%% %% This is file `mt-msb.cfg', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% microtype.dtx (with options: `config,cfg-u,msb') %% %% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% %% The `microtype' package %% Subliminal refinements towards typographical perfection %% Copyright (c) 2004--2020 R Schlicht %% %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the %% LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this license or (at %% your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in: %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt, and version 1.3c or later is part %% of all distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. %% %% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `author-maintained'. %% %% This work consists of the files microtype.dtx and microtype.ins and the %% derived files microtype.sty, microtype-pdftex.def, microtype-luatex.def, %% microtype-xetex.def, microtype.lua and letterspace.sty. %% %% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% This is a font-specific configuration file for the `microtype' package. %% It may contain settings for font expansion and character protrusion, %% tracking, interword spacing and additional kerning, as well as %% character inheritance declarations. %% Please consult the documentation for details. %% %% If you think you have found improvements to these settings, please %% let me know. %% %% When modifying this file, also change the identification line below. %% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% \ProvidesFile {mt-msb.cfg}[2005/06/01 v1.0 microtype config. file: AMS symbols (b) (RS)] %%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% PROTRUSION \SetProtrusion [ name = AMS-b ] { encoding = U, family = msb } { A = { 50, 50}, % \mathbb C = { 50, 50}, G = { , 50}, L = { , 50}, P = { , 50}, R = { , 50}, T = { , 50}, V = { 50, 50}, X = { 50, 50}, Y = { 50, 50}, "00 = { 50, 50}, % \lvertneqq "01 = { 50, 50}, % \gvertneqq "02 = { 50, 50}, % \nleq "03 = { 50, 50}, % \ngeq "04 = {100, 50}, % \nless "05 = { 50,150}, % \ngtr "06 = {100, 50}, % \nprec "07 = { 50,150}, % \nsucc "08 = { 50, 50}, % \lneqq "09 = { 50, 50}, % \gneqq "0A = {100,100}, % \nleqslant "0B = {100,100}, % \ngeqslant "0C = {100, 50}, % \lneq "0D = { 50,100}, % \gneq "0E = {100, 50}, % \npreceq "0F = { 50,100}, % \nsucceq "10 = { 50, }, % \precnsim "11 = { 50, 50}, % \succnsim "12 = { 50, 50}, % \lnsim "13 = { 50, 50}, % \gnsim "14 = { 50, 50}, % \nleqq "15 = { 50, 50}, % \ngeqq "16 = { 50, 50}, % \precneqq "17 = { 50, 50}, % \succneqq "18 = { 50, 50}, % \precnapprox "19 = { 50, 50}, % \succnapprox "1A = { 50, 50}, % \lnapprox "1B = { 50, 50}, % \gnapprox "1C = {150,200}, % \nsim "1D = { 50, 50}, % \ncong "1E = {100,150}, % \diagup "1F = {100,150}, % \diagdown "20 = {100, 50}, % \varsubsetneq "21 = { 50,100}, % \varsupsetneq "22 = {100, 50}, % \nsubseteqq "23 = { 50,100}, % \nsupseteqq "24 = {100, 50}, % \subsetneqq "25 = { 50,100}, % \supsetneqq "26 = {100, 50}, % \varsubsetneqq "27 = { 50,100}, % \varsupsetneqq "28 = {100, 50}, % \subsetneq "29 = { 50,100}, % \supsetneq "2A = {100, 50}, % \nsubseteq "2B = { 50,100}, % \nsupseteq "2C = { 50,100}, % \nparallel "2D = {100,150}, % \nmid "2E = {150,150}, % \nshortmid "2F = {100,100}, % \nshortparallel "30 = { ,150}, % \nvdash "31 = { ,150}, % \nVdash "32 = { ,100}, % \nvDash "33 = { ,100}, % \nVDash "34 = { ,100}, % \ntrianglerighteq "35 = {100, }, % \ntrianglelefteq "36 = {100, }, % \ntriangleleft "37 = { ,100}, % \ntriangleright "38 = {100,200}, % \nleftarrow "39 = {100,200}, % \nrightarrow "3A = {100,100}, % \nLeftarrow "3B = { 50,100}, % \nRightarrow "3C = {100,100}, % \nLeftrightarrow "3D = {100,200}, % \nleftrightarrow "3E = { 50, 50}, % \divideontimes "3F = { 50, 50}, % \varnothing "60 = {200, }, % \Finv "61 = { , 50}, % \Game "68 = {100,100}, % \eqsim "69 = { 50, }, % \beth "6A = { 50, }, % \gimel "6B = {150, }, % \daleth "6C = {200, }, % \lessdot "6D = { ,200}, % \gtrdot "6E = {100,200}, % \ltimes "6F = {150,100}, % \rtimes "70 = { 50,100}, % \shortmid "71 = { 50, 50}, % \shortparallel "72 = {200,300}, % \smallsetminus "73 = {100,200}, % \thicksim "74 = { 50,100}, % \thickapprox "75 = { 50, 50}, % \approxeq "76 = { 50,100}, % \succapprox "77 = { 50, 50}, % \precapprox "78 = {100,100}, % \curvearrowleft "79 = { 50,150}, % \curvearrowright "7A = { 50,200}, % \digamma "7B = {100, 50}, % \varkappa "7F = {200, } % \backepsilon } \endinput %% %% End of file `mt-msb.cfg'.