%% %% This is file `lwarp.sty', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% lwarp.dtx (with options: `package') %% This is a generated file. %% Copyright 2016-2017 Brian Dunn %% %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 %% of this license or (at your option) any later version. %% The latest version of this license is in %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX %% version 2005/12/01 or later. \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1999/12/01] \ProvidesPackage{lwarp} [2017/05/15 v0.31 Allows LaTeX to directly produce HTML5 output.] \RequirePackage{iftex} \ifLuaTeX \RequirePackage{luatex85}% until the geometry package is updated \fi \RequirePackage{newunicodechar} \newunicodechar{⨯}{\texttimes} \ifPDFTeX \newunicodechar{ff}{ff}% the first arguments are ligatures \newunicodechar{fi}{fi} \newunicodechar{fl}{fl} \newunicodechar{ffi}{ffi} \newunicodechar{ffl}{ffl} \newunicodechar{—}{---} \newunicodechar{–}{--} \RequirePackage{upquote} \else \fi \RequirePackage{etoolbox}[2011/01/03] \RequirePackage{ifplatform}% sense op-system platform \RequirePackage{comment} \excludecomment{testing} \newbool{usingOSWindows} \boolfalse{usingOSWindows} \newcommand*{\OSPathSymbol}{/} \newcommand*{\LWR@setOSWindows} { \booltrue{usingOSWindows} \renewcommand*{\OSPathSymbol}{\@backslashchar} } \ifwindows \LWR@setOSWindows \fi \RequirePackage{kvoptions} \SetupKeyvalOptions{family=LWR,prefix=LWR@} \newbool{warpingprint} \newbool{warpingHTML} \newbool{mathjax} \newcommand{\warpprintonly}[1]{\ifbool{warpingprint}{#1}{}} \newcommand{\warpHTMLonly}[1]{\ifbool{warpingHTML}{#1}{}} \includecomment{warpall} \DeclareVoidOption{warpprint}{% \PackageInfo{lwarp}{Using option 'warpprint'} \includecomment{warpprint}% \excludecomment{warpHTML}% \booltrue{warpingprint}% \boolfalse{warpingHTML}% } \DeclareVoidOption{warpHTML}{% \PackageInfo{lwarp}{Using option 'warpHTML'} \excludecomment{warpprint}% \includecomment{warpHTML}% \booltrue{warpingHTML}% \boolfalse{warpingprint}% } \DeclareVoidOption{mathsvg}{% \PackageInfo{lwarp}{Using option 'mathsvg'} \boolfalse{mathjax}% } \DeclareVoidOption{mathjax}{% \PackageInfo{lwarp}{Using option 'mathjax'} \booltrue{mathjax}% } \DeclareStringOption[\jobname]{BaseJobname} \DeclareStringOption[english]{IndexLanguage} \DeclareStringOption[lwarp.xdy]{xdyFilename} \DeclareVoidOption{lwarpmk}{ \PackageInfo{lwarp}{Using option 'lwarpmk'} \includecomment{LWR@createlwarpmk} } \DeclareVoidOption{OSWindows}{ \PackageInfo{lwarp}{Using option 'OSWindows'} \LWR@setOSWindows } \DeclareStringOption[]{HomeHTMLFilename} \DeclareStringOption[]{HTMLFilename} \DeclareBoolOption[false]{latexmk} \includecomment{warpprint}% \excludecomment{warpHTML}% \booltrue{warpingprint}% \boolfalse{warpingHTML}% \boolfalse{mathjax}% \excludecomment{LWR@createlwarpmk} \ProcessKeyvalOptions*\relax \providecommand*{\BaseJobname}{\LWR@BaseJobname} \ifcsempty{LWR@HomeHTMLFilename}{ \newcommand*{\HomeHTMLFilename}{\BaseJobname} }{ \csedef{HomeHTMLFilename}{\LWR@HomeHTMLFilename} } \csedef{HTMLFilename}{\LWR@HTMLFilename} \newcommand*{\LWR@loadafter}[1]{% \@ifpackageloaded{#1} { \PackageError{lwarp} {Package #1, or one which uses #1, must be loaded after lwarp} {Move \detokenize{\usepackage}{#1} after \detokenize{\usepackage}{lwarp}. 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researched this. */ .minipage p {margin: .75ex 0em .75ex 0em ;} .framebox { margin: 0ex ; padding: 0ex ; border: 1px solid black; border-radius: 0px ; padding: .3ex .2em 0ex .2em ; margin: .1ex ; display: inline-block ; } .mdframed { /* padding: 0ex ; */ /* border: 1px solid blafck; */ /* border-radius: 0px ; */ padding: 0ex ; margin: 3ex 5% 3ex 5% ; /* display: inline-block ; */ } .mdframed p { padding: 0ex .5em 0ex .5em ; } .mdframed dl { padding: 0ex .5em 0ex .5em ; } .mdframedtitle { padding: .5em ; display: block ; font-size: 130% } .mdframedsubtitle { padding: 0ex .5em 0ex .5em ; display: block ; font-size: 115% ; } .mdframedsubsubtitle { padding: 0ex .5em 0ex .5em ; display: block ; } .mdtheorem { padding: 0ex .5em 0ex .5em ; margin: 3ex 5% 3ex 5% ; /* display: inline-block ; */ } /* framed package */ .framed { margin: 3ex 0em 3ex 0em ; border: 1px solid black; border-radius: 0px ; padding: .3ex 1em 0ex 1em ; display: block ; } .snugframed { margin: 3ex 0em 3ex 0em ; border: 1px 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padding: 0 } div.floatrow { text-align: center; } div.floatrow figure { display: inline-block ; margin: 1ex 2% ; } div.floatfoot { font-size: .85em ; border-top: 1px solid silver ; line-height: 1.2 ; } figcaption , .lstlistingtitle { font-size: .85em ; text-align: center ; font-weight: bold ; margin-top: 1ex ; margin-bottom: 1ex ; } figure.subfigure figcaption, figure.subtable figcaption { border-bottom: none ; background: none ; } div.nonfloatcaption { margin: 1ex auto 1ex auto ; font-size: .85em ; text-align: center ; font-weight: bold ; } /* For a \RawCaption inside a minipage inside a figure's floatrow: */ figure div.floatrow div.minipage figcaption { border: none ; background: none ; } table { margin: 1ex auto 1ex auto ; border-collapse: collapse ; border-spacing: 0px ; line-height: 1.3 ; } tr.hline {border-top: 1px solid silver ; margin-top: 0ex ; margin-bottom: 0ex ; } /* for \hline */ tr.tbrule {border-top: 1px solid black ; margin-top: 0ex ; margin-bottom: 0ex ; } /* for \toprule, \bottomrule */ td {padding: 1ex .5em 1ex .5em ;} table td.tdl { text-align: left ; vertical-align: middle ; } table td.tdc { text-align: center ; vertical-align: middle ; } table td.tdr { text-align: right ; vertical-align: middle ; } table td.tdp { text-align: left ; vertical-align: bottom ; } table td.tdm { text-align: left ; vertical-align: middle ; } table td.tdb { text-align: left ; vertical-align: top ; } table td.tdP { text-align: center ; vertical-align: bottom ; } table td.tdM { text-align: center ; vertical-align: middle ; } table td.tdB { text-align: center ; vertical-align: top ; } table td.tdlrule { text-align: left ; border-top: 1px solid silver ; vertical-align: middle ; } /* for cmidrule */ table td.tdcrule { text-align: center ; border-top: 1px solid silver ; vertical-align: middle ; } table td.tdrrule { text-align: right ; border-top: 1px solid silver ; vertical-align: middle ; } table td.tdprule { text-align: left ; border-top: 1px solid silver ; 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padding: 0ex .5em 0ex .5em ; } td.tdb , td.tdbrule , td.tdB , td.tdBrule { padding: 0ex .5em 0ex .5em ; } /* table notes: */ .tnotes { margin: 0ex 5% 1ex 5% ; padding: 0.5ex 1em 0.5ex 1em; font-size:.85em; text-align: left ; } .tnotes dl dt p {margin-bottom:0px;} .tnoteitemheader {margin-right: 1em;} /* center, flushleft, flushright environments */ div.center{text-align:center;} div.center table {margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;} div.flushleft{text-align:left;} div.flushleft table {margin-left:0em ; margin-right:auto;} div.flushright{text-align:right;} div.flushright table {margin-left:auto ; margin-right: 0em ;} /* program listing callouts: */ span.callout { font-family: "DejaVu Sans", "Bitstream Vera Sans", Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif ; border-radius: .5em; background-color:black; color:white; padding:0px .25em 0px .25em; margin: 0 ; font-weight: bold; font-size:.72em ; } div.programlisting pre.verbatim span.callout{ font-size: .85em ; } div.published { text-align: center ; 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div.amsthmbodyplain, div.theorembodyplain, div.theorembodynonumberplain, div.theorembodybreak, div.theorembodynonumberbreak, div.theorembodymarginbreak, div.theorembodychangebreak, div.theorembodychange, div.theorembodymargin { font-style:italic; margin-top: 3ex ; margin-bottom: 3ex ; } div.theorembodydefinition, div.theorembodyremark, div.theorembodyproof, div.theorembodyplainupright, nonumberplainuprightsc, div.amsthmbodydefinition, div.amsthmbodyremark, div.amsthmproof { font-style: normal ; margin-top: 3ex ; margin-bottom: 3ex ; } span.amsthmnoteremark {} /* For CSS LaTeX and related logos: Based on: http://edward.oconnor.cx/2007/08/tex-poshlet http://nitens.org/taraborelli/texlogo */ .latexlogofont { font-family: "Linux Libertine O", "Nimbus Roman No 9 L", "FreeSerif", "Hoefler Text", Times, "Times New Roman", serif; font-variant: normal ; } .latexlogo { font-family: "Linux Libertine O", "Nimbus Roman No 9 L", "FreeSerif", "Hoefler Text", Times, "Times New Roman", serif; 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TeX: */ .xelatexlogo sub { text-transform: uppercase; vertical-align: -0.5ex; margin-left: -0.0667em; margin-right: -.05em; font-size: 1em; letter-spacing: .03em ; } .amslogo { font-family: "TeXGyreChorus","URW Chancery L", "Apple Chancery","ITC Zapf Chancery","Monotype Corsiva", "Linux Libertine O", "Nimbus Roman No 9 L", "FreeSerif", "Hoefler Text", Times, "Times New Roman", serif; font-style: italic; } .lyxlogo { font-family: "URW Classico", Optima, "Linux Biolinum O", "DejaVu Sans", "Bitstream Vera Sans", Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif ; } /* Only display top and bottom navigation if a small screen: */ /* Hide the sidetoc if a small screen: */ nav.topnavigation { display:none; } nav.botnavigation { display:none; } @media screen and (max-width: 45em) { /* nav.sidetoc {display:none;} */ nav.sidetoc { float: none ; width: 100% ; margin: 5ex 0px 5ex 0px ; padding: 0 ; border-radius: 0 ; border-bottom: 1px solid black ; border-top: 1px solid black ; box-shadow: none ; } /* nav.topnavigation { display:block } */ nav.botnavigation { display:block } .marginpar { max-width: 100%; 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color: black ; text-shadow: none ; } div.abstract { font-size: 100% } .sidebar { background: #fffcf5; background-image: none ; margin: 2em 5% 2em 5%; padding: 0.5em 1em; border: none ; border-top : 1px solid silver; border-bottom : 1px solid silver; font-size: 90% ; } div.sidebartitle{ font-family: "Linux Libertine O", "Hoefler Text", "Garamond", "Bembo", "Janson", "TeX Gyre Pagella", "Palatino", "Liberation Serif", "Nimbus Roman No 9 L", "FreeSerif", Times, "Times New Roman", serif; color: #800000 ; text-shadow: none ; border: none ; } .example { background: #fffcf5; background-image: none ; margin: 2em 5% 2em 5%; padding: 0.5em 1em; border: none ; border-top : 1px solid silver; border-bottom : 1px solid silver; } div.exampletitle{ font-family: "Linux Libertine O", "Hoefler Text", "Garamond", "Bembo", "Janson", "TeX Gyre Pagella", "Palatino", "Liberation Serif", "Nimbus Roman No 9 L", "FreeSerif", Times, "Times New Roman", serif; color: #800000 ; text-shadow: none ; border: none ; } div.fancyvrblabel{ font-family: "Linux Libertine O", "Hoefler Text", "Garamond", "Bembo", "Janson", "TeX Gyre Pagella", "Palatino", "Liberation Serif", "Nimbus Roman No 9 L", "FreeSerif", Times, "Times New Roman", serif; 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end function printusage () print ( [[ lwarpmk print [project]: Compile a print version. lwarpmk printindex [project]: Process the index for the print version. lwarpmk printglossary [project]: Process the glossary for the print version. lwarpmk html [project]: Compile an HTML version. lwarpmk htmlindex [project]: Process the index for the html version. lwarpmk htmlglossary [project]: Process the glossary for the html version. lwarpmk again [project]: Touch the source code to trigger recompiles. lwarpmk limages [project]: Process the "lateximages" created by lwarp.sty. lwarpmk pdftohtml [project]: For use with latexmk or a Makefile: Convert project_html.pdf to project_html.html and individual HTML files. lwarpmk clean [project]: Remove project.aux, .toc, .lof/t, .idx, .ind, .log, .gl* lwarpmk cleanall [project]: Remove auxiliary files and also project.pdf, *.html lwarpmk -h: Print this help message. lwarpmk --help: Print this help message. ]] ) printconf () end -- Print the format of the configuration file lwarpmk.conf: function printconf () print ( [[ An example lwarpmk.conf or .lwarpmkconf project file: -- opsystem = "Unix" (or "Windows") latexname = "pdflatex" (or "lualatex", or "xelatex") sourcename = "projectname" (the source-code filename w/o .tex) homehtmlfilename = "index" (or perhaps the project name) htmlfilename = "" (or "projectname" - filename prefix) latexmk = "false" (or "true" to use latexmk to build PDFs) languge = "english" (use a language supported by xindy) xdyfile = "lwarp.xdy" (or a custom file based on lwarp.xdy) -- Filenames must contain only letters, numbers, underscore, or dash. Values must be in "quotes". ]] ) ; end -- Split one large sourcefile into a number of files, -- starting with destfile. -- The file is split at each occurance of