% LaTeX package pdfsync.sty % ========================= % % Presentation % ------------ % pdfsync.sty allows one to synchronize between LaTeX source and pdf output. % When used with a text editor and a PDF viewer that both support pdfsync, % you can navigate from the source to the output and vice versa. % This is some kind of srcltx ported from dvi to pdf. % % When you typeset foo.tex with pdfsync.sty and either pdfetex or xetex, a foo.pdfsync auxiliary file is created. % It only contains geometrical information used by text editors or PDF viewers for synchronization. % You can delete this file when you are done. % % Actually, iTeXMac, iTeXMac2, TeXShop, TextMate, AucTeX are text editors implementing pdfsync support at various level. % iTeXMac, iTeXMac2, TeXShop, TeXniscope, PDFView are PDF viewers implementing pdfsync support at various level. % % Install % ------- % If this package is not already included in you TeX distribution, just copy the pdfsync.sty file to the proper location. % On Mac OS X, it can be % YOUR_HOME_DIRECTORY/Library/texmf/tex/latex/graphics/graphics.sty % where you should replace YOUR_HOME_DIRECTORY by its actual value. % % Usage % ----- % Put \usepackage{pdfsync} in your LaTeX preamble. % % In case of sever conflicts with another package, try \usepackage[novbox]{pdfsync} instead. % % If pdfsync only breaks some part of your LaTeX code, you can try to enclose it in a \pdfsyncstop \pdfsyncstart pair. % If you want to add more control point add \pdfsync at sensible locations in your code. % In that case, \usepackage[off]{pdfsync} will disable pdf synchronization and \relax the above commands. % % Use option nohbox (resp nocr, nopar, nomath, nodisplay) in order not to add control points every hbox (resp cr, par, math,display) % % Bugs % ---- % pdfsync uses extremely severe code. You should not use pdfsync on final documents because it can change the layout rather significantly % (different page/line breaks are the most obvious changes), despite this is rather rare, % 17.8th Murphy's law states that it will happen to you when it absolutely must not... % % You should report bugs and package conflicts to jlaurens AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net. % % The accuracy of pdf synchronization depends on the editor/viewer used for that purpose. % iTeXMac2 is actually the most accurate implementation because it combines pdfsync with pdf searching. % So, the lack of accuracy is not a bug in pdfsync a priori. % % Credits: % ------- % The original idea of pdfsync was proposed by Piero D'Ancona in the summer of 2003. % He and Jerome Laurens (jlaurens AT usersDOT sourceforge DOT net) both created the first working package. % Hans Hagen and David Kastrup made very significant enhancements to the original code. % % License % ------- % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the The LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c at least % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % % Home page % --------- % The official site is % % http://itexmac.sourceforge.net/pdfsync.html % % copyright 2006, jlaurens AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net % \ifx\pdfsync\undefined\else\message{**** pdfsync.sty: WARNING, the package is already loaded.}\expandafter\endinput\fi \def\c@nfigPDFSYNC@ff{% \let\pdfsync\relax% \let\pdfsyncstart\relax% \let\pdfsyncstop\relax% }% \ifx\pdfsavepos\undefined \message{**** pdfsync.sty: WARNING, synchronization is only available with pdfetex like engines.}% \c@nfigPDFSYNC@ff \let\c@nfigPDFSYNC@ff=\undefined \expandafter\endinput \fi % Defining the preamble of the style file: \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}% \ProvidesPackage{pdfsync}[2007/01/15 v1.0]% % start of the code \let\c@nfigPDFSYNCp@r\relax% \let\c@nfigPDFSYNCm@th\relax% \let\c@nfigPDFSYNCdispl@y\relax% \let\c@nfigPDFSYNChb@x\relax% \let\c@nfigPDFSYNCvb@x\relax% \let\c@nfigPDFSYNC@cr\relax% % Subverting |\everypar| to prepend pdfsync |\@PDFSYNC| specific code that will % be executed for each new paragraph. %This was primarly suggested by Curtis Clifton on 12/17/2004 (google "subvert token" for details). \def\c@nfigPDFSYNCp@r{\wlog{**** pdfsync.sty: Synchronizing at \string\everypar}% \newtoks\PDFSYNCeveryp@r \PDFSYNCeveryp@r\everypar \everypar{\bgroup\setbox\z@\lastbox\@PDFSYNC\box\z@\egroup \the\PDFSYNCeveryp@r}% \let\everypar\PDFSYNCeveryp@r }% % \def\c@nfigPDFSYNCdispl@y{\wlog{**** pdfsync.sty: Synchronizing at \string\everydisplay}% \newtoks\PDFSYNCeverydispl@y \PDFSYNCeverydispl@y\frozen@everydisplay \frozen@everydisplay{\@PDFSYNC\the\PDFSYNCeverydispl@y}% \let\frozen@everydisplay\PDFSYNCeverydispl@y }% % \def\c@nfigPDFSYNCm@th{\wlog{**** pdfsync.sty: Synchronizing at \string\everymath}% \newtoks\PDFSYNCeverym@th \PDFSYNCeverym@th\frozen@everymath \frozen@everymath{\@PDFSYNC\the\PDFSYNCeverym@th}% \let\frozen@everymath\PDFSYNCeverym@th }% % \def\c@nfigPDFSYNChb@x{\wlog{**** pdfsync.sty: Synchronizing at \string\everyhbox}% \newtoks\PDFSYNCeveryhb@x \PDFSYNCeveryhb@x\everyhbox \everyhbox{\ifPDFSYNC@unblocked \begingroup \PDFSYNC@unblockedfalse \setbox\z@\hbox\bgroup \@PDFSYNC \setbox\z@\hbox\bgroup\bgroup \aftergroup\PDFSYNC@endhbox\the\PDFSYNCeveryhb@x \PDFSYNC@unblockedtrue \fi}% \let\everyhbox\PDFSYNCeveryhb@x \def\PDFSYNC@endhbox{\ifnum\lastnodetype>\m@ne \egroup \unhbox\z@ \egroup \unhbox\z@ \else \egroup \egroup \fi \endgroup \egroup}% }% % \def\c@nfigPDFSYNCvb@x{\wlog{**** pdfsync.sty: Synchronizing at \string\everyvbox}% \newtoks\PDFSYNCeveryvb@x \PDFSYNCeveryvb@x\everyvbox \everyvbox{\ifPDFSYNC@unblocked \begingroup \PDFSYNC@unblockedfalse \setbox\z@\vbox\bgroup \@PDFSYNC \setbox\z@\vtop\bgroup\bgroup \aftergroup\PDFSYNC@endvbox\the\PDFSYNCeveryvb@x \PDFSYNC@unblockedtrue \fi}% \let\everyvbox\PDFSYNCeveryvb@x \def\PDFSYNC@endvbox{\ifnum\lastnodetype>\m@ne \egroup \edef\next{\egroup\hrule\@height\the\ht\z@\@depth-\the\ht\z@\relax}% \unvbox\z@ \next \unvbox\z@ \else \egroup \egroup \fi \endgroup \egroup}% }% % \def\c@nfigPDFSYNC@cr{\wlog{**** pdfsync.sty: Synchronizing at \string\everycr}% \newtoks\PDFSYNCevery@cr \PDFSYNCevery@cr\everycr \everycr{\the\PDFSYNCevery@cr\@PDFSYNC}% \let\everycr\PDFSYNCevery@cr }% % Configure pdsync \def\c@nfigPDFSYNC{\wlog{Configuring pdfsync}% \newwrite\PDFSYNC@ut% \immediate\openout\PDFSYNC@ut\jobname.pdfsync% \immediate\write\PDFSYNC@ut{\jobname}% control info \immediate\write\PDFSYNC@ut{version 1}% control info % patching \shipout \let\PDFSYNCship@ut@ld\shipout% \gdef\PDFSYNCship@utn@w{% \afterassignment\PDFSYNC@utput% \setbox\@cclv= % }% \def\PDFSYNC@utput{% \relax% \ifvoid\@cclv\relax% \aftergroup\PDFSYNC@@utput% \else% \PDFSYNC@@utput% \fi% }% \gdef\PDFSYNC@@utput{% \global\advance\PDFSYNCf@li@ by 1% \immediate\write\PDFSYNC@ut{s\space\the\PDFSYNCf@li@}% \PDFSYNCship@ut@ld\box\@cclv% }% % % patching LaTeX \InputIfFileExists for \include and \input \let\PDFSYNCInputIfFileExists@ff\InputIfFileExists% \long\def\PDFSYNCInputIfFileExists@n##1##2##3{% \immediate\write\PDFSYNC@ut{(##1}% \PDFSYNCInputIfFileExists@ff{##1}{##2}{##3}% \immediate\write\PDFSYNC@ut{)}}% % \def\PDFSYNCP@siti@n{\the\pdflastxpos\space\the\pdflastypos}% % \newif\ifPDFSYNCst@r% \newif\ifPDFSYNCvb@x% \newcount\PDFSYNCf@li@\PDFSYNCf@li@=0% \newcount\PDFSYNC@rder\PDFSYNC@rder=0% \newif\ifPDFSYNC@unblocked \PDFSYNC@unblockedtrue % defining \@@PDFSYNC: the macro that writes to the .pdfsync file \def\@@PDFSYNC{% \relax% \immediate\write\PDFSYNC@ut{l\space\the\PDFSYNC@rder\space\the\inputlineno}% \pdfsavepos% \edef\next{\write\PDFSYNC@ut{p\ifPDFSYNCst@r*\else\ifPDFSYNCvb@x+\fi\fi\space\the\PDFSYNC@rder\space\noexpand\PDFSYNCP@siti@n}}% \next% \global\advance\PDFSYNC@rder by 1% \relax% }% % \def\@pdfsync{\bgroup\PDFSYNCst@rtrue\@PDFSYNC\egroup}% % \def\pdfsyncstart{% \let\shipout\PDFSYNCship@utn@w% \let\pdfsync\@pdfsync% \let\@PDFSYNC\@@PDFSYNC% \let\InputIfFileExists\PDFSYNCInputIfFileExists@n% }% \def\pdfsyncstop{% \let\shipout\PDFSYNCship@ut@ld% \let\pdfsync\relax% \let\@PDFSYNC\relax% \let\InputIfFileExists\PDFSYNCInputIfFileExists@ff% }% % \c@nfigPDFSYNCp@r% \let\c@nfigPDFSYNCp@r\undefined% \c@nfigPDFSYNCm@th% \let\c@nfigPDFSYNCm@th\undefined% %\c@nfigPDFSYNCdispl@y% This does not work with amsmath \let\c@nfigPDFSYNCdispl@y\undefined% \c@nfigPDFSYNChb@x% \let\c@nfigPDFSYNChb@x\undefined% \c@nfigPDFSYNCvb@x% \let\c@nfigPDFSYNCvb@x\undefined% %\c@nfigPDFSYNC@cr% This does not work "Missing \cr inserted" in maketitle \let\c@nfigPDFSYNC@cr\undefined% % the problem of the soul package \ifx\SOUL@\undefined\relax\else% \message{! pdfsync is patching the soul package} \let\PDFSYNC@SOUL@\SOUL@ \def\SOUL@##1{% \bgroup\pdfsyncstop\PDFSYNC@SOUL@{##1}\egroup }% \fi% \pdfsyncstart% \wlog{**** pdfsync.sty: started}% }% % \AtBeginDocument{% \c@nfigPDFSYNC% \let\c@nfigPDFSYNC\undefined% }% % end of the core code % Declaring the option 'nopar' to disable this feature \DeclareOption{nopar}{\let\c@nfigPDFSYNCp@r\relax}% % Declaring the option 'nomath' to disable this feature \DeclareOption{nomath}{\let\c@nfigPDFSYNCm@th\relax}% % Declaring the option 'nodisplay' to disable this feature \DeclareOption{nodisplay}{\let\c@nfigPDFSYNCdispl@y\relax}% % Declaring the option 'nohbox' to disable this feature \DeclareOption{nohbox}{\let\c@nfigPDFSYNChb@x\relax}% % Declaring the option 'novbox' to disable this feature \DeclareOption{novbox}{\let\c@nfigPDFSYNCvb@x\relax}% % Declaring the option 'nocr' to disable this feature \DeclareOption{nocr}{\let\c@nfigPDFSYNC@cr\relax}% % Declaring the option 'off', all the macros are set to \relax \DeclareOption{off}{\let\c@nfigPDFSYNC\c@nfigPDFSYNC@ff}% % Beamer problem \ifx\beamer@version\undefined\relax\else\let\c@nfigPDFSYNCvb@x\relax\fi \ProcessOptions% \endinput%