%% %% This is file `lccaps.sty', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% lccaps.dtx (with options: `package') %% %% This is a generated file. %% %% Copyright (C) 2018 by Ruben Giannotti %% %% ------------------------------------------------------- %% %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either %% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any %% later version. The latest version of this license is in %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions %% of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. %% %% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. %% %% The Current Maintainer of this work is Enrico Gregorio. %% %% This work consists of the files %% lccaps.dtx %% lccaps.ins %% and the derived file lccaps.sty. %% \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{lccaps} [2018/01/21 v1.0 Lowercased (spaced) small capitals (RG)] \RequirePackage{iftex} \RequirePackage{textcase} \RequirePackage{microtype} \protected\def\lcc@warning{\PackageWarning{lccaps}} \DeclareRobustCommand\textlcc[1]{\textsc{\MakeTextLowercase{#1}}} \def\spacedcaps#1{% \let\reserved@a=#1% \ifnum \ifx\reserved@a\textsc1\else \ifx\reserved@a\textlcc1\else 0\fi\fi =1 \expandafter\reserved@lcc \else \lcc@warning{The token preceeding \noexpand\spacedcaps wasn't meant to typeset small capitals, so nothing happend.}% \expandafter\reserved@a \fi } \def\reserved@lcc#1{% \expandafter\@spacedcaps\expandafter{\reserved@a{#1}}% } \ifXeTeX \def\@spacedcaps#1{\bgroup\addfontfeature{LetterSpace=5.0}#1\egroup} \else \def\@spacedcaps{\textls[50]} \fi \DeclareRobustCommand\textslcc{\spacedcaps\textlcc} \DeclareRobustCommand\textssc{\spacedcaps\textsc} \endinput %% %% End of file `lccaps.sty'.