%% %% This is file `papermas.sty', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% papermas.dtx (with options: `package') %% %% This is a generated file. %% %% IMPORTANT NOTICE: %% The package takes options. %% %% The usual disclaimers apply: %% If it doesn't work right that's your problem. %% (Nevertheless, send an e-mail to the maintainer %% when you find an error in this package.) %% %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either %% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later %% version. This version of this license is in %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/lppl-1-3c.txt %% and the latest version of this license is in %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of %% LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. %% %% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". %% %% The Current Maintainer of this work is H.-Martin Muench %% (Martin dot Muench at Uni-Bonn dot de). %% %% This work consists of the main source file papermas.dtx %% and the derived files %% papermas.sty, papermas.pdf, papermas.ins, papermas.drv, %% papermas-example.tex. %% \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1994/06/01] \ProvidesPackage{papermas}[2010/06/03 v1.0b Computes paper mass of a printout (HMM)]% %% Allows to compute the number of sheets of paper %% needed to print a document as well as the %% mass of that printed version of the document, %% usefull e. g. when sending it by mail to determine the postage. %% Warning/Disclaimer: Mass of (printer's) ink has to be added %% (and that of envelope, address sticker, stamps,...)! %% So, this is only an estimation without guarantee - %% do not sue me, if you have got to pay excess postage! %% Further this package allows to compute %% "base to the power of exponent" inside TeX. \RequirePackage{kvoptions}[2010/02/22]% v3.7 \RequirePackage{pagesLTS}[2010/06/03]% v1.1b %% papermas may work with earlier versions of those packages, %% but this was not tested. Please consider updating your packages %% to the most recent version (if they are not already the most %% recent version). \SetupKeyvalOptions{family = papermas,prefix = papermas@} \DeclareStringOption[4]{format}[4]% paper foormat, ISO A..., % default: (ISO A) 4 \DeclareStringOption[80]{masss}[80]% specific mass of the paper, % default: 80 (g/(m^2)) \DeclareStringOption[2]{pagespersheet}[2]% number of pages per sheet, % for duplex printing this is 2. \ProcessKeyvalOptions* %% Code from tcilatex.tex, Macros for Scientific Word and Scientific WorkPlace 5.5 <06 Oct 2005> %% %% Copyright (C) 2005 Mackichan Software, Inc. %% %% That macro file is NOT proprietary and may be freely copied and distributed. %% %% \def was changed to \gdef %% \gdef\unit#1{\mathord{\thinspace\rm #1}}% %% End of code from tcilatex.tex %% \ifx\papermasstotal\undefined \gdef\papermasstotal{\textbf{??}}% \fi \ifx\papermasstotal\undefined \gdef\papermasstotal{\textbf{??}}% \fi \ifx\papermasformat\undefined \gdef\papermasformat{\textbf{??}}% \fi \ifx\papermasmasss\undefined \gdef\papermasmasss{\textbf{??}}% \fi \ifx\papermaspagespersheet\undefined \gdef\papermaspagespersheet{\textbf{??}}% \fi \ifx\papermassheets\undefined \gdef\papermassheets{\textbf{??}}% \fi \newcounter{papermas@rerun} \newcounter{papermas@base} \newcounter{papermas@exp} \newcounter{papermas@result} \newcounter{papermas@ini} \setcounter{papermas@ini}{1} \newcommand\papermas@powerof[2]{% \setcounter{papermas@base}{#1} \setcounter{papermas@exp}{#2} \ifnum \value{papermas@ini}=1 \setcounter{papermas@result}{\value{papermas@base}} \setcounter{papermas@ini}{0} \ifnum \value{papermas@exp}=0% \setcounter{papermas@result}{1} \else \addtocounter{papermas@exp}{-1} \fi \fi \ifnum \value{papermas@exp}=0% \setcounter{papermas@ini}{1} \else \multiply \value{papermas@result} \value{papermas@base} \addtocounter{papermas@exp}{-1} \papermas@powerof{#1}{\value{papermas@exp}} \fi% } \newcommand\papermas@totmass{% \newcounter{papermasA}% paper mass for ISO A... \setcounter{papermasA}{\papermas@format}% e. g. 4 \ifnum \value{papermasA}<0% \PackageError{papermas}{Option format has no valid value}% {The format option of the papermas package\MessageBreak% only takes whole, non-negative numbers (0, 1, 2, 3,...),\MessageBreak% because this should be the paper format\MessageBreak% ISO A 0, 1, 2, 3,...\MessageBreak% Found instead: \papermas@format \MessageBreak% } \else% \newcounter{papermasmasss}% always 0 \setcounter{papermasmasss}{\papermas@masss}% default: 80 \multiply \value{papermasmasss} 100 % default: 8000 \ifnum \value{papermasmasss}<1% \PackageError{pagesLTS}{Option masss has no valid value}% {The masss option of the papermas package\MessageBreak% only takes positive numbers,\MessageBreak% because this should be the mass per square meter\MessageBreak% of a single sheet of your paper.\MessageBreak% Found instead: \papermas@masss \MessageBreak% } \else \newcounter{papermasPPS}% is 0 \setcounter{papermasPPS}{\papermas@pagespersheet}% default 2 \ifnum \value{papermasPPS} < 1% \PackageError{papermas}{% The number of pages per sheet must be positive.}{% You cannot print less than one TeX page per sheet of paper.\MessageBreak% The value found was \papermas@pagespersheet .\ \MessageBreak% } \else \newcounter{papermas@sheets} \setcounter{papermas@sheets}{\arabic{pagesLTS.pagenr}}% \divide \value{papermas@sheets} by \value{papermasPPS}% \newcounter{papermas@tmpn} \setcounter{papermas@tmpn}{\arabic{papermas@sheets}}% \multiply \value{papermas@tmpn} \value{papermasPPS}% \ifnum \value{papermas@tmpn}=\value{pagesLTS.pagenr} \relax \else \addtocounter{papermas@sheets}{1}% \fi \multiply \value{papermasmasss} \value{papermas@sheets} % default: 8000 \papermas@powerof{2}{\value{papermasA}} \divide \value{papermasmasss} by \value{papermas@result} % default: 16000 / 2^(\value{papermasA}) % for the example 297 is used \newcounter{papermas@tmpm} \setcounter{papermas@tmpm}{\arabic{papermasmasss}}% m:297 n: o: p: q: \setcounter{papermas@tmpn}{\arabic{papermasmasss}}% m:291 n:291 o: p: q: \divide \value{papermas@tmpn} by 100% m:297 n:2 o: p: q: \newcounter{papermas@tmpo} \setcounter{papermas@tmpo}{\arabic{papermas@tmpn}}% m:291 n:2 o:2 p: q: \multiply \value{papermas@tmpn} 10% m:297 n:20 o:2 p: q: \divide \value{papermas@tmpm} by 10% m:29 n:20 o:2 p: q: \newcounter{papermas@tmpp} \setcounter{papermas@tmpp}{\arabic{papermas@tmpm}} \addtocounter{papermas@tmpp}{-\arabic{papermas@tmpn}}%m:29 n:20 o:2 p:9 q: % 29 - 20 = 9 \multiply \value{papermas@tmpm} 10% m:290 n:20 o:2 p:9 q: \newcounter{papermas@tmpq} \setcounter{papermas@tmpq}{\arabic{papermasmasss}} \addtocounter{papermas@tmpq}{-\arabic{papermas@tmpm}}%m:290 n:20 o:2 p:9 q:7 % 297 - 290 = 7 \ifnum\value{papermas@tmpq}>4 \addtocounter{papermas@tmpp}{1}% m:290 n:20 o:2 p:10 q:7 \ifnum\value{papermas@tmpp}>9% m:290 n:20 o:2 p:10 q:7 \addtocounter{papermas@tmpo}{1}% m:290 n:20 o:3 p:10 q:7 \setcounter{papermas@tmpp}{0}% m:290 n:20 o:3 p:0 q:7 \fi \fi \edef\papermastmpr{\arabic{papermas@tmpo}.\arabic{papermas@tmpp}}% \edef\papermastmpformat{\papermas@format}% \edef\papermastmpmasss{\papermas@masss}% \edef\papermastmppagespersheet{\papermas@pagespersheet}% \edef\papermastmpt{\arabic{papermas@sheets}}% \pagesLTS@ifcounter{papermassttl} \ifnum\value{papermassttl}=\value{papermasmasss} \relax \else \PackageWarningNoLine{papermas}{% Number of pages may have changed.\MessageBreak% Rerun to get it right.\MessageBreak% }% \fi \setcounter{papermassttl}{\arabic{papermasmasss}} \edef\papermastmps{\arabic{papermasmasss}}% \if@filesw% \immediate\write\@auxout{\string \pagesLTS@ifcounter{papermassttl}}% \immediate\write\@auxout{\string \setcounter{papermassttl}{\papermastmps}}% \immediate\write\@auxout{\string \gdef\string\papermasstotal{\papermastmpr}}% \immediate\write\@auxout{\string \gdef\string\papermasformat{\papermastmpformat}}% \immediate\write\@auxout{\string \gdef\string\papermasmasss{\papermastmpmasss}}% \immediate\write\@auxout{\string \gdef\string\papermaspagespersheet{\papermastmppagespersheet}}% \immediate\write\@auxout{\string \gdef\string\papermassheets{\papermastmpt}}% \fi% \fi% \fi% \fi% } \AtBeginDocument{% \def\papermas@undefined{\textbf{??}} \setcounter{papermas@rerun}{0} \ifx\papermasstotal\papermas@undefined \addtocounter{papermas@rerun}{000001} \fi \ifx\papermasstotal\papermas@undefined \addtocounter{papermas@rerun}{000010} \fi \ifx\papermasformat\papermas@undefined \addtocounter{papermas@rerun}{000100} \fi \ifx\papermasmasss\papermas@undefined \addtocounter{papermas@rerun}{001000} \fi \ifx\papermaspagespersheet\papermas@undefined \addtocounter{papermas@rerun}{010000} \fi \ifx\papermassheets\papermas@undefined \addtocounter{papermas@rerun}{100000} \fi } \AfterLastShipout{% \papermas@totmass% }% \AtVeryEndDocument{% \ifnum\value{papermas@rerun}>0 \PackageWarningNoLine{papermas}{!\MessageBreak% Variable(s) still undefined.\MessageBreak% (Error code \arabic{papermas@rerun}.)\MessageBreak% Rerun to get the variable(s) right.\MessageBreak% }% \else \message{papermas: ***************************************************} \message{papermas: * This document consists of \arabic{pagesLTS.pagenr} pages. *} \message{papermas: * When printing \papermaspagespersheet\space pages on one sheet of paper, *} \message{papermas: * \papermassheets\space sheets will be needed. *} \message{papermas: * For ISO A \papermasformat\space paper of \papermasmasss\space g/m^2 specific mass, *} \message{papermas: * the printout will have a mass of about \papermasstotal\space g. *} \message{papermas: ***************************************************} \PackageInfo{papermas}{***************************************************\MessageBreak% * This document consists of \arabic{pagesLTS.pagenr} pages. *\MessageBreak% * When printing \papermaspagespersheet\space pages on one sheet of paper, *\MessageBreak% * \papermassheets\space sheets will be needed. *\MessageBreak% * For ISO A \papermasformat\space paper of \papermasmasss\space g/m^2 specific mass, *\MessageBreak% * the printout will have a mass of about \papermasstotal\space g. *\MessageBreak% ***************************************************\MessageBreak% }% \fi% } \endinput %% %% End of file `papermas.sty'.