\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1994/12/01] %% \newcommand* etc. 
\ProvidesPackage{blog}[2011/02/10 v0.41 simple fast HTML (UL)] 
%% copyright (C) 2010 2011 Uwe Lueck, 
%% http://www.contact-ednotes.sty.de.vu 
%% -- author-maintained in the sense of LPPL below.
%% This file can be redistributed and/or modified under 
%% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License; either 
%% version 1.3c of the License, or any later version.
%% The latest version of this license is in
%%     http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
%% We did our best to help you, but there is NO WARRANTY. 
%% Please report bugs, problems, and suggestions via 
%%   http://www.contact-ednotes.sty.de.vu 
%% == Processing ==
%% We are building on the 'fifinddo' package:
%% |\BlogCopyFile[<changes>]{<src-file>}|
%% ``copies" the \TeX\ source file <src-file> 
%% into the file specified by `\ResultFile'. 
%% As in \TeX\ an empty line starts a new paragraph, 
%% we ``interpret" an empty source line as 
%% HTML tag \xmltagcode{p} for starting a new paragraph. 
%% Empty source lines following some first empty source 
%% line immediately are ignored 
%% (``compression" of empty lines).---However, 
%% I am not entirely sure that this won't have 
%% unwanted effects, so it must be required 
%% explicitly by |\BlogAutoPars|, or by calling the
%% package with option |[autopars]|.
%% In the latter case, it can be turned off by 
%% |\noBlogAutoPars|
\MakeOther\< \MakeOther\>               %% TODO ...
    \ProcessFileWith[\BlogCodes #1]{#2}{%
%% For a while, line endings swallowed inter-word spaces, 
%% until I found the setting of `\endlinechar' 
%% ('fifinddo''s default is `-1') 
%% in |\BlogCodes|:
\newcommand*{\BlogCodes}{%                              %% 2010/09/07
    \endlinechar`\ \catcode`\~\active \BasicNormalCatCodes}
%% The tilde is active as in Plain~TeX too, it is so natural to 
%% use it for abbreviating HTML's `&nbsp;'!
%% == General HTML Matters ==
%% The following stuff is required for any web page 
%% (or hardly evitable).
%% === General Tagging ===
%% $$|\TagSurr{<el-name>}{<attr>}{<content>}|$$ 
%% (I hoped this way code would be more readable 
%%  than with `\TagSurround' ...)
%% and $$|\SimpleTagSurr{<el-name>}{<content>}|$$
%% are used to avoid repeating element names <el-name> in 
%% definitions of \TeX\ macros that refer to ``entire" 
%% elements---as opposed to elements whose content often
%% spans lines (as readable HTML code). 
%% We will handle the latter kind of elements 
%% using \LaTeX's idea of ``environments."
%% `\TagSurr' also inserts specifications of element
%% \textbf{attributes}, 
%% [TODO: 'wiki.sty' syntax would be so nice here]
%% while `\SimpleTagSurr' is for elements used without 
%% specifying attributes. |\STS| is an abbreviation for 
%% `\SimpleTagSurr' that is useful as the `\SimpleTagSurr'
%% function occurs so frequently: 
\newcommand*{\STS}{} \let\STS\SimpleTagSurr %% 2010/05/23
\newcommand*{\TagSurr}[3]{<#1 #2>#3</#1>}
%% === Attributes === 
%% Inspired by the common way to use `@' for referring 
%% to element attributes---i.e., `@<attr>' refers to attribute
%% `<attr>'---in HTML/XML documentation, we often use 
%% $$`\@<attr>{<value>}' \qquad 
%%   \mbox{to ``abbreviate"}\qquad  `<attr>="<value>"'$$ 
%% within the starting tag of an HTML element.
%% This does not really 
%% make typing easier or improve readability, 
%% it rather saves \TeX's memory by using a single token 
%% for referring to an attribute.
%% This ``abbreviation" is declared by 
%% |\declareHTMLattrib{<attr>}|, even with a check 
%% whether `\@<attr>' has been defined before: 
%                {\@namedef{@#1}##1{ #1="##1"}}%
%% So after `\declareHTMLattrib{<attr>}', `\@<attr>' is a 
%% \TeX\ macro expecting one parameter for the specification. 
%% A few frequent attributes are declared this way here. 
%% |@href| is most important for that ``hyper-text:"
%% ... and |@name| (among other uses) is needed for 
%% hyper-text anchors: 
\declareHTMLattrib{name}                    %% 2010/11/06
% \expandafter\show\csname @href\endcsname
%% |@bgcolor| and other attributes following are especially used 
%% in formatting \textbf{tables}:
%% Of course, conflicts may occur, as the form 
%% `\@<ASCII-chars>' of macro names is used for internal 
%% (La)\TeX\ macros. 
%% Indeed, `\@width' that we want to have for the |@width|
%% attribute already ``abbreviates" 
%% \TeX's ``keyword" (\TeX book p.~61) %% 2010/11/27
%% `width' in \LaTeX\ 
%% (for specifying the width of a `\hrule' or `\vrule' from \TeX; 
%%  again just saving \TeX\ tokens rather than for readibility).
\PackageWarning{blog}{Redefining \protect\@width}
%% Same with |@height|:
\PackageWarning{blog}{Redefining \protect\@height}
\declareHTMLattrib{height}              %% 2010/07/24
%% We can enumerate the specifications allowed for 
%% |@align| ... actually it isn't used/introduced here ... 
%% we just abbreviate (indeed!) entire attribute specifications: 
\newcommand*{\@align@c}{align="center"} %% 2010/08/03
\newcommand*{\@align@l}{align="left"}   %% 2010/07/17
%% Some other uses of `\declareHTMLattrib' essential for 
%% tables:
\declareHTMLattrib{cellpadding}         %% 2010/07/18
\declareHTMLattrib{cellspacing}         %% 2010/07/18
\declareHTMLattrib{colspan}             %% 2010/07/17
\declareHTMLattrib{frame}               %% 2010/07/24
%% \textbf{Another problem} with this namespace idea is that 
%% \emph{either} this reference to attributes cannot be used in 
%% ``author" source files for generating HTML---\emph{or} `@' 
%% cannot be used for ``private" (internal) macros. 
%% Cf. |\ContentAtt| for \xmltagcode{meta} tags ...
%% well, not so bad, as the main purpose of this namespace 
%% is saving tokens \emph{in macros.}
%% === HTML's Special Symbols ===
%% |#| is needed for numerical specifications in HTML, 
%% especially colors and Unicode symbols,
%% while it plays a different (essential) role in our 
%% definitions of \TeX\ macros here. 
%% We redefine \LaTeX's |\#| 
%% for a kind of ``quoting" `#' in macro definitions 
%% in order to refer to their HTML meaning.---I \textbf{wonder} 
%% what I had in mind with the |&| things here. 
%% I cannot find any use of |\AmpMark| in my code 
%% (including my web pages). There is no real problem 
%% with calling special HTML symbols, `&' is simply 
%% made `other' already here for macros calling those symbols 
%% (below), and in processing source files, it is as well 
%% `other' by default. The symbols section, however, redefines |\&| 
%% for calling HTML's ampersand symbol. 
{\catcode`\&=12   \catcode`\#=12 
 \gdef\AmpMark{&} \gdef\#{#}}
%% ... `\CompWordMark' etc.?
%% === Head ===
%% |\head| produces the first two tags that an HTML file must start 
%% with (we sometimes use `^^J' for line breaks in the HTML file 
%%       to get some readibility of the generated code): 
\newcommand*{\head}{<html><head>}   %% ^^J rm 2010/10/10
%% |\MetaTag{<inside>}| and |\ContentAtt{<value>}| 
%% are internal shortcuts:
\newcommand*{\MetaTag}[1]{\space\space<meta #1>}
%% |\charset{<code-page>}|
  \MetaTag{http-equiv="Content-Type" \ContentAtt{text/html; #1}}}
%% |\description{<text>}| for web searches (I think):
  \MetaTag{\@name{description} \ContentAtt{#1}}}
%% ... an outright \textbf{mistake!} The definition is overridden 
%% to get the HTML equivalent to \LaTeX's `description' environment. 
%% `\newcommand' did not warn here because we don't load any \LaTeX\ 
%% class for text-processing macros and code generation.---And so 
%% some |\MetaDescr| should be defined---and used finally!
%% |\robots{<instructions>}|: 
\newcommand*{\robots}[1]{%% juergenf: index, follow, noarchive
  \MetaTag{\@name{robots} \ContentAtt{#1}}}
%% |\stylesheet{<media>}{<css>}| !?
  \space\space                      %% 2010/09/10
  <link rel="stylesheet" media="#1" type="text/css" \@href{#2.css}>}
%% With |\title{<text>}|, <text> heads %% grammar? TODO 2010/04/08
%% the browser window: 
%% === Body === 
%% |\body| separates the `head' element from the `body' element 
%% of the page.
%% |\topofpage| generates an anchor `top-of-page':
%% |\finish| finishes the page, closing the `body' and `html'
%% elements.
%% == Fonts ==
%% |\heading{<level>}{<text>}| prints <text> with size dependent 
%% on <level>. The latter may be one out of `1', `2', `3', `4'
%% (I think).
%% ... I might use `\section' etc. one day, I made `\heading'
%% when I could not control the sizes of the section titles 
%% properly and decided first to experiment with the level numbers.
%% We ``re-use" some \LaTeX\ commands for specifying font attributes, 
%% rather than (re)defining macros `\i', `\b', `\tt', ...
%% $$|\textit{<text>}| \qquad 
%%   \mbox{just expands to}\qquad 
%%   \xmltagcode{i}<text>\xmltagcode{/i}$$
\renewcommand*{\textit}{\SimpleTagSurr i}
%% etc. for |\textbf|, |\texttt| ...:
\renewcommand*{\textbf}{\SimpleTagSurr b}
\renewcommand*{\texttt}{\SimpleTagSurr{tt}}     %% 2010/06/07
%% |\textcolor| is from \LaTeX's 'color' package 
%% that we won't load for generating HTML, 
%% so it is ``new" here, it is just natural to use it 
%% for colored text (2010/05/15):
%% |\code{<text>}| is different than the former font commands, 
%% it is \emph{not} a standard \LaTeX\ macro. 
%% It is similar to `\verb', which however doesn't work with 
%% a pair of curly braces. The macro name rather is derived 
%% from the HTML element name `code':
\newcommand*{\code}    {\SimpleTagSurr{code}}   %% 2010/04/27
%% |\emph{<text>}| is \LaTeX's command again, but somewhat abused, 
%% expanding to \lq\xmltagcode{em}<text>\xmltagcode{/em}\rq:
\renewcommand*{\emph}  {\SimpleTagSurr{em}}
%% ... Note that \LaTeX's `\emph' feature of switching to `up' 
%% when `\emph' appears in an italic context doesn't work here ...
%% |\strong{<text>}| again just calls an HTML element. 
%% It may behave like `\textbf{<text>}', or ... I don't know ...
\newcommand*{\strong}  {\SimpleTagSurr{strong}}
%% == Environments ==
%% We reduce \LaTeX's |\begin| and |\end| to their most primitive 
%% core.
%% \begin{description}
%% \cmdboxitem|\begin{<command>}| just executes the macro `\<command>', 
%% and 
%% \cmdboxitem|\end{<command>}| just executes the macro `\end<command>'.
%% \end{description}
%% They don't constitute a group with local settings. 
%% Indeed, the present (2010/11/07) version of 'blog.sty'
%% does not allow any assignments while ``copying" 
%% the \TeX\ source into the `.htm'.
%% There even is no check for proper nesting.
%% `\begin' and `\end' just represent HTML elements 
%% (their starting/ending tags)
%% that typically have ``long" content. 
%% (We might ``intercept" `\begin' and `\end' before 
%%  copying for executing some assignments in a future version.)
\def\end#1{\csname end#1\endcsname}
%% |{center}|---TODO cf. \xmltagcode{center} 2010/07/18:
\renewenvironment*{center}{<p align="center">}{</p>}
%% ... moving |{english}| to `xmlprint.cfg' 
%% 2010/05/22 ...%% doc 2010/11/06
%% As formerly with ``fonts," we have \emph{two} policies for 
%% \textbf{choosing macro names}: 
%% (i)~using an \emph{existing} HTML element name, 
%% (ii)~using a \LaTeX\ command name for accessing a somewhat 
%% similar HTML element having a \emph{different} name. 
%% |\declareHTMLelement{<el-name>}| creates a \emph{new} 
%% <el-name> ``environment" according to policy~(i):
%% |\renderHTMLelement{<ltx-env>}{<el-name>}| \emph{redefines} 
%% \LaTeX's <ltx-env> environment to use HTML's <el-name> element 
%% according to policy~(ii):
%% Applying former auxiliaries:
%% `\small' is a \LaTeX\ command from a \emph{class}---that 
%% we won't load, therefore we can create a \emph{new} 
%% |{small}| environment using \xmltagcode{small} according to 
%% policy~(i):
%% The next definitions for |{enumerate}|, |{itemize}|, 
%% `{verbatim}' follow policy~(ii):
\renderHTMLelement{itemize}  {ul}
%% %% 2010/11/16:
%% With 'blog.sty', |{verbatim}| really doesn't work much 
%% like its original \LaTeX\ variant. \TeX\ macros inside 
%% still are expanded, and you must care yourself for 
%% wanted \dqtd{quoting}:
\renderHTMLelement{verbatim} {pre}      %% 2010/09/10
%% |{quote}| is defined in \LaTeX\ classes only again. 
%% To use it for policy~(ii), we give it a dummy definition 
%% so `\render'... won't complain:
\renderHTMLelement{quote}    {blockquote}
%% For list |\item|s, I tried to get readable HTML code
%% using `\indenti'. This fails with nested lists. 
%% The indent could be increased for nested lists 
%% if we supported assignments with `\begin' and `\end'.
%% <- 2010/05/23, 2010/06/10 ->
% \renewcommand*{\item}{<li>}
%% \LaTeX's |{description}| environment redefines the 
%% label format for the optional argument of `\item'.
%% Again, \emph{we} cannot do this here 
%% (we even cannot use optional arguments, 
%%  at least not easily). 
%% Instead we define a different |\ditem{<term>}| 
%% having a \emph{mandatory} argument.
%% %% 2010/07/05:
%% == Links ==
%% === Basic Link Macros ===
%% |\hanc{<id>}{<text>}| makes <text> an anchor with 
%% HTML label <id> (like 'hyperref''s `\hypertarget'): 
\newcommand*{\hanc}[1]{\TagSurr a{\@name{#1}}}
%% |\hancref{<id>}{<url>}{<text>}| makes <text> an anchor with 
%% HTML label <id> and at the same time a link to <url>: 
\newcommand*{\hancref}[2]{\TagSurr a{\@name{#1} \@href{#2}}}
%% |\href{<id>}{<text>}| makes <text> a link to <url>: 
\newcommand*{\href}[1]{\TagSurr a{\@href{#1}}}
%% === Special cases of Basic Link Macros ===
%% |\autanc{<text>}| creates an anchor where <text> is 
%% the text and the internal label at the same time:
\newcommand*{\autanc}[1]{\hanc{#1}{#1}}             %% 2010/07/04
%% |\ancref{<id>}{<text>}| makes <text> a link to 
%% an anchor <id> on the same web page.
%% This is especially useful for a ``table of contents"---a 
%% list of links to sections of the page. 
%% |\autref{<text>}| makes <text> a link to an anchor 
%% named <text> itself: 
\newcommand*{\autref}[1]{\ancref{#1}{#1}}           %% 2010/07/04
%% === Italic Variants ===
%% Some of the link macros get ``emphasized" or ``italic" 
%% variants. Originally I used ``emphasized," later I decided 
%% to replace it by ``italic," as I found that I had used 
%% italics for another reason than emphasizing. 
%% E.g., <text> may be \qtd{bug,} and I am not referring to 
%% some bug, but to the Wikipedia article \textit{Bug.}
%% This has been inspired by some Wikipedia typography convention 
%% about referring to titles of books or movies. 
%% (The `em'\,->\,`it' replacement has not been completed yet.)
% \newcommand*{\emhref}[2]{\href{#1}{\emph{#2}}}
\newcommand*{\itancref}[2]{\ancref{#1}{\textit{#2}}}%% 2010/05/30
%% === Built Macros for Links to Local Files ===
%% Originally, I wanted to refer to my web pages only, 
%% using $$|\fileref{<filename-base>}|.$$ I have used 
%% extension `.htm' to avoid disturbing my Atari 
%% editor 'xEDIT' or the the Atari emulator (Hatari). 
%% I could switch to `.html' some time using symbolic links. 
%% The extension I actually use is stored as macro 
%% |\htext| in a more local file (e.g., `.cfg').---Later 
%% I realized that I may want to refer to local files 
%% other than web pages, and therefore I introduced a more
%% general |\FileRef{<filename>}|. 
%% \textbf{Only now (v0.2) I realize} 
%% it's just the same as |\href|!
\newcommand*{\FileRef}[1]{\TagSurr a{\@href{#1}}}
%% <- 2010/09/11 ->
% \newcommand*{\emfileref}[2]{\fileref{#1}{\emph{#2}}}
%% |\fileancref{<file>}{<anchor>}| links to 
%% anchor <anchor> on web page <file>:
  \TagSurr a{\@href{#1\htext\##2}}}
% \newcommand*{\emfileancref}[3]{\fileancref{#1}{#2}{\emph{#3}}}
%% <- 2010/05/31 ->
%% === Built Macros for Links to Remote Files ===
%% 'blog.sty' currently (even 2011/01/24) implements my style 
%% \emph{not} to open a new browser window or tab for \emph{local} 
%% files but to open a new one for \emph{remote} files, i.e., 
%% when a file is addressed by a full URL. For the latter case, 
%% there is \[|\httpref{<host-path[#frag]>}{<text>}|\] making <text> 
%% a link to `http://<host-path[#frag]>': 
% \newcommand*{\httpref}[1]{\href{http://#1}}
\newcommand*{\httpref}[1]{%                     %% 2010/04/11
  \TagSurr a{\@href{http://#1" target="_blank}}}
%% With v0.4, macros based on `\httpref' are moved to 'texlinks.sty': 
%% Former |\urlref| appears as |\urlhttpref| there ...
\newcommand \urlref {}      \let\urlref\urlhttpref
%% ... and |\ctanref| has been replaced by `\tugctanref'.
%% Let's go on playing with the difference ...
%% %% 2011/02/07:
%% 'texlinks' sometimes uses a ``permanent alias" 
%% |\NormalHTTPref| of `\httpref':
\@ifdefinable \NormalHTTPref {\let\NormalHTTPref\httpref}
%% == Symbols ==
%% |&| is made `other' for using it to call HTML's ``character 
%% entities". 
%% Again we have the two policies about choosing macro names
%% and respectively two new definition commands. 
%% |\declareHTMLsymbol{<name>}| defines a macro `\<name>'
%% expanding to `&<name>;'. Checking for prior definedness 
%% hasn't been implemented yet. (TODO) 
%% |\renderHTMLsymbol{<macro>}{<name>}| \emph{redefines} 
%% macro <macro> to expand to `&<name>;':
\newcommand*{\renderHTMLsymbol} [2]{\renewcommand*{#1}{&#2;}}
%% These auxilaries applied: |\ccedil| (TODO re-order) ...
\declareHTMLsymbol{ccedil}              %% 2010/08/17
%% Arrows: |\gets|, |\to|, |\uparrow|, |\downarrow| ...
\renderHTMLsymbol {\gets}     {larr}
\renderHTMLsymbol {\to}       {rarr}
\renderHTMLsymbol {\uparrow}  {uarr}    %% 2010/09/15
\renderHTMLsymbol {\downarrow}{darr}    %% 2010/09/15
%% \verb+>+ and \verb+<+: |\gt|, |\lt| ...
\declareHTMLsymbol{gt}                  %% greater than 2010/06/13
\declareHTMLsymbol{lt}                  %% less than    2010/06/13
%% Redefinitions of |\&| and |\%| 
%% (well, `\PercentChar' is 'fifinddo's version of 
%%  \LaTeX's `\@percentchar'):
\renderHTMLsymbol {\&}    {amp}
\let\%\PercentChar                      %% 2010/07/01
%% Horizontal ellipsis: |\dots| ...
\renderHTMLsymbol {\dots} {hellip}
%% The tilde |~| is used for its wonderful purpose, 
%% by analogy to \TeX:
\renderHTMLsymbol {~}     {nbsp} 
%% But now we need a replacement |\tilde| for URLs involving 
%% home directories of institution members: 
{\@makeother\~ \gdef\tilde{~}} 
%% The ligatures `--' and `---' for en~dash and em~dash 
%% don't work in our expanding mode. Now, HTML's policy 
%% for choosing names often prefers shorter names than 
%% are recommended for (La)\TeX, so here I adopt a \emph{third}
%% police besides (i) and (ii) earlier; cf. \LaTeX's
%% `\textemdash' and `\textendash'.---`\newcommand' 
%% does not accept macros whose names start with `end', so:
%% |\endash|, |\emdash| ...
\def         \endash  {&ndash;}         %% \end... illegal
\newcommand*{\emdash} {&mdash;}
%% ``Math" spaces |\enspace|, |\quad|, |\qquad|:
\renderHTMLsymbol{\enspace} {ensp}
\renderHTMLsymbol{\quad}    {emsp} 
\renewcommand*   {\qquad}   {\quad\quad} 
%% Quotes: |\lq|, |\rq| ... (TODO own subsection)
\renderHTMLsymbol{\lq}    {lsquo}
% \newcommand*   {\rsquo} {&rsquo;} %% removed 2010/04/26
\renderHTMLsymbol{\rq}    {rsquo}
%% In order to use the right single quote for the HTML apostrophe, 
%% we must save other uses before. 
%% |\screentqtd{<text>}| is used for screen messages, 
%% and |\urlapostr| is the version of the right single quote 
%% for URLs (TODO which? Wikipedia?): 
\newcommand*{\urlapostr}  {'}       %% 2010/09/10
%% Here finally is the change of |'|:
%% ... TODO \verb+\MakeActiveLet\'\rq+! 
%% And this might better be in `\BlogCodes'! would 
%% save `\screenqtd'! Tilde likwise!?
%% ... TODO change `\catcode`\`'!? 2010/04/26
%% |\ldquo|, |\rdquo|, |\sbquo|, |\prime|, |\Prime| ...
\declareHTMLsymbol{sbquo}           %% 2010/07/01 
% \newcommand*{\Prime}{&Prime;}
%% |\endqtd{<text>}| quotes in the English style using double quote 
%% marks, |\enqtd{<text>}| uses single quote marks instead, and 
%% |\dedqtd{<text>}| quotes in German style:
\def\endqtd#1{\ldquo#1\rdquo}       %% \newcommand: "\end"
\newcommand*\enqtd[1]{\lq#1\rq}     %% 2010/09/08, \new... 2010/11/08
%% ... TODO `\bdquo'!?              %% 2010/11/08
%% Some more letters: |\eacute|, |\ocirc| (``r\^ole"),
%% |\Omega| ...
\renderHTMLsymbol{\Omega}   {Omega}     %% 2010/08/24
%% |\uml{<char>}| yields the umlaut for <char> 
%% (useful in macro definitions):       %% 2010/11/13
\newcommand*     {\uml}[1]  {&#1uml;}   %% 2010/08/24
%% |\copyright|:
\renderHTMLsymbol{\copyright}{copy}     %% 2010/08/24
%% Curly braces |\{| and |\}|:          %% 2010/09/10
    \Delimiters\[\] \gdef\{[{] \gdef\}[}]
%% %% Problem: line-wise approach requires that all macro arguments 
%% %% are in the same line. Otherwise the lines must be enclosed 
%% %% in curly braces. Or split single arguments. %% 2010/04/11
%%  % <- rm 2010/11/08 
%% \pagebreak[3]
%% == \TeX-related ==               %% 2010/08/24
%% Somebody actually using 'blog.sty' must have a need to put down 
%% notes about \TeX\ for her own private purposes at least---I expect.
%% === Logos ===
%% ``Program" names might be typeset in a special font, 
%% I once thought, and started tagging program names with 
%% |\prg|. It could be `\texttt' or `\textsf' like in 
%% documentations of \LaTeX\ packages. However, 
%% sans-serif is of doubtable usefulness on web pages, 
%% and typewriter imitations usually look terrible on 
%% web pages. So I am waiting for a better idea and 
%% let `\prg' just remove the braces. 
\newcommand*{\prg}[1]{} \let\prg\@firstofone 
\newcommand*{\BibTeX}{\prg{BibTeX}} %% 2010/09/13
\newcommand*{\allTeX}{\prg{(La)TeX}}%% 2010/10/05
\newcommand*{\XeTeX}{\prg{XeTeX}}   %% 2010/10/09
\newcommand*{\TeXbook}{TeXbook}     %% 2010/09/13
%% === Else ===
%% With v0.4, \TeX-related \emph{links} are moved to 'texlinks.sty'.
%% |\texcs{\<tex-cmd-name>}| or `\texcs\<tex-cmd-name>'
%% (care for spacing yourself):
\newcommand*{\texcs}[1]{\code{\string#1}}   %% 2010/11/13
%% == Tables ==
%% These macros have proved somewhat bad. It may be better to 
%% re-implement tables support alltogether. 
%% There are three levels of indenting:
%% $$|\indenti|, \quad 
%%   |\indentii|,\quad \mbox{and}\quad 
%%   |\indentiii|.$$ 
%% The intention for these was to get readable HTML code. Not sure ...
{\catcode`\ =12%% 2010/05/19
\gdef\indenti{  }\gdef\indentii{    }\gdef\indentiii{      }}
%% 2010/07/17:
\newcommand*{\startTable}[1]{<table #1>}
%% 2010/07/18:
\newcommand*{\startTd}[1]{<td #1>}
  {\startTable{\@cellpadding{#1} \@width{#2} 
               \@frame@box rules="all"}^^J%
%% I first thought it would be good for readability if 
%% some HTML comments explain nesting or briefly describe 
%% the content of some column, row, or cell. 
%% But this is troublesome when you want to comment out 
%% an entire table ...
\newenvironment*{TableRow}[2]{%% weniger ^^J 2010/05/18
%   \indenti\ \comment{ #1 }^^J%
%% <- 2010/05/23 ->
%   \ \comment{ #1 }^^J%
%% <- 2010/07/18 ->
  \indenti \comment{ #1 }^^J%
  \indentii<tr #2>%
%% "top" 2010/05/18:
% \newcommand*{\TableCell}[2]{\indentiii<td #1>#2</td>}
% \newcommand*{\TableCell}[2]{\indentiii\TagSurr{td}{#1}{#2}}
  %% <- 2010/07/18 ->
%% 2010/06/15:
\newcommand*{\tablecell}        {\TableCell{}}
\newcommand*{\tableCell}        {\TableCell\@align@c}
%% Idea: use closing star for environment variants!?
% %% 2010/05/19:
%                {\ifx\\#1\\%             %% 2010/05/30
%                   \indentii\ \comment{#1}^^J%
%                 \fi
%                 \indentiii<td>}
%                {\indentii</td>}         %% !? 2010/05/23
%% Generalization 2010/06/28:
% \newcommand*{\FillRow}[2]{%             %% broke line 2011/01/24
%                   \indentiii\TagSurr{td}{\@colspan{#1} #2}{}} 
  %% <- 2010/07/18 ->
\newcommand*{\FillRow}[2]{\indentiii\startTd{\@colspan{#1} #2}\endTd}
%% 2010/06/05:
    {\ifx\\#1\\\indentii\ \comment{#1}^^J\fi
    {\indentii\endTd}           %% TODO indent? 2010/07/18
%% == Misc ==
%% |\comment{<comment>}| produces a one-line HTML comment. 
%% By contrast, there is an environment 
%% |{commentlines}{<comment>}|
%% for mult-line comments. It is convenient for ``commenting out" 
%% code (unless the latter contains other HTML comments ...)
%% where <comment> is a \emph{comment} for explaining what is 
%% commented out.                                   %% 2010/11/14
% \newcommand{\commentlines}[1]{\comment{^^J#1^^J}} %% 2010/05/07
%   %% <- TODO bzw. \endlinechar=`\^^J 2010/05/09 back 2010/05/10
\newenvironment{commentlines}[1]                    %% 2010/05/17
%% \TeX's |\hrule| (rather deprecated in \LaTeX) is redefined 
%% to produce an HTML horizontal line:
%% Redefining |\ | to be the same as `\space' may be helpful 
%% for manual indenting or spacing of HTML code. 
%% Or better (just now remembering): I used it for making 
%% ``ASCII trees" with the \xmltagcode{pre} element 
%% (redefined `verbatim').
\let\ \space
%% I couldn't find a perfect way to generate \xmltagcode{p}. 
%% Actually I started completing the present documentation 
%% when I had decided to implement automatic generation 
%% of \xmltagcode{p} from empty lines. 
% \def\par{<p>} %% + empty lines !? 2010/04/26
%% <- difficult with `\stop'; 2010/09/10:
%% |\endgraf| produces \xmltagcode{/p}!?
%% 2010/04/28:
%% \xmltagcode{br} can be generated either by |\newline|
%% or by |\\|: 
%% |\rightpar{<text>}| places <text> flush right. 
%% I have used this for \qtd{Last revised \dots} and for placing 
%% navigation marks. 
\newcommand*{\rightpar}{\TagSurr p\@align@r}  %% 2010/06/17
%% For references, there were 
% \catcode`\^=\active
% \def^#1{\SimpleTagSurr{sup}{#1}}
%% and 
% \newcommand*{\src}[1]{\SimpleTagSurr{sup}{[#1]}}
%% as of 2010/05/01, inspired by the \xmltagcode{ref} element 
%% of MediaWiki; moved to `xmlprint.tex' 2010/06/02. 
%% == The End ==
v0.1    2010/08/20  final version for DFG
v0.2    2010/11/08  final documentation version before
                    moving some functionality to 'fifinddo' 
v0.3    2010/11/10  removed ^^J from \head
        2010/11/11  moving stuff to fifinddo.sty; \BlogCopyFile
        2010/11/12  date updated; broke too long code lines etc.;
                    \CatCode replaced (implemented in niceverb only); 
                    \ifBlogAutoPars etc. 
        2010/11/13  doc: \uml useful in ...; \texcs
        2010/11/14  doc: argument for {commentlines}, 
                         referring to environments with curly braces, 
                         more on \ditem
        2010/11/15  TODO: usage, templates
        2010/11/16  note on {verbatim}
        2010/11/23  doc. corr. on \CtanPkgRef
        2010/11/27  "keyword"; \CopyLine without `fd'
        2010/12/03  \emhttpref -> \ithttpref
        2010/12/23  `%' added to \texhaxpref
        2011/01/23  more in \Provides...
        2011/01/24  updated copyright; resolving `td' ("today")
        JUST STORED as final version before texlinks.sty
v0.4    2011/01/24  moving links to texlinks.sty
v0.41   2011/02/07  \NormalHTTPref
        2011/02/10  refined call of `texlinks'