%% %% This is file `latexbug.sty', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% latexbug.dtx (with options: `package') %% %% This is a generated file. %% %% The source is maintained by the LaTeX Project team and bug %% reports for it can be opened at %% https://latex-project.org/bugs/ %% or %% https://github.com/latex3/latexbug/ %% %% Copyright 2016-2021 %% The LaTeX3 Project and any individual authors listed elsewhere %% in this file. %% %% This file was generated from file(s) of the Standard LaTeX `latexbug' module. %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% It may be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c %% of this license or (at your option) any later version. %% The latest version of this license is in %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX %% version 2005/12/01 or later. %% \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{latexbug}[2021/09/25 v1.0l Bug-classification] \def\latexbug@empty{} \def\latexbug@us{us} \def\latexbug@usstar{us*} \def\latexbug@ignore{ignore} \def\Contact{\MessageBreak \@spaces} \begingroup \long\def\latexbug@loop #1 = #2 #3, {% spaces matter \global\@namedef{latexbug@@#1}{{#2}{#3}}% \ifx\latexbug@empty#1\else\expandafter\latexbug@loop\fi} \latexbug@loop latexbug.sty = us , regression-test = us , alltt.sty = us , ansinew.def = us , applemac.def = us , article.cls = us , article.sty = us , ascii.def = us , atbegshi-ltx.sty = us , atveryend-ltx.sty = us , bezier.sty = us , bk10.clo = us , bk11.clo = us , bk12.clo = us , book.cls = us , book.sty = us , cp1250.def = us , cp1252.def = us , cp1257.def = us , cp437.def = us , cp437de.def = us , cp850.def = us , cp852.def = us , cp858.def = us , cp865.def = us , decmulti.def = us , doc-v3beta.sty = us , doc.sty = us , docstrip.tex = us , exscale.sty = us , fix-cm.sty = us , 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Society \Contact tech-support [at] ams [dot] org , amsthm.sty = American Mathematical Society \Contact tech-support [at] ams [dot] org , upref.sty = American Mathematical Society \Contact tech-support [at] ams [dot] org , amsfonts.sty = American Mathematical Society \Contact tech-support [at] ams [dot] org , amssymb.sty = American Mathematical Society \Contact tech-support [at] ams [dot] org , cmmib57.sty = American Mathematical Society \Contact tech-support [at] ams [dot] org , eucal.sty = American Mathematical Society \Contact tech-support [at] ams [dot] org , eufrak.sty = American Mathematical Society \Contact tech-support [at] ams [dot] org , euscript.sty = American Mathematical Society \Contact tech-support [at] ams [dot] org , ueuex.fd = ignore , ueuf.fd = ignore , ueur.fd = ignore , ueus.fd = ignore , umsa.fd = ignore , umsb.fd = ignore , 8rbch.fd = us , 8rpag.fd = us , 8rpbk.fd = us , 8rpcr.fd = us , 8rphv.fd = us , 8rpnc.fd = us , 8rppl.fd = us , 8rptm.fd = us , 8rput.fd = us 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pdfmanagement-testphase.ltx = ignore , hluatex.def = ignore , hpdftex.def = ignore , hxetex.def = ignore , hyperref.cfg = ignore , hyperref.sty = us* \Contact https://github.com/latex3/hyperref/issues , hyperref-langpatches.def = ignore , pd1enc.def = ignore , puenc.def = ignore , xcolor.sty = us* \Contact https://github.com/latex3/xcolor/issues , beamer.cls = Joseph Wright \Contact https://github.com/josephwright/beamer/issues , dashundergaps.sty = Frank Mittelbach \Contact https://github.com/FrankMittelbach/fmitex-dashundergaps/issues , fewerfloatpages.sty = Frank Mittelbach \Contact https://github.com/FrankMittelbach/fmitex-fewerfloatpages , fontspec.sty = Will Robertson \Contact https://github.com/wspr/fontspec/issues , luatex85.sty = Joseph Wright \Contact https://github.com/josephwright/luatex85/issues , parskip.sty = Frank Mittelbach \Contact https://github.com/FrankMittelbach/fmitex-parskip/issues , siunitx.sty = Joseph Wright \Contact https://github.com/josephwright/siunitx/issues , widows-and-orphans.sty = Frank Mittelbach \Contact https://github.com/FrankMittelbach/fmitex-widows-and-orphans/issues , blindtext.sty = ignore , etoolbox.sty = ignore , kantlipsum.sty = ignore , lipsum.ltd = ignore , lipsum.sty = ignore , geometry.sty = Hideo Umeki \Contact , basque.ldf = Juan M. Aguirregabiria \Contact , belarusian.ldf = Aleksey Novodvorsky and Andrew Shadura \Contact , bosnian.ldf = Samir Halilcevic %% Halilčević \Contact , bulgarian.ldf = Georgi N. Boshnakov \Contact , croatian.ldf = Ivan Kokan \Contact , estonian.ldf = Jaan Vajakas \Contact , frenchb.ldf = Daniel Flipo \Contact , friulan.ldf = Claudio Beccari \Contact , georgian.ldf = Levan Shoshiashvili \Contact , austrian.ldf = Juergen Spitzmueller \Contact , german.ldf = Juergen Spitzmueller \Contact , germanb.ldf = Juergen Spitzmueller \Contact , naustrian.ldf = Juergen Spitzmueller \Contact , ngerman.ldf = Juergen Spitzmueller \Contact , ngermanb.ldf = Juergen Spitzmueller \Contact , nswissgerman.ldf = Juergen Spitzmueller \Contact , swissgerman.ldf = Juergen Spitzmueller \Contact , greek.ldf = Guenter Milde \Contact , magyar.ldf = Peter Szabo %% Péter Szabó \Contact , italian.ldf = Claudio Beccari \Contact , japanese.ldf = Japanese TEX Development Community \Contact , latin.ldf = Claudio Beccari \Contact , macedonian.ldf = Stojan Trajanovski \Contact , occitan.ldf = Cedric Valmary %% Cédric Valmary \Contact , piedmontese.ldf = Claudio Beccari \Contact , pinyin.ldf = Werner Lemberg \Contact , romansh.ldf = Claudio Beccari \Contact , russain.ldf = Igor A [dot] Kotelnikov \Contact , % -- old? serbianc.ldf = Filip Brcic \Contact , spanglish.ldf = J [dot] Luis Rivera \Contact , % -- old? spanish.ldf = Javier Bezos \Contact , thaicjk.ldf = Werner Lemberg \Contact , ukraineb.ldf = Sergiy Ponomarenko \Contact , vietnamese.ldf = Werner Lemberg \Contact , {\latexbug@empty} = {} , \endgroup \let\latexbug@addtofilelist\@addtofilelist \def\latexbug@zzzz{} \def\latexbug@own{} \let\latexbug@process@table\process@table \def\process@table{\global\let\@addtofilelist\latexbug@addtofilelist \latexbug@process@table \ifx\latexbug@zzzz\latexbug@empty \ifx\latexbug@own\latexbug@empty \else \typeout{}% \PackageWarningNoLine{latexbug}% {Special bug tracker!\MessageBreak \MessageBreak This test file uses the following file(s)\MessageBreak \MessageBreak ==============\MessageBreak \latexbug@own ==============\MessageBreak \MessageBreak Please note that these files have their own\MessageBreak bug tracker and your issue should therefore\MessageBreak be reported in the indicated repository.\MessageBreak \MessageBreak If they are not necessary to exhibit the problem,\MessageBreak remove them from your example and rerun it,\MessageBreak otherwise report the issue in the listed repository.\MessageBreak \MessageBreak If different repositories are listed, try to\MessageBreak select the most appropriate one (but don't worry\MessageBreak too much, if the choice is not clear to you)}% \typeout{}% \fi \else \PackageError{latexbug}% {Third-party file(s)\MessageBreak \MessageBreak This test file uses third-party file(s)\MessageBreak \MessageBreak ==============\MessageBreak \latexbug@zzzz ==============\MessageBreak \MessageBreak So you should contact the authors\MessageBreak of these files, not the LaTeX Team!\MessageBreak (Or remove the packages that load\MessageBreak them, if they are not necessary to\MessageBreak exhibit the problem).\MessageBreak \MessageBreak If you think the bug is in core LaTeX\MessageBreak (as maintained by the LaTeX Team) but\MessageBreak these files are needed to demonstrate\MessageBreak the problem, please continue and mention\MessageBreak this explicitly in your bug report\MessageBreak (with an explanation why you think so)}{Please correct your test file prior to submitting the bug report.\MessageBreak Otherwise it is likely to be rejected!}% \fi } \def\@addtofilelist#1{% \expandafter\latexbug@iftoplevel\@currnamestack {}\@nil \begingroup \xdef\latexbug@x{#1}% TODO: one-level sanitize \expandafter \ifx\csname latexbug@@\latexbug@x\endcsname\relax \def\latexbug@y{}% \else \xdef\latexbug@y{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \@firstoftwo\csname latexbug@@\latexbug@x\endcsname}% \xdef\latexbug@z{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \@secondoftwo\csname latexbug@@\latexbug@x\endcsname}% \fi \ifx\latexbug@y\latexbug@us\else \ifx\latexbug@y\latexbug@usstar \begingroup \let\MessageBreak\relax \xdef\latexbug@own{% \latexbug@own\latexbug@x \space\space -> \space Report at: \ifx\latexbug@z\@empty \Contact https://github.com/latex3/latex3/issues \else \latexbug@z \fi \MessageBreak }% \endgroup \else \ifx\latexbug@y\latexbug@ignore\else {\let\MessageBreak\relax \xdef\latexbug@zzzz{\latexbug@zzzz\latexbug@x \ifx\latexbug@y\latexbug@empty\else \space\space -> \space \latexbug@y \space \latexbug@z \fi \MessageBreak}}% \fi \fi \fi \endgroup \fi \latexbug@addtofilelist{#1}} \def\latexbug@iftoplevel #1#2\@nil{% \def\next{#1}% \ifx\next\@empty } \endinput %% %% End of file `latexbug.sty'.