\ProvidesPackage {numberedblock} [2007/03/16 v1.01] % % by Steven B. Segletes, for the public domain. % % numberedblock provides several routines % intended to print out a block of code with a unique, % sequentially indexed label. The code block is printed to the left, % with the block label printed centered vertically on the code block, % horizontally right-justified. Each line of code is not numbered... % rather, the block of code gets a single label. % % There are three parameters with which the user may freely alter: % 1) maxblocklabelsize is a length set aside for the code-block labels. % If it is too small, the label will run off the right margin; too large % and it limits the width of the code block itself. However, by setting % this parameter to a negative value, it will force the label to be % offset into the right margin, which may be a desirable feature. % 2) blockindent is a length defining the left-side indent to be used % for the code block to be printed. % 3) blocklabel is the command that actually formats the block label to % the desired appearance. Currently, italicized numbers are used within % non-italicized square brackets to comprise the block label. % % There is a command-line version called numblock, which cannot % handle verbatim input. And there is an environment called numVblock % which handles cases invloving verbatim input % % An example of how to use numberedblock is given below. The % double-backslash is used for linebreaks in the code. Tildes need to % be used for hard spaces under two conditions: when the code contains % multiple sequential spaces; and if a space follows a period (which % would otherwise invoke end-of-sentence spacing considerations). In % addition, special LaTeX characters need to be quoted in the % appropriate manner of LaTeX. % % \numblock{Line 1 of code\\Line 2 of code\\Line 3...} % % In contrast, the numVblock environment is a verbatim environment: % % \begin{numVblock}{ % program test % implicit none % integer a, x % a = 0 % x = 1 % 10 a = a + x % if (a .eq. 100) stop % goto 10 % end % \end{numVblock} % % The font used for the code block itself is the ttfamily (typewriter) % of fixed-width characters. The counter named blocknum is used to % index the code block sequence. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \@ifundefined{verbatim@processline}{\RequirePackage{verbatim}}{} \usepackage{verbatimbox} \newsavebox{\@savedverbbox} \newlength\maxblocklabelsize \newlength\blockindent \setlength\maxblocklabelsize{-0.4in} \setlength\blockindent{0.2in} \newcommand\blocklabel[1]{[\textit{\arabic{#1}}]} \newcounter{blocknum} \setcounter{blocknum}{0} \newlength\codeblockwidth \newlength\parindentsave %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def\numVblock{% \sbox\@savedverbbox{\usebox{\savedverbbox}} \verbbox } \def\endnumVblock{ \endverbbox \numblock{\theverbbox[t]} \global\sbox{\savedverbbox}{\usebox{\@savedverbbox}} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newcommand\numblock[1]{ \setlength\codeblockwidth{\textwidth} \addtolength\codeblockwidth{-\maxblocklabelsize} \addtolength\codeblockwidth{-\blockindent} \setlength\parindentsave{\parindent} \parindent 0in \addtocounter{blocknum}{1} \vspace{\abovecaptionskip} \begin{tabular}{@{\hspace{\blockindent}} l @{} r @{}} {\tt \begin{tabular*}{\codeblockwidth}{@{} l @{}} #1 \end{tabular*}% } & \makebox[\maxblocklabelsize]{\hfill\blocklabel{blocknum}}\\ \end{tabular} \vspace{\belowcaptionskip} \setlength{\parindent}{\parindentsave} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \endinput