%% %% This is file `mt-cmr.cfg', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% microtype.dtx (with options: `config,cfg-t,cmr') %% %% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% %% The `microtype' package %% Subliminal refinements towards typographical perfection %% Copyright (c) 2004--2019 R Schlicht %% %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the %% LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this license or (at %% your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in: %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt, and version 1.3c or later is part %% of all distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. %% %% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `author-maintained'. %% %% This work consists of the files microtype.dtx and microtype.ins and the %% derived files microtype.sty, microtype-pdftex.def, microtype-luatex.def, %% microtype-xetex.def, microtype.lua and letterspace.sty. %% %% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% This is a font-specific configuration file for the `microtype' package. %% It may contain settings for font expansion and character protrusion, %% tracking, interword spacing and additional kerning, as well as %% character inheritance declarations. %% Please consult the documentation for details. %% %% If you think you have found improvements to these settings, please %% let me know. %% %% When modifying this file, also change the identification line below. %% ------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% \ProvidesFile {mt-cmr.cfg}[2013/05/19 v2.2 microtype config. file: Computer Modern Roman (RS)] %%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% PROTRUSION \SetProtrusion [ name = cmr-default ] { } { A = {50,50}, F = { ,50}, J = {50, }, K = { ,50}, L = { ,50}, T = {50,50}, V = {50,50}, W = {50,50}, X = {50,50}, Y = {50,50}, k = { ,50}, r = { ,50}, t = { ,70}, v = {50,50}, w = {50,50}, x = {50,50}, y = {50,70}, 0 = { ,50}, 1 = {100,200}, 2 = {50,50}, 3 = {50,50}, 4 = {70,70}, 5 = { ,50}, 6 = { ,50}, 7 = {50,100}, 8 = { ,50}, 9 = { ,50}, . = { ,700}, {,}= { ,500}, : = { ,500}, ; = { ,500}, ! = { ,100}, ? = { ,200}, @ = {50,50}, ~ = {200,250}, \% = {50,50}, * = {300,300}, + = {250,250}, ( = {300, }, ) = { ,300}, / = {200,300}, - = {400,500}, \textendash = {400,300}, \textemdash = {300,200}, \textquoteleft = {500,700}, \textquoteright = {500,600}, \textquotedblleft = {500,300}, \textquotedblright = {200,600} } \SetProtrusion [ name = cmr-OT1, load = cmr-default ] { encoding = {OT1,OT4}, family = cmr } { \AE = {50, }, "00 = { ,150}, % \Gamma "01 = {100,100}, % \Delta "02 = { 50, 50}, % \Theta "03 = {100,100}, % \Lambda "06 = { 50, 50}, % \Sigma "07 = {100,100}, % \Upsilon "08 = { 50, 50}, % \Phi "09 = { 50, 50} % \Psi } \SetProtrusion [ name = cmr-T1, load = cmr-default ] { encoding = {T1,LY1}, family = cmr } { \AE = {50, }, _ = {200,200}, \textbackslash = {200,300}, \textquotedbl = {300,300}, \textquotedblleft = {200,600}, \quotesinglbase = {400,400}, \quotedblbase = {400,400}, \guilsinglleft = {400,400}, \guilsinglright = {300,500}, \guillemotleft = {300,200}, \guillemotright = {100,400}, \textexclamdown = {100, }, \textquestiondown = {100, }, \textbraceleft = {400,200}, \textbraceright = {200,400}, \textless = {200,100}, \textgreater = {100,200} } \SetProtrusion [ name = lmr-T1, load = cmr-T1 ] { encoding = {T1,LY1}, family = lmr } { \textquotedblleft = {300,400}, \textquotedblright = {300,400} } \SetProtrusion [ name = cmr-T2A, load = cmr-default ] { encoding = T2A, family = cmr } { \CYRA = {50,50}, \CYRG = { ,50}, \CYRK = { ,50}, \CYRT = {50,50}, \CYRH = {50,50}, \CYRU = {50,50}, \cyrk = { ,50}, \cyrg = { ,50}, \cyrh = {50,50}, \cyru = {50,70}, _ = {200,200}, \textbackslash = {200,300}, \quotedblbase = {400,400}, \textquotedbl = {300,300}, \textquotedblleft = {200,600}, \guillemotleft = {300,200}, \guillemotright = {100,400}, \textbraceleft = {400,200}, \textbraceright = {200,400}, \textless = {200,100}, \textgreater = {100,200} } \SetProtrusion [ name = cmr-T5, load = cmr-default ] { encoding = T5, family = cmr } { \textbackslash = {200,300}, \textquotedblleft = {200,600}, \textquotedbl = {300,300}, \quotesinglbase = {400,400}, \quotedblbase = {400,400}, \guilsinglleft = {400,400}, \guilsinglright = {300,500}, \guillemotleft = {300,200}, \guillemotright = {100,400}, \textbraceleft = {400,200}, \textbraceright = {200,400}, \textless = {200,100}, \textgreater = {100,200} } \SetProtrusion [ name = cmr-it ] { } { A = {100,100}, B = {83,-40}, C = {165,-75}, D = {75, -28}, E = {80,-55}, F = {85,-80}, G = {153,-15}, H = {73,-60}, I = {140,-120}, J = {135,-80}, K = {70,-30}, L = {87, 40}, M = {67,-45}, N = {75,-55}, O = {150,-30}, P = {82,-50}, Q = {150,-30}, R = {75, 15}, S = {90,-65}, $ = {100,-20}, T = {220,-85}, U = {230,-55}, V = {260,-60}, W = {185,-55}, X = {70,-30}, Y = {250,-60}, Z = {90,-60}, a = {150,-10}, b = {170, }, c = {173,-10}, d = {150,-55}, e = {180, }, f = { ,-250}, g = {150,-10}, h = {100, }, i = {210, }, j = { ,-40}, k = {110,-50}, l = {240,-110}, m = {80, }, n = {115, }, o = {155, }, q = {170,-40}, r = {155,-40}, s = {130, }, t = {230,-10}, u = {120, }, v = {140,-25}, w = {98,-20}, x = {65,-40}, y = {130,-20}, z = {110,-80}, 0 = {170,-85}, 1 = {230,110}, 2 = {130,-70}, 3 = {140,-70}, 4 = {130,80}, 5 = {160, }, 6 = {175,-30}, 7 = {250,-150}, 8 = {130,-40}, 9 = {155,-80}, . = { ,500}, {,}= { ,450}, : = { ,300}, ; = { ,300}, & = {130,30}, \% = {180,50}, * = {380,20}, + = {180,200}, @ = {180,10}, ~ = {200,150}, ( = {300, }, ) = { ,70}, / = {100,100}, - = {500,300}, \textendash = {500,300}, \textemdash = {400,170}, \textquoteleft = {800,200}, \textquoteright = {800,-20}, \textquotedblleft = {540,100}, \textquotedblright = {500,100} } \SetProtrusion [ name = cmr-it-OT1, load = cmr-it ] { encoding = {OT1,OT4}, family = cmr, shape = it } { \AE = {100, }, \OE = {100, }, "00 = {200,150}, % \Gamma "01 = {150,100}, % \Delta "02 = {150, 50}, % \Theta "03 = {150, 50}, % \Lambda "04 = {100,100}, % \Xi "05 = {100,100}, % \Pi "06 = {100, 50}, % \Sigma "07 = {200,150}, % \Upsilon "08 = {150, 50}, % \Phi "09 = {150,100}, % \Psi "0A = { 50, 50} % \Omega } \SetProtrusion [ name = cmr-it-T1, load = cmr-it ] { encoding = {T1,LY1}, family = cmr, shape = it } { _ = {100,200}, \AE = {100, }, \OE = {100, }, 156 = {100, }, % IJ \textbackslash = {300,300}, \textquotedblleft = {500,300}, \quotesinglbase = {300,700}, \quotedblbase = {200,600}, \guilsinglleft = {500,300}, \guilsinglright = {400,400}, \guillemotleft = {400,100}, \guillemotright = {200,300}, \textexclamdown = {200, }, \textquestiondown = {200, }, \textbraceleft = {400,100}, \textbraceright = {200,200}, \textless = {300,100}, \textgreater = {200,100} } \SetProtrusion [ name = cmr-it-T2A, load = cmr-it ] { encoding = T2A, family = cmr, shape = it } { \CYRA = {100,50}, \CYRB = {50, }, \CYRV = {50, }, \CYRG = {100, }, \CYRD = {50, }, \CYRE = {50, }, \CYRZH = {50, }, \CYRZ = {50, }, \CYRI = {50, }, \CYRISHRT = {50, }, \CYRK = {50, }, \CYRL = {50, }, \CYRM = {50, }, \CYRN = {50, }, \CYRO = {100, }, \CYRP = {50, }, \CYRR = {50, }, \CYRS = {100, }, \CYRT = {100, }, \CYRU = {100, }, \CYRF = {100, }, \CYRH = {50, }, \CYRC = {50, }, \CYRCH = {100, }, \CYRSH = {50, }, \CYRSHCH = {50, }, \CYRHRDSN = {100, }, \CYRERY = {50, }, \CYRSFTSN = {50, }, \CYREREV = {50, }, \CYRYU = {50, }, \CYRYA = {50, }, _ = {100,200}, \textbackslash = {300,300}, \quotedblbase = {200,600}, \guillemotleft = {400,100}, \guillemotright = {200,300}, \textbraceleft = {400,100}, \textbraceright = {200,200}, \textquotedblleft = {500,300}, \textless = {300,100}, \textgreater = {200,100} } \SetProtrusion [ name = cmr-it-T5, load = cmr-it ] { encoding = T5, family = cmr, shape = it } { _ = {100,200}, \textbackslash = {300,300}, \quotesinglbase = {300,700}, \quotedblbase = {200,600}, \guilsinglleft = {500,300}, \guilsinglright = {400,400}, \guillemotleft = {400,100}, \guillemotright = {200,300}, \textbraceleft = {400,100}, \textbraceright = {200,200}, \textless = {300,100}, \textgreater = {200,100} } \SetProtrusion [ name = cmr-sl, load = cmr-it-OT1 ] { encoding = {OT1,OT4}, family = cmr, shape = sl } { L = { ,50}, f = { ,-50}, - = {300, }, \textendash = {400, }, \textemdash = {300, } } \SetProtrusion [ name = cmr-sl-T1, load = cmr-it-T1 ] { encoding = {T1,LY1}, family = cmr, shape = sl } { L = { ,50}, f = { ,-50}, - = {300, }, \textendash = {400, }, \textemdash = {300, } } \SetProtrusion [ name = cmr-sl-T2A, load = cmr-it-T2A ] { encoding = T2A, family = cmr, shape = sl } { L = { ,50}, f = { ,-50}, - = {300, }, \textendash = {400, }, \textemdash = {300, } } \SetProtrusion [ name = cmr-sl-T5, load = cmr-it-T5 ] { encoding = T5, family = cmr, shape = sl } { L = { ,50}, f = { ,-50}, - = {300, }, \textendash = {400, }, \textemdash = {300, } } \SetProtrusion [ name = lmr-it-T1, load = cmr-it-T1 ] { encoding = {T1,LY1}, family = lmr, shape = {it,sl} } { \textquotedblleft = { ,200}, \textquotedblright = { ,200}, \quotesinglbase = { ,400}, \quotedblbase = { ,500} } \SetProtrusion [ name = cmr(oldstyle)-it, load = cmr-it-T1 ] { encoding = T1, family = {hfor,cmor}, shape = {it,sl} } { 1 = {250, 50}, 2 = {150,-100}, 3 = {100,-50}, 4 = {150,150}, 6 = {200, }, 7 = {200, 50}, 8 = {150,-50}, 9 = {100, 50} } \SetProtrusion [ name = cmr-sc-OT1, load = cmr-OT1 ] { encoding = {OT1,OT4}, family = cmr, shape = sc } { a = {50,50}, \ae = {50, }, f = { ,50}, j = {50, }, l = { ,50}, 013 = { ,50}, % fl r = { , 0}, t = {50,50}, y = {50,50} } \SetProtrusion [ name = cmr-sc-T1, load = cmr-T1 ] { encoding = {T1,LY1}, family = cmr, shape = sc } { a = {50,50}, \ae = {50, }, f = { ,50}, j = {50, }, l = { ,50}, 029 = { ,50}, % fl r = { , 0}, t = {50,50}, y = {50,50} } \SetProtrusion [ name = cmr-sc-T2A, load = cmr-T2A ] { encoding = T2A, family = cmr, shape = sc } { \cyra = {50,50}, \cyrg = { ,50}, \cyrt = {50,50}, \cyry = { ,50} } \SetProtrusion [ name = cmr-sc-T5, load = cmr-T5 ] { encoding = T5, family = cmr, shape = sc } { a = {50,50}, f = { ,50}, j = {50, }, l = { ,50}, r = { , 0}, t = {50,50}, y = {50,50} } \SetProtrusion [ name = cmr-textcomp ] { encoding = TS1, family = cmr } { \textquotestraightbase = {300,300}, \textquotestraightdblbase = {300,300}, \texttwelveudash = {200,200}, \textthreequartersemdash = {150,150}, \textquotesingle = {300,400}, \textasteriskcentered = {200,300}, \textoneoldstyle = {100,100}, \textthreeoldstyle = { , 50}, \textfouroldstyle = { 50, 50}, \textsevenoldstyle = { 50, 80}, \textlangle = {400, }, \textrangle = { ,400}, \textminus = {300,300}, \texttildelow = {200,250}, \textdagger = {100,100}, \textdaggerdbl = { 80, 80}, \textbullet = { ,100}, \textcelsius = { 50, }, \textcolonmonetary = { , 50}, \texttrademark = {200,200}, \textcopyright = {100,100}, \textordfeminine = {100,200}, \textlnot = {200, }, \textregistered = {100,100}, \textdegree = {400,400}, \textpm = {150,200}, \texttwosuperior = { 50,100}, \textthreesuperior = { 50,100}, \textperiodcentered = {300,400}, \textonesuperior = {200,200}, \textordmasculine = {100,200}, \texteuro = {100, }, \texttimes = {150,250}, \textdiv = {150,250} } \SetProtrusion [ name = cmr-textcomp-it ] { encoding = TS1, family = cmr, shape = {it,sl} } { \textquotestraightbase = {300,600}, \textquotestraightdblbase = {300,600}, \texttwelveudash = {200,200}, \textthreequartersemdash = {150,150}, \textquotesingle = {600,300}, \textasteriskcentered = {300,200}, \textoneoldstyle = {100, 50}, \textthreeoldstyle = {100, 50}, \textfouroldstyle = { 50, 50}, \textsevenoldstyle = { 50, 80}, \textlangle = {400, }, \textrangle = { ,400}, \textminus = {300,300}, \texttildelow = {200,250}, \textdagger = {100,100}, \textdaggerdbl = { 80, 80}, \textbullet = {200,100}, \textcelsius = {100, }, \textcolonmonetary = {150, }, \texttrademark = {200, }, \textcopyright = {100, }, \textordfeminine = {100,100}, \textlnot = {300, }, \textregistered = {100, }, \textdegree = {500,100}, \textpm = {150,100}, \textonesuperior = {400, }, \texttwosuperior = {400, }, \textthreesuperior = {400, }, \textparagraph = {200, }, \textperiodcentered = {500,500}, \textordmasculine = {100,100}, \texteuro = {200, }, \texttimes = {200,200}, \textdiv = {200,200} } \SetProtrusion [ name = cmr-math-letters ] { encoding = OML, family = cmm, series = {m,b}, shape = it } { A = {100, 50}, % \mathnormal B = { 50, }, C = { 50, }, D = { 50, 50}, E = { 50, }, F = {100, 50}, G = { 50, 50}, H = { 50, 50}, I = { 50, 50}, J = {150, 50}, K = { 50,100}, L = { 50, 50}, M = { 50, }, N = { 50, }, O = { 50, }, P = { 50, }, Q = { 50, 50}, R = { 50, }, S = { 50, }, T = { 50,100}, U = { 50, 50}, V = {100,100}, W = { 50,100}, X = { 50,100}, Y = {100,100}, f = {100,100}, h = { ,100}, i = { , 50}, j = { , 50}, k = { , 50}, r = { , 50}, v = { , 50}, w = { , 50}, x = { , 50}, "0B = { 50,100}, % \alpha "0C = { 50, 50}, % \beta "0D = {200,150}, % \gamma "0E = { 50, 50}, % \delta "0F = { 50, 50}, % \epsilon "10 = { 50,150}, % \zeta "12 = { 50, }, % \theta "13 = { ,100}, % \iota "14 = { ,100}, % \kappa "15 = {100, 50}, % \lambda "16 = { , 50}, % \mu "17 = { , 50}, % \nu "18 = { , 50}, % \xi "19 = { 50,100}, % \pi "1A = { 50, 50}, % \rho "1B = { ,150}, % \sigma "1C = { 50,150}, % \tau "1D = { 50, 50}, % \upsilon "1F = { 50,100}, % \chi "20 = { 50, 50}, % \psi "21 = { , 50}, % \omega "22 = { , 50}, % \varepsilon "23 = { , 50}, % \vartheta "24 = { , 50}, % \varpi "25 = {100, }, % \varrho "26 = {100,100}, % \varsigma "27 = { 50, 50}, % \varphi "28 = {100,100}, % \leftharpoonup "29 = {100,100}, % \leftharpoondown "2A = {100,100}, % \rightharpoonup "2B = {100,100}, % \rightharpoondown "2C = {300,200}, % \lhook "2D = {200,300}, % \rhook "2E = { ,100}, % \triangleright "2F = {100, }, % \triangleleft "3A = { ,500}, % ., \ldotp "3B = { ,500}, % , "3C = {200,100}, % < "3D = {300,400}, % / "3E = {100,200}, % > "3F = {200,200}, % \star "5B = { ,100}, % \flat "5E = {200,200}, % \smile "5F = {200,200}, % \frown "7C = {100, }, % \jmath "7D = { ,100} % \wp } \SetProtrusion [ name = cmr-math-symbols ] { encoding = OMS, family = cmsy, series = {m,b}, shape = n } { A = {150, 50}, % \mathcal C = { ,100}, D = { , 50}, F = { 50,150}, I = { ,100}, J = {100,150}, K = { ,100}, L = {100, }, M = { 50, 50}, N = { 50,100}, P = { , 50}, Q = { 50, }, R = { , 50}, T = { 50,150}, V = { 50, 50}, W = { , 50}, X = {100,100}, Y = {100, }, Z = {100,150}, "00 = {300,300}, % - "01 = { ,700}, % \cdot, \cdotp "02 = {150,250}, % \times "03 = {150,250}, % *, \ast "04 = {200,300}, % \div "05 = {150,250}, % \diamond "06 = {200,200}, % \pm "07 = {200,200}, % \mp "08 = {100,100}, % \oplus "09 = {100,100}, % \ominus "0A = {100,100}, % \otimes "0B = {100,100}, % \oslash "0C = {100,100}, % \odot "0D = {100,100}, % \bigcirc "0E = {100,100}, % \circ "0F = {100,100}, % \bullet "10 = {100,100}, % \asymp "11 = {100,100}, % \equiv "12 = {200,100}, % \subseteq "13 = {100,200}, % \supseteq "14 = {200,100}, % \leq "15 = {100,200}, % \geq "16 = {200,100}, % \preceq "17 = {100,200}, % \succeq "18 = {200,200}, % \sim "19 = {150,150}, % \approx "1A = {200,100}, % \subset "1B = {100,200}, % \supset "1C = {200,100}, % \ll "1D = {100,200}, % \gg "1E = {300,100}, % \prec "1F = {100,300}, % \succ "20 = {100,200}, % \leftarrow "21 = {200,100}, % \rightarrow "22 = {100,100}, % \uparrow "23 = {100,100}, % \downarrow "24 = {100,100}, % \leftrightarrow "25 = {100,100}, % \nearrow "26 = {100,100}, % \searrow "27 = {100,100}, % \simeq "28 = {100,100}, % \Leftarrow "29 = {100,100}, % \Rightarrow "2A = {100,100}, % \Uparrow "2B = {100,100}, % \Downarrow "2C = {100,100}, % \Leftrightarrow "2D = {100,100}, % \nwarrow "2E = {100,100}, % \swarrow "2F = { ,100}, % \propto "30 = { ,400}, % \prime "31 = {100,100}, % \infty "32 = {150,100}, % \in "33 = {100,150}, % \ni "34 = {100,100}, % \triangle, \bigtriangleup "35 = {100,100}, % \bigtriangledown "38 = { ,100}, % \forall "39 = {100, }, % \exists "3A = {200, }, % \neg "3E = {200,200}, % \top "3F = {200,200}, % \bot, \perp "5E = {100,200}, % \wedge "5F = {100,200}, % \vee "60 = { ,300}, % \vdash "61 = {300, }, % \dashv "62 = {100,100}, % \lfloor "63 = {100,100}, % \rfloor "64 = {100,100}, % \lceil "65 = {100,100}, % \rceil "66 = {150, }, % \lbrace "67 = { ,150}, % \rbrace "68 = {400, }, % \langle "69 = { ,400}, % \rangle "6C = {100,100}, % \updownarrow "6D = {100,100}, % \Updownarrow "6E = {100,300}, % \, \backslash, \setminus "72 = {100,100}, % \nabla "79 = {200,200}, % \dagger "7A = {100,100}, % \ddagger "7B = {100, }, % \mathparagraph "7C = {100,100}, % \clubsuit "7D = {100,100}, % \diamondsuit "7E = {100,100}, % \heartsuit "7F = {100,100} % \spadesuit } %%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% INTERWORD SPACING \SetExtraSpacing [ name = T2A, load = default ] { encoding = T2A, family = cmr } { \cyrg = { ,-300,300}, \cyrb = { ,-200,200}, \cyrk = { ,-200,200}, \cyrs = { ,-100,100}, \cyrr = { ,-100,100}, \cyrh = { ,-100,100}, \cyru = { ,-100,100}, \cyrt = { , 50, -50}, \cyrp = { , 50, -50}, \cyri = { , 50, -50}, \cyrishrt = { , 50, -50}, } \SetExtraSpacing [ name = nonfrench-cmr, load = default, context = nonfrench ] { encoding = {OT1,T1,LY1,OT4,QX,T5}, family = cmr } { . = {333,2000,-667}, ? = {333,2000,-667}, ! = {333,2000,-667}, : = {333,1000,-500}, ; = { , 500,-333}, {,}= { , 250,-200} } \endinput %% %% End of file `mt-cmr.cfg'.