{#2},p \drop\frm<.9em>{-}} % Draws a multiple qubit measurement bubble starting at the current position and spanning #1 additional gates below. % #2 gives the label for the gate. % You must use an argument of the same width as #2 in \ghost for the wires to connect properly on the lower lines. \newcommand{\multimeasureD}[2]{*+<1em,.9em>{\hphantom{#2}} \POS [0,0]="i",[0,0].[#1,0]="e",!C *{#2},"e"+UR-<.8em,0em>;"e"+UL **\dir{-};"e"+DL **\dir{-};"e"+DR+<-.8em,0em> **\dir{-};{"e"+DR+<0em,.8em>\ellipse^{}};"e"+UR+<0em,-.8em> **\dir{-};{"e"+UR-<.8em,0em>\ellipse^{}},"i" \qw} % Draws a multiple qubit D-shaped measurement gate starting at the current position and spanning #1 additional gates below. % #2 gives the label for the gate. % You must use an argument of the same width as #2 in \ghost for the wires to connect properly on the lower lines. \newcommand{\control}{*!<0em,.025em>-=-<.2em>{\bullet}} % Inserts an unconnected control. \newcommand{\controlo}{*+<.01em>{\xy -<.095em>*\xycircle<.19em>{} \endxy}} % Inserts a unconnected control-on-0. \newcommand{\ctrl}[1]{\control \qwx[#1] \qw} % Inserts a control and connects it to the object #1 wires below. \newcommand{\ctrlo}[1]{\controlo \qwx[#1] \qw} % Inserts a control-on-0 and connects it to the object #1 wires below. \newcommand{\cctrl}[1]{\control \cwx[#1] \cw} % Inserts a classical control and connects it to the object #1 wires below. \newcommand{\cctrlo}[1]{\controlo \cwx[#1] \cw} % Inserts a classical control-on-0 and connects it to the object #1 wires below. \newcommand{\targ}{*+<.02em,.02em>{\xy ="i","i"-<.39em,0em>;"i"+<.39em,0em> **\dir{-}, "i"-<0em,.39em>;"i"+<0em,.39em> **\dir{-},"i"*\xycircle<.4em>{} \endxy} \qw} % Inserts a CNOT target. \newcommand{\qswap}{*=<0em>{\times} \qw} % Inserts half a swap gate. % Must be connected to the other swap with \qwx. \newcommand{\multigate}[2]{*+<1em,.9em>{\hphantom{#2}} \POS [0,0]="i",[0,0].[#1,0]="e",!C *{#2},"e"+UR;"e"+UL **\dir{-};"e"+DL **\dir{-};"e"+DR **\dir{-};"e"+UR **\dir{-},"i" \qw} % Draws a multiple qubit gate starting at the current position and spanning #1 additional gates below. % #2 gives the label for the gate. % You must use an argument of the same width as #2 in \ghost for the wires to connect properly on the lower lines. \newcommand{\ghost}[1]{*+<1em,.9em>{\hphantom{#1}} \qw} % Leaves space for \multigate on wires other than the one on which \multigate appears. Without this command wires will cross your gate. % #1 should match the second argument in the corresponding \multigate. \newcommand{\push}[1]{*{#1}} % Inserts #1, overriding the default that causes entries to have zero size. This command takes the place of a gate. % Like a gate, it must precede any wire commands. % \push is useful for forcing columns apart. % NOTE: It might be useful to know that a gate is about 1.3 times the height of its contents. I.e. \gate{M} is 1.3em tall. % WARNING: \push must appear before any wire commands and may not appear in an entry with a gate or label. \newcommand{\gategroup}[6]{\POS"#1,#2"."#3,#2"."#1,#4"."#3,#4"!C*+<#5>\frm{#6}} % Constructs a box or bracket enclosing the square block spanning rows #1-#3 and columns=#2-#4. % The block is given a margin #5/2, so #5 should be a valid length. % #6 can take the following arguments -- or . or _\} or ^\} or \{ or \} or _) or ^) or ( or ) where the first two options yield dashed and % dotted boxes respectively, and the last eight options yield bottom, top, left, and right braces of the curly or normal variety. See the Xy-pic reference manual for more options. % \gategroup can appear at the end of any gate entry, but it's good form to pick either the last entry or one of the corner gates. % BUG: \gategroup uses the four corner gates to determine the size of the bounding box. Other gates may stick out of that box. See \prop. \newcommand{\inputgroupv}[5]{\POS"#1,1"."#2,1"."#1,1"."#2,1"!C*+<#3>\frm{\{}, \POS"#1,1"."#2,1"."#1,1"."#2,1"*!C!<1.7em,#4>=<0em>{#5}} % Constructs an input group with label #5 and a grouping { from rows #1 to #2 with #3 and #4 controlling the spacing \newcommand{\inputgroup}[4]{\POS"#1,1"."#2,1"."#1,1"."#2,1", \POS"#1,1"."#2,1"."#1,1"."#2,1"*!C!<1em,#3>=<0em>{#4}} % Constructs an input group with label #4 from rows #1 to #2 with #3 controlling the spacing \newcommand{\inputgrouph}[5]{\POS"#1,1"."#2,1"."#1,1"."#2,1", \POS"#1,1"."#2,1"."#1,1"."#2,1"*!C!<#5,#3>=<0em>{#4}} % Constructs an input group with label #4 and a grouping /vdots from rows #1 to #2 with #3 and #5 controlling the spacing \newcommand{\rstick}[1]{*!L!<-.5em,0em>=<0em>{#1}} % Centers the left side of #1 in the cell. Intended for lining up wire labels. Note that non-gates have default size zero. \newcommand{\lstick}[1]{*!R!<.5em,0em>=<0em>{#1}} % Centers the right side of #1 in the cell. Intended for lining up wire labels. Note that non-gates have default size zero. \newcommand{\ustick}[1]{*!D!<0em,-.5em>=<0em>{#1}} % Centers the bottom of #1 in the cell. Intended for lining up wire labels. Note that non-gates have default size zero. \newcommand{\dstick}[1]{*!U!<0em,.5em>=<0em>{#1}} % Centers the top of #1 in the cell. Intended for lining up wire labels. Note that non-gates have default size zero. \newcommand{\Qcircuit}{\xymatrix @*=<0em>} % Defines \Qcircuit as an \xymatrix with entries of default size 0em. \newcommand{\link}[2]{\ar @{-} [#1,#2]} % Draws a wire or connecting line to the element #1 rows down and #2 columns forward. \newcommand{\pureghost}[1]{*+<1em,.9em>{\hphantom{#1}}} % Same as \ghost except it omits the wire leading to the left. \endinput