%% %% This is file `documentmetadata-support.ltx', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% documentmetadata-support.dtx (with options: `code') %% %% This is a generated file. %% %% Copyright 2021,2022 LaTeX Project %% %% This file was generated from file(s) of the `LaTeX-lab Bundle'. %% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% %% It may be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c %% of this license or (at your option) any later version. %% The latest version of this license is in %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX %% version 2008 or later. %% %% This file may only be distributed together with a copy of the LaTeX %% `LaTeX-lab Bundle'. You may however distribute the `LaTeX-lab Bundle' %% without such generated files. %% %% The newest sources can be found below %% %% https://github.com/latex3/latex2e/required/latex-lab %% %% where one can also log issues in case there are any. %% %% %% File: documentmetadata-support.dtx \def\documentmetadatasupportversion{1.0b} \def\documentmetadatasupportdate{2022-14-04} \RequirePackage{pdfmanagement-testphase} \ExplSyntaxOn\makeatletter \cs_set_protected:Npn \DocumentMetadata #1 { \cs_if_eq:NNTF \documentclass \@twoclasseserror { \msg_error:nn { meta } { after-class } } { \bool_gset_true:N \g__pdfmanagement_active_bool \keys_set_groups:nnn { document / metadata} {init}{ #1 } %if no backend has been loaded force it now: \str_if_exist:NF \c_sys_backend_str { \sys_load_backend:n {} } \ExplSyntaxOn\makeatletter \file_input:n {l3backend-testphase-\c_sys_backend_str.def} \ExplSyntaxOff\makeatother \keys_set_filter:nnn { document / metadata } { init } { lang=en-US, #1 } \bool_if:NT \g__pdfmanagement_active_bool { \PassOptionsToPackage{customdriver=hgeneric-testphase}{hyperref} } \hook_use_once:n {pdfmanagement/add} \cs_set_protected:Npn \DocumentMetadata ##1 { \keys_set_filter:nnn { document / metadata } { init } { ##1 } \str_remove_all:cn {opt@hyperref.sty}{customdriver=hgeneric-testphase} \bool_if:NT \g__pdfmanagement_active_bool { \PassOptionsToPackage{customdriver=hgeneric-testphase}{hyperref} } } \g__pdfmanagement_testphase_tl \RequirePackage{pdfmanagement-firstaid} } } \keys_define:nn { document / metadata } { backend .choices:nn = { dvipdfmx , dvips , dvisvgm , luatex , pdftex , pdfmode , xdvipdfmx , xetex } { \sys_load_backend:n {#1} }, backend .groups:n = { init } , } \keys_define:nn { document / metadata } { ,pdfversion .code:n = { \pdf_version_gset:n { #1 } \AddToDocumentProperties[document]{pdfversion}{#1} } ,uncompress .code:n = { \pdf_uncompress: } ,uncompress .value_forbidden:n = true ,lang .code:n = { \pdfmanagement_add:nnn {Catalog} {Lang}{(#1)} \AddToDocumentProperties[document]{lang}{#1} } %,xmpmeta .bool_gset:N = \g_pdfmeta_xmp_bool %see pdfmeta unused and undefined for now! % this uses internal command from pdfmeta, it should probably move there ... ,pdfstandard .code:n = { \exp_args:Nnx \keys_set:nn {document / metadata} {_pdfstandard=\str_uppercase:n{#1}} } ,_pdfstandard .choices:nn = {A-1B,A-2A,A-2B,A-2U,A-3A,A-3B,A-3U,A-4} { \prop_if_exist:cT { g__pdfmeta_standard_pdf/#1_prop } { \prop_gset_eq:Nc \g__pdfmeta_standard_prop { g__pdfmeta_standard_pdf/#1 _prop } } \AddToDocumentProperties [document]{pdfstandard}{#1} } ,_pdfstandard / unknown .code:n = { \msg_warning:nnn{pdf}{unknown-standard}{#1} } ,testphase .multichoice: ,testphase / tagpdf .code:n = { \tl_gput_right:Nn\g__pdfmanagement_testphase_tl { \file_if_exist_input:nF {tagpdf-latex-lab-testphase.ltx} { \RequirePackage{tagpdf} \AddToDocumentProperties [document]{testphase/tagpdf}{loaded} \tagpdfsetup{activate,paratagging,interwordspace} \AddToDocumentProperties [document]{tagging}{active} \AddToDocumentProperties [document]{tagging/para}{active} \AddToDocumentProperties [document]{tagging/interwordspace}{active} } } } ,testphase / unknown .code:n = { \tl_gput_right:Nn\g__pdfmanagement_testphase_tl { \AddToDocumentProperties [document]{testphase/#1}{loaded} \file_if_exist_input:nF {#1-latex-lab-testphase.ltx} { \msg_warning:nnn{meta}{latex-lab-pkg-missing}{#1} \AddToDocumentProperties [document]{testphase/#1}{missing} } } } ,activate .multichoice: ,activate / tagging .code:n = { \PackageWarning{pdfmanagement-testphase} {The~activate~key~is~deprecated.\MessageBreak Tagging~is~activated~with~'testphase=tagpdf'~directly}{} } ,debug .code:n = { \keys_set:nn { document / metadata / debug } {#1} } ,debug / para .code:n = { \AddToHook { package/tagpdf/after } { \tagpdfsetup{paratagging-show} } } ,debug / log .code:n = { \AddToHook { package/tagpdf/after } { \tagpdfsetup{log=#1} } } ,debug / uncompress .code:n = { \pdf_uncompress: } ,debug / pdfmanagement .bool_gset:N = \g__pdfmanagement_active_bool ,debug / firstaidoff .clist_gset:N = \g__pdfmanagement_firstaidoff_clist } \prop_gput:Nnn \g_msg_module_type_prop { meta } { LaTeX } \prop_gput:Nnn \g_msg_module_name_prop { meta } { DocumentMetadata } \msg_new:nnn { meta } { after-class } { \token_to_str:N \DocumentMetadata \c_space_tl should~be~used~only~before~\token_to_str:N\documentclass } \msg_new:nnn { meta } { latex-lab-pkg-missing } { LaTeX-lab~package~'#1'~not~found. } \ExplSyntaxOff\makeatother \endinput %% %% End of file `documentmetadata-support.ltx'.