% This file belongs to the Latin Modern package. The work is released
% under the GUST Font License. See the MANIFEST-Latin-Modern.txt and
% README-Latin-Modern.txt files for the details. For the most recent version of
% this license see http://www.gust.org.pl/fonts/licenses/GUST-FONT-LICENSE.txt
% or http://tug.org/fonts/licenses/GUST-FONT-LICENSE.txt

\ProvidesFile{l7xlmvtt.fd}[2009/10/30 v1.6 Font defs for Latin Modern]

% macro defined, so we use the light variant as medium (m), and
% medium as semi-bold (sb):
     {<-> l7x-lmvtt10}{}
     {<-> l7x-lmvtto10}{}
%%%%%%%% light (l) and dark (b) variants:
     {<-> l7x-lmvtl10}{}
     {<-> l7x-lmvtlo10}{}

% usual setup of variants:
     {<-> l7x-lmvtt10}{}
     {<-> l7x-lmvtto10}{}
%%%%%%%% light (l) and dark (b) variants:
     {<-> l7x-lmvtl10}{}
     {<-> l7x-lmvtlo10}{}
% bold is always bold (b):
     {<-> l7x-lmvtk10}{}
     {<-> l7x-lmvtko10}{}
%% End of file `l7xlmvtt.fd'.