%% %% This is file `projlib-theorem.sty', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% Copyright (C) 2021-2023 by Jinwen XU %% %% This is part of the ProjLib Toolkit. %% %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the %% LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this license or (at %% your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in %% %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% %% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version %% 2005/12/01 or later. %% \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[2022-06-01] \ProvidesExplPackage {projlib-theorem} {2023/10/01} {} {Configuration of theorem-like environments} \keys_define:nn { projlib-theorem } { , no-theorems .bool_set:N = \l__projlib_theorem_no_theorems_bool , no-theorems .initial:n = { false } , no~theorems .bool_set:N = \l__projlib_theorem_no_theorems_bool , no theorems .bool_set:N = \l__projlib_theorem_no_theorems_bool , nothms .bool_set:N = \l__projlib_theorem_no_theorems_bool , no-theorem-numbering .bool_set:N = \l__projlib_theorem_no_theorem_numbering_bool , no-theorem-numbering .initial:n = { false } , no~theorem~numbering .bool_set:N = \l__projlib_theorem_no_theorem_numbering_bool , no theorem numbering .bool_set:N = \l__projlib_theorem_no_theorem_numbering_bool , nothmnum .bool_set:N = \l__projlib_theorem_no_theorem_numbering_bool , theorem-numbering .tl_set:N = \l__projlib_theorem_theorem_numbering_tl , theorem-numbering .default:n = { * } , theorem~numbering .tl_set:N = \l__projlib_theorem_theorem_numbering_tl , theorem~numbering .default:n = { * } , theorem numbering .tl_set:N = \l__projlib_theorem_theorem_numbering_tl , theorem numbering .default:n = { * } , thmnum .tl_set:N = \l__projlib_theorem_theorem_numbering_tl , thmnum .default:n = { * } , separate-theorem-numbering .bool_set:N = \l__projlib_theorem_separate_theorem_numbering_bool , separate-theorem-numbering .initial:n = { false } , separate~theorem~numbering .bool_set:N = \l__projlib_theorem_separate_theorem_numbering_bool , separate theorem numbering .bool_set:N = \l__projlib_theorem_separate_theorem_numbering_bool , number-theorems-separately .bool_set:N = \l__projlib_theorem_separate_theorem_numbering_bool , number~theorems~separately .bool_set:N = \l__projlib_theorem_separate_theorem_numbering_bool , number theorems separately .bool_set:N = \l__projlib_theorem_separate_theorem_numbering_bool , theorem-style .tl_set:N = \l__projlib_theorem_theorem_style_tl , theorem-style .initial:n = { } , theorem-style .value_required:n = true , theorem~style .tl_set:N = \l__projlib_theorem_theorem_style_tl , theorem~style .value_required:n = true , theorem style .tl_set:N = \l__projlib_theorem_theorem_style_tl , theorem style .value_required:n = true , complex-name .bool_set:N = \l__projlib_theorem_complexname_bool , complex-name .initial:n = { true } , complex~name .bool_set:N = \l__projlib_theorem_complexname_bool , complex name .bool_set:N = \l__projlib_theorem_complexname_bool , simple-name .bool_set_inverse:N = \l__projlib_theorem_complexname_bool , simple~name .bool_set_inverse:N = \l__projlib_theorem_complexname_bool , simple name .bool_set_inverse:N = \l__projlib_theorem_complexname_bool , no-preset-names .bool_set_inverse:N = \l__projlib_theorem_presetname_bool , no-preset-names .initial:n = { false } , no~preset~names .bool_set_inverse:N = \l__projlib_theorem_presetname_bool , no preset names .bool_set_inverse:N = \l__projlib_theorem_presetname_bool , unknown .code:n = { \PassOptionsToPackage { \CurrentOption } { create-theorem } } } \ProcessKeyOptions [ projlib-theorem ] \clist_const:Nn \c_projlib_theorem_supported_clist { application , assertion , assumption , axiom , claim , conclusion , conjecture , construction , convention , corollary , definition , example , exercise , fact , hypothesis , lemma , notation , observation , postulate , problem , property , proposition , question , recall , remark , theorem , definition-corollary , definition-proposition , definition-theorem , corollary-definition , proposition-definition , theorem-definition , } \@ifclassloaded { beamer } { \RequirePackage { silence } \WarningFilter { cleveref } { hyperref~package~loaded~with~implicit=false~option } \bool_set_true:N \l__projlib_theorem_no_theorem_numbering_bool 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\tl_const:cn { c_crthm_theorem_style_preset_ proof_inner _tl } { remark } } \RequirePackage { amsthm } \RequirePackage { create-theorem } \RenewCommandCopy \cref \crefthe \RenewCommandCopy \Cref \Crefthe \RenewCommandCopy \namecref \namecrefthe \RenewCommandCopy \nameCref \nameCrefthe \RenewCommandCopy \namecrefs \namecrefsthe \RenewCommandCopy \nameCrefs \nameCrefsthe \bool_if:NF \l__projlib_theorem_no_theorems_bool { \bool_if:NTF \l__projlib_theorem_no_theorem_numbering_bool { \exp_args:Nv \CreateTheorem { c_projlib_theorem_supported_clist } { numberless, create starred version } } { \tl_if_blank:oTF \l__projlib_theorem_theorem_numbering_tl { \cs_if_exist:cTF { c@chapter } { % with \chapter \CreateTheorem { theorem } { parent counter = chapter, create starred version } \bool_if:NT \l__projlib_theorem_separate_theorem_numbering_bool { \exp_args:Nv \CreateTheorem { c_projlib_theorem_supported_clist } { parent counter = chapter, create starred version, quiet } } } { % without \chapter \CreateTheorem { theorem } { parent counter = section, create starred version } \bool_if:NT \l__projlib_theorem_separate_theorem_numbering_bool { \exp_args:Nv \CreateTheorem { c_projlib_theorem_supported_clist } { parent counter = section, create starred version, quiet } } } } { \tl_if_eq:NnTF \l__projlib_theorem_theorem_numbering_tl { * } { \CreateTheorem { theorem } { create starred version } \bool_if:NT \l__projlib_theorem_separate_theorem_numbering_bool { \exp_args:Nv \CreateTheorem { c_projlib_theorem_supported_clist } { create starred version, quiet } } } { \CreateTheorem { theorem } { parent counter = \l__projlib_theorem_theorem_numbering_tl, create starred version } \bool_if:NT \l__projlib_theorem_separate_theorem_numbering_bool { \exp_args:Nv \CreateTheorem { c_projlib_theorem_supported_clist } { parent counter = \l__projlib_theorem_theorem_numbering_tl, create starred version, quiet } } } } \bool_if:NF \l__projlib_theorem_separate_theorem_numbering_bool { \exp_args:Nv \CreateTheorem { c_projlib_theorem_supported_clist } { shared counter = theorem, create starred version, quiet } } } } \newcounter { theorem-with-name } \newcounter { proof } \crthm_counter_alias:nn { theorem-with-name } { theorem } \tl_new:N \l_projlib_theorem_name_of_theorem_with_name_tl \CreateTheorem { theorem-with-name_inner } { , name = { , heading = { \l_projlib_theorem_name_of_theorem_with_name_tl } , crefname = {}{} , Crefname = {}{} } , create-starred-version , shared-counter = theorem-with-name } \NewDocumentEnvironment { theorem-with-name } { m O{} } { \tl_set:Nn \l_projlib_theorem_name_of_theorem_with_name_tl { #1 } \begin { theorem-with-name_inner } [ #2 ] } { \end { theorem-with-name_inner } } \NewDocumentEnvironment { theorem-with-name* } { m O{} } { \tl_set:Nn \l_projlib_theorem_name_of_theorem_with_name_tl { #1 } \begin { theorem-with-name_inner* } [ #2 ] } { \end { theorem-with-name_inner* } } \SetTheoremBinding { theorem-with-name } { theorem-with-name_inner } \SetTheoremBinding { theorem-with-name* } { theorem-with-name_inner* } \tl_new:N \l_projlib_theorem_name_of_proof_tl \CreateTheorem { proof_inner } { name = { heading = { \l_projlib_theorem_name_of_proof_tl } }, create-starred-version, qed, shared-counter = proof } \cs_undefine:c { proof } \cs_undefine:c { endproof } \NewDocumentEnvironment { proof } { O{\proofname} } { \tl_set:Nn \l_projlib_theorem_name_of_proof_tl { #1 } \begin { proof_inner } } { \end { proof_inner } } \NewDocumentEnvironment { proof* } { O{\proofname} } { \tl_set:Nn \l_projlib_theorem_name_of_proof_tl { #1 } \begin { proof_inner* } } { \end { proof_inner* } } \SetTheoremBinding { proof } { proof_inner } \SetTheoremBinding { proof* } { proof_inner* } \cs_new_protected:Nn \projlib_theorem_disable_theorem_numbering:n { \clist_map_inline:nn { #1 } { \__projlib_theorem_disable_theorem_numbering_do:n { ##1 } } } \cs_new_protected:Nn \__projlib_theorem_disable_theorem_numbering_do:n { \CreateTheorem { #1 } { copy-existed = #1* } } \NewDocumentCommand \DisableTheoremNumbering { m } { \projlib_theorem_disable_theorem_numbering:n { #1 } } \cs_new_protected:Nn \projlib_theorem_switch_theorem_numbering:n { \clist_map_inline:nn { #1 } { \__projlib_theorem_switch_theorem_numbering_do:n { ##1 } } } \cs_new_protected:Nn \__projlib_theorem_switch_theorem_numbering_do:n { \CreateTheorem { #1_projlib_theorem_temp } { copy-existed = #1* } \CreateTheorem { #1* } { copy-existed = #1 } \CreateTheorem { #1 } { copy-existed = #1_projlib_theorem_temp } } \NewDocumentCommand \SwitchTheoremNumbering { m } { \projlib_theorem_switch_theorem_numbering:n { #1 } } \SwitchTheoremNumbering { theorem-with-name, proof } \AddLanguageSetting [ schinese ] { \crefname { equation } { 式 } { 式 } \crefname { figure } { 图 } { 图 } \crefname { table } { 表 } { 表 } \crefname { appendix } { 附录 } { 附录 } \Crefname { equation } { 式 } { 式 } \Crefname { figure } { 图 } { 图 } \Crefname { table } { 表 } { 表 } \Crefname { appendix } { 附录 } { 附录 } \tl_gset:Nn { \crefpairconjunction } { 、 } \tl_gset:Nn { \crefmiddleconjunction } { 、 } \tl_gset:Nn { \creflastconjunction } { \nobreakspace 和 \nobreakspace } \tl_gset:Nn { \crefpairgroupconjunction } { \nobreakspace 和 \nobreakspace } \tl_gset:Nn { \crefmiddlegroupconjunction } { 、 } \tl_gset:Nn { \creflastgroupconjunction } { \nobreakspace 以及 \nobreakspace } \tl_gset:Nn { \crefrangeconjunction } { ~ } } \AddLanguageSetting [ tchinese ] { \crefname { equation } { 式 } { 式 } \crefname { figure } { 圖 } { 圖 } \crefname { table } { 表 } { 表 } \crefname { appendix } { 附錄 } { 附錄 } \Crefname { equation } { 式 } { 式 } \Crefname { figure } { 圖 } { 圖 } \Crefname { table } { 表 } { 表 } \Crefname { appendix } { 附錄 } { 附錄 } \tl_gset:Nn { \crefpairconjunction } { 、 } \tl_gset:Nn { \crefmiddleconjunction } { 、 } \tl_gset:Nn { \creflastconjunction } { \nobreakspace 與 \nobreakspace } \tl_gset:Nn { \crefpairgroupconjunction } { \nobreakspace 與 \nobreakspace } \tl_gset:Nn { \crefmiddlegroupconjunction } { 、 } \tl_gset:Nn { \creflastgroupconjunction } { \nobreakspace 以及 \nobreakspace } \tl_gset:Nn { \crefrangeconjunction } { ~ } } \AddLanguageSetting [ japanese ] { \crefname { equation } { 式 } { 式 } \crefname { figure } { 図 } { 図 } \crefname { table } { 表 } { 表 } \Crefname { appendix } { 付録 } { 付録 } \Crefname { equation } { 式 } { 式 } \Crefname { figure } { 図 } { 図 } \Crefname { table } { 表 } { 表 } \Crefname { appendix } { 付録 } { 付録 } \tl_gset:Nn { \crefpairconjunction } { \nobreakspace と \nobreakspace } \tl_gset:Nn { \crefmiddleconjunction } { \nobreakspace と \nobreakspace } \tl_gset:Nn { \creflastconjunction } { \nobreakspace と \nobreakspace } \tl_gset:Nn { \crefpairgroupconjunction } { \nobreakspace と \nobreakspace } \tl_gset:Nn { \crefmiddlegroupconjunction } { \nobreakspace と \nobreakspace } \tl_gset:Nn { \creflastgroupconjunction } { \nobreakspace 及び \nobreakspace } \tl_gset:Nn { \crefrangeconjunction } { ~ } } \AddLanguageSetting [ russian ] { \crefname { equation } { уравнение } { уравнения } \crefname { figure } { рис. } { рис. } \crefname { table } { таблица } { таблицы } \crefname { appendix } { приложение } { приложения } \Crefname { equation } { Уравнение } { Уравнения } \Crefname { figure } { Рис. } { Рис. } \Crefname { table } { Таблица } { Таблицы } \Crefname { appendix } { Приложение } { Приложения } \tl_gset:Nn { \crefpairconjunction } { \nobreakspace и \nobreakspace } \tl_gset:Nn { \crefmiddleconjunction } { , \nobreakspace } \tl_gset:Nn { \creflastconjunction } { \nobreakspace и \nobreakspace } \tl_gset:Nn { \crefpairgroupconjunction } { \nobreakspace и \nobreakspace } \tl_gset:Nn { \crefmiddlegroupconjunction } { , \nobreakspace } \tl_gset:Nn { \creflastgroupconjunction } { \nobreakspace и \nobreakspace } \tl_gset:Nn { \crefrangeconjunction } { \nobreakspace \textasciitilde \nobreakspace } } \AddLanguageSetting [ portuguese ] { \crefname { equation } { eq. } { eqs. } \crefname { figure } { fig. } { figs. } \crefname { table } { tabela } { tabelas } \crefname { appendix } { apêndice } { apêndices } \Crefname { equation } { Eq. } { Eqs. } \Crefname { figure } { Fig. } { Figs. } \Crefname { table } { Tabela } { Tabelas } \Crefname { appendix } { Apêndice } { Apêndices } \tl_gset:Nn { \crefpairconjunction } { \nobreakspace e \nobreakspace } \tl_gset:Nn { \crefmiddleconjunction } { , \nobreakspace } \tl_gset:Nn { \creflastconjunction } { \nobreakspace e \nobreakspace } \tl_gset:Nn { \crefpairgroupconjunction } { \nobreakspace e \nobreakspace } \tl_gset:Nn { \crefmiddlegroupconjunction } { , \nobreakspace } \tl_gset:Nn { \creflastgroupconjunction } { \nobreakspace e \nobreakspace } \tl_gset:Nn { \crefrangeconjunction } { \nobreakspace a \nobreakspace } } \bool_if:NF \l__projlib_theorem_presetname_bool { \endinput } \bool_if:NT \l__projlib_theorem_complexname_bool { \endinput } \NameTheorem { application } { , heading = { , english = Application , french = Application , ngerman = Anwendung , italian = Applicazione , portuguese = Aplicação , brazilian = Aplicação , spanish = Aplicación , schinese = 应用 , tchinese = 應用 , japanese = 応用 , russian = Применение } , crefname = { , english = {Application}{Application} , french = [l']{Application}[les]{Application} , ngerman = {Anwendung}{Anwendung} , italian = [l']{Applicazione}[le]{Applicazione} , portuguese = [a]{Aplicação}[as]{Aplicação} , brazilian = [a]{Aplicação}[as]{Aplicação} , spanish = [la]{Aplicación}[las]{Aplicación} , schinese = {应用}{应用} , tchinese = {應用}{應用} , japanese = {応用}{応用} , russian = {Применение}{Применение} } , Crefname = { , english = {Application}{Application} , french = [L']{Application}[Les]{Application} , ngerman = {Anwendung}{Anwendung} , italian = [L']{Applicazione}[Le]{Applicazione} , portuguese = [A]{Aplicação}[As]{Aplicação} , brazilian = [A]{Aplicação}[As]{Aplicação} , spanish = [La]{Aplicación}[Las]{Aplicación} , schinese = {应用}{应用} , tchinese = {應用}{應用} , japanese = {応用}{応用} , russian = {Применение}{Применение} } } \NameTheorem { assertion } { , heading = { , english = Assertion , french = Assertion , ngerman = Assertion , italian = Asserzione , portuguese = Asserção , brazilian = Asserção , spanish = Aserción , schinese = 断言 , tchinese = 斷言 , japanese = 断言 , russian = Утверждение } , crefname = { , english = {Assertion}{Assertion} , french = [l']{Assertion}[les]{Assertion} , ngerman = {Assertion}{Assertionen} , italian = [l']{Asserzione}[le]{Asserzione} , portuguese = [a]{Asserção}[as]{Asserção} , brazilian = [a]{Asserção}[as]{Asserção} , spanish = [la]{Aserción}[las]{Aserción} , schinese = {断言}{断言} , tchinese = {斷言}{斷言} , japanese = {断言}{断言} , russian = {Утверждение}{Утверждение} } , Crefname = { , english = {Assertion}{Assertion} , french = [L']{Assertion}[Les]{Assertion} , ngerman = {Assertion}{Assertionen} , italian = [L']{Asserzione}[Le]{Asserzione} , portuguese = [A]{Asserção}[As]{Asserção} , brazilian = [A]{Asserção}[As]{Asserção} , spanish = [La]{Aserción}[Las]{Aserción} , schinese = {断言}{断言} , tchinese = {斷言}{斷言} , japanese = {断言}{断言} , russian = {Утверждение}{Утверждение} } } \NameTheorem { assumption } { , heading = { , english = Assumption , french = Supposition , ngerman = Annahme , italian = Supposizione , portuguese = Suposição , brazilian = Suposição , spanish = Suposición , schinese = 假定 , tchinese = 假定 , japanese = 仮定 , russian = Предположение } , crefname = { , english = {Assumption}{Assumption} , french = [la]{Supposition}[les]{Supposition} , ngerman = {Annahme}{Annahme} , italian = [la]{Supposizione}[le]{Supposizione} , portuguese = [a]{Suposição}[as]{Suposição} , brazilian = [a]{Suposição}[as]{Suposição} , spanish = [la]{Suposición}[las]{Suposición} , schinese = {假定}{假定} , tchinese = {假定}{假定} , japanese = {仮定}{仮定} , russian = {Предположение}{Предположение} } , Crefname = { , english = {Assumption}{Assumption} , french = [La]{Supposition}[Les]{Supposition} , ngerman = {Annahme}{Annahme} , italian = [la]{Supposizione}[le]{Supposizione} , portuguese = [A]{Suposição}[As]{Suposição} , brazilian = [A]{Suposição}[As]{Suposição} , spanish = [La]{Suposición}[Las]{Suposición} , schinese = {假定}{假定} , tchinese = {假定}{假定} , japanese = {仮定}{仮定} , russian = {Предположение}{Предположение} } } \NameTheorem { axiom } { , heading = { , english = Axiom , french = Axiome , ngerman = Axiom , italian = Assioma , portuguese = Axioma , brazilian = Axioma , spanish = Axioma , schinese = 公理 , tchinese = 公理 , japanese = 公理 , russian = Аксиома } , crefname = { , english = {Axiom}{Axiom} , french = [l']{Axiome}[les]{Axiome} , ngerman = {Axiom}{Axiom} , italian = [l']{Assioma}[gli]{Assioma} , portuguese = [o]{Axioma}[os]{Axioma} , brazilian = [o]{Axioma}[os]{Axioma} , spanish = [el]{Axioma}[los]{Axioma} , schinese = {公理}{公理} , tchinese = {公理}{公理} , japanese = {公理}{公理} , russian = {Аксиома}{Аксиома} } , Crefname = { , english = {Axiom}{Axiom} , french = [L']{Axiome}[Les]{Axiome} , ngerman = {Axiom}{Axiom} , italian = [L']{Assioma}[Gli]{Assioma} , portuguese = [O]{Axioma}[Os]{Axioma} , brazilian = [O]{Axioma}[Os]{Axioma} , spanish = [El]{Axioma}[Los]{Axioma} , schinese = {公理}{公理} , tchinese = {公理}{公理} , japanese = {公理}{公理} , russian = {Аксиома}{Аксиома} } } \NameTheorem { claim } { , heading = { , english = Claim , french = Affirmation , ngerman = Behauptung , italian = Affermazione , portuguese = Afirmação , brazilian = Afirmação , spanish = Afirmación , schinese = 断言 , tchinese = 斷言 , japanese = 断言 , russian = Утверждение } , crefname = { , english = {Claim}{Claim} , french = [l']{Affirmation}[les]{Affirmation} , ngerman = {Behauptung}{Behauptungen} , italian = [l']{Affermazione}[le]{Affermazione} , portuguese = [a]{Afirmação}[as]{Afirmação} , brazilian = [a]{Afirmação}[as]{Afirmação} , spanish = [la]{Afirmación}[las]{Afirmación} , schinese = {断言}{断言} , tchinese = {斷言}{斷言} , japanese = {断言}{断言} , russian = {Утверждение}{Утверждение} } , Crefname = { , english = {Claim}{Claim} , french = [L']{Affirmation}[Les]{Affirmation} , ngerman = {Behauptung}{Behauptungen} , italian = [L']{Affermazione}[Le]{Affermazione} , portuguese = [A]{Afirmação}[As]{Afirmação} , brazilian = [A]{Afirmação}[As]{Afirmação} , spanish = [La]{Afirmación}[Las]{Afirmación} , schinese = {断言}{断言} , tchinese = {斷言}{斷言} , japanese = {断言}{断言} , russian = {Утверждение}{Утверждение} } } \NameTheorem { conclusion } { , heading = { , english = Conclusion , french = Conclusion , ngerman = Schlussfolgerung , italian = Conclusione , portuguese = Conclusão , brazilian = Conclusão , spanish = Conclusión , schinese = 结论 , tchinese = 結論 , japanese = 結論 , russian = Вывод } , crefname = { , english = {Conclusion}{Conclusion} , french = [la]{Conclusion}[Les]{Conclusion} , ngerman = {Schlussfolgerung}{Schlussfolgerung} , italian = [la]{Conclusione}[le]{Conclusione} , portuguese = [a]{Conclusão}[as]{Conclusão} , brazilian = [a]{Conclusão}[as]{Conclusão} , spanish = [la]{Conclusión}[las]{Conclusión} , schinese = {结论}{结论} , tchinese = {結論}{結論} , japanese = {結論}{結論} , russian = {Вывод}{Вывод} } , Crefname = { , english = {Conclusion}{Conclusion} , french = [La]{Conclusion}[Les]{Conclusion} , ngerman = {Schlussfolgerung}{Schlussfolgerung} , italian = [La]{Conclusione}[Le]{Conclusione} , portuguese = [A]{Conclusão}[As]{Conclusão} , brazilian = [A]{Conclusão}[As]{Conclusão} , spanish = [La]{Conclusión}[Las]{Conclusión} , schinese = {结论}{结论} , tchinese = {結論}{結論} , japanese = {結論}{結論} , russian = {Вывод}{Вывод} } } \NameTheorem { conjecture } { , heading = { , english = Conjecture , french = Conjecture , ngerman = Vermutung , italian = Congettura , portuguese = Conjetura , brazilian = Conjectura , spanish = Conjetura , schinese = 猜想 , tchinese = 猜想 , japanese = 予想 , russian = Гипотеза } , crefname = { , english = {Conjecture}{Conjecture} , french = [la]{Conjecture}[les]{Conjecture} , ngerman = {Vermutung}{Vermutung} , italian = [la]{Congettura}[le]{Congettura} , portuguese = [a]{Conjetura}[as]{Conjetura} , brazilian = [a]{Conjectura}[as]{Conjectura} , spanish = [la]{Conjetura}[las]{Conjetura} , schinese = {猜想}{猜想} , tchinese = {猜想}{猜想} , japanese = {予想}{予想} , russian = {Гипотеза}{Гипотеза} } , Crefname = { , english = {Conjecture}{Conjecture} , french = [La]{Conjecture}[Les]{Conjecture} , ngerman = {Vermutung}{Vermutung} , italian = [La]{Congettura}[Le]{Congettura} , portuguese = [A]{Conjetura}[As]{Conjetura} , brazilian = [A]{Conjectura}[As]{Conjectura} , spanish = [La]{Conjetura}[Las]{Conjetura} , schinese = {猜想}{猜想} , tchinese = {猜想}{猜想} , japanese = {予想}{予想} , russian = {Гипотеза}{Гипотеза} } } \NameTheorem { construction } { , heading = { , english = Construction , french = Construction , ngerman = Konstruktion , italian = Costruzione , portuguese = Construção , brazilian = Construção , spanish = Construcción , schinese = 构造 , tchinese = 構造 , japanese = 構造 , russian = Конструкция } , crefname = { , english = {Construction}{Construction} , french = [la]{Construction}[les]{Construction} , ngerman = {Konstruktion}{Konstruktion} , italian = [la]{Costruzione}[le]{Costruzione} , portuguese = [a]{Construção}[as]{Construção} , brazilian = [a]{Construção}[as]{Construção} , spanish = [la]{Construcción}[las]{Construcción} , schinese = {构造}{构造} , tchinese = {構造}{構造} , japanese = {構造}{構造} , russian = {Конструкция}{Конструкция} } , Crefname = { , english = {Construction}{Construction} , french = [La]{Construction}[Les]{Construction} , ngerman = {Konstruktion}{Konstruktion} , italian = [La]{Costruzione}[Le]{Costruzione} , portuguese = [A]{Construção}[As]{Construção} , brazilian = [A]{Construção}[As]{Construção} , spanish = [La]{Construcción}[Las]{Construcción} , schinese = {构造}{构造} , tchinese = {構造}{構造} , japanese = {構造}{構造} , russian = {Конструкция}{Конструкция} } } \NameTheorem { convention } { , heading = { , english = Convention , french = Convention , ngerman = Konvention , italian = Convenzione , portuguese = Convenção , brazilian = Convenção , spanish = Convención , schinese = 约定 , tchinese = 約定 , japanese = 慣例 , russian = Конвенция } , crefname = { , english = {Convention}{Convention} , french = [la]{Convention}[les]{Convention} , ngerman = {Konvention}{Konvention} , italian = [la]{Convenzione}[le]{Convenzione} , portuguese = [a]{Convenção}[as]{Convenção} , brazilian = [a]{Convenção}[as]{Convenção} , spanish = [la]{Convención}[las]{Convención} , schinese = {约定}{约定} , tchinese = {約定}{約定} , japanese = {慣例}{慣例} , russian = {Конвенция}{Конвенция} } , Crefname = { , english = {Convention}{Convention} , french = [La]{Convention}[Les]{Convention} , ngerman = {Konvention}{Konvention} , italian = [La]{Convenzione}[Le]{Convenzione} , portuguese = [A]{Convenção}[As]{Convenção} , brazilian = [A]{Convenção}[As]{Convenção} , spanish = [La]{Convención}[Las]{Convención} , schinese = {约定}{约定} , tchinese = {約定}{約定} , japanese = {慣例}{慣例} , russian = {Конвенция}{Конвенция} } } \NameTheorem { corollary } { , heading = { , english = Corollary , french = Corollaire , ngerman = Korollar , italian = Corollario , portuguese = Corolário , brazilian = Corolário , spanish = Corolario , schinese = 推论 , tchinese = 推論 , japanese = 系 , russian = Следствие } , crefname = { , english = {Corollary}{Corollary} , french = [le]{Corollaire}[les]{Corollaire} , ngerman = {Korollar}{Korollar} , italian = [il]{Corollario}[i]{Corollario} , portuguese = [o]{Corolário}[os]{Corolário} , brazilian = [o]{Corolário}[os]{Corolário} , spanish = [el]{Corolario}[los]{Corolario} , schinese = {推论}{推论} , tchinese = {推論}{推論} , japanese = {系}{系} , russian = {Следствие}{Следствие} } , Crefname = { , english = {Corollary}{Corollary} , french = [Le]{Corollaire}[Les]{Corollaire} , ngerman = {Korollar}{Korollar} , italian = [Il]{Corollario}[I]{Corollario} , portuguese = [O]{Corolário}[Os]{Corolário} , brazilian = [O]{Corolário}[Os]{Corolário} , spanish = [El]{Corolario}[Los]{Corolario} , schinese = {推论}{推论} , tchinese = {推論}{推論} , japanese = {系}{系} , russian = {Следствие}{Следствие} } } \NameTheorem { definition } { , heading = { , english = Definition , french = Définition , ngerman = Definition , italian = Definizione , portuguese = Definição , brazilian = Definição , spanish = Definición , schinese = 定义 , tchinese = 定義 , japanese = 定義 , russian = Определение } , crefname = { , english = {Definition}{Definition} , french = [la]{Définition}[les]{Définition} , ngerman = {Definition}{Definition} , italian = [la]{Definizione}[le]{Definizione} , portuguese = [a]{Definição}[as]{Definição} , brazilian = [a]{Definição}[as]{Definição} , spanish = [la]{Definición}[las]{Definición} , schinese = {定义}{定义} , tchinese = {定義}{定義} , japanese = {定義}{定義} , russian = {Определение}{Определение} } , Crefname = { , english = {Definition}{Definition} , french = [La]{Définition}[Les]{Définition} , ngerman = {Definition}{Definition} , italian = [La]{Definizione}[Le]{Definizione} , portuguese = [A]{Definição}[As]{Definição} , brazilian = [A]{Definição}[As]{Definição} , spanish = [La]{Definición}[Las]{Definición} , schinese = {定义}{定义} , tchinese = {定義}{定義} , japanese = {定義}{定義} , russian = {Определение}{Определение} } } \NameTheorem { example } { , heading = { , english = Example , french = Exemple , ngerman = Beispiel , italian = Esempio , portuguese = Exemplo , brazilian = Exemplo , spanish = Ejemplo , schinese = 例 , tchinese = 例 , japanese = 例 , russian = Пример } , crefname = { , english = {Example}{Example} , french = [l']{Exemple}[les]{Exemple} , ngerman = {Beispiel}{Beispiel} , italian = [l']{Esempio}[gli]{Esempio} , portuguese = [o]{Exemplo}[os]{Exemplo} , brazilian = [o]{Exemplo}[os]{Exemplo} , spanish = [el]{Ejemplo}[los]{Ejemplo} , schinese = {例}{例} , tchinese = {例}{例} , japanese = {例}{例} , russian = {Пример}{Пример} } , Crefname = { , english = {Example}{Example} , french = [L']{Exemple}[Les]{Exemple} , ngerman = {Beispiel}{Beispiel} , italian = [L']{Esempio}[Gli]{Esempio} , portuguese = [O]{Exemplo}[Os]{Exemplo} , brazilian = [O]{Exemplo}[Os]{Exemplo} , spanish = [El]{Ejemplo}[Los]{Ejemplo} , schinese = {例}{例} , tchinese = {例}{例} , japanese = {例}{例} , russian = {Пример}{Пример} } } \NameTheorem { exercise } { , heading = { , english = Exercise , french = Exercice , ngerman = Übung , italian = Esercizio , portuguese = Exercício , brazilian = Exercício , spanish = Ejercicio , schinese = 练习 , tchinese = 練習 , japanese = 練習 , russian = Упражнение } , crefname = { , english = {Exercise}{Exercise} , french = [l']{Exercice}[les]{Exercice} , ngerman = {Übung}{Übung} , italian = [l']{Esercizio}[gli]{Esercizio} , portuguese = [o]{Exercício}[os]{Exercício} , brazilian = [o]{Exercício}[os]{Exercício} , spanish = [el]{Ejercicio}[los]{Ejercicio} , schinese = {练习}{练习} , tchinese = {練習}{練習} , japanese = {練習}{練習} , russian = {Упражнение}{Упражнение} } , Crefname = { , english = {Exercise}{Exercise} , french = [L']{Exercice}[Les]{Exercice} , ngerman = {Übung}{Übung} , italian = [L']{Esercizio}[Gli]{Esercizio} , portuguese = [O]{Exercício}[Os]{Exercício} , brazilian = [O]{Exercício}[Os]{Exercício} , spanish = [El]{Ejercicio}[Los]{Ejercicio} , schinese = {练习}{练习} , tchinese = {練習}{練習} , japanese = {練習}{練習} , russian = {Упражнение}{Упражнение} } } \NameTheorem { fact } { , heading = { , english = Fact , french = Fait , ngerman = Tatsache , italian = Fatto , portuguese = Facto , brazilian = Fato , spanish = Hecho , schinese = 事实 , tchinese = 事實 , japanese = 事実 , russian = Факт } , crefname = { , english = {Fact}{Fact} , french = [le]{Fait}[les]{Fait} , ngerman = {Tatsache}{Tatsachen} , italian = [il]{Fatto}[i]{Fatto} , portuguese = [o]{Facto}[os]{Facto} , brazilian = [o]{Fato}[os]{Fato} , spanish = [el]{Hecho}[los]{Hecho} , schinese = {事实}{事实} , tchinese = {事實}{事實} , japanese = {事実}{事実} , russian = {Факт}{Факт} } , Crefname = { , english = {Fact}{Fact} , french = [Le]{Fait}[Les]{Fait} , ngerman = {Tatsache}{Tatsachen} , italian = [Il]{Fatto}[I]{Fatto} , portuguese = [O]{Facto}[Os]{Facto} , brazilian = [O]{Fato}[Os]{Fato} , spanish = [El]{Hecho}[Los]{Hecho} , schinese = {事实}{事实} , tchinese = {事實}{事實} , japanese = {事実}{事実} , russian = {Факт}{Факт} } } \NameTheorem { hypothesis } { , heading = { , english = Hypothesis , french = Hypothèse , ngerman = Hypothese , italian = Ipotesi , portuguese = Hipótese , brazilian = Hipótese , spanish = Hipótesis , schinese = 假设 , tchinese = 假設 , japanese = 仮設 , russian = Гипотеза } , crefname = { , english = {Hypothesis}{Hypothesis} , french = [l']{Hypothèse}[les]{Hypothèse} , ngerman = {Hypothese}{Hypothese} , italian = [l']{Ipotesi}[le]{Ipotesi} , portuguese = [a]{Hipótese}[as]{Hipótese} , brazilian = [a]{Hipótese}[as]{Hipótese} , spanish = [la]{Hipótesis}[las]{Hipótesis} , schinese = {假设}{假设} , tchinese = {假設}{假設} , japanese = {仮設}{仮設} , russian = {Гипотеза}{Гипотеза} } , Crefname = { , english = {Hypothesis}{Hypothesis} , french = [L']{Hypothèse}[Les]{Hypothèse} , ngerman = {Hypothese}{Hypothese} , italian = [L']{Ipotesi}[Le]{Ipotesi} , portuguese = [A]{Hipótese}[As]{Hipótese} , brazilian = [A]{Hipótese}[As]{Hipótese} , spanish = [La]{Hipótesis}[Las]{Hipótesis} , schinese = {假设}{假设} , tchinese = {假設}{假設} , japanese = {仮設}{仮設} , russian = {Гипотеза}{Гипотеза} } } \NameTheorem { lemma } { , heading = { , english = Lemma , french = Lemme , ngerman = Lemma , italian = Lemma , portuguese = Lema , brazilian = Lema , spanish = Lema , schinese = 引理 , tchinese = 引理 , japanese = 補題 , russian = Лемма } , crefname = { , english = {Lemma}{Lemma} , french = [le]{Lemme}[les]{Lemme} , ngerman = {Lemma}{Lemma} , italian = [il]{Lemma}[i]{Lemma} , portuguese = [o]{Lema}[os]{Lema} , brazilian = [o]{Lema}[os]{Lema} , spanish = [el]{Lema}[las]{Lema} , schinese = {引理}{引理} , tchinese = {引理}{引理} , japanese = {補題}{補題} , russian = {Лемма}{Лемма} } , Crefname = { , english = {Lemma}{Lemma} , french = [Le]{Lemme}[Les]{Lemme} , ngerman = {Lemma}{Lemma} , italian = [Il]{Lemma}[I]{Lemma} , portuguese = [O]{Lema}[Os]{Lema} , brazilian = [O]{Lema}[Os]{Lema} , spanish = [el]{Lema}[las]{Lema} , schinese = {引理}{引理} , tchinese = {引理}{引理} , japanese = {補題}{補題} , russian = {Лемма}{Лемма} } } \NameTheorem { notation } { , heading = { , english = Notation , french = Notation , ngerman = Notation , italian = Notazione , portuguese = Notação , brazilian = Notação , spanish = Notación , schinese = 记号 , tchinese = 記號 , japanese = 記法 , russian = Нотация } , crefname = { , english = {Notation}{Notation} , french = [la]{Notation}[les]{Notation} , ngerman = {Notation}{Notation} , italian = [la]{Notazione}[le]{Notazione} , portuguese = [a]{Notação}[as]{Notação} , brazilian = [a]{Notação}[as]{Notação} , spanish = [la]{Notación}[las]{Notación} , schinese = {记号}{记号} , tchinese = {記號}{記號} , japanese = {記法}{記法} , russian = {Нотация}{Нотация} } , Crefname = { , english = {Notation}{Notation} , french = [La]{Notation}[Les]{Notation} , ngerman = {Notation}{Notation} , italian = [La]{Notazione}[Le]{Notazione} , portuguese = [A]{Notação}[As]{Notação} , brazilian = [A]{Notação}[As]{Notação} , spanish = [La]{Notación}[Las]{Notación} , schinese = {记号}{记号} , tchinese = {記號}{記號} , japanese = {記法}{記法} , russian = {Нотация}{Нотация} } } \NameTheorem { observation } { , heading = { , english = Observation , french = Observation , ngerman = Beobachtung , italian = Osservazione , portuguese = Observação , brazilian = Observação , spanish = Observación , schinese = 观察 , tchinese = 觀察 , japanese = 観察 , russian = Наблюдение } , crefname = { , english = {Observation}{Observation} , french = [la]{Observation}[les]{Observation} , ngerman = {Beobachtung}{Beobachtung} , italian = [l']{Osservazione}[le]{Osservazione} , portuguese = [a]{Observação}[as]{Observação} , brazilian = [a]{Observação}[as]{Observação} , spanish = [la]{Observación}[las]{Observación} , schinese = {观察}{观察} , tchinese = {觀察}{觀察} , japanese = {観察}{観察} , russian = {Наблюдение}{Наблюдение} } , Crefname = { , english = {Observation}{Observation} , french = [La]{Observation}[Les]{Observation} , ngerman = {Beobachtung}{Beobachtung} , italian = [L']{Osservazione}[Le]{Osservazione} , portuguese = [A]{Observação}[As]{Observação} , brazilian = [A]{Observação}[As]{Observação} , spanish = [La]{Observación}[Las]{Observación} , schinese = {观察}{观察} , tchinese = {觀察}{觀察} , japanese = {観察}{観察} , russian = {Наблюдение}{Наблюдение} } } \NameTheorem { postulate } { , heading = { , english = Postulate , french = Postulat , ngerman = Postulat , italian = Postulato , portuguese = Postulado , brazilian = Postulado , spanish = Postulado , schinese = 公设 , tchinese = 公設 , japanese = 公準 , russian = Постулат } , crefname = { , english = {Postulate}{Postulate} , french = [le]{Postulat}[les]{Postulat} , ngerman = {Postulat}{Postulat} , italian = [il]{Postulato}[i]{Postulato} , portuguese = [o]{Postulado}[os]{Postulado} , brazilian = [o]{Postulado}[os]{Postulado} , spanish = [el]{Postulado}[los]{Postulado} , schinese = {公设}{公设} , tchinese = {公設}{公設} , japanese = {公準}{公準} , russian = {Постулат}{Постулат} } , Crefname = { , english = {Postulate}{Postulate} , french = [Le]{Postulat}[Les]{Postulat} , ngerman = {Postulat}{Postulat} , italian = [Il]{Postulato}[I]{Postulato} , portuguese = [O]{Postulado}[Os]{Postulado} , brazilian = [O]{Postulado}[Os]{Postulado} , spanish = [El]{Postulado}[Los]{Postulado} , schinese = {公设}{公设} , tchinese = {公設}{公設} , japanese = {公準}{公準} , russian = {Постулат}{Постулат} } } \NameTheorem { problem } { , heading = { , english = Problem , french = Problème , ngerman = Problem , italian = Problema , portuguese = Problema , brazilian = Problema , spanish = Problema , schinese = 问题 , tchinese = 問題 , japanese = 問題 , russian = Проблема } , crefname = { , english = {Problem}{Problem} , french = [le]{Problème}[les]{Problème} , ngerman = {Problem}{Problem} , italian = [il]{Problema}[i]{Problema} , portuguese = [o]{Problema}[os]{Problema} , brazilian = [o]{Problema}[os]{Problema} , spanish = [el]{Problema}[los]{Problema} , schinese = {问题}{问题} , tchinese = {問題}{問題} , japanese = {問題}{問題} , russian = {Проблема}{Проблема} } , Crefname = { , english = {Problem}{Problem} , french = [Le]{Problème}[Les]{Problème} , ngerman = {Problem}{Problem} , italian = [Il]{Problema}[I]{Problema} , portuguese = [O]{Problema}[Os]{Problema} , brazilian = [O]{Problema}[Os]{Problema} , spanish = [El]{Problema}[Los]{Problema} , schinese = {问题}{问题} , tchinese = {問題}{問題} , japanese = {問題}{問題} , russian = {Проблема}{Проблема} } } \NameTheorem { property } { , heading = { , english = Property , french = Propriété , ngerman = Eigenschaft , italian = Proprietà , portuguese = Propriedade , brazilian = Propriedade , spanish = Propiedad , schinese = 性质 , tchinese = 性質 , japanese = 性質 , russian = Имущество } , crefname = { , english = {Property}{Property} , french = [la]{Propriété}[les]{Propriété} , ngerman = {Eigenschaft}{Eigenschaft} , italian = [la]{Proprietà}[le]{Proprietà} , portuguese = [a]{Propriedade}[as]{Propriedade} , brazilian = [a]{Propriedade}[as]{Propriedade} , spanish = [la]{Propiedad}[las]{Propiedad} , schinese = {性质}{性质} , tchinese = {性質}{性質} , japanese = {性質}{性質} , russian = {Имущество}{Имущество} } , Crefname = { , english = {Property}{Property} , french = [La]{Propriété}[Les]{Propriété} , ngerman = {Eigenschaft}{Eigenschaft} , italian = [La]{Proprietà}[Le]{Proprietà} , portuguese = [A]{Propriedade}[As]{Propriedade} , brazilian = [A]{Propriedade}[As]{Propriedade} , spanish = [La]{Propiedad}[Las]{Propiedad} , schinese = {性质}{性质} , tchinese = {性質}{性質} , japanese = {性質}{性質} , russian = {Имущество}{Имущество} } } \NameTheorem { proposition } { , heading = { , english = Proposition , french = Proposition , ngerman = Proposition , italian = Proposizione , portuguese = Proposição , brazilian = Proposição , spanish = Proposición , schinese = 命题 , tchinese = 命題 , japanese = 命題 , russian = Предложение } , crefname = { , english = {Proposition}{Proposition} , french = [la]{Proposition}[les]{Proposition} , ngerman = {Proposition}{Proposition} , italian = [la]{Proposizione}[le]{Proposizione} , portuguese = [a]{Proposição}[as]{Proposição} , brazilian = [a]{Proposição}[as]{Proposição} , spanish = [la]{Proposición}[las]{Proposición} , schinese = {命题}{命题} , tchinese = {命題}{命題} , japanese = {命題}{命題} , russian = {Предложение}{Предложение} } , Crefname = { , english = {Proposition}{Proposition} , french = [La]{Proposition}[Les]{Proposition} , ngerman = {Proposition}{Proposition} , italian = [La]{Proposizione}[Le]{Proposizione} , portuguese = [A]{Proposição}[As]{Proposição} , brazilian = [A]{Proposição}[As]{Proposição} , spanish = [La]{Proposición}[Las]{Proposición} , schinese = {命题}{命题} , tchinese = {命題}{命題} , japanese = {命題}{命題} , russian = {Предложение}{Предложение} } } \NameTheorem { question } { , heading = { , english = Question , french = Question , ngerman = Frage , italian = Domanda , portuguese = Pergunta , brazilian = Pergunta , spanish = Pregunta , schinese = 问题 , tchinese = 問題 , japanese = 問題 , russian = Вопрос } , crefname = { , english = {Question}{Question} , french = [la]{Question}[les]{Question} , ngerman = {Frage}{Frage} , italian = [la]{Domanda}[le]{Domanda} , portuguese = [a]{Pergunta}[as]{Pergunta} , brazilian = [a]{Pergunta}[as]{Pergunta} , spanish = [la]{Pregunta}[las]{Pregunta} , schinese = {问题}{问题} , tchinese = {問題}{問題} , japanese = {問題}{問題} , russian = {Вопрос}{Вопрос} } , Crefname = { , english = {Question}{Question} , french = [La]{Question}[Les]{Question} , ngerman = {Frage}{Frage} , italian = [La]{Domanda}[Le]{Domanda} , portuguese = [A]{Pergunta}[As]{Pergunta} , brazilian = [A]{Pergunta}[As]{Pergunta} , spanish = [La]{Pregunta}[Las]{Pregunta} , schinese = {问题}{问题} , tchinese = {問題}{問題} , japanese = {問題}{問題} , russian = {Вопрос}{Вопрос} } } \NameTheorem { recall } { , heading = { , english = Recall , french = Rappel , ngerman = Rückruf , italian = Richiamo , portuguese = Recordação , brazilian = Recordação , spanish = Recuerdo , schinese = 回顾 , tchinese = 回顧 , japanese = 回顧 , russian = Напоминание } , crefname = { , english = {Recall}{Recall} , french = [le]{Rappel}[les]{Rappel} , ngerman = {Rückruf}{Rückruf} , italian = [il]{Richiamo}[i]{Richiamo} , portuguese = [a]{Recordação}[as]{Recordação} , brazilian = [a]{Recordação}[as]{Recordação} , spanish = [el]{Recuerdo}[los]{Recuerdo} , schinese = {回顾}{回顾} , tchinese = {回顧}{回顧} , japanese = {回顧}{回顧} , russian = {Напоминание}{Напоминание} } , Crefname = { , english = {Recall}{Recall} , french = [Le]{Rappel}[Les]{Rappel} , ngerman = {Rückruf}{Rückruf} , italian = [Il]{Richiamo}[I]{Richiamo} , portuguese = [A]{Recordação}[As]{Recordação} , brazilian = [A]{Recordação}[As]{Recordação} , spanish = [El]{Recuerdo}[Los]{Recuerdo} , schinese = {回顾}{回顾} , tchinese = {回顧}{回顧} , japanese = {回顧}{回顧} , russian = {Напоминание}{Напоминание} } } \NameTheorem { remark } { , heading = { , english = Remark , french = Remarque , ngerman = Erinnerung , italian = Commento , portuguese = Comentário , brazilian = Comentário , spanish = Comentario , schinese = 备注 , tchinese = 備註 , japanese = 注釈 , russian = Замечание } , crefname = { , english = {Remark}{Remark} , french = [la]{Remarque}[les]{Remarque} , ngerman = {Erinnerung}{Erinnerungen} , italian = [il]{Commento}[i]{Commento} , portuguese = [o]{Comentário}[os]{Comentário} , brazilian = [o]{Comentário}[os]{Comentário} , spanish = [el]{Comentario}[los]{Comentario} , schinese = {备注}{备注} , tchinese = {備註}{備註} , japanese = {注釈}{注釈} , russian = {Замечание}{Замечание} } , Crefname = { , english = {Remark}{Remark} , french = [La]{Remarque}[Les]{Remarque} , ngerman = {Erinnerung}{Erinnerungen} , italian = [Il]{Commento}[I]{Commento} , portuguese = [O]{Comentário}[Os]{Comentário} , brazilian = [O]{Comentário}[Os]{Comentário} , spanish = [El]{Comentario}[Los]{Comentario} , schinese = {备注}{备注} , tchinese = {備註}{備註} , japanese = {注釈}{注釈} , russian = {Замечание}{Замечание} } } \NameTheorem { theorem } { , heading = { , english = Theorem , french = Théorème , ngerman = Satz , italian = Teorema , portuguese = Teorema , brazilian = Teorema , spanish = Teorema , schinese = 定理 , tchinese = 定理 , japanese = 定理 , russian = Теорема } , crefname = { , english = {Theorem}{Theorem} , french = [le]{Théorème}[les]{Théorème} , ngerman = {Satz}{Satz} , italian = [il]{Teorema}[i]{Teorema} , portuguese = [o]{Teorema}[os]{Teorema} , brazilian = [o]{Teorema}[os]{Teorema} , spanish = [el]{Teorema}[los]{Teorema} , schinese = {定理}{定理} , tchinese = {定理}{定理} , japanese = {定理}{定理} , russian = {Теорема}{Теорема} } , Crefname = { , english = {Theorem}{Theorem} , french = [Le]{Théorème}[Les]{Théorème} , ngerman = {Satz}{Satz} , italian = [Il]{Teorema}[I]{Teorema} , portuguese = [O]{Teorema}[Os]{Teorema} , brazilian = [O]{Teorema}[Os]{Teorema} , spanish = [El]{Teorema}[Los]{Teorema} , schinese = {定理}{定理} , tchinese = {定理}{定理} , japanese = {定理}{定理} , russian = {Теорема}{Теорема} } } \NameTheorem { definition-corollary } { combined = { definition ; corollary } } \NameTheorem { definition-proposition } { combined = { definition ; proposition } } \NameTheorem { definition-theorem } { combined = { definition ; theorem } } \NameTheorem { corollary-definition } { combined = { corollary ; definition } } \NameTheorem { proposition-definition } { combined = { proposition ; definition } } \NameTheorem { theorem-definition } { combined = { theorem ; definition } } \endinput %% %% End of file `projlib-theorem.sty'.