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They carry a consecutive numerical identification regardless of their classification or the originating directorate. \item \textbf{Directorate reports, a semiformal series,} contain information of a preliminary, temporary, or proprietary nature or of limited interest or significance. They carry an alpha numeric identification issued by the originating directorate. \item \textbf{Technical memoranda, an informal series,} contain technical documentation of limited use and interest. They are primarily working papers intended for internal use. They carry an identifying number which indicates their type and the numerical code of the originating directorate. Any distribution outside CARDEROCKDIV must be approved by the head of the originating directorate on a case-by-case basis. \end{enumerate} } \vspace{1ex} \end{minipage}} \newpage \global\let\MakeCarderockDivPage\relax} % end of \MakeCarderockDivPage \endinput %% %% End of file `navydocs.sty'.