%% %% This is file `lwarp-parnotes.sty', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% lwarp.dtx (with options: `parnotes') %% This is a generated file. %% Copyright 2016-2020 Brian Dunn %% %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 %% of this license or (at your option) any later version. %% The latest version of this license is in %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX %% version 2005/12/01 or later. \LWR@ProvidesPackagePass{parnotes}[2016/08/15] \long\def\PN@parnote@real#1#2{% \parnotemark{#1}% % Unless this is the first parnote in \PN@text, add a separator first \unless\ifx\PN@text\@empty\g@addto@macro\PN@text{\parnoteintercmd}\fi % Redefine \@currentlabel to the parnote label, so \label works \g@addto@macro\PN@text{% \def\@currentlabel{#1}% \def\cref@currentlabel{% lwarp [parnotemark][\arabic{parnotemark}][]\theparnotemark% }% }% \g@addto@macro\PN@text{% \LWR@textcurrentfont{% lwarp \parnotemark{#1}\nolinebreak\thinspace#2% }% }% } \def\PN@parnotes@real{% % We call \par later, so this avoids recursion with \PN@parnotes@auto \PN@inparnotestrue \unless\ifvmode\par\fi % Avoid page breaks between a paragraph and its parnotes \nopagebreak\addvspace{\parnotevskip}% \LWR@forcenewpage% lwarp \begin{BlockClass}{footnotes}% lwarp {\parnotefmt{\PN@text}\par}% \end{BlockClass}% lwarp \global\def\PN@text{}% \addvspace{\parnotevskip}% % % These can be enabled or disabled by package options % \PN@disable@indent \PN@reset@optional \PN@inparnotesfalse } \AtBeginDocument{ \crefname{parnotemark}{paragraph note}{paragraph notes} \Crefname{parnotemark}{Paragraph note}{Paragraph notes} } \begin{warpMathJax} \providecommand{\parnotename}{parnote} \appto\LWR@syncnotenumbers{% \addtocounter{parnotemark}{-1}% specific to parnotes \LWR@synconenotenumber{LWRparnote}{\theparnotemark}% \addtocounter{parnotemark}{1}% specific to parnotes } \appto\LWR@syncnotenames{\LWR@synconenotename{LWRparnote}{\parnotename}} \CustomizeMathJax{\def\LWRparnote{1}} \CustomizeMathJax{\newcommand{\parnote}[2][\LWRparnote]{{}^{\mathrm{#1}}}} \CustomizeMathJax{\newcommand{\parnotemark}[1][\LWRparnote]{{}^{\mathrm{#1}}}} \end{warpMathJax} \endinput %% %% End of file `lwarp-parnotes.sty'.