%%%%%%%%%% beletter.cls %%%%%%%%%%
% This file is public domain
% This code is unsupported, and comes with no warranty.
% This class was written by James Kilfiger and Frank Lenaerts, to meet
% the specifications for formatting Belgium letters recommended by
% Frank's wife.
% It can be used in place of the standard LaTeX class
\ProvidesClass{beletter}[1999/06/05 Belgium Letter Class]
% changed the opening
  \else  %if there is a from address
    \toname\\ \toaddress
  {\raggedleft\@date\par}%  Put the date on a line of it's own
%    \@date\par%

%%% Change these!!, or let babel change them for you.

% changed the closing
%  \ifx\@empty\fromaddress\else
%  \hspace*{\longindentation}\fi
       \ignorespaces #1\\[6\medskipamount]%
       \else \fromsig \fi\strut}%

    \ignorespaces #1\strut}\par}