--[[ File l3build-typesetting.lua Copyright (C) 2018 The LaTeX3 Project It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in the file http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt This file is part of the "l3build bundle" (The Work in LPPL) and all files in that bundle must be distributed together. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The development version of the bundle can be found at https://github.com/latex3/l3build for those people who are interested. --]] -- -- Auxiliary functions for typesetting: need to be generally available -- local gsub = string.gsub local match = string.match function dvitopdf(name, dir, engine, hide) if match(engine, "^u?ptex$") then run( dir, (forcecheckepoch and setepoch() or "") .. "dvipdfmx " .. name .. dviext .. (hide and (" > " .. os_null) or "") ) else run( dir, (forcecheckepoch and setepoch() or "") .. "dvips " .. name .. dviext .. (hide and (" > " .. os_null) or "") .. os_concat .. "ps2pdf " .. name .. psext .. (hide and (" > " .. os_null) or "") ) end end -- An auxiliary used to set up the environmental variables function runtool(subdir, dir, envvar, command) dir = dir or "." return( run( typesetdir .. "/" .. subdir, (forcedocepoch and setepoch() or "") .. os_setenv .. " " .. envvar .. "=." .. os_pathsep .. abspath(localdir) .. os_pathsep .. abspath(dir .. "/" .. subdir) .. (typesetsearch and os_pathsep or "") .. os_concat .. command ) ) end function biber(name, dir) if fileexists(typesetdir .. "/" .. name .. ".bcf") then local path, name = splitpath(name) return( runtool(path, dir, "BIBINPUTS", biberexe .. " " .. biberopts .. " " .. name) ) end return 0 end function bibtex(name, dir) if fileexists(typesetdir .. "/" .. name .. ".aux") then -- LaTeX always generates an .aux file, so there is a need to -- look inside it for a \citation line local grep if os_type == "windows" then grep = "\\\\" else grep = "\\\\\\\\" end local path, name = splitpath(name) if run( typesetdir, os_grepexe .. " \"^" .. grep .. "citation{\" " .. name .. ".aux > " .. os_null ) + run( typesetdir, os_grepexe .. " \"^" .. grep .. "bibdata{\" " .. name .. ".aux > " .. os_null ) == 0 then return( -- Cheat slightly as we need to set two variables runtool( path, dir, "BIBINPUTS", os_setenv .. " BSTINPUTS=." .. os_pathsep .. abspath(localdir) .. (typesetsearch and os_pathsep or "") .. os_concat .. bibtexexe .. " " .. bibtexopts .. " " .. name ) ) end end return 0 end function makeindex(name, dir, inext, outext, logext, style) if fileexists(typesetdir .. "/" .. name .. inext) then local path, name = splitpath(name) if style == "" then style = nil end return( runtool( path, dir, "INDEXSTYLE", makeindexexe .. " " .. makeindexopts .. " -o " .. name .. outext .. (style and (" -s " .. style) or "") .. " -t " .. name .. " " .. name .. inext ) ) end return 0 end function tex(file, dir) local path, name = splitpath(file) return( runtool( path, dir, "TEXINPUTS", typesetexe .. " " .. typesetopts .. " \"" .. typesetcmds .. "\\input " .. name .. "\"" ) ) end function typesetpdf(file, dir) local name = gsub(file, "%.[^.]+$", "") print("Typesetting " .. name) local errorlevel = typeset(file, dir) if errorlevel == 0 then name = name .. ".pdf" os.remove(jobname(name)) cp(name, typesetdir, docfiledir) else print(" ! Compilation failed") end return errorlevel end typeset = typeset or function(file, dir) dir = dir or "." local errorlevel = tex(file, dir) if errorlevel ~= 0 then return errorlevel else local name = jobname(file) errorlevel = biber(name, dir) + bibtex(name, dir) if errorlevel == 0 then local function cycle(name, dir) return( makeindex(name, dir, ".glo", ".gls", ".glg", glossarystyle) + makeindex(name, dir, ".idx", ".ind", ".ilg", indexstyle) + tex(file, dir) ) end for i = 1, typesetruns do errorlevel = cycle(name, dir) if errorlevel ~= 0 then break end end end return errorlevel end end -- A hook to allow additional typesetting of demos typeset_demo_tasks = typeset_demo_tasks or function() return 0 end -- Typeset all required documents -- Uses a set of dedicated auxiliaries that need to be available to others function doc(files) -- Set up cleandir(typesetdir) for _,filetype in pairs( {bibfiles, docfiles, typesetfiles, typesetdemofiles} ) do for _,file in pairs(filetype) do cp(file, docfiledir, typesetdir) end end for _,file in pairs(sourcefiles) do cp(file, sourcefiledir, typesetdir) end for _,file in pairs(typesetsuppfiles) do cp(file, supportdir, typesetdir) end depinstall(typesetdeps) unpack({sourcefiles, typesetsourcefiles}, {sourcefiledir, docfiledir}) -- Main loop for doc creation local done = {} local errorlevel = typeset_demo_tasks() if errorlevel ~= 0 then return errorlevel end for _, typesetfiles in ipairs({typesetdemofiles, typesetfiles}) do for _,i in ipairs(typesetfiles) do for _, dir in ipairs({unpackdir, typesetdir}) do for j,_ in pairs(tree(dir, i)) do if not done[j] then j = gsub(j, "^%./", "") -- Allow for command line selection of files local typeset = true if files and next(files) then typeset = false for _,k in ipairs(files) do if k == gsub(j, "%.[^.]+$", "") then typeset = true break end end end if typeset then local errorlevel = typesetpdf(j, dir) if errorlevel ~= 0 then return errorlevel else done[j] = true end end end end end end end return 0 end