--[[ File l3build.lua (C) Copyright 2014 The LaTeX3 Project It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in the file http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt This file is part of the "l3build bundle" (The Work in LPPL) and all files in that bundle must be distributed together. The released version of this bundle is available from CTAN. --]] -- Version information: should be identical to that in l3build.dtx release_date = "2014/07/19" release_ver = "5240" -- Ensure the module and bundle exist module = module or "" bundle = bundle or "" -- Directory structure for the build system -- Use Unix-style path separators maindir = maindir or "." -- Substructure for tests and support files testfiledir = testfiledir or "testfiles" -- Set to "" to cancel any tests testsupdir = testsupdir or testfiledir .. "/support" supportdir = supportdir or maindir .. "/support" -- Structure within a development area distribdir = distribdir or maindir .. "/build/distrib" localdir = localdir or maindir .. "/build/local" testdir = testdir or maindir .. "/build/test" typesetdir = typesetdir or maindir .. "/build/doc" unpackdir = unpackdir or maindir .. "/build/unpacked" -- Substructure for CTAN release material ctandir = ctandir or distribdir .. "/ctan" tdsdir = tdsdir or distribdir .. "/tds" tdsroot = tdsroot or "latex" -- Location for installation on CTAN or in TEXMFHOME if bundle == "" then moduledir = tdsroot .. "/" .. module else moduledir = tdsroot .. "/" .. bundle .. "/" .. module end -- File types for various operations -- Use Unix-style globs -- All of these may be set earlier, so a initialised conditionally binaryfiles = binaryfiles or {"*.pdf", "*.zip"} checkfiles = checkfiles or { } -- Extra files unpacked purely for tests checksuppfiles = checksuppfiles or { } cmdchkfiles = cmdchkfiles or { } demofiles = demofiles or { } cleanfiles = cleanfiles or {"*.pdf", "*.zip"} excludefiles = excludefiles or {"*~"} -- Any Emacs stuff installfiles = installfiles or {"*.sty"} sourcefiles = sourcefiles or {"*.dtx", "*.ins"} -- Files to copy for unpacking txtfiles = txtfiles or {"*.markdown"} typesetfiles = typesetfiles or {"*.dtx"} typesetsuppfiles = typesetsuppfiles or { } unpackfiles = unpackfiles or {"*.ins"} -- Files to actually unpack unpacksuppfiles = unpacksuppfiles or { } -- Roots which should be unpacked to support unpacking/testing/typesetting checkdeps = checkdeps or { } typesetdeps = typesetdeps or { } unpackdeps = unpackdeps or { } -- Executable names plus following options typesetexe = typesetexe or "pdflatex" unpackexe = unpackexe or "tex" zipexe = "zip" checkopts = checkopts or "-interaction=batchmode" cmdchkopts = cmdchkopts or "-interaction=batchmode" typesetopts = typesetopts or "-interaction=nonstopmode" unpackopts = unpackopts or "" zipopts = zipopts or "-v -r -X" -- Engines for testing checkengines = checkengines or {"pdftex", "xetex", "luatex"} checkformat = checkformat or "latex" stdengine = stdengine or "pdftex" -- Enable access to trees outside of the repo -- As these may be set false, a more elaborate test than normal is needed -- here if checksearch == nil then checksearch = true end if typesetsearch == nil then typesetsearch = true end if unpacksearch == nil then unpacksearch = true end -- Other required settings checkruns = checkruns or 1 scriptname = scriptname or "build.lua" -- Script used in each directory typesetcmds = typesetcmds or "" -- Extensions for various file types: used to abstract out stuff a bit logext = logext or ".log" lvtext = lvtext or ".lvt" tlgext = tlgext or ".tlg" -- Convert a file glob into a pattern for use by e.g. string.gub -- Based on https://github.com/davidm/lua-glob-pattern -- Simplified substantially: "[...]" syntax not supported as is not -- required by the file patterns used by the team. Also note style -- changes to match coding approach in rest of this file. -- -- License for original globtopattern --[[ (c) 2008-2011 David Manura. Licensed under the same terms as Lua (MIT). Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. (end license) --]] function glob_to_pattern (glob) local pattern = "^" -- pattern being built local i = 0 -- index in glob local char -- char at index i in glob -- escape pattern char local function escape (char) return string.match (char, "^%w$") and char or "%" .. char end -- Convert tokens. while true do i = i + 1 char = string.sub (glob, i, i) if char == "" then pattern = pattern .. "$" break elseif char == "?" then pattern = pattern .. "." elseif char == "*" then pattern = pattern .. ".*" elseif char == "[" then -- Ignored print ("[...] syntax not supported in globs!") elseif char == "\\" then i = i + 1 char = string.sub(glob, i, i) if char == "" then pattern = pattern .. "\\$" break end pattern = pattern .. escape (char) else pattern = pattern .. escape (char) end end return pattern end -- File operation support -- Much of this is OS-dependent as Lua offers a very limited range of file -- operations 'natively'. -- Detect the operating system in use -- See http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#pdf-package.config for details -- of the string used here to pick up the operating system (Windows or -- 'not-Windows' -- Support items are defined here for cases where a single string can cover -- both Windows and Unix cases: more complex situations are handled inside -- the support functions if string.sub (package.config, 1, 1) == "\\" then os_concat = "&" os_diffext = ".fc" os_diffexe = "fc /n" os_null = "nul" os_pathsep = ";" os_setenv = "set" os_windows = true else os_concat = ";" os_diffext = ".diff" os_diffexe = "diff -c" os_null = "/dev/null" os_pathsep = ":" os_setenv = "export" os_windows = false end -- File operations are aided by the LuaFileSystem module, which is available -- within texlua lfs = require ("lfs") -- For cleaning out a directory, which also ensures that it exists function cleandir (dir) mkdir (dir) rm (dir, "*") end -- Copy files 'quietly' function cp (glob, source, dest) for _,i in ipairs (filelist (source, glob)) do local source = source .. "/" .. i if os_windows then os.execute ( "copy /y " .. unix_to_win (source) .. " " .. unix_to_win (dest) .. " > nul" ) else os.execute ("cp -f " .. source .. " " .. dest) end end end -- OS-dependent test for a directory function direxists (dir) local errorlevel if os_windows then errorlevel = os.execute ("if not exist \"" .. unix_to_win (dir) .. "\" exit 1") else errorlevel = os.execute ("[ -d " .. dir .. " ]") end if errorlevel ~= 0 then return (false) end return (true) end function fileexists (file) local f = io.open (file, "r") if f ~= nil then io.close(f) return true else return false end end -- Generate a table containing all file names of the given glob or all files -- if absent -- Not actually OS-dependent but in the same area function filelist (path, glob) local files = { } local pattern if glob then pattern = glob_to_pattern (glob) end if direxists (path) then for entry in lfs.dir (path) do if pattern then if string.match (entry, pattern) then table.insert (files, entry) end else if entry ~= "." and entry ~= ".." then table.insert (files, entry) end end end end return files end function mkdir (dir) if os_windows then -- Windows (with the extensions) will automatically make directory trees -- but issues a warning if the dir already exists: avoid by including a test local dir = unix_to_win (dir) os.execute ("if not exist " .. dir .. "\\nul " .. "mkdir " .. dir) else os.execute ("mkdir -p " .. dir) end end -- Rename function ren (dir, source, dest) local dir = dir .. "/" if os_windows then os.execute ("ren " .. unix_to_win (dir) .. source .. " " .. dest) else os.execute ("mv " .. dir .. source .. " " .. dir .. dest) end end -- Remove file(s) based on a glob function rm (source, glob) for _,i in ipairs (filelist (source, glob)) do os.remove (source .. "/" .. i) end end -- Remove a directory tree function rmdir (dir) -- First, make sure it exists to avoid any errors mkdir (dir) if os_windows then os.execute ("rmdir /s /q " .. unix_to_win (dir) ) else os.execute ("rm -r " .. dir) end end -- Run a command in a given directory function run (dir, cmd) local errorlevel = os.execute ("cd " .. dir .. os_concat .. cmd) return (errorlevel) end -- Deal with the fact that Windows and Unix use different path separators function unix_to_win (path) local path = string.gsub (path, "/", "\\") return path end -- -- Auxiliary functions which are used by more than one main function -- -- Do some subtarget for all modules in a bundle function allmodules (target) local errorlevel = 0 for _,i in ipairs (modules) do print ( "Running script " .. scriptname .. " with target \"" .. target .. "\" for module " .. i ) errorlevel = run (i, "texlua " .. scriptname .. " " .. target) if errorlevel > 0 then return (errorlevel) end end return (errorlevel) end -- Set up the check system files: needed for checking one or more tests and -- for saving the test files function checkinit () cleandir (testdir) depinstall (checkdeps) -- Copy dependencies to the test directory itself: this makes the paths -- a lot easier to manage, and is important for dealing with the log and -- with file input/output tests for _,i in ipairs (filelist (localdir)) do cp (i, localdir, testdir) end bundleunpack () for _,i in ipairs (installfiles) do cp (i, unpackdir, testdir) end for _,i in ipairs (checkfiles) do cp (i, unpackdir, testdir) end if direxists (testsupdir) then for _,i in ipairs (filelist (testsupdir)) do cp (i, testsupdir, testdir) end end for _,i in ipairs (checksuppfiles) do cp (i, supportdir, testdir) end end -- Unpack files needed to support testing/typesetting/unpacking function depinstall (deps) for _,i in ipairs (deps) do print ("Installing dependency: " .. i) run (i, "texlua " .. scriptname .. " unpack") end end -- Convert the raw log file into one for comparison/storage: keeps only -- the 'business' part from the tests and removes system-dependent stuff function formatlog (logfile, newfile) local function killcheck (line, kill) local killnext = false local line = line -- Skip lines containing file dates if string.match (line, "[^<]%d%d%d%d/%d%d/%d%d") then line = "" elseif -- Skip \openin/\openout lines in web2c 7.x -- As Lua doesn't allow "(in|out)", a slightly complex approach: -- do a substitution to check the line is exactly what is required! string.match ( string.gsub (line, "^\\openin", "\\openout"), "^\\openout%d = " ) then line = "" elseif -- Various things that only LuaTeX adds to boxes: at least while -- we don't have bidi tests these lines can be removed string.match (line, "^%.*\\whatsit$") or string.match (line, "^%.*\\localinterlinepenalty=0$") or string.match (line, "^%.*\\localbrokenpenalty=0$") or string.match (line, "^%.*\\localleftbox=null$") or string.match (line, "^%.*\\localrightbox=null$") then line = "" -- Pick up LuaTeX's \discretionary line and remove it and the next -- line elseif string.match (line, "%.+\\discretionary") then line = "" killnext = true elseif kill then line = "" end return line, killnext end -- Substitutions to remove some non-useful changes local function normalize (line) local line = line -- Remove test file name from lines line = string.gsub (line, string.match (logfile, ".*/(.*)%" .. logext .. "$"), "") -- Zap ./ at begin of filename line = string.gsub (line, "%(%.%/", "(") -- XeTeX knows only the smaller set of dimension units line = string.gsub ( line, "cm, mm, dd, cc, bp, or sp", "cm, mm, dd, cc, nd, nc, bp, or sp" ) -- Normalise a case where fixing a TeX bug changes the message text line = string.gsub (line, "\\csname\\endcsname ", "\\csname\\endcsname") -- Zap "on line " and replace with "on line ..." line = string.gsub (line, "on line %d*", "on line ...") -- Remove spaces at the start of lines: deals with the fact that LuaTeX -- uses a different number to the other engines line = string.gsub (line, "^%s+", "") -- LuaTeX can give slightly different glue setting to pdfTeX: -- handle this by restricting to four decimal places line = string.gsub ( line, "glue set (%d+.%d%d%d%d)%dfil", "glue set %1fil" ) -- For the present, remove direction information on boxes line = string.gsub (line, ", direction TLT", "") -- LuaTeX displays low chars differently: tidy up to ^^ notation for i = 1, 31, 1 do line = string.gsub (line, string.char (i), "^^" .. string.char (64 + i)) end -- Minor LuaTeX bug: it prints an extra "'" in one message: add enough -- context to hopefully hit only the bug line = string.gsub ( line, "I''m going to assume", "I'm going to assume" ) return line end local newlog = "" local prestart = true local skipping = false local killnext = false for line in io.lines (logfile) do if line == "START-TEST-LOG" then prestart = false elseif line == "END-TEST-LOG" then break elseif line == "OMIT" then skipping = true elseif line == "TIMO" then skipping = false elseif not prestart and not skipping then line = normalize (line) line, killnext = killcheck (line, killnext) if not string.match (line, "^ *$") then newlog = newlog .. line .. "\n" end end end local newfile = io.open (newfile, "w") io.output (newfile) io.write (newlog) io.close (newfile) end -- List all modules function listmodules () local modules = { } local exclmodules = exclmodules or { } for entry in lfs.dir (".") do if entry ~= "." and entry ~= ".." then local attr = lfs.attributes (entry) assert (type (attr) == "table") if attr.mode == "directory" then if not exclmodules[entry] then table.insert (modules, entry) end end end end return (modules) end -- Runs a single test: needs the name of the test rather than the .lvt file -- One 'test' here may apply to multiple engines function runcheck (name, engine, hide) local checkengines = checkengines if engine then checkengines = {engine} end local errorlevel = 0 for _,i in ipairs (checkengines) do runtest (name, i, hide) local testname = name .. "." .. i local difffile = testdir .. "/" .. testname .. os_diffext local newfile = testdir .. "/" .. testname .. logext -- Use engine-specific file if available local tlgfile = testfiledir .. "/" .. name .. "." .. i .. tlgext if not fileexists (tlgfile) then tlgfile = testfiledir .. "/" .. name .. tlgext end if os_windows then tlgfile = unix_to_win (tlgfile) end local errlevel = os.execute ( os_diffexe .. " " .. tlgfile .. " " .. newfile .. " > " .. difffile ) if errlevel == 0 then os.remove (difffile) else errorlevel = errlevel end end return (errorlevel) end -- Run one of the test files: doesn't check the result so suitable for -- both creating and verifying .tlg files function runtest (name, engine, hide) cp (name .. lvtext, testfiledir, testdir) local engine = engine or stdengine -- Engine name doesn't include the "la" for LaTeX! local cmd = engine if checkformat == "latex" then cmd = string.gsub (engine, "tex$", "latex") end local logfile = testdir .. "/" .. name .. logext local lvtfile = name .. lvtext local newfile = testdir .. "/" .. name .. "." .. engine .. logext for i = 1, checkruns, 1 do run ( testdir, os_setenv .. " TEXINPUTS=." .. (checksearch and os_pathsep or "") .. os_concat .. cmd .. " " .. checkopts .. " " .. lvtfile .. (hide and (" > " .. os_null) or "") ) end formatlog (logfile, newfile) end -- Strip the extension from a file name function stripext (file) local name = string.gsub (file, "%..*$", "") return name end function testexists (test) if fileexists (testfiledir .. "/" .. test .. lvtext) then return true else return false end end -- Standard versions of the main targets for building modules -- Simply print out how to use the build system help = help or function () print "" if testfiledir ~= "" then print " build check - run automated check system " end if module ~= "" and testfiledir ~= "" then print " build checklvt - check one test file for all engines" print " build checklvt - check one test file for " end print " build clean - clean out directory tree " if next (cmdchkfiles) ~= nil then print " build cmdcheck - check commands documented are defined " end if module == "" or bundle == "" then print " build ctan - create CTAN-ready archive " end print " build doc - runs all documentation files " print " build install - install files in local texmf tree " if module ~= "" and testfiledir ~= "" then print " build savetlg - save test log for for all engines " print " build savetlg - save test log for for " end print " build unpack - extract packages " print "" end function check () local errorlevel = 0 if testfiledir ~= "" and direxists (testfiledir) then checkinit () print ("Running checks on") for _,i in ipairs (filelist (testfiledir, "*" .. lvtext)) do local name = stripext (i) print (" " .. name) local errlevel = runcheck (name, nil, true) if errlevel ~= 0 then errorlevel = 1 end end if errorlevel ~= 0 then print ("\n Check failed with difference files") for _,i in ipairs (filelist (testdir, "*" .. os_diffext)) do print (" - " .. testdir .. "/" .. i) end print ("") else print ("\n All checks passed\n") end end return (errorlevel) end function checklvt (name, engine) local engine = engine or stdengine if testexists (name) then checkinit () print ("Running checks on " .. name) runcheck (name, engine) if fileexists (testdir .. "/" .. name .. "." .. engine .. os_diffext) then print (" Check fails with diff file") print ( " " .. testdir .. "/" .. name .. "." .. engine .. os_diffext) else print (" Check passes") end else print ("Test \"" .. name .. "\" not set up!") end end -- Remove all generated files function clean () -- To make sure that distribdir never contains any stray subdirs, -- it is entirely removed then recreated rather than simply deleting -- all of the files rmdir (distribdir) mkdir (distribdir) cleandir (localdir) cleandir (testdir) cleandir (typesetdir) cleandir (unpackdir) for _,i in ipairs (cleanfiles) do rm (".", i) end end function bundleclean () allmodules ("clean") for _,i in ipairs (cleanfiles) do rm (".", i) end rmdir (ctandir) rmdir (tdsdir) end -- Check commands are defined function cmdcheck () mkdir (localdir) cleandir (testdir) depinstall (checkdeps) local engine = string.gsub (stdengine, "tex$", "latex") print ("Checking source files") for _,i in ipairs (cmdchkfiles) do for _,j in ipairs (filelist (".", i)) do print (" " .. stripext (j)) os.execute ( os_setenv .. " TEXINPUTS=." .. os_pathsep .. localdir .. (checksearch and os_pathsep or "") .. os_concat .. engine .. " " .. cmdchkopts .. " -output-directory=" .. testdir .. " \"\\PassOptionsToClass{check}{l3doc} \\input " .. j .. "\"" .. " > " .. os_null ) for line in io.lines (testdir .. "/" .. stripext (j) .. ".cmds") do if string.match (line, "^%!") then print (" - " .. string.match (line, "^%! (.*)")) end end end end end function ctan (standalone) local function dirzip (dir, name) local zipname = name .. ".zip" local function tab_to_str (table) local string = "" for _,i in ipairs (table) do string = string .. " " .. "\"" .. i .. "\"" end return string end -- Convert the tables of files to quoted strings local binfiles = tab_to_str (binaryfiles) local exclude = tab_to_str (excludefiles) -- First, zip up all of the text files run ( dir, zipexe .. " " .. zipopts .. " -ll ".. zipname .. " " .. "." .. " -x" .. binfiles .. " " .. exclude ) -- Then add the binary ones run ( dir, zipexe .. " " .. zipopts .. " -g ".. zipname .. " " .. ". -i" .. binfiles .. " -x" .. exclude ) end local errorlevel if standalone then errorlevel = check () bundle = module else errorlevel = allmodules ("bundlecheck") end if errorlevel == 0 then mkdir (ctandir .. "/" .. bundle) mkdir (tdsdir) if standalone then errorlevel = bundlectan () else errorlevel = allmodules ("bundlectan") end end if errorlevel == 0 then for _,i in ipairs (txtfiles) do for _,j in ipairs (filelist (".", i)) do local function installtxt (name, dir) cp (name, ".", dir) ren (dir, name, stripext (name)) end installtxt (j, ctandir .. "/" .. bundle) installtxt (j, tdsdir .. "/doc/" .. tdsroot .. "/" .. bundle) end end dirzip (tdsdir, bundle .. ".tds") cp (bundle .. ".tds.zip", tdsdir, ctandir) dirzip (ctandir, bundle) cp (bundle .. ".zip", ctandir, ".") else print ("\n====================") print ("Zip creation failed!") print ("====================\n") end end function bundlectan () local function install (source, dest, files, ctan) local installdir = tdsdir .. "/" .. dest .. "/" .. moduledir mkdir (installdir) for _,i in ipairs (files) do if ctan then cp (i, source, ctandir .. "/" .. bundle) end cp (i, source, installdir) end end unpack () install (unpackdir, "tex", installfiles, false) local errorlevel = doc () if errorlevel == 0 then -- Convert input names for typesetting into names of PDF files local pdffiles = { } for _,i in ipairs (typesetfiles) do table.insert (pdffiles, (string.gsub (i, "%.%w+$", ".pdf"))) end install (".", "doc", pdffiles, true) install (".", "doc", demofiles, true) install (".", "source", typesetfiles, true) install (".", "source", sourcefiles, true) end return (errorlevel) end -- Typeset all required documents -- This function has several sub-parts, but as most are not needed anywhere -- else everything is done locally within the main function function doc () local function typeset (file) local name = stripext (file) -- A couple of short functions to deal with the repeated steps in a -- clear way local function glossary (name) run ( typesetdir , "makeindex -s gglo.ist -o " .. name .. ".gls " .. name .. ".glo" ) end local function index (name) run ( typesetdir , "makeindex -s gind.ist -o " .. name .. ".ind " .. name .. ".idx" ) end local function typeset (file) local errorlevel = os.execute ( os_setenv .. " TEXINPUTS=" .. typesetdir .. os_pathsep .. localdir .. (typesetsearch and os_pathsep or "") .. os_concat .. typesetexe .. " " .. typesetopts .. " -output-directory=" .. typesetdir .. " \"" .. typesetcmds .. "\\input " .. typesetdir .. "/" .. file .. "\"" ) return errorlevel end os.remove (name .. ".pdf") print ("Typesetting " .. name) local errorlevel = typeset (file) if errorlevel ~= 0 then print (" ! Compilation failed") return (errorlevel) else if fileexists (typesetdir .. "/" .. name .. ".idx") then index (name) end if fileexists (typesetdir .. "/" .. name .. ".glo") then glossary (name) end typeset (file) typeset (file) cp (name .. ".pdf", typesetdir, ".") end return (errorlevel) end -- Set up cleandir (typesetdir) for _,i in ipairs (sourcefiles) do cp (i, ".", typesetdir) end for _,i in ipairs (typesetfiles) do cp (i, ".", typesetdir) end for _,i in ipairs (typesetsuppfiles) do cp (i, supportdir, typesetdir) end depinstall (typesetdeps) unpack () -- Main loop for doc creation for _,i in ipairs (typesetfiles) do for _,j in ipairs (filelist (".", i)) do local errorlevel = typeset (j) if errorlevel ~= 0 then return (errorlevel) end end end return 0 end -- Locally install files: only deals with those extracted, not docs etc. function install () unpack () kpse.set_program_name ("latex") local texmfhome = kpse.var_value ("TEXMFHOME") local installdir = texmfhome .. "/tex/" .. moduledir cleandir (installdir) for _,i in ipairs (installfiles) do cp (i, unpackdir, installdir) end end function savetlg (name, engine) local tlgfile = name .. (engine and ("." .. engine) or "") .. tlgext local newfile = name .. "." .. (engine or stdengine) .. logext if fileexists (testfiledir .. "/" .. name .. lvtext) then checkinit () print ("Creating and copying " .. tlgfile) runtest (name, engine, false) ren (testdir, newfile, tlgfile) cp (tlgfile, testdir, testfiledir) else print ( "Test input \"" .. testfiledir .. "/" .. name .. lvtext .. "\" not found" ) end end -- Unpack the package files using an 'isolated' system: this requires -- a copy of the 'basic' DocStrip program, which is used then removed function unpack () depinstall (unpackdeps) bundleunpack () for _,i in ipairs (installfiles) do cp (i, unpackdir, localdir) end end -- Split off from the main unpack so it can be used on a bundle and not -- leave only one modules files function bundleunpack () mkdir (localdir) cleandir (unpackdir) for _,i in ipairs (sourcefiles) do cp (i, ".", unpackdir) end for _,i in ipairs (unpacksuppfiles) do cp (i, supportdir, localdir) end for _,i in ipairs (unpackfiles) do for _,j in ipairs (filelist (unpackdir, i)) do os.execute ( -- Notice that os.execute is used from 'here' as this ensures that -- localdir points to the correct place: running 'inside' -- unpackdir would avoid the need for setting -output-directory -- but at the cost of needing to correct the relative position -- of localdir w.r.t. unpackdir os_setenv .. " TEXINPUTS=" .. unpackdir .. os_pathsep .. localdir .. (unpacksearch and os_pathsep or "") .. os_concat .. unpackexe .. " " .. unpackopts .. " -output-directory=" .. unpackdir .. " " .. unpackdir .. "/" .. j ) end end end function version () print ( "\nl3build Release " .. string.gsub (release_date, "/", "-") .. " (SVN r" .. release_ver .. ")\n" ) end -- -- The overall main function -- function stdmain (target, file, engine) -- If the module name is empty, the script is running in a bundle: -- apart from ctan all of the targets are then just mappings if module == "" then -- Detect all of the modules modules = modules or listmodules () if target == "doc" then allmodules ("doc") elseif target == "check" then local errorlevel = allmodules ("bundlecheck") if errorlevel ~=0 then print ("There were errors: checks halted!\n") os.exit (errorlevel) end elseif target == "clean" then bundleclean () elseif target == "cmdcheck" and next (cmdchkfiles) ~= nil then allmodules ("cmdcheck") elseif target == "ctan" then ctan () elseif target == "install" then allmodules ("install") elseif target == "unpack" then allmodules ("bundleunpack") elseif target == "version" then version () else help () end else if target == "bundleunpack" then -- 'Hidden' as only needed 'higher up' depinstall (unpackdeps) bundleunpack () elseif target == "bundlecheck" then local errorlevel = check () os.exit (errorlevel) elseif target == "bundlectan" then bundlectan () elseif target == "doc" then doc () elseif target == "check" and testfiledir ~= "" then check () elseif target == "checklvt" and testfiledir ~= "" then if file then checklvt (file, engine) else help () end elseif target == "clean" then clean () elseif target == "cmdcheck" and next (cmdchkfiles) ~= nil then cmdcheck () elseif target == "ctan" and bundle == "" then -- Stand-alone module ctan (true) elseif target == "install" then install () elseif target == "savetlg" and testfiledir ~= "" then if file then savetlg (file, engine) else help () end elseif target == "unpack" then unpack () elseif target == "version" then version () else help () end end end -- Allow main function to be disabled 'higher up' main = main or stdmain -- Call the main function main (arg[1], arg[2], arg[3])