%% %% This is file `SNleft.lco', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% scrklco.dtx (with options: `lco,SwissLeft,head') %% scrklco.dtx (with options: `lco,SwissLeft,body') %% %% Copyright (c) 1994-2007 %% Markus Kohm and any individual authors listed elsewhere in this file. %% %% This file was generated from file(s) of the KOMA-Script bundle. %% --------------------------------------------------------------- %% %% It may be distributed under the conditions of the %% LaTeX Project Public License in the version distributed together %% with KOMA-Script, see file `lppl.txt' or `lppl-de.txt'. %% %% This file may only be distributed together with a copy of the %% KOMA-Script bundle. You may however distribute the %% KOMA-Script bundle without all such generated files. See also %% `lppl.txt' or `lppl-de.txt' for additional information. %% %% The list of files belonging to KOMA-Script distribution is given in %% the file `manifest.txt'. See also `lppl.txt' or `lppl-de.txt' for %% additional information. %% %% If this file is a beta version, you are not allowed to distribute it. %% %% English and German manuals are part of KOMA-Script bundle. %% ---------------------------------------------------------- %% %% See `README'. %% %% The KOMA-Script bundle (but maybe not this file) was based upon the %% LaTeX2.09 Script family created by Frank Neukam 1993 and the LaTeX2e %% standard classes created by The LaTeX3 Project 1994-1996. %% %%% From File: scrklco.dtx \ProvidesFile{% SNleft% .lco}[\KOMAScriptVersion\space letter-class-option] \providecommand*\LCOWarningNoLine[2]{% \LCOWarning{#1}{#2\@gobble}% } \providecommand*\LCOWarning[2]{% \GenericWarning{% (#1)\@spaces\@spaces\@spaces\@spaces\@spaces\@spaces\@spaces }{% Letter class option #1 Warning: #2% }% } %%% From File: scrklco.dtx \@ifundefined{scr@fromname@var}{% \LCOWarningNoLine{% SNleft% }{% This letter class option file was made only\MessageBreak to be used with KOMA-Script letter class\MessageBreak `scrlttr2'. Use with other classes may result\MessageBreak in a lot of errors% }% }{} \LetterOptionNeedsPapersize{% SNleft% }{a4} \@setplength{foldmarkhpos}{3.5mm} \@setplength{tfoldmarkvpos}{105mm} \@setplength{bfoldmarkvpos}{210mm} \@setplength{toaddrvpos}{35.5mm} \@setplength{refvpos}{89mm} \@setplength{refaftervskip}{\baselineskip} \@setplength{toaddrhpos}{20mm} \@setplength{toaddrwidth}{100mm} \@setplength{toaddrheight}{40mm} \@setplength{toaddrindent}{\z@} \@setplength{specialmailindent}{\fill} \@setplength{specialmailrightindent}{1em} \@setplength{locwidth}{\z@} \@setplength{backaddrheight}{5mm} \@setplength{firstheadvpos}{8mm} \@setplength{firstheadwidth}{\paperwidth} \ifdim \useplength{toaddrhpos}>\z@ \@addtoplength[-2]{firstheadwidth}{\useplength{toaddrhpos}} \else \@addtoplength[2]{firstheadwidth}{\useplength{toaddrhpos}} \fi \@setplength{firstfootwidth}{\useplength{firstheadwidth}} \ifnum \scr@compatibility >\@nameuse{scr@v@2.9t}\relax \@setplength{firstfootvpos}{\paperheight} \@addtoplength{firstfootvpos}{-16mm} \else \@setplength{firstfootvpos}{1in} \@addtoplength{firstfootvpos}{\topmargin} \@addtoplength{firstfootvpos}{\headheight} \@addtoplength{firstfootvpos}{\headsep} \@addtoplength{firstfootvpos}{\textheight} \@addtoplength{firstfootvpos}{\footskip} \fi \@setplength{refwidth}{0pt} \@setplength{sigindent}{0mm} \@setplength{sigbeforevskip}{2\baselineskip} \let\raggedsignature=\centering \endinput %% %% End of file `SNleft.lco'.