% CAPT-OF.STY v0.1 % Copyright 1996, 1999 Robin Fairbairns (rf10@cam.ac.uk) % % This program can redistributed and/or modified under the terms % of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN % archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either % version 1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. % % This short package permits you to have things with apparently % `proper' captions in the body of your text. This is sometimes % convenient in documents that only have small `figure's or `table's % (or small numbers of them) and you don't need to hassle yourself % dealing with floats (\begin{figure|table}...) % % Usage: \captionof{type}[move]{caption} % type is `figure' or `table' (or some type you've defined with % float.sty) % move is the optional moving argument of \caption (the thing % that goes to the listoftables/figures) % caption is the text of the caption % % It's probably best to use \captionof within an enclosing group % (e.g., \begin{center} fig \captionof{figure}{blah blah} \end{center}) % % CAVEAT: If you _do_ have `real' (floating) figures or tables in your % document, you may find this package causes the figures\tables to get % out of order. You are (as far as I'm concerned) `on your own' if % you use this package in such circumstances. \newcommand\captionof[1]{\def\@captype{#1}\caption}