%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 %%BoundingBox: 0 0 400 400 %%Pages: 1 %%Page: 1 1 % Peking University dissertation document class % % Copyright (c) 2008-2009 solvethis % Copyright (c) 2010-2012,2014 Casper Ti. Vector % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the % LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at % your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version % 2005/12/01 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. % The current maintainer of this work is Casper Ti. Vector. % % This work consists of the following files: % pkuthss.cls % pkuthss-gbk.def % pkuthss-utf8.def % pkulogo.eps % pkuword.eps % 设置北大红的色值(http://web5.pku.edu.cn/bs/cjwt/,问题 5)。 % 要想将颜色改为黑色,只需将下面一行改为“0 setgray”即可。 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.45 setcmykcolor % 设置线的属性。 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin % 将坐标原点移到图片的中心。 200 200 translate % 作出外圆。 newpath 6 setlinewidth 0 0 195 0 360 arc stroke % 作出内圆。 newpath 5 setlinewidth 0 0 143 0 360 arc stroke % 描出“北大”字样。 newpath 0 setlinewidth -10 101 moveto -10 101 -10 38 lineto -10 35 -14 29 -19 28 curveto -30 28 -60 15 -89 -26 curveto -104 -39 -108 -24 -105 -16 curveto -76 27 -36 45 -32 45 curveto -30 46 -29 47 -29 49 curveto -29 49 -29 68 lineto -29 69 -30 69 -31 69 curveto -38 67 -58 63 -83 42 curveto -95 35 -103 49 -94 57 curveto -72 74 -53 83 -31 88 curveto -30 88 -29 89 -29 90 curveto -29 90 -29 102 lineto -29 111 -10 111 -10 101 curveto 10 101 moveto 10 101 10 38 lineto 10 35 14 29 19 28 curveto 30 28 60 15 89 -26 curveto 104 -39 108 -24 105 -16 curveto 76 27 36 45 32 45 curveto 30 46 29 47 29 49 curveto 29 49 29 68 lineto 29 69 30 69 31 69 curveto 38 67 58 63 83 42 curveto 95 35 103 49 94 57 curveto 72 74 53 83 31 88 curveto 30 88 29 89 29 90 curveto 29 90 29 102 lineto 29 111 10 111 10 101 curveto -11 5 moveto -11 4 -11 4 -12 4 curveto -33 2 -65 -25 -80 -58 curveto -82 -71 -70 -74 -63 -64 curveto -45 -32 -27 -17 -12 -15 curveto -11 -15 -11 -15 -11 -16 curveto -11 -16 -11 -35 lineto -11 -38 -11 -38 -13 -40 curveto -28 -48 -34 -57 -45 -85 curveto -48 -97 -32 -103 -28 -94 curveto -15 -44 15 -44 28 -94 curveto 32 -103 48 -97 45 -85 curveto 34 -57 28 -48 13 -40 curveto 11 -38 11 -38 11 -35 curveto 11 -35 11 -16 lineto 11 -15 11 -15 12 -15 curveto 27 -17 45 -32 63 -64 curveto 70 -74 82 -71 80 -58 curveto 65 -25 33 2 12 4 curveto 11 4 11 4 11 5 curveto 11 5 11 12 lineto 11 25 -11 25 -11 12 curveto -11 12 -11 5 lineto 133 0 moveto 0 0 133 0 360 arc % 对刚作出的线条执行奇偶相间的填充,使中间空出的“北大”字样就是透明的。 % 从而,即使页面带背景色,插入这个图片时也会很正常。 eofill % 添加文字“PEKING UNIVERSITY 1898”。 /Times-Bold findfont 40 scalefont setfont /offset { dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg 155 moveto show } def gsave 112 rotate (P) offset grestore gsave 98 rotate (E) offset grestore gsave 84 rotate (K) offset grestore gsave 70 rotate (I) offset grestore gsave 56 rotate (N) offset grestore gsave 41 rotate (G) offset grestore gsave 15 rotate (U) offset grestore gsave (N) offset grestore gsave -14 rotate (I) offset grestore gsave -28 rotate (V) offset grestore gsave -42 rotate (E) offset grestore gsave -56 rotate (R) offset grestore gsave -70 rotate (S) offset grestore gsave -84 rotate (I) offset grestore gsave -98 rotate (T) offset grestore gsave -112 rotate (Y) offset grestore /onset { dup stringwidth pop 2 div neg -182 moveto show } def gsave -24 rotate (1) onset grestore gsave -8 rotate (8) onset grestore gsave 8 rotate (9) onset grestore gsave 24 rotate (8) onset grestore showpage %%EOF