-- -- This is file `expl3.lua', -- generated with the docstrip utility. -- -- The original source files were: -- -- l3luatex.dtx (with options: `package,lua') -- l3names.dtx (with options: `package,lua') -- l3sys.dtx (with options: `package,lua') -- l3token.dtx (with options: `package,lua') -- -- Copyright (C) 1990-2020 The LaTeX3 Project -- -- It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of -- the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either version 1.3c of -- this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest -- version of this license is in the file: -- -- https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt -- -- This file is part of the "l3kernel bundle" (The Work in LPPL) -- and all files in that bundle must be distributed together. -- -- File: l3luatex.dtx l3kernel = l3kernel or { } local l3kernel = l3kernel ltx = ltx or {utils={}} ltx.utils = ltx.utils or { } local ltxutils = ltx.utils local io = io local kpse = kpse local lfs = lfs local math = math local md5 = md5 local os = os local string = string local tex = tex local texio = texio local tonumber = tonumber local abs = math.abs local byte = string.byte local floor = math.floor local format = string.format local gsub = string.gsub local lfs_attr = lfs.attributes local open = io.open local os_date = os.date local setcatcode = tex.setcatcode local sprint = tex.sprint local cprint = tex.cprint local write = tex.write local write_nl = texio.write_nl local utf8_char = utf8.char local scan_int = token.scan_int or token.scan_integer local scan_string = token.scan_string local scan_keyword = token.scan_keyword local put_next = token.put_next local true_tok = token.create'prg_return_true:' local false_tok = token.create'prg_return_false:' local function deprecated(table, name, func) table[name] = function(...) write_nl(format("Calling deprecated Lua function %s", name)) table[name] = func return func(...) end end local kpse_find = (resolvers and resolvers.findfile) or kpse.find_file local function escapehex(str) return (gsub(str, ".", function (ch) return format("%02X", byte(ch)) end)) end deprecated(l3kernel, 'charcat', function(charcode, catcode) cprint(catcode, utf8_char(charcode)) end) local os_clock = os.clock local base_clock_time = 0 local function elapsedtime() local val = (os_clock() - base_clock_time) * 65536 + 0.5 if val > 2147483647 then val = 2147483647 end write(format("%d",floor(val))) end l3kernel.elapsedtime = elapsedtime local function resettimer() base_clock_time = os_clock() end l3kernel.resettimer = resettimer local function filedump(name,offset,length) local file = kpse_find(name,"tex",true) if not file then return end local f = open(file,"rb") if not f then return end if offset and offset > 0 then f:seek("set", offset) end local data = f:read(length or 'a') f:close() return escapehex(data) end ltxutils.filedump = filedump deprecated(l3kernel, "filedump", function(name, offset, length) local dump = filedump(name, tonumber(offset), tonumber(length)) if dump then write(dump) end end) local md5_HEX = md5.HEX if not md5_HEX then local md5_sum = md5.sum function md5_HEX(data) return escapehex(md5_sum(data)) end md5.HEX = md5_HEX end local function filemd5sum(name) local file = kpse_find(name, "tex", true) if not file then return end local f = open(file, "rb") if not f then return end local data = f:read("*a") f:close() return md5_HEX(data) end ltxutils.filemd5sum = filemd5sum deprecated(l3kernel, "filemdfivesum", function(name) local hash = filemd5sum(name) if hash then write(hash) end end) local filemoddate if os_date'%z':match'^[+-]%d%d%d%d$' then local pattern = lpeg.Cs(16 * (lpeg.Cg(lpeg.S'+-' * '0000' * lpeg.Cc'Z') + 3 * lpeg.Cc"'" * 2 * lpeg.Cc"'" + lpeg.Cc'Z') * -1) function filemoddate(name) local file = kpse_find(name, "tex", true) if not file then return end local date = lfs_attr(file, "modification") if not date then return end return pattern:match(os_date("D:%Y%m%d%H%M%S%z", date)) end else local function filemoddate(name) local file = kpse_find(name, "tex", true) if not file then return end local date = lfs_attr(file, "modification") if not date then return end local d = os_date("*t", date) local u = os_date("!*t", date) local off = 60 * (d.hour - u.hour) + d.min - u.min if d.year ~= u.year then if d.year > u.year then off = off + 1440 else off = off - 1440 end elseif d.yday ~= u.yday then if d.yday > u.yday then off = off + 1440 else off = off - 1440 end end local timezone if off == 0 then timezone = "Z" else if off < 0 then timezone = "-" off = -off else timezone = "+" end timezone = format("%s%02d'%02d'", timezone, hours // 60, hours % 60) end return format("D:%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d%s", d.year, d.month, d.day, d.hour, d.min, d.sec, timezone) end end ltxutils.filemoddate = filemoddate deprecated(l3kernel, "filemoddate", function(name) local hash = filemoddate(name) if hash then write(hash) end end) local function filesize(name) local file = kpse_find(name, "tex", true) if file then local size = lfs_attr(file, "size") if size then return size end end end ltxutils.filesize = filesize deprecated(l3kernel, "filesize", function(name) local size = filesize(name) if size then write(size) end end) deprecated(l3kernel, "strcmp", function (A, B) if A == B then write("0") elseif A < B then write("-1") else write("1") end end) local os_exec = os.execute deprecated(l3kernel, "shellescape", function(cmd) local status,msg = os_exec(cmd) if status == nil then write_nl("log","runsystem(" .. cmd .. ")...(" .. msg .. ")\n") elseif status == 0 then write_nl("log","runsystem(" .. cmd .. ")...executed\n") else write_nl("log","runsystem(" .. cmd .. ")...failed " .. (msg or "") .. "\n") end end) local luacmd do local token_create = token.create local set_lua = token.set_lua local undefined_cs = token.command_id'undefined_cs' if not context and not luatexbase then require'ltluatex' end if luatexbase then local new_luafunction = luatexbase.new_luafunction local functions = lua.get_functions_table() function luacmd(name, func, ...) local id local tok = token_create(name) if tok.command == undefined_cs then id = new_luafunction(name) set_lua(name, id, ...) else id = tok.index or tok.mode end functions[id] = func end elseif context then local register = context.functions.register local functions = context.functions.known function luacmd(name, func, ...) local tok = token.create(name) if tok.command == undefined_cs then token.set_lua(name, register(func), ...) else functions[tok.index or tok.mode] = func end end end end -- File: l3names.dtx local minus_tok = token.new(string.byte'-', 12) local zero_tok = token.new(string.byte'0', 12) local one_tok = token.new(string.byte'1', 12) luacmd('tex_strcmp:D', function() local first = scan_string() local second = scan_string() if first < second then put_next(minus_tok, one_tok) else put_next(first == second and zero_tok or one_tok) end end, 'global') local cprint = tex.cprint luacmd('tex_Ucharcat:D', function() local charcode = scan_int() local catcode = scan_int() cprint(catcode, utf8_char(charcode)) end, 'global') luacmd('tex_filesize:D', function() local size = filesize(scan_string()) if size then write(size) end end, 'global') luacmd('tex_mdfivesum:D', function() local hash if scan_keyword"file" then hash = filemd5sum(scan_string()) else hash = md5_HEX(scan_string()) end if hash then write(hash) end end, 'global') luacmd('tex_filemoddate:D', function() local date = filemoddate(scan_string()) if date then write(date) end end, 'global') luacmd('tex_filedump:D', function() local offset = scan_keyword'offset' and scan_int() or nil local length = scan_keyword'length' and scan_int() or not scan_keyword'whole' and 0 or nil local data = filedump(scan_string(), offset, length) if data then write(data) end end, 'global') -- File: l3sys.dtx do local os_exec = os.execute local function shellescape(cmd) local status,msg = os_exec(cmd) if status == nil then write_nl("log","runsystem(" .. cmd .. ")...(" .. msg .. ")\n") elseif status == 0 then write_nl("log","runsystem(" .. cmd .. ")...executed\n") else write_nl("log","runsystem(" .. cmd .. ")...failed " .. (msg or "") .. "\n") end end luacmd("__sys_shell_now:e", function() shellescape(scan_string()) end, "global", "protected") local whatsit_id = node.id'whatsit' local latelua_sub = node.subtype'late_lua' local node_new = node.direct.new local setfield = node.direct.setwhatsitfield or node.direct.setfield local node_write = node.direct.write luacmd("__sys_shell_shipout:e", function() local cmd = scan_string() local n = node_new(whatsit_id, latelua_sub) setfield(n, 'data', function() shellescape(cmd) end) node_write(n) end, "global", "protected") end -- File: l3token.dtx do local get_next = token.get_next local get_command = token.get_command local get_index = token.get_index local get_mode = token.get_mode or token.get_index local cmd = token.command_id local set_font = cmd'get_font' local biggest_char = token.biggest_char() local mode_below_biggest_char = {} local index_not_nil = {} local mode_not_null = {} local non_primitive = { [cmd'left_brace'] = true, [cmd'right_brace'] = true, [cmd'math_shift'] = true, [cmd'mac_param'] = mode_below_biggest_char, [cmd'sup_mark'] = true, [cmd'sub_mark'] = true, [cmd'endv'] = true, [cmd'spacer'] = true, [cmd'letter'] = true, [cmd'other_char'] = true, [cmd'tab_mark'] = mode_below_biggest_char, [cmd'char_given'] = true, [cmd'math_given'] = true, [cmd'xmath_given'] = true, [cmd'set_font'] = mode_not_null, [cmd'undefined_cs'] = true, [cmd'call'] = true, [cmd'long_call'] = true, [cmd'outer_call'] = true, [cmd'long_outer_call'] = true, [cmd'assign_glue'] = index_not_nil, [cmd'assign_mu_glue'] = index_not_nil, [cmd'assign_toks'] = index_not_nil, [cmd'assign_int'] = index_not_nil, [cmd'assign_attr'] = true, [cmd'assign_dimen'] = index_not_nil, } luacmd("__token_if_primitive_lua:N", function() local tok = get_next() local is_non_primitive = non_primitive[get_command(tok)] return put_next( is_non_primitive == true and false_tok or is_non_primitive == nil and true_tok or is_non_primitive == mode_not_null and (get_mode(tok) == 0 and true_tok or false_tok) or is_non_primitive == index_not_nil and (get_index(tok) and false_tok or true_tok) or is_non_primitive == mode_below_biggest_char and (get_mode(tok) > biggest_char and true_tok or false_tok)) end, "global") end