% (The MIT License) % % Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Yegor Bugayenko % % Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy % of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal % in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights % to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell % copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is % furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: % % The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all % copies or substantial portions of the Software. % % THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR % IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, % FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE % AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER % LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, % OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE % SOFTWARE. \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesClass{kdpcover}[2022/01/09 0.2.4 Cover for Kindle Direct Publishing books] \LoadClass{article} \makeatletter \newcommand*\kdp@pages{100} \newlength\kdp@xsize \setlength\kdp@xsize{6in} \newlength\kdp@ysize \setlength\kdp@ysize{9in} \makeatother \RequirePackage{iexec} \RequirePackage{xkeyval} \makeatletter \DeclareOptionX{6x9}{\setlength\kdp@xsize{6in}\setlength\kdp@ysize{9in}} \DeclareOptionX{7x10}{\setlength\kdp@xsize{7in}\setlength\kdp@ysize{10in}} \DeclareOptionX{8x10}{\setlength\kdp@xsize{8in}\setlength\kdp@ysize{10in}} \DeclareOptionX{pages}{\renewcommand*\kdp@pages{#1}} \DeclareOptionX{pdf}{% \iexec[trace,quiet,stdout=kdpcover-pages-count.txt]{qpdf --show-npages #1 | tr -d '[[:space:]]' | \{ cat; echo \%; \}}% \newread\kdp@pagescount% \openin\kdp@pagescount=kdpcover-pages-count.txt \read\kdp@pagescount to \kdp@pages% } \ProcessOptionsX\relax\makeatother \RequirePackage{anyfontsize} \RequirePackage{tikz} \RequirePackage[letterspace=-50]{microtype} \RequirePackage{xcolor} \RequirePackage{graphicx} \RequirePackage{calc} \RequirePackage{setspace} \setstretch{1.2} % The height of the page is 9 inches plus 0.125 "bleed" on top and % on the bottom. % Check this doc: https://kdp.amazon.com/en_US/help/topic/G201953020 \makeatletter\newlength\kdp@height\makeatother% \makeatletter\setlength\kdp@height{0.125in + \kdp@ysize + 0.125in}\makeatother% % The width is 6 inches plus 0.125 "bleed" on each side. The width of the % "spine" depends on the amount of pages in the book. \makeatletter\newlength\kdp@width\makeatother \makeatletter\setlength\kdp@width{0.125in + \kdp@xsize + 0.0025in * \kdp@pages + \kdp@xsize + 0.125in}\makeatother \RequirePackage{geometry} \makeatletter \geometry{paperwidth=\kdp@width,paperheight=\kdp@height,left=0pt,right=0pt,top=0pt,bottom=0pt} \makeatother \RequirePackage[absolute]{textpos} \TPGrid{16}{16} \newcommand\putSpine[2][kdpcover-signature]{% \begin{textblock}{2.4}[0.5,0](8,0)% \begin{tikzpicture}% \node [rectangle, inner sep=0em, fill=black, minimum width=2.4\TPHorizModule, minimum height=16\TPVertModule] at (0,0) {}; \end{tikzpicture}% \end{textblock}% \begin{textblock}{1}[0.5,0](8,2)% \begin{tikzpicture}% \node [color=white, inner sep=0cm, outer sep=0cm, rotate=270, minimum height=\TPHorizModule] at (0,0) { \Large #2 };% \end{tikzpicture}% \end{textblock}% \begin{textblock}{2.4}[0.5,1](8,14)% \centerline{\includegraphics[width=0.32in]{#1}}% \end{textblock}% } \newcommand\putPicture[1]{% \begin{textblock}{4}(10,2)% \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{#1} \end{textblock}% } \newcommand\putVolume[1]{% \begin{textblock}{2}[1,1](15,14)% \raggedleft \includegraphics[height=0.4in]{kdpcover-vol-#1} \end{textblock}% } \newcommand\putPrice[1]{% \begin{textblock}{4}[0,1](1,2)% \small #1 \end{textblock}% } \newcommand\putBack[1]{% \begin{textblock}{5}[0,0](1,3)% \small #1 \end{textblock}% } \newcommand\putTitle[1]{% \begin{textblock}{5}(10,9)% \fontsize{32}{32}\selectfont #1 \end{textblock}% } \newcommand\putAuthor[1]{% \begin{textblock}{4}(10,10)% \large by #1 \end{textblock}% } \newcommand\putTLDR[1]{% \begin{textblock}{5}(10,11)% TL;DR #1 \end{textblock}% } \newcommand\putVersion[1]{% \begin{textblock}{4}[0,1](10,14)% #1 \quad \iexec{git log -n 1 --pretty='format:\%ad' --date='format:\%e-\%b-\%Y'} \end{textblock}% } \newcommand\putCopyright[2]{% \begin{textblock}{4}[0,1](1,14)% \small (c) #1 #2 \end{textblock}% } \AtBeginDocument{% \ttfamily% \raggedright% \setlength\parindent{0pt}% \setlength\parskip{0pt}% \interfootnotelinepenalty=10000% } \endinput