%% %% This is file `xfrac.sty', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% xfrac.dtx (with options: `package') %% %% EXPERIMENTAL CODE %% %% Do not distribute this file without also distributing the %% source files specified above. %% %% Do not distribute a modified version of this file. %% %% File: xfrac.dtx Copyright (C) 2004, 2008-2010 Morten Hoegholm %% (C) 2011,2012 The LaTeX3 Project %% %% It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the %% LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either version 1.3c of this %% license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version %% of this license is in the file %% %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% %% This file is part of the "l3packages bundle" (The Work in LPPL) %% and all files in that bundle must be distributed together. %% %% The released version of this bundle is available from CTAN. %% %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% The development version of the bundle can be found at %% %% http://www.latex-project.org/svnroot/experimental/trunk/ %% %% for those people who are interested. %% %%%%%%%%%%% %% NOTE: %% %%%%%%%%%%% %% %% Snapshots taken from the repository represent work in progress and may %% not work or may contain conflicting material! We therefore ask %% people _not_ to put them into distributions, archives, etc. without %% prior consultation with the LaTeX Project Team. %% %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------- %% \RequirePackage{amstext,graphicx,l3keys2e,textcomp,xparse,xtemplate} \GetIdInfo$Id: xfrac.dtx 4299 2012-11-09 18:48:51Z joseph $ {L3 Experimental split-level fractions} \ProvidesExplPackage {\ExplFileName}{\ExplFileDate}{\ExplFileVersion}{\ExplFileDescription} \keys_define:nn { xfrac } { cm-recommended .choice:, cm-recommended / false .code:n = { \bool_set_true:N \l__xfrac_cm_std_bool }, cm-recommended / true .code:n = { \bool_set_false:N \l__xfrac_cm_std_bool }, cm-recommended .default:n = { true }, cm-standard .bool_set:N = \l__xfrac_cm_std_bool } \ProcessKeysOptions { xfrac } \box_new:N \l__xfrac_slash_box \box_new:N \l__xfrac_tmp_box \cs_new:Npn \__xfrac_tmp:w { } \dim_new:N \l__xfrac_denominator_bot_sep_dim \dim_new:N \l__xfrac_numerator_bot_sep_dim \dim_new:N \l__xfrac_numerator_top_sep_dim \dim_new:N \l__xfrac_slash_left_sep_dim \dim_new:N \l__xfrac_slash_right_sep_dim \muskip_new:N \l__xfrac_slash_left_muskip \muskip_new:N \l__xfrac_slash_right_muskip \fp_new:N \l__xfrac_hscale_fp \fp_new:N \l__xfrac_scale_factor_fp \fp_new:N \l__xfrac_vscale_fp \tl_new:N \l__xfrac_denominator_font_tl \tl_new:N \l__xfrac_numerator_font_tl \tl_new:N \l__xfrac_phantom_tl \tl_new:N \l__xfrac_slash_symbol_tl \tl_new:N \l__xfrac_slash_symbol_font_tl \cs_new_nopar:Npn \__xfrac_fontscale: { } \cs_new:Npn \__xfrac_math:n #1 { } \cs_new_nopar:Npn \__xfrac_denominator_font_change: { } \cs_new:Npn \__xfrac_denominator_format:n #1 { } \cs_new_nopar:Npn \__xfrac_numerator_font_change: { } \cs_new:Npn \__xfrac_numerator_format:n #1 { } \cs_new_nopar:Npn \__xfrac_relscale: { } \cs_new_nopar:Npn \__xfrac_slash_symbol_font_change: { } \cs_new:Npn \__xfrac_slash_symbol_format:n #1 { } \cs_new:Npn \__xfrac_text_or_math:n #1 { } \DeclareObjectType { xfrac } { 3 } \DeclareTemplateInterface { xfrac } { text } { 3 } { denominator-bot-sep : length = \c_max_dim , denominator-font : tokenlist = \f@family , denominator-format : function 1 = #1 , h-scale : real = 1 , math-mode : choice { false , true } = false , numerator-font : tokenlist = \f@family , numerator-format : function 1 = #1 , numerator-bot-sep : length = \c_max_dim , numerator-top-sep : length = \c_max_dim , phantom : tokenlist = 8 , scale-factor : real = 0.83333 , scale-relative : choice { false , true } = true , scaling : choice { false , true } = true , slash-left-kern : length = 0 pt , slash-left-mkern : muskip = -2 mu , slash-right-kern : length = 0 pt , slash-right-mkern : muskip = -1 mu , slash-symbol : tokenlist = \textfractionsolidus , slash-symbol-font : tokenlist = \f@family , slash-symbol-format : function 1 = #1 , v-scale : real = 1 , } \DeclareTemplateCode { xfrac } { text } { 3 } { denominator-bot-sep = \l__xfrac_denominator_bot_sep_dim , denominator-font = \l__xfrac_denominator_font_tl , denominator-format = \__xfrac_denominator_format:n , h-scale = \l__xfrac_hscale_fp , math-mode = { false = \cs_set_eq:NN \__xfrac_math:n \use:n, true = \cs_set_eq:NN \__xfrac_math:n \ensuremath }, numerator-font = \l__xfrac_numerator_font_tl , numerator-format = \__xfrac_numerator_format:n , numerator-bot-sep = \l__xfrac_numerator_bot_sep_dim , numerator-top-sep = \l__xfrac_numerator_top_sep_dim , phantom = \l__xfrac_phantom_tl , scale-factor = \l__xfrac_scale_factor_fp , scale-relative = { false = \cs_set_nopar:Npn \__xfrac_relscale: { \__dim_eval:w \box_ht:N \l__xfrac_tmp_box + \box_dp:N \l__xfrac_tmp_box \__dim_eval_end: }, true = \cs_set_nopar:Npn \__xfrac_relscale: { \box_ht:N \l__xfrac_slash_box } }, scaling = { false = \cs_set_eq:NN \__xfrac_fontscale: \prg_do_nothing:, true = \cs_set_nopar:Npn \__xfrac_fontscale: { \fontsize { \fp_use:N \l__xfrac_scale_factor_fp \__xfrac_relscale: } { \c_zero_dim } \selectfont } }, slash-left-kern = \l__xfrac_slash_left_sep_dim , slash-left-mkern = \l__xfrac_slash_left_muskip , slash-right-kern = \l__xfrac_slash_right_sep_dim , slash-right-mkern = \l__xfrac_slash_right_muskip , slash-symbol = \l__xfrac_slash_symbol_tl , slash-symbol-font = \l__xfrac_slash_symbol_font_tl , slash-symbol-format = \__xfrac_slash_symbol_format:n , v-scale = \l__xfrac_vscale_fp } { \AssignTemplateKeys \mode_if_math:TF { \cs_set_eq:NN \__xfrac_text_or_math:n \text \cs_set_nopar:Npx \__xfrac_denominator_font_change: { \tex_fam:D \l__xfrac_denominator_font_tl } \cs_set_nopar:Npx \__xfrac_numerator_font_change: { \tex_fam:D \l__xfrac_numerator_font_tl } \cs_set_nopar:Npx \__xfrac_slash_symbol_font_change: { \tex_fam:D \l__xfrac_slash_symbol_font_tl } } { \cs_set_eq:NN \__xfrac_text_or_math:n \mbox \cs_set_nopar:Npn \__xfrac_denominator_font_change: { \fontfamily { \l__xfrac_denominator_font_tl } \selectfont } \cs_set_nopar:Npn \__xfrac_numerator_font_change: { \fontfamily { \l__xfrac_numerator_font_tl } \selectfont } \cs_set_nopar:Npn \__xfrac_slash_symbol_font_change: { \fontfamily { \l__xfrac_slash_symbol_font_tl } \selectfont } } \__xfrac_text_or_math:n { \m@th \hbox_set:Nn \l__xfrac_tmp_box { \__xfrac_math:n { \vphantom { ( ) } } } \hbox_set:Nn \l__xfrac_slash_box { \__xfrac_math:n { \__xfrac_slash_symbol_format:n { \__xfrac_math:n { \__xfrac_slash_symbol_font_change: \IfNoValueTF {#2} { \l__xfrac_slash_symbol_tl } {#2} } } } } \cs_set_nopar:Npn \__xfrac_tmp:w { \raisebox { \__dim_eval:w \box_ht:N \l__xfrac_slash_box - \box_dp:N \l__xfrac_slash_box - \height \__dim_eval_end: } } \dim_compare:nNnTF { \l__xfrac_numerator_top_sep_dim } = { \c_max_dim } { \dim_compare:nNnF { \l__xfrac_numerator_bot_sep_dim } = { \c_max_dim } { \cs_set_nopar:Npn \__xfrac_tmp:w { \raisebox { \dim_use:N \l__xfrac_numerator_bot_sep_dim } } } } { \dim_compare:nNnTF { \l__xfrac_numerator_bot_sep_dim } = { \c_max_dim } { \cs_set_nopar:Npn \__xfrac_tmp:w { \raisebox { \__dim_eval:w \box_ht:N \l__xfrac_slash_box - \dim_use:N \l__xfrac_numerator_top_sep_dim - \height \__dim_eval_end: } } } { \msg_error:nn { xfrac } { over-specified-numerator-sep } } } \__xfrac_tmp:w { \__xfrac_fontscale: \__xfrac_numerator_format:n { \scalebox { \fp_use:N \l__xfrac_hscale_fp } [ \fp_use:N \l__xfrac_vscale_fp ] { \__xfrac_math:n { \__xfrac_numerator_font_change: { \vphantom { \l__xfrac_phantom_tl } #1 } } } } } \__xfrac_math:n { % THIS IS JUST WRONG! \scan_align_safe_stop: \mode_if_math:TF { \tex_mskip:D \l__xfrac_slash_right_muskip } { \tex_hskip:D \l__xfrac_slash_right_sep_dim } } \box_use:N \l__xfrac_slash_box \__xfrac_math:n { \mode_if_math:TF { \tex_mskip:D \l__xfrac_slash_left_muskip } { \tex_hskip:D \l__xfrac_slash_left_sep_dim } } \dim_compare:nNnTF { \l__xfrac_denominator_bot_sep_dim } = { \c_max_dim } { \cs_set_nopar:Npn \__xfrac_tmp:w { \raisebox { - \box_dp:N \l__xfrac_slash_box } } } { \cs_set_nopar:Npn \__xfrac_tmp:w { \raisebox { \dim_use:N \l__xfrac_denominator_bot_sep_dim } } } \__xfrac_tmp:w { \__xfrac_fontscale: \__xfrac_denominator_format:n { \scalebox { \fp_use:N \l__xfrac_hscale_fp } [ \fp_use:N \l__xfrac_vscale_fp ] { \__xfrac_math:n { \__xfrac_denominator_font_change: { \vphantom { \l__xfrac_phantom_tl } #3 } } } } } } } \DeclareRestrictedTemplate { xfrac } { text } { math } { numerator-font = \number \fam , slash-symbol = / , slash-symbol-font = \number \fam , denominator-font = \number \fam , scale-factor = 0.7 , scale-relative = false , scaling = true , numerator-top-sep = 0 pt , denominator-bot-sep = 0 pt , math-mode = true , phantom = ( % ) } \DeclareInstance { xfrac } { default } { text } { } \DeclareInstance { xfrac } { mathdefault } { math } { } \DeclareCollectionInstance { plainmath } { xfrac } { mathdefault } { math } { denominator-bot-sep = 0 pt , numerator-bot-sep = 0 pt , numerator-top-sep = \c_max_dim , scale-factor = 1 , scale-relative = false , scaling = true , slash-right-mkern = 0 mu , slash-left-mkern = 0 mu } \DeclareInstance { xfrac } { cmr } { text } { denominator-bot-sep = 0 pt , numerator-top-sep = 0.2 ex , slash-left-kern = -0.1 em , slash-right-kern = -0.1 em } \DeclareInstance { xfrac } { cmss } { text } { denominator-bot-sep = 0 pt , numerator-top-sep = 0.2 ex , slash-left-kern = -0.1 em , slash-right-kern = -0.1 em } \DeclareInstance { xfrac } { cmtt } { text } { denominator-bot-sep = 0 pt , numerator-top-sep = 0.2 ex , slash-left-kern = -0.1 em , slash-right-kern = -0.1 em } \bool_if:NF \l__xfrac_cm_std_bool { \DeclareInstance { xfrac } { cmr } { text } { slash-symbol-font = ptm } \DeclareInstance { xfrac } { cmss } { text } { slash-symbol-font = ptm } \DeclareInstance { xfrac } { cmtt } { text } { slash-symbol-font = ppl } } \DeclareInstance { xfrac } { lmr } { text } { denominator-bot-sep = 0 pt , numerator-top-sep = 0.1 ex , slash-left-kern = -0.15 em , slash-right-kern = -0.15 em } \DeclareInstance { xfrac } { lmss } { text } { denominator-bot-sep = 0 pt , numerator-top-sep = 0 pt , slash-left-kern = -0.15 em , slash-right-kern = -0.15 em } \DeclareInstance { xfrac } { lmtt } { text } { denominator-bot-sep = 0 pt , numerator-top-sep = 0 pt , slash-left-kern = -0.15 em , slash-right-kern = -0.15 em } \NewDocumentCommand \sfrac { o m o m } { \mode_if_math:TF { \IfInstanceExistTF { xfrac } { mathfam \number \fam } { \UseInstance { xfrac } { mathfam \number \fam } } { \UseInstance { xfrac } { mathdefault } } {#2} {#3} {#4} } { \IfInstanceExistTF { xfrac } {#1} { \UseInstance { xfrac } {#1} } { \IfInstanceExistTF { xfrac } { \f@family } { \UseInstance { xfrac } { \f@family } } { \UseInstance { xfrac } { default } } } {#2} {#3} {#4} } } \msg_new:nnnn { xfrac } { over-specified-numerator-sep } { You have specified both numerator-top-sep and numerator-bot-sep} {I will pretend that you didn't specify either of them} %% %% %% End of file `xfrac.sty'.