% stepman.tex Description of option style files for STEP \documentclass[wd,copyright,letterpaper]{isov2} \usepackage{stepv13} \usepackage{irv12} \usepackage{apv12} \usepackage{aicv1} \usepackage{atsv11} %%\usepackage{isomods} % must come after the step packages \usepackage{hyphenat} \usepackage{comment} \ifpdf \pdfoutput=1 \usepackage[plainpages=false, pdfpagelabels, bookmarksnumbered, hyperindex=true ]{hyperref} \fi % general required preamble commands \standard{ISO/WD 10303-3456} \yearofedition{2002} \languageofedition{(E)} \renewcommand{\extrahead}{N 47b} % add doc N number to headers \partno{3456} \series{documentation methods} \doctitle{LaTeX package files for ISO 10303: User manual} \ballotcycle{2} % required preamble commands for an AP \aptitle{implicit drawing} \aicinaptrue % only if the AP uses AICs \mapspectrue % only if AP uses mapping specification % required preamble commands for an ATS \APtitle{abstract painting} \APnumber{299} \changemarkstrue \makeindex \setcounter{tocdepth}{3} % add more levels to table of contents % % Rest of preamble is some special macro definitions for this document only % \makeatletter % % the \file{} command % \newcommand{\file}[1]{\textsf{#1}} % % the \meta{} command % \begingroup \obeyspaces% \catcode`\^^M\active% \gdef\meta{\begingroup\obeyspaces\catcode`\^^M\active% \let^^M\do@space\let \do@space% \def\-{\egroup\discretionary{-}{}{}\hbox\bgroup\it}% \m@ta}% \endgroup \def\m@ta#1{\leavevmode\hbox\bgroup$<$\it#1\/$>$\egroup \endgroup} \def\do@space{\egroup\space \hbox\bgroup\it\futurelet\next\sp@ce} \def\sp@ce{\ifx\next\do@space\expandafter\sp@@ce\fi} \def\sp@@ce#1{\futurelet\next\sp@ce} % % the \setlabel{id}{num} command % this is based on the kernel \refstepcounter macro (ltxref.dtx) % %%\newcounter{lbl} \ifpdf \newcommand{\setlabel}[2]{% \protected@write\@auxout{}{% \string\newlabel{#1}{{#2}{\thepage}{setlabel\relax}{label.#2}{}}}% } \else \newcommand{\setlabel}[2]{% \protected@write\@auxout{}{% \string\newlabel{#1}{{#2}{\thepage}}}% } \fi % % index a command \newcommand{\bs}{\symbol{'134}} \newcommand{\ixcom}[1]{\index{#1/ @{\tt \protect\bs #1}}} % index an environment \newcommand{\ixenv}[1]{\index{#1 @{\tt #1} (environment)}} % index an option \newcommand{\ixopt}[1]{\index{#1 @{\tt #1} (option)}} % index a package \newcommand{\ixpack}[1]{\index{#1 @\file{#1} (package)}} % index a class \newcommand{\ixclass}[1]{\index{#1 @\file{#1} (class)}} % index in typewriter font \newcommand{\ixtt}[1]{\index{#1@{\tt #1}}} % index LaTeX \newcommand{\ixltx}{\index{latex@\LaTeX}} % index LaTeX 2e \newcommand{\ixltxe}{\index{latex2e@\LaTeX 2e}} % index LaTeX v2.09 \newcommand{\ixltxv}{\index{latex209@\LaTeX{} v2.09}} % index a file \newcommand{\ixfile}[1]{\index{#1@\file{#1}}} \makeatother % % % set some labels % step \setlabel{;ssne}{A} %%%\setlabel{;sior}{B} %%%\setlabel{;scil}{C} \setlabel{;seg}{D} % aic \setlabel{;sesl}{4} % ap \setlabel{;sireq}{4} \setlabel{;suof}{4.1} \setlabel{;sao}{4.2} \setlabel{;saa}{4.3} \setlabel{;saim}{5} \setlabel{;smap}{5.1} \setlabel{;saesl}{5.2} \setlabel{;scr}{6} \setlabel{;saeel}{A} \setlabel{;sasn}{B} \setlabel{;simreq}{C} \setlabel{;spics}{D} \setlabel{;saam}{F} \setlabel{;sarm}{G} \setlabel{;saeg}{H} \setlabel{;scil}{J} \setlabel{tabB1}{B.1} \setlabel{;uof1}{5.1.2} \setlabel{;uoflast}{5.1.4} % % define a new length \newlength{\prwlen} % % new (La)TeX macros \newcommand{\latex}{LaTeX} \newcommand{\tex}{TeX} % %%%%%%%%%% END SPECIAL MACROS % % end of preamble % \begin{document} \STEPcover{ %\scivnumber{987} \wg{EC} \docnumber{47b} \oldwg{EC} \olddocnumber{47a} \docdate{2002/09/04} %\partnumber{3456} %\doctitle{LaTeX package files for ISO 10303: User manual} %\status{Working draft} %\primcont \abstract{This document describes and illustrates the \latex{} macros for typesetting ISO~10303. The International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) has specified editorial directives for all international standards published by them. The \latex{} macros described here were developed to meet additional editorial directives for ISO~10303. } % end abstract \keywords{\latex, document preparation, typesetting ISO standards} %\dateprojo{May 1996} \owner{Peter R. Wilson} \address{Boeing Commercial Airplane\newline PO Box 3701 \newline MS 2R-97 \newline Seattle, WA 98124-2207 \newline USA} \telephone{+1 (206) 544-0589} \fax{+1 (206) 544-5889} \email{\url{peter.r.wilson@boeing.com}} \altowner{Peter R. Wilson} \altaddress{Boeing Commercial Airplane \newline PO Box 3701 \newline MS 2R-97 \newline Seattle, WA 98124-2207 \newline USA} \alttelephone{+1 (206) 544-0589} \altfax{+1 (206) 544-5889} \altemail{\url{peter.r.wilson@boeing.com}} \comread{\draftctr This document serves two purposes. Firstly, it provides a description of the current \latex{} macros for ISO 10303. Secondly, the source can be used as an example of using the \latex{} commands. Although the document is written as though it were a standard, it is not, and is not intended to become, a standard.} %end comread } % end of STEPcover \Foreword \fwdshortlist \endForeword% {Annexes A, B and C are} % normative annexes {Annexes D, E and F are} % informative annexes \begin{Introduction}%%%%%%%%%%{documentation methods} This part of ISO 10303 specifies the \latex{} facilities specifically designed for use in preparing the various parts of this standard. \begin{majorsublist} \item the \file{step} package facility; \item the \file{ir} package facility; \item the \file{ap} package facility; %%%\item the \file{am} package facility; \item the \file{aic} package facility; \item the \file{ats} package facility. \end{majorsublist} This part of ISO~10303 is intended to be used in conjunction with \textit{\latex{} for ISO standards: User manual} which is based in part upon material in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (\textit{Rules for the structure and drafting of International Standards, Fourth edition}). The \latex{} facilities described here are based as well upon the specifications given in ISO TC184/SC4 N1217n (\textit{SC4 Supplementary directives --- Rules for the structure and drafting of SC4 standards for industrial data}). \sclause*{Overview} This document describes a set of \latex{} macro files for use within ISO~10303, commonly called STEP (STandard for the Exchange of Product model data). The electronic source of this document also provides an example of the use of these files. The current set of macro files have been developed by Peter Wilson (\url{peter.r.wilson@boeing.com}) from a macro file developed by Kent Reed (NIST) for \latex{} v2.09. In turn, this was a revision of files originally created by Phil Spiby (CADDETC), based on earlier work by Phil Kennicott (GE).\footnote{In mid 1994 \latex{} was upgraded from version 2.09 to what is called \latex 2e. The files described in this document are only applicable to \latex 2e (support for \latex{} v2.09 was dropped in September 1997).} \begin{anote} It is important to remember that these macro files are only compatible with \latex 2e. \end{anote} % end anote Documents produced with the \latex{} files have been twice reviewed by the ISO Editorial Board in Geneva for conformance to their typographical requirements. The first review was of a set of Draft International Standard documents. This review resulted in some changes to the style files. The second review was of a set of twelve International Standard documents (ISO 10303:1994). Likewise, this review led to changes in the style files to bring the documents into conformance. With the issuance of the first STEP release, the opportunity was taken to provide a new baseline release of the package files. In particular, one STEP specific package file is available for all STEP parts, while others contain only commands relevant to the documentation of particular series of parts. The range of package files may be extended in the future to cater for documentation specific to all STEP parts. The 1997 baseline release was also designed to cater for the fact that a major update of \latex{} to \latex 2e took place during 1994. \latex 2e is the only officially supported version of \latex. Because ISO standard documents have a very structured layout, the \file{isov2} class and the package files described here have been designed to reflect the logical document structure to a much greater extent than the `standard' \latex{} files. With ISO's move toward accepting documents in PDF and HTML, the advent of second editions of some of the STEP parts, and a new edition of the STEP Supplementary Directives, a 2002 baseline release has been developed and is documented here. \end{Introduction} \stepparttitle{Documentation methods: LaTeX package files for ISO 10303: User manual} \scopeclause This part of ISO~10303 describes a set of \ixltx\latex{} facilities for typesetting documents according to the ISO/IEC Directives Part 2, together with the Supplementary Directives for drafting and presentation of ISO~10303. \begin{inscope}{part of ISO~10303} \item use of \latex{} for preparing ISO~10303 documents. \end{inscope} \begin{outofscope}{part of ISO~10303} \item use of \latex{} for preparing ISO standard documents in general; \item use of \latex{} in general; \item use of other document preparation systems. \end{outofscope} \textbf{IMPORTANT:} The preparation of this document has been partly funded by the US Government and is not subject to copyright. Any copyright notices within the document are for illustrative purposes only. \normrefsclause \label{sec:nrefs} \normrefbp{part of ISO~10303} \begin{nreferences} \isref{ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2}{Rules for the structure and drafting of International Standards, Fourth edition.} \isref{ISO TC 184/SC4 N1217:2001(E)}{SC4 Supplementary directives --- Rules for the structure and drafting of SC4 standards for industrial data.} %\isref{ISO 10303-1:1994}{Industrial automation systems and integration --- % Product data representation and exchange --- % Part 1: Overview and fundamental principles.} \nrefparti %\isref{ISO 10303-11:1994}{Industrial automation systems and integration --- % Product data representation and exchange --- % Part 11: Description methods: % The EXPRESS language reference manual.} \nrefpartxi %\disref{ISO/TR 10303-12:---}{Industrial automation systems and integration --- % Product data representation and exchange --- % Part 12: Description methods: % The EXPRESS-I language reference manual.} \nrefpartxii %\disref{ISO/IEC 8824-1:---}{Information technology --- % Open systems interconnection --- % Abstract syntax notation one (ASN.1) --- % Part 1: Specification of basic notation.} \nrefasni \disref{P. R. WILSON:---}{LaTeX for ISO standards: User manual.} \end{nreferences} \defabbclause %\clause{Terms, definitions, and abbreviations} \partidefhead %\sclause{Terms defined in ISO 10303-1} This part of ISO~10303 makes use of the following terms defined in ISO~10303-1: \begin{olddefinitions} \olddefinition{application protocol (AP)} \index{Application Protocol} \index{AP} \olddefinition{integrated resource} \index{Integrated Resource} \end{olddefinitions} \otherdefhead %\sclause{Other definitions} For the purposes of this part of ISO~10303, the following definitions apply. \begin{definitions} \definition{boilerplate}{Text whose wording is fixed and which has been agreed to be present in a specific type of document.} \index{boilerplate} \definition{style file}{A set of \latex{} macros assembled into a single file with an extension \file{.sty}.} \index{style file} \definition{package file}{A style file for use with \latex 2e.} \index{package file} \definition{facility}{A generic term for a set of \latex{} macros assembled for a common purpose. The macros may be defined in either a style file or a package file.}\index{facility} \end{definitions} \abbsubclause %\sclause{Abbreviations} For the purposes of this part of ISO 10303, the following abbreviations apply. \begin{symbols} \symboldef{AIC}{Application Interpreted Construct} \index{AIC} \symboldef{AM}{Application Module} \index{AM} \symboldef{AP}{Application Protocol} \index{AP} \symboldef{DIS}{Draft International Standard} \index{DIS} \symboldef{IS}{International Standard} \index{IS} \symboldef{ISOD}{ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2} \index{ISOD} \index{ISO/IEC Directives} \symboldef{SD}{Supplementary Directives --- \textit{SC4 Supplementary directives --- Rules for the structure and drafting of SC4 standards for industrial data}}\index{SD}\index{Supplementary Directives} \symboldef{IS-REVIEW}{The ISO Editorial Board review (September 1994) of twelve IS documents for conformance to ISO typographical and layout requirements.} \index{IS-REVIEW} \end{symbols} \clause{Conformance requirements} \label{sec:iconform} The facility files shall not be modified in any manner. If there is a need to modify any of the macro definitions then this shall be done using the \latex{} \verb|\renewcommand|\ixcom{renewcommand} and/or the \verb|\renewenvironment|\ixcom{renewenvironment} commands. These shall be placed in a new \file{.sty} file (or files) which shall be called in within the preamble\index{preamble} of the document being typeset. There shall be no author specified \verb|\label{...}| commands where the first two characters of the label are \verb|;s| (semicolon and `s'); the creation of labels starting with these characters is reserved to the maintainer of the facility files. \begin{anote} For conformance to the \file{isov2} class, author specified labels starting with the characters \verb|;i| (semicolon and `i') are prohibited. \end{anote} \fcandaclause %\clause{Fundamental concepts and assumptions} It is assumed that the reader of this document is familiar with the \ixltx\latex{} document preparation system and in particular with the \file{isov2}\ixclass{isov2} class and associated facilities described in \textit{LaTeX for ISO standards: User manual}. \begin{note}Reference~\bref{lamport} describes the \latex{} system. \end{note} % end note The reader is also assumed to be familiar with the ISO/IEC Directives Part~2 (ISOD)\index{ISOD} and the SC4 Supplementary directives for the structure and drafting of SC4 standards (SD).\index{ISOD}\index{SD} If there are any discrepancies between the layout and wording of this document and the requirements of the ISOD or the SD, then the requirements in those documents shall be followed for ISO~10303 standard documents. The packages described herein have been designed to be used with the \file{isov2}\ixclass{isov2} document class. It is highly unlikely that the packages will perform at all with any other \latex{} document class. Because of many revisions over the years to the packages described herein, a naming convention has been adopted for the package files. The naming convention is that the primary name of the file is suffixed by \file{v\#}, where \file{\#} is the primary version number of the file in question. All file primary names have been limited to a maximum of eight characters. \begin{note}Table~\ref{tab:curfiles} shows the versions of the files that were current at the time of publication. \ixpack{step}\ixfile{stepv13.sty} \ixpack{ir}\ixfile{irv12.sty} \ixpack{ap}\ixfile{apv12.sty} \ixpack{aic}\ixfile{aicv1.sty} \ixpack{ats}\ixfile{atsv11.sty} %%%\ixpack{am}\ixfile{amv1.sty} \end{note} % end note \begin{table} \centering \caption{File versions current at publication time} \label{tab:curfiles} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|} \hline \textbf{Facility} & \textbf{File} & \textbf{Version} \\ \hline\hline \file{step} & \file{stepv13.sty} & v1.3.2 \\ \file{ir} & \file{irv12.sty} & v1.2 \\ \file{ap} & \file{apv12.sty} & v1.2 \\ %%%\file{am} & \file{amv1.sty} & v1.0 \\ \file{aic} & \file{aicv1.sty} & v1.0 \\ \file{ats} & \file{atsv11.sty} & v1.1 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} \begin{note} This document is not, and is never intended to become, a standard, although it has been laid out in a similar, but not necessarily identical, manner. \end{note} % end note \clearpage \clause{The \file{step} package facility} The \file{step}\ixpack{step} package facility provides commands and environments applicable to all the ISO~10303 series of documents. \sclause{Preamble commands} Certain commands shall be put in the preamble\index{preamble} of any document. The command \verb|\partno{|\meta{number}\verb|}|\ixcom{partno} is used to specify the Part number of the ISO~10303 standard (e.g., \verb|\partno{3456}|). The command \verb|\series{|\meta{series title}\verb|}|\ixcom{series} is used to specify the name of the ISO~10303 series of which the Part is a member (e.g., \verb|\series{application modules}|). The command \verb|\doctitle{|\meta{informal title}\verb|}|\ixcom{doctitle} is used to specify the title to be used on the cover sheet. For example: \\ \verb|\doctitle{LaTeX package files for ISO 10303: User manual}| The command \verb|\ballotcycle{|\meta{number}\verb|}|\ixcom{ballotcycle} is used to specify the ballot cycle number for the document (e.g., \verb|\ballotcycle{2}|). The command\ixcom{ifhaspatents} \verb|\haspatentstrue|\ixcom{haspatentstrue} shall be put in the preamble when the document includes identified patented material; otherwise the command \verb|\haspatentsfalse|\ixcom{haspatentsfalse} may, but need not, be used instead. The \verb|\extrahead|\ixcom{extrahead} macro, from the \file{isov2} class, shall be defined to be the document number (e.g., \verb|\renewcommand{\extrahead}{47a}|). \begin{anote} The commands \verb|\standard|\ixcom{standard}, \verb|\yearofedition|\ixcom{yearofedition} and \verb|\languageofedition|\ixcom{languageofedition} from the \file{isov2} class must also be put in the preamble. \end{anote} \sclause{Cover page} The command \verb+\STEPcover{+\meta{commands}\verb+}+\ixcom{STEPcover} produces a cover page for a STEP document. The complete list of commands is shown below. \begin{itemize} \item \verb+\wg{+\meta{working group}\verb+}+\ixcom{wg} the working group or other committee producing the document e.g., WG 5 \item \verb+\docnumber{+\meta{number}\verb+}+\ixcom{docnumber} the number of the document e.g., 156 \item \verb+\docdate{+\meta{date}\verb+}+\ixcom{docdate} date of publication e.g., 1993/07/03 \item \verb+\oldwg{+\meta{working group}\verb+}+\ixcom{oldwg} superseded working group e.g., WG 1 \item \verb+\olddocnumber{+\meta{number}\verb+}+\ixcom{olddocnumber} number of previous document e.g., 107 \item \verb+\abstract{+\meta{text}\verb+}+\ixcom{abstract} an abstract of the document \item \verb+\keywords{+\meta{text}\verb+}+\ixcom{keywords} for listing relevant keywords \item \verb+\owner{+\meta{text}\verb+}+\ixcom{owner} name of the project leader \item \verb+\address{+\meta{text}\verb+}+\ixcom{address} address of the project leader \item \verb+\telephone{+\meta{number}\verb+}+\ixcom{telephone} the project leader's telephone number \item \verb+\fax{+\meta{number}\verb+}+\ixcom{fax} the project leader's fax number \item \verb+\email{+\meta{text}\verb+}+\ixcom{email} Email address of the project leader \item \verb+\altowner{+\meta{text}\verb+}+\ixcom{altowner} name of the editor of the document \item \verb+\altaddress{+\meta{text}\verb+}+\ixcom{altaddress} the editor's address \item \verb+\alttelephone{+\meta{number}\verb+}+\ixcom{alttelephone} the editor's telephone number \item \verb+\altfax{+\meta{number}\verb+}+\ixcom{altfax} the editor's fax number \item \verb+\altemail{+\meta{text}\verb+}+\ixcom{altemail} the editor's Email address \item \verb+\comread{+\meta{text}\verb+}+\ixcom{comread} comments to the reader \end{itemize} Use only those commands within \verb|\STEPcover| that are relevant to the purposes at hand. The order of the commands within \verb|\STEPcover| is immaterial. \begin{example} The commands used to produce the cover sheet for one version of this document were: \begin{verbatim} \STEPcover{ \wg{EC} \docnumber{41} \oldwg{EC} \olddocnumber{35} \docdate{1994/08/19} \abstract{This document describes the \latex{} style files created for ISO~10303. It also describes the program GenIndex which provides some capabilities to assist in the creation of indexes for \latex{} documents in general.} \keywords{\latex, Style file, GenIndex, Index} \owner{Peter R Wilson} \address{NIST\newline Bldg. 220, Room A127 \newline Gaithersburg, MD 20899 \newline USA } \telephone{+1 (301) 975-2976} \email{\texttt{pwilson@cme.nist.gov}} \altowner{Tony Day} \altaddress{Sikorsky Aircraft} \comread{This document serves two purposes. Firstly, it provides a description of the current \latex{} style file for ISO 10303. Secondly, the source can be used as an example of using the \latex{} commands.} % end comread } % end of STEPcover \end{verbatim} Note the use of the \verb|\newline| command instead of \verb|\\| in the argument of the \verb|\address| command to indicate a new line. The \verb|\newline| is needed to ensure satisfactory conversion to HTML. \end{example} % end example The macro \verb|\draftctr|\ixcom{draftctr} generates boilerplate that may be used in the `Comments to Reader' section of a cover page. \begin{example} The \latex{} source \verb|\draftctr This document \ldots| prints: \draftctr This document \ldots \end{example} \sclause{Heading commands} The commands described in this subclause specify various `standard' clause headings. \ssclause{The Foreword commands} The \verb+\Foreword+\ixcom{Foreword} command specifies that a table of contents, list of figures and a list of tables be produced. Page numbering is roman style and the table of contents starts on page iii. A new unnumbered clause entitled Foreword is started containing both ISO required boilerplate and boilerplate\index{boilerplate} text specific to ISO 10303. Any text may be written after the \verb|\Foreword| command. The Foreword clause is ended by the \verb+\endForeword{+\meta{norm annexes}\verb+}{+\meta{inf annexes}\verb+}+ command.\ixcom{endForeword} This command takes two parameters. \begin{enumerate} \item \meta{norm annexes} A phrase that starts the sentence `\meta{norm annexes} a normative part of this part \ldots'. If there are no normative annexes, then use an empty argument (i.e., \verb|{}| with no spaces between the braces). \item \meta{inf annexes} A phrase that starts the sentence `\meta{inf annexes} for information only.'. If there are no informative annexes, then use an empty argument. \end{enumerate} The \verb|\endForeword| command produces some additional boilerplate\index{boilerplate} text specifically for ISO 10303. \begin{example} The \latex{} source for the Foreword for this document is: \begin{verbatim} \Foreword \fwdshortlist \endForeword {Annexes A, B and C are} % normative annexes {Annexes D, E and F are} % informative annexes \end{verbatim} \end{example} % end example The \verb|\fwdshortlist|\ixcom{fwdshortlist} command produces boilerplate text for inclusion in the foreword referencing the STEP parts and series. \begin{example} In this document, the command \verb|\fwdshortlist| prints: \fwdshortlist \end{example} The \verb|\steptrid|\ixcom{steptrid} command produces boilerplate text for inclusion in the foreword describing the creators of a STEP Technical Report. \begin{example} The \latex{} command \verb|\steptrid| in this document prints: \steptrid \end{example} \ssclause{The Introduction environment} The \verb+\begin{Introduction}+\ixenv{Introduction} environment starts a new unnumbered clause entitled Introduction and adds some boilerplate\index{boilerplate} text specifically for ISO~10303. \begin{example} The following \latex{} source was used to specify the Introduction to this document. \label{ex:intro} \begin{verbatim} \begin{Introduction} This part of ISO 10303 specifies the \latex{} facilities specifically designed for use in preparing the various parts of this standard. \begin{majorsublist} \item the \file{step} package facility; \item the \file{ir} package facility; \item the \file{ap} package facility; \item the \file{aic} package facility; \item the \file{atc} package facility. \end{majorsublist} This part of ISO 10303 is intended to be used ... \sclause*{Overview} This document describes a set of \latex{} files for use within ISO~10303 ... \end{Introduction} \end{verbatim} \end{example} % end example \ssclause{The stepparttitle command} The \verb+\stepparttitle{+\meta{part title}\verb+}+\ixcom{stepparttitle} command produces the title for an ISO~10303 part, where \meta{part title} is the title of the part. \begin{anexample}The title for this document was produced using: \begin{verbatim} \stepparttitle{Documentation methods: LaTeX package files for ISO 10303: User manual} \end{verbatim} \end{anexample} % end example \ssclause{Other headings} Most of these commands take no parameters. They start document clauses with particular titles. The commands that take no parameters are listed in \tref{tab:noparamhead}. Some of these headings commands have predefined labels, which are also listed in the table. \ixcom{partidefhead} \ixcom{otherdefhead} \ixcom{introsubhead} \ixcom{fcandasubhead} \ixcom{shortnamehead} \ixcom{picshead} \ixcom{objreghead} \ixcom{docidhead} \ixcom{schemaidhead} \ixcom{expresshead} \ixcom{listingshead} \ixcom{expressghead} %%\ixcom{modelscopehead} \ixcom{techdischead} \ixcom{exampleshead} \begin{anote} In the tables, C = clause, SC = subclause, SSC = subsubclause, NA = normative annex, IA = informative annex. \end{anote} % end note \settowidth{\prwlen}{\quad Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement} \begin{table} \centering \caption{STEP package parameterless heading commands} \label{tab:noparamhead} \begin{tabular}{|l|c|p{\prwlen}|l|} \hline \textbf{Command} & \textbf{Clause} & \textbf{Default text} & \textbf{Label} \\ \hline \verb|\partidefhead| & SC & Terms defined in ISO 10303-1 & \\ \verb|\otherdefhead| & SC & Other definitions & \\ \verb|\introsubhead| & SC & Introduction & \\ \verb|\fcandasubhead| & SC & Fundamental concepts and assumptions & \\ \verb|\shortnamehead| & NA & Short names of entities & \verb|;ssne| \\ \verb|\picshead| & NA & Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) proforma & \verb|;spics| \\ \verb|\objreghead| & NA & Information object registration & \verb|;sior| \\ \verb|\docidhead| & SC & Document identification & \\ \verb|\schemaidhead| & SC & Schema identification & \\ \verb|\expresshead| & IA & \Express{} listing & \\ \verb|\listingshead| & IA & Computer interpretable listings & \verb|;scil| \\ \verb|\expressghead| & IA & \ExpressG\ diagrams & \verb|;seg| \\ %%%%\verb|\modelscopehead| & IA & Model scope & \verb|;sms| \\ \verb|\techdischead| & IA & Technical discussions & \verb|;std| \\ \verb|\exampleshead| & IA & Examples & \verb|;sex| \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} The commands listed in \tref{tab:paramhead} are equivalent to the general sectioning commands, but are intended to indicate the start of a particular documentation element. These commands take either one or two parameters. The parameters are denoted in the column headed `Parameterized title'. \ixcom{refdefhead} \ixcom{schemahead} \ixcom{typehead} \ixcom{entityhead} \ixcom{rulehead} \ixcom{functionhead} \ixcom{atypehead} \ixcom{anentityhead} \ixcom{arulehead} \ixcom{afunctionhead} \ixcom{aschemaidhead} \ixcom{singletypehead} \ixcom{singleentityhead} \ixcom{singlerulehead} \ixcom{singlefunctionhead} \begin{table} \centering \caption{STEP package parameterized heading commands} \label{tab:paramhead} \begin{tabular}{|l|c|l|} \hline \textbf{Command} & \textbf{Clause} & \textbf{Parameterized title} \\ \hline \verb|\refdefhead| & SC & Terms defined in \meta{ISO ref} \\ \verb|\schemahead| & C & \meta{schema name} \\ \verb|\singletypehead| & SC & \meta{schema name} type definition: \meta{type name} \\ \verb|\typehead| & SC & \meta{schema name} type definitions \\ \verb|\atypehead| & SSC & \meta{type name} \\ \verb|\singleentityhead| & SC & \meta{schema name} entity definition: \meta{entity name} \\ \verb|\entityhead| & SC & \meta{schema name} entity definitions \meta{group} \\ \verb|\anentityhead| & SSC & \meta{entity name} \\ \verb|\singlerulehead| & SC & \meta{schema name} rule definition: \meta{rule name} \\ \verb|\rulehead| & SC & \meta{schema name} rule definitions \\ \verb|\arulehead| & SSC & \meta{rule name} \\ \verb|\singlefunctionhead| & SC & \meta{schema name} function definition: \meta{function name} \\ \verb|\functionhead| & SC & \meta{schema name} function definitions \\ \verb|\afunctionhead| & SSC & \meta{function name} \\ \verb|\aschemaidhead| & SSC & \meta{schema name} identification \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} \sclause{Miscellaneous commands} The following commands provide some printing options for commonly occurring situations. The \verb|\nexp{}|\ixcom{nexp} command is intended to be used for printing \Express{} \index{express@{\Express}} entity names etc. \begin{itemize} \item The command \verb|\B{abc}|\ixcom{B} prints \B{abc} \item The command \verb|\E{abc}|\ixcom{E} prints \E{abc} \item The command \verb|\Express|\ixcom{Express} prints \Express{} \item The command \verb|\ExpressG|\ixcom{ExpressG} prints \ExpressG{} \item The command \verb|\ExpressI|\ixcom{ExpressI} prints \ExpressI{} \item The command \verb|\ExpressX|\ixcom{ExpressX} prints \ExpressX{} \item The command \verb|\BG{|\meta{mathsymbol}\verb|}|\ixcom{BG} prints \meta{mathsymbol} in bold font. \item The command \verb|\HASH|\ixcom{HASH} prints \HASH{} \item The command \verb|\LT|\ixcom{LT} prints \LT{} \item The command \verb|\LE|\ixcom{LE} prints \LE{} \item The command \verb|\NE|\ixcom{NE} prints \NE{} \item The command \verb|\INE|\ixcom{INE} prints \INE{} \item The command \verb|\GE|\ixcom{GE} prints \GE{} \item The command \verb|\GT|\ixcom{GT} prints \GT{} \item The command \verb|\CAT|\ixcom{CAT} prints \CAT{} %\item The command \verb|\HAT|\ixcom{HAT} prints \HAT{} \item The command \verb|\QUES|\ixcom{QUES} prints \QUES{} %\item The command \verb|\BS|\ixcom{BS} prints \BS{} \item The command \verb|\IEQ|\ixcom{IEQ} prints \IEQ{} \item The command \verb|\INEQ|\ixcom{INEQ} prints \INEQ{} \item The command \verb|\nexp{an\_entity}|\ixcom{nexp} prints \nexp{an\_entity} \item The command \verb|\xword{ExpResS\_KeyworD}|\ixcom{xword} prints \xword{ExpResS\_KeyworD} \end{itemize} The command \verb|\ix{|\meta{word or phrase}\verb|}|\ixcom{ix} both prints its parameter and also makes an index entry out of it. The command \verb|\mnote{|\meta{Marginal note text}\verb|}|\ixcom{mnote} prints its parameter as a marginal note. \mnote{Quite a lot of marginal note text.} Remember, though, that marginal notes are only printed when the \file{isov2}\ixclass{isov2} class \file{draft}\ixopt{draft} option is used. Marginal notes are not allowed by ISO. \ssclause{Standard reference commands} Many parts of STEP use the same normative or informative references. The most common of these are provided via commands. The currently available commands are listed in \tref{tab:nrefc}. \ixcom{nrefasni} \ixcom{nrefparti} \ixcom{nrefpartxi} \ixcom{nrefpartxii} \ixcom{nrefpartxxi} \ixcom{nrefpartxxii} \ixcom{nrefpartxxxi} \ixcom{nrefpartxxxii} \ixcom{nrefpartxli} \ixcom{nrefpartxlii} \ixcom{nrefpartxliii} The naming convention used for references to parts of ISO~10303 is to end the command name with the number of the part expressed in lower case Roman numerals. Should further references to parts of ISO~10303 be added later, the same naming convention will be used. \begin{table} \centering \caption{Commands for common references to standards} \label{tab:nrefc} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \hline \textbf{Standard} & \textbf{Command} \\ \hline ISO/IEC 8824-1 & \verb|\nrefasni| \\ ISO 10303-1 & \verb|\nrefparti| \\ ISO 10303-11 & \verb|\nrefpartxi| \\ ISO 10303-12 & \verb|\nrefpartxii| \\ ISO 10303-21 & \verb|\nrefpartxxi| \\ ISO 10303-22 & \verb|\nrefpartxxii| \\ ISO 10303-31 & \verb|\nrefpartxxxi| \\ ISO 10303-32 & \verb|\nrefpartxxxii| \\ ISO 10303-41 & \verb|\nrefpartxli| \\ ISO 10303-42 & \verb|\nrefpartxlii| \\ ISO 10303-43 & \verb|\nrefpartxliii| \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} \begin{example} The normative references in this document were input as: \begin{verbatim} \begin{nreferences} \isref{ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2}{Rules for the structure and drafting International Standards, Fourth edition.} \isref{...} \nrefparti \nrefpartxi \nrefpartxii \nrefasni \disref{P. R. WILSON:---}{LaTeX for ISO standards: User manual.} \end{nreferences} \end{verbatim} \end{example} \begin{anote} For the commands providing references to STEP parts, the part number is denoted by lowercase Roman numerals. Should further reference commands be provided for other STEP parts, then the same naming scheme will be used. \end{anote} Some informative bibliographic reference commands are also provided. The command \verb|\bibidefo|\ixcom{bibidefo} produces the reference entry to the IDEF0 document and \verb|\brefidefo|\ixcom{brefidefo} can be used for citing the reference in the body of the document. The commands \verb|\bibidefix|\ixcom{bibidefix} and \verb|\bibieeedefix|\ixcom{bibieeedefix} produce the reference entry to the original FIPS version of IDEF1X and the IEEE version of IDEF1X respectively. The command \verb|\brefidefix|\ixcom{brefidefix} can be used for citing an IDEF1X reference in the body of the document. IDEF0 and IDEF1X are references \brefidefo{} and \brefidefix{} in the bibliography. \begin{example} Part of the bibliography for this document looks like: \begin{verbatim} \begin{references} ... \reference{BRYAN, M.,}{SGML --- An Author's Guide to the Standard Generalized Markup Language,}{Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1988. }\label{bryan} \bibidefo \bibieeeidefix \reference{RESSLER, S.,}{The National PDES Testbed Mail Server User's Guide,} {NSTIR 4508, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899. January 1991.} \label{ressler} ... \end{references} \end{verbatim} \end{example} \begin{example}The source for one of the sentences above was: \begin{verbatim} IDEF0 and IDEF1X are references \brefidefo{} and \brefidefix{} in the bibliography. \end{verbatim} \end{example} \sclause{Commands for documenting EXPRESS code} \index{express@\Express\} The Supplementary Directives\index{SD} specify the layout of the documentation of \Express{} code. The following commands are intended to serve two purposes: \begin{enumerate} \item To provide environments for the documentation of entity attributes, etc.; \item To provide begin and end tags around all the \Express{} code documentation. \end{enumerate} This latter purpose is to provide an enabling capability for the automatic extraction of portions of the documentation of an \Express{} model so that they could be placed into another document. For example, tools could be developed that would automatically extract pieces of resource model documentation and place them into an AP document. \begin{anote} This document uses the \file{hyphenat}\ixpack{hyphenat} package which enables automatic hyphenation of `words' containing the underscore character command %(\verb|\_|\index{_/@\verb|\_|}). (\verb|\_|\index{_/@\texttt{\bs\_}}). Such words would normally have to be coded as \verb|long\_\-word| to ensure potential hyphenation at the position of the underscore. When using the \file{hyphenat} package it is an error to put the \verb|\-|\ixcom{-} discretionary hyphen command after the underscore command as this then stops further hyphenation. \end{anote} \ssclause{Environments ecode, eicode and excode} The \verb|ecode|\ixenv{ecode} environment is for tagging \Express{} code. It prints the appropriate title and sets up the relevant fonts. \begin{anexample} The following \latex{} source code: \begin{verbatim} \begin{ecode}\ixent{an\_entity} \begin{verbatm} % read verbatm as verbatim *) ENTITY an_entity; attr : REAL; END_ENTITY; (* \end{verbatm} % read verbatm as verbatim \end{ecode} \end{verbatim} produces: \begin{ecode}\ixent{an\_entity} \begin{verbatim} *) ENTITY an_entity; attr : REAL; END_ENTITY; (* \end{verbatim} \end{ecode} \end{anexample} % end example Similarly, the \verb|eicode|\ixenv{eicode} and \verb|excode|\ixenv{excode} environments are for tagging \ExpressI{} and \ExpressX{} code and setting up the relevant titles and fonts. \ssclause{Environment attrlist} The \verb|attrlist|\ixenv{attrlist} environment produces the heading for attribute definitions and sets up a \verb|description|\ixenv{description} list. \begin{anexample}The following \latex{} source code: \begin{verbatim} \begin{attrlist} \item[attr\_1] The \ldots \item[attr\_2] This \ldots \end{attrlist} \end{verbatim} produces: \begin{attrlist} \item[attr\_1] The \ldots \item[attr\_2] This \ldots \end{attrlist} \end{anexample} % end example \ssclause{Environment fproplist} The \verb|fproplist|\ixenv{fproplist} environment is similar to \verb|attrlist|\ixenv{attrlist} except that it is for formal propositions. \begin{anexample}The following \latex{} source code: \begin{verbatim} \begin{fproplist} \item[un\_1] The value of \ldots\ shall be unique. \item[gt\_0] The value of \ldots\ shall be greater than zero. \end{fproplist} \end{verbatim} produces: \begin{fproplist} \item[un\_1] The value of \ldots\ shall be unique. \item[gt\_0] The value of \ldots\ shall be greater than zero. \end{fproplist} \end{anexample} % end example \ssclause{Other listing environments} The environments \verb|iproplist|\ixenv{iproplist}, \verb|enumlist|\ixenv{enumlist}, and \verb|arglist|\ixenv{arglist} are similar to \verb|attrlist|\ixenv{attrlist}. Respectively they are environments for informal propositions, enumerated items, and argument definitions. \ssclause{Indexing} The command \verb|\ixent{|\meta{entity}\verb|}|\ixcom{ixent} generates an index entry for the entity \meta{entity}. There are similar macros, each of which takes the name of the declaration as its argument, for indexing the other \Express{} declarations: \verb|\ixenum|\ixcom{ixenum} for enumeration, \verb|\ixfun|\ixcom{ixfun} for function, \verb|\ixproc|\ixcom{ixproc} for procedure, \verb|\ixrule|\ixcom{ixrule} for rule, \verb|\ixsc|\ixcom{ixsc} for subtype\_constraint, \verb|\ixschema|\ixcom{ixschema} for schema, \verb|\ixselect|\ixcom{ixselect} for select, and \verb|\ixtype|\ixcom{ixtype} for type. \ssclause{Documentation tagging} Several environments are defined to tag the general documentation of \Express{} code. \index{express@\Express\} The environment \verb+\begin{espec}{+\meta{name}\verb+}+\ixenv{espec} may be used to enclose, and give a name to, a complete specification block for an \Express{} entity. There are analogous environments --- \verb+fspec+\ixenv{fspec}, \verb+rspec+\ixenv{rspec}, \verb+sspec+\ixenv{sspec}, and \verb+tspec+\ixenv{tspec} --- for functions, rules, schemas and types respectively. The \verb|dtext|\ixenv{dtext} environment may be used to anonymously enclose descriptive text. \begin{example}\label{ex:code} Here is the suggested tagged documentation style for part of an \Express{} model. \begin{verbatim} %\ssclause{committee\_def} \begin{espec}{committee_def} \begin{dtext} A committee is composed of an odd number of people. Each committee also has a name. The ideal size of a committee is less than three. \begin{anote} Figures and tables may also be placed here. \end{anote} % end note \end{dtext} \begin{ecode}\ixent{committee\_def} \begin{verbatm} % read verbatm as verbatim *) ENTITY committee_def; title : name; members : SET [1:?] OF person; DERIVE ideal : BOOLEAN := SIZEOF(members) = 1; UNIQUE un1 : title; WHERE odd_members : ODD(SIZEOF(members)); END_ENTITY; (* \end{verbatm} % read verbatm as verbatim \end{ecode} \begin{attrlist} \item[title] The name of the committee. \item[members] The people who form the committee. \item[ideal] TRUE if there is only one person on the committee. That is, if the committee is the ideal size. \end{attrlist} \begin{fproplist} \item[un1] The \nexp{title} of the committee shall be unique. \item[odd\_members] There shall be an odd number of people on the committee. \end{fproplist} \begin{iproplist} \item[chair] The members of a committee shall appoint one of their number as chair of the committee. \end{iproplist} \end{espec} \end{verbatim} \end{example} % end example \begin{example} The code in \eref{ex:code} produces the following result: \begin{espec}{committee_def} \begin{dtext} A committee is composed of an odd number of people. Each committee also has a name. The ideal size of a committee is less than three. \begin{anote} Figures and tables may also be placed here. \end{anote} % end note \end{dtext} \begin{ecode}\ixent{committee\_def} \begin{verbatim} *) ENTITY committee_def; title : name; members : SET [1:?] OF person; DERIVE ideal : BOOLEAN := SIZEOF(members) = 1; UNIQUE un1 : title; WHERE odd_members : ODD(SIZEOF(members)); END_ENTITY; (* \end{verbatim} % read verbatm as verbatim \end{ecode} \begin{attrlist} \item[title] The name of the committee. \item[members] The people who form the committee. \item[ideal] TRUE if there is only one person on the committee. That is, if the committee is the ideal size. \end{attrlist} \begin{fproplist} \item[un1] The \nexp{title} of the committee shall be unique. \item[odd\_members] There shall be an odd number of people on the committee. \end{fproplist} \begin{iproplist} \item[chair] The members of a committee shall appoint one of their number as chair of the committee. \end{iproplist} \end{espec} \end{example} % end example \sclause{Commands producing boilerplate text} \index{boilerplate} The following commands produce boilerplate text as specified by the Supplementary Directives\index{SD}. \begin{anote} In the examples, the parameters of those commands that take them have been specified in \textit{this font style} so their effects can be seen in the resulting printed text. \end{anote} \ssclause{Definition of \ExpressG} The \verb|\expressgdef|\ixcom{expressgdef} prints the boilerplate for where the definition of \ExpressG{} can be found. \begin{anexample} The command \verb|\expressgdef| prints: \expressgdef \end{anexample} \ssclause{Major subdivision listing} The \verb|majorsublist|\ixenv{majorsublist} environment prints the boilerplate for the heading of a listing of major subdivisions of the standard and starts an itemized list. An illustration of its use is given in \eref{ex:intro} on page~\pageref{ex:intro}. The heading text is produced by the \verb|\majorsubname|\ixcom{majorsubname} command. \begin{anexample} The command \verb|\majorsubname| command prints: \majorsubname \end{anexample} \ssclause{Schema introduction} The command \verb|\schemahead{|\meta{schema name}\verb|}|\ixcom{schemahead} prints the heading for a schema clause. The command \verb+\schemaintro{+\meta{schema name}\verb+}+\ixcom{schemaintro} produces the boilerplate for the introduction to an \Express{} schema clause. \begin{anexample}The command \verb|\schemaintro{\nexp{this\_schema}}| prints: \schemaintro{\nexp{this\_schema}} \end{anexample} \ssclause{Short names of entities} The command \verb|\shortnamehead|\ixcom{shortnamehead} prints the heading for the short names annex. The command \verb|\shortnames|\ixcom{shortnames} produces the boilerplate for the introduction to the annex listing short names. \begin{anexample}The command \verb|\shortnames| prints: \shortnames \end{anexample} %end example \ssclause{Registration commands} The command \verb|\objreghead|\ixcom{objreghead} prints the heading for the information object registration annex. The command \verb|\docidhead|\ixcom{docidhead} prints the heading for the document identification subclause. The command \verb+\docreg{+\meta{version no}\verb+}+\ixcom{docreg} produces the boilerplate for document registration. The command takes one parameter: \meta{version no} which is the version number.\footnote{The SD say that the version number should be 1 for a first edition IS. The version number is incremented by one for each corrigenda, amendment or new edition.} \begin{example}The command \verb|\docreg{1}| prints: \docreg{\textit{1}} \end{example} % end example The command \verb|\schemaidhead|\ixcom{schemaidhead} prints the heading for the schema identification subclause. The command \verb|\aschemaidhead{|\meta{schema name}\verb|}|\ixcom{aschemaidhead} prints the heading for a particular schema identification subsubclause. The command \verb+\schemareg{+\meta{version no}\verb+}{+\meta{p2}\verb+}{+\meta{p3}\verb+}{+\meta{p4}\verb+}{+\meta{p5}\verb+}{+\meta{p6}\verb+}+\ixcom{schemareg} produces the boilerplate concerning schema registration. The command takes six parameters. \begin{enumerate} \item \meta{version no} The version number; \item \meta{p2} The name of an \Express{} schema (with underscores); \item \meta{p3} The number of the schema object (typically 1); \item \meta{p4} The name of the schema, with hyphens replacing any underscores in the name; \item \meta{p5} The number identifying the schema; \item \meta{p6} The clause or annex in which the schema is defined. \end{enumerate} \begin{example}The command \\ \verb|\schemareg{1}{a\_schema}{3}{a-schema}{5}{clause 6}| prints: \schemareg{\textit{1}}{a\_schema}{\textit{3}}{\textit{a-schema}}{\textit{5}}{\textit{clause 6}} \end{example} % end example \ssclause{Computer interpretable listings} The command \verb|\listingshead|\ixcom{listingshead} prints the heading for the computer interpretable listings annex. The command \verb|\expurls{|\meta{short}\verb|}{|\meta{express}\verb|}|\ixcom{expurls} produces the boilerplate for the introduction to the annex listing short names and \Express, where \meta{short} is the URL for the short names and \meta{express} is the URL for the \Express. \begin{anexample} The command \verb|\expurls{http:/www.short/}{http://www.express/}| prints: \expurls{http://www.short/}{http://www.express/} \end{anexample} \clearpage \clause{The \file{ir} package facility} The \file{ir}\ixpack{ir} package provides commands and environments specifically for the ISO~10303 Integrated Resources series of documents. Use of this package requires the use of the \file{step}\ixpack{step} package. \sclause{Boilerplate commands} The \file{ir} package modifies the \verb|\fwdshortlist|\ixcom{fwdshortlist} command to produce extra IR-specific boilerplate. The following commands produce boilerplate text as specified by the SD\index{SD}. \ssclause{Integrated resource EXPRESS-G} The command \verb|\expressghead|\ixcom{expressghead} prints the heading for the \ExpressG{} diagrams annex. The command \verb+\irexpressg+\ixcom{irexpressg} produces the boilerplate for the introduction to the integrated resource \ExpressG{} annex. \index{expressg@\ExpressG\} \begin{anexample}The command \verb|\irexpressg| prints: \irexpressg \end{anexample} % end example %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%\end{document} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \clearpage \clause{The \file{ap} package facility} The \file{ap}\ixpack{ap} package provides commands and environments specifically for the ISO~10303 Application Protocol series of documents. Use of this package requires the use of the \file{step}\ixpack{step} package. \sclause{Preamble commands} Certain commands shall be put in the preamble of an AP document. The command \verb+\aptitle{+\meta{title of AP}\verb+}+\ixcom{aptitle} shall be put into the preamble. \index{preamble} The parameter shall be of such a form that it will read naturally in a sentence of the form: `\ldots for the \meta{title of AP} application protocol.'. \begin{anexample} For the purposes of later examples, the command \verb|\aptitle{|\texttt{\theap}\verb|}| has been put in the preamble of this document. \end{anexample} % end example If the AP makes use of one or more AICs\index{AIC}, then the command \verb|\aicinaptrue|\ixcom{aicinaptrue} shall be put in the document preamble. If a mapping specification is used instead of a mapping table, the command \verb|\mapspectrue|\ixcom{mapspectrue} shall be put in the preamble. If mapping templates are used then \verb|\maptemplatetrue|\ixcom{maptemplatetrue} shall also be put in the preamble. If IDEF1X is used instead of \ExpressG{} as the graphical form for the ARM, then \verb|\idefixtrue|\ixcom{idefixtrue} shall be put in the preamble. \sclause{Heading commands} These commands start document clauses with particular titles. The commands that take no parameters are listed in \tref{tab:apnpheads}. Some of these commands have predefined labels, which are also listed in the table. \ixcom{inforeqhead} \ixcom{uofhead} \ixcom{applobjhead} \ixcom{applasserthead} \ixcom{aimhead} \ixcom{maptablehead} \ixcom{templateshead} \ixcom{aimshortexphead} \ixcom{confreqhead} \ixcom{aimlongexphead} \ixcom{aimshortnameshead} \ixcom{impreqhead} \ixcom{aamhead} \ixcom{aamdefhead} \ixcom{aamfighead} \ixcom{armhead} \ixcom{aimexpressghead} \ixcom{aimexpresshead} \ixcom{apusagehead} \settowidth{\prwlen}{\quad Application activity model definitions} \begin{table} \centering \caption{AP package parameterless heading commands} \label{tab:apnpheads} \begin{tabular}{|l|c|p{\prwlen}|l|} \hline \textbf{Command} & \textbf{Clause} & \textbf{Default text} & \textbf{Label} \\ \hline \verb|\inforeqhead| & C & Information requirements & \verb|;sireq| \\ \verb|\uofhead| & SC & Units of functionality & \verb|;suof| \\ \verb|\applobjhead| & SC & Application objects & \verb|;sao| \\ \verb|\applasserthead| & SC & Application assertions & \verb|;saa| \\ \verb|\aimhead| & C & Application interpreted model & \verb|;saim| \\ \verb|\mappinghead| & SC & Mapping table, or & \verb|;smap| \\ & & Mapping specification & \verb|;smap| \\ \verb|\templateshead| & SSC & Mapping templates & \\ \verb|\aimshortexphead| & SC & AIM \Express{} short listing & \verb|;saesl| \\ \verb|\confreqheadhead| & C & Conformance requirements & \verb|;scr| \\ \verb|\aimlongexphead| & NA & AIM \Express{} expanded listing & \verb|;saeel| \\ \verb|\aimshortnameshead| & NA & AIM short names & \verb|;sasn| \\ \verb|\impreqhead| & NA & Implementation method specific requirements & \verb|;simreq| \\ \verb|\aamhead| & IA & Application activity model & \verb|;saam| \\ \verb|\aamdefhead| & SC & Application activity model definitions and abbreviations & \verb|| \\ \verb|\aamfighead| & SC & Application activity model diagrams & \verb|| \\ \verb|\armhead| & IA & Application reference model & \verb|;sarm| \\ \verb|\aimexpressghead| & IA & AIM \ExpressG{} & \verb|;saeg| \\ \verb|\aimexpresshead| & IA & AIM \Express{} listing & \verb|| \\ \verb|\apusagehead| & IA & Application protocol usage guide & \verb|;sapug| \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} The commands listed in \tref{tab:appheads} take parameters. \ixcom{auofhead} \ixcom{mapuofhead} \ixcom{mapobjecthead} \ixcom{mapattributehead} \begin{table} \centering \caption{AP package parameterized heading commands} \label{tab:appheads} \begin{tabular}{|l|c|l|} \hline \textbf{Command} & \textbf{Clause} & \textbf{Parameterized title} \\ \hline \verb|\auofhead| & SSC & \meta{UoF} \\ \verb|\mapuofhead| & SSC & \meta{UoF} \\ \verb|\mapobjecthead| & SSSC & \meta{application object} \\ \verb|\mapattribhead| & SSSSC & \meta{attribute} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} \sclause{Boilerplate commands} The following commands produce boilerplate text as specified by the SD\index{SD}. \begin{anote} In the examples, the parameters of those commands that take them have been specified in \textit{this font style} so their effects can be seen in the resulting printed text. \end{anote} \ssclause{AP introduction} The command \verb|\apextraintro|\ixcom{apextraintro} produces extra boilerplate for the Introduction to an AP. \begin{anexample}The command \verb|\apextraintro| prints: \apextraintro \end{anexample} %end example \ssclause{AP scope} The command \verb+\apscope{+\meta{application purpose and context}\verb+}+\ixcom{apscope} produces the boilerplate for the start of an AP scope\index{scope} clause. \begin{anexample}The command \verb|\apscope{application purpose and context.}| prints: \apscope{\textit{application purpose and context.}} \end{anexample} \ssclause{AP information requirements} The command \verb|\inforeqhead|\ixcom{inforeqhead} prints the heading for the information requirements clause. The command \verb+\apinforeq{+\meta{AP purpose}\verb+}+\ixcom{apinforeq} produces the boilerplate for the clause. \begin{anexample}The command \verb|\apinforeq{AP purpose.}| prints: \apinforeq{\textit{AP purpose.}} \end{anexample} % end example \ssclause{AP UoF} The command \verb|\uofhead|\ixcom{uofhead} prints the heading for the UoF subclause. The environment \verb+\begin{apuof}+\meta{item list}\verb+\end{apuof}+\ixenv{apuof} produces the boilerplate for the introduction to the clause. \begin{anexample} Remembering that \verb|\aptitle|\ixcom{aptitle} was set to \texttt{\theap} in the preamble, the commands \begin{verbatim} \begin{apuof} \item Name of UoF1; \item Name of UoF2; \item Name of UoFn. \end{apuof} \end{verbatim} prints: \begin{apuof} \item Name of UoF1; \item Name of UoF2; \item Name of UoFn. \end{apuof} \end{anexample} \ssclause{AP application objects} The command \verb|\applobjhead|\ixcom{applobjhead} prints the heading for the application objects subclause. The command \verb|\apapplobj|\ixcom{apapplobj} produces the boilerplate for the introduction to the clause. \begin{anexample} Remembering that \verb|\aptitle|\ixcom{aptitle} was set to \texttt{\theap} in the preamble, the command \verb|\apapplobj| prints: \apapplobj \end{anexample} \ssclause{AP assertions} The command \verb|\applasserthead|\ixcom{applasserthead} prints the heading for the application assertions subclause. The command \verb|\apassert|\ixcom{apassert} produces the boilerplate for the clause. \begin{anexample} Remembering that \verb|\aptitle|\ixcom{aptitle} was set to \texttt{\theap} in the preamble, the command \verb|\apassert| prints: \apassert \end{anexample} \ssclause{AP mapping table/specification} The command \verb|\mappinghead|\ixcom{mappinghead} prints the heading for the mapping table or mapping specification subclause. The heading text depends on whether or not \verb|\mapspectrue|\ixcom{mapspectrue} was put in the preamble. The command \verb|\apmapping|\ixcom{apmapping} produces the boilerplate for the introduction to the AP mapping table or specification clause. \begin{anote}AICs are included in the boilerplate only if the command \verb|\aicinaptrue|\ixcom{aicinaptrue} is included in the preamble. \end{anote} \begin{example}By default, or when \verb|\mapspecfalse| is in the preamble, the command \verb|\apmapping| prints: \mapspecfalse \apmapping \end{example} % end example \begin{example}When \verb|\mapspectrue| is in the preamble, the command \verb|\apmapping| prints: \mapspectrue \apmapping \end{example} % end example \sssclause{AP mapping templates} The command \verb|\aptemplatehead|\ixcom{aptemplatehead} prints the heading for the mapping template subclause (if any). The command \verb|\apmaptemplate|\ixcom{apmaptemplate} prints the boilerplate for the introduction to the clause. This refers to the UoFs in the AP. The first of the UoFs shall be labelled as \verb|\label{;uof1}| and the last of the UoFs shall be labelled as \verb|\label{;uoflast}|. \begin{example} If there are three UoFs, then there should be headings of the form: \begin{verbatim} \mapuofhead{First UoF}\label{;uof1} ... \mapuofhead{Second UoF}... ... \mapuofhead{Third UoF}\label{;uoflast} ... \end{verbatim} \end{example} \begin{example} Assuming that there are three UoFs as in the previous example, the command \verb|\apmaptemplate| prints: \apmaptemplate \end{example} % end example The command \verb|\sstemplates|\ixcom{sstemplates} prints the two subclauses for the \xword{subtype} and \xword{SuPeRtype} templates. \begin{example} \label{ex:sstemplates} In this document, and noting that the clause numbering is not the same as in a real AP document, the command \verb|\sstemplates| prints: \sstemplates \end{example} % end example \sssclause{Template headings} There are three headings used within a mapping template. The command \verb|\signature|\ixcom{signature} prints the underlined Mapping signature header. The command \verb|\parameters|\ixcom{parameters} prints the underlined Parameter definition header. The command \verb|\body|\ixcom{body} prints the underlined Template body header. \begin{anexample} The results of using the \verb|\signature|\ixcom{signature} and \verb|\parameters|\ixcom{parameters} commands were illustrated in \eref{ex:sstemplates} on \pref{ex:sstemplates}. \end{anexample} \ssclause{AIM short EXPRESS listing} The command \verb|\aimshortexphead|\ixcom{aimshortexphead} prints the heading for the AIM EXPRESS short listing subclause. The command \verb|\apshortexpress|\ixcom{apshortexpress} produces the boilerplate for the first paragraph of the clause. \begin{anote}AICs are included in the boilerplate only if the command \verb|\aicinaptrue|\ixcom{aicinaptrue} is included in the preamble. \end{anote} \begin{example} The command \verb|\apshortexpress| without \verb|\aicinaptrue| in the preamble produces: \aicinapfalse \apshortexpress \end{example} % end example \begin{example} With \verb|\aicinaptrue| set in the preamble the command \verb|\apshortexpress| produces the following: \aicinaptrue \apshortexpress \end{example} % end example \ssclause{AP conformance} The command \verb|\confreqhead|\ixcom{confreqhead} prints the heading for the conformance requirements clause. The command \verb+\apconformance{+\meta{implementation methods}\verb+}+\ixcom{apconformance} produces the boilerplate for the introduction to the clause. The environment \verb+\begin{apconformclasses}+\meta{item list}\verb+\end{apconformclasses}+\ixenv{apconformclasses} provides some additional boilerplate. \begin{example}The command \verb|\apconformance{ISO 10303-21, ISO 10303-22}| prints: \apconformance{\textit{ISO 10303-21, ISO 10303-22}} \end{example} % end example \begin{example}The commands \begin{verbatim} \begin{apconformclasses} \item first class; \item second class; \item last class. \end{apconformclasses} \end{verbatim} print: \begin{apconformclasses} \item first class; \item second class; \item last class. \end{apconformclasses} \end{example} \ssclause{EXPRESS expanded listing} The command \verb|\aimlongexphead|\ixcom{aimlongexphead} prints the heading for the AIM expanded listing clause. The command \verb|\aimlongexp|\ixcom{aimlongexp} produces the boilerplate for the introduction to the clause. \begin{anexample}The command \verb|\aimlongexp| prints: \aimlongexp \end{anexample} % end example \ssclause{AIM short names} The command \verb|\aimshortnamehead|\ixcom{aimshortnamehead} prints the heading for the AIM short names annex. The command \verb|\apshortnames|\ixcom{apshortnames} produces the boilerplate for the introduction to the AP short name annex. \begin{anexample}The command \verb|\apshortnames| prints: \apshortnames \end{anexample} % end example \ssclause{Implementation requirements} the command \verb|\impreqhead|\ixcom{impreqhead} prints the heading for implementation method-specific reguirements. The command \verb+\apimpreq{+\meta{schema name}\verb+}+\ixcom{apimpreq} produces the boilerplate for the requirements on exchange structure. \begin{anexample}The command \verb|\apimpreq{schema\_name}| prints: \apimpreq{\textit{schema\_name}} \end{anexample} % end example \ssclause{AP PICS} The command \verb|\picshead|\ixcom{picshead}, from the \file{step}\ixpack{step} package, prints the heading for the PICS annex. The command \verb|\picsannex|\ixcom{picsannex} produces the boilerplate for the start of the AP PICS annex. \begin{anexample}The command \verb|\picsannex| prints: \picsannex \end{anexample} % end example \ssclause{AAM annex} The command \verb|\aamhead|\ixcom{aamhead} prints the heading for the AAM annex. The command \verb|\apaamintro|\ixcom{apaamintro} produces the introductory boilerplate for the introduction of the AP annex on application activity models. \begin{anexample} The command \verb|\apaamintro| prints: \apaamintro \end{anexample} % end example \ssclause{AP AAM definitions} The command \verb|\aamdefhead|\ixcom{aamdefhead} prints the heading for the AAM definitions subclause. The command \verb|\apaamdefs|\ixcom{apaamdefs} produces the boilerplate at the start of the AP subclause on AAM definitions and abbreviations. \begin{anexample} The command \verb|\apaamdefs| prints: \apaamdefs \end{anexample} % end example \ssclause{AAM diagrams annex} The command \verb|\aamfighead|\ixcom{aamfighead} prints the heading for the AAM diagrams subclause. The command \verb|\aamfigrange{|\meta{figure range}\verb|}|\ixcom{aamfigrange} is used to store the activity model diagram figure range for later use. \begin{example} For the purposes of this document we set \begin{verbatim} \aamfigrange{figures F.1 through F.n} \end{verbatim} \aamfigrange{\textit{figures F.1 through F.n}} \end{example} The command \verb+\aamfigures+\ixcom{aamfigures} produces the boilerplate for the introduction to an APs AAM figure subclause. \begin{example} Noting that we have set \verb|\aamfigrange{figures F.1 through F.n}|\ixcom{aamfigrange}, the command \verb|\aamfigures| prints: \aamfigures \end{example} \ssclause{ARM annex} The command \verb|\armhead|\ixcom{armhead} prints the heading for the ARM annex. The command \verb+\armintro+\ixcom{armintro} produces the boilerplate for the introduction to the ARM figures. \begin{anexample}The command \verb|\armintro| prints: \armintro \end{anexample} % end example \ssclause{AIM EXPRESS-G annex} The command \verb|\aimexpressghead|\ixcom{aimexpressghead} prints the heading for the AIM \ExpressG{} annex. The command \verb+\aimexpressg+\ixcom{aimexpressg} produces the boilerplate for the introduction to an AP's AIM \ExpressG{} model. \begin{anexample}The command \verb|\aimexpressg| prints: \aimexpressg \end{anexample} % end example \ssclause{AIM EXPRESS listing} The command \verb|\aimexpresshead|\ixcom{aimexpresshead} prints the heading for the AIM listing annex. % The command \verb|\aimexplisting|\ixcom{aimexplisting} %produces the boilerplate for the introduction to an AIMs short name and %\Express{} listing. % % %\begin{example}The command \verb|\aimexplisting| % prints: % %\aimexplisting %\end{example} The command \verb|\apexpurls{|\meta{short}\verb|}{|\meta{express}\verb|]|\ixcom{apexpurls} produces the boilerplate for the introduction to the AP annex listing short names and \Express, where \meta{short} is the URL for the short names and \meta{express} is the URL for the \Express. \begin{anexample} The command \verb|\apexpurls{http:/www.short/}{http://www.express/}| prints: \apexpurls{http://www.short/}{http://www.express/} \end{anexample} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%\end{document} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \clearpage \clause{The \file{aic} package facility} The \file{aic}\ixpack{aic} package provides commands and environments specifically for the ISO~10303 Application Interpreted Construct series of documents. The use of this package requires the use of the \file{step}\ixpack{step} package. \sclause{Heading commands} The commands described in this subclause start document clauses with particular titles. The commands that take no parameters are listed in \tref{tab:aicnpheads}. \ixcom{aicshortexphead} \begin{table}[btp] \centering \caption{AIC package parameterless heading commands} \label{tab:aicnpheads} \begin{tabular}{|l|c|l|l|} \hline \textbf{Command} & \textbf{Clause} & \textbf{Default text} & \textbf{Label} \\ \hline \verb|\aicshortexphead| & C & \Express{} short listing & \verb|;sesl| \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} \sclause{Boilerplate commands} The following commands produce boilerplate text as specified by the Supplementary Directives. \ssclause{Introduction text} The command \verb|\aicextraintro|\ixcom{aicextraintro} prints additional boilerplate for the Introduction to an AIC. \begin{anexample}The command \verb|\aicextraintro| prints: \aicextraintro \end{anexample} \ssclause{Definition of AIC} The command \verb|\aicdef|\ixcom{aicdef} prints the definition of `AIC'. It shall only be used within the \verb|definitions|\ixenv{definitions} environment. \begin{anexample}The commands: \begin{verbatim} \begin{definitions} \aicdef \end{definitions} \end{verbatim} produce: \begin{definitions} \aicdef \end{definitions} \end{anexample} % end example \ssclause{Short EXPRESS listing} The command \verb|\aicshortexphead|\ixcom{aicshortexphead} prints the heading for the AIC short \Express{} annex. The command \verb|\aicshortexpintro|\ixcom{aicshortexpintro} prints boilerplate for the introduction to the short \Express{} listing. \begin{anexample}The command \verb|\aicshortexpintro| prints: \aicshortexpintro \end{anexample} % end example \ssclause{EXPRESS-G figures} The command \verb|\expressghead|\ixcom{expressghead}, from the \file{step} package, prints the heading for the \ExpressG{} diagrams annex. The command \verb+\aicexpressg+\ixcom{aicexpressg} prints boilerplate for the introduction to the \ExpressG\ figures. \begin{anexample}The command \verb|\aicexpressg| prints: \aicexpressg \end{anexample} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%\end{document} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \clearpage \clause{The \file{ats} package facility} The \file{ats}\ixpack{ats} package provides commands and environments specifically for the ISO~10303 Abstract Test Suite series of documents. The use of this package requires the use of the \file{step}\ixpack{step} package. \sclause{Preamble commands} Certain commands shall be put in the preamble\index{preamble} of an ATS document. The command \verb+\APnumber{+\meta{number}\verb+}+\ixcom{APnumber} shall be put in the preamble, where \meta{number} is the ISO 10303 part number of the corresponding AP. \begin{example} For the purposes of later examples, the command \verb+\APnumber{+\texttt{\theAPpartno}\verb+}+ has been put in the preamble. of this document. \end{example} The command \verb+\APtitle{+\meta{title of AP}\verb+}+\ixcom{APtitle} shall be put in the preamble, where \meta{title of AP} is the ISO 10303 part title of the corresponding AP. This must be given in such a manner that it reads sensibly in a sentence of the form `\ldots for ISO 10303-299, application protocol \meta{title of AP}.' \begin{example} For the purposes of later examples, the command \verb+\APtitle{+\texttt{\theAPtitle}\verb+}+ has been put in the preamble of this document. \end{example} The command \verb+\mapspectrue+\ixcom{mapspectrue} shall be put in the preamble if the AP uses a mapping specification rather than a mapping table. \sclause{Heading commands} These commands start document clauses with particular titles. The commands that take no parameters are listed in \tref{tab:atshead}. \ixcom{purposeshead} \ixcom{domainpurposehead} \ixcom{aepurposehead} \ixcom{apobjhead} \ixcom{apasserthead} \ixcom{aimpurposehead} %%%\ixcom{extrefpurposehead} \ixcom{implementpurposehead} %%%\ixcom{rulepurposehead} \ixcom{otherpurposehead} \ixcom{gtpvchead} \ixcom{generalpurposehead} \ixcom{gvcatchead} \ixcom{gvcprehead} \ixcom{gvcposthead} \ixcom{atchead} \ixcom{prehead} \ixcom{posthead} \ixcom{confclassannexhead} \ixcom{postipfilehead} %%%\ixcom{excludepurposehead} \ixcom{atsusagehead} \settowidth{\prwlen}{\quad General verdict criteria for all abstract} \begin{table} \centering \caption{ATS package parameterless heading commands} \label{tab:atshead} \begin{tabular}{|l|c|p{\prwlen}|} \hline \textbf{Command} & \textbf{Clause} & \textbf{Default text} \\ \hline \verb|\purposeshead| & C & Test purposes \\ \verb|\aepurposehead| & SC & Application element test purposes \\ \verb|\aimpurposehead| & SC & AIM test purposes \\ \verb|\implementpurposehead| & SC & Implementation method test purposes \\ \verb|\domainpurposehead| & SC & Domain test purposes \\ \verb|\otherpurposehead| & SC & Other test purposes \\ \verb|\gtpvchead| & C & General test purposes and verdict criteria \\ \verb|\generalpurposehead| & SC & General test purposes \\ \verb|\gvcatchead| & SC & General verdict criteria for all abstract test cases \\ \verb|\gvcprehead| & SC & General verdict criteria for preprocessor abstract test cases \\ \verb|\gvcposthead| & SC & General verdict criteria for postprocessor abstract test cases \\ \verb|\atchead| & C & Abstract test cases \\ \verb|\prehead| & SSC & Preprocessor \\ \verb|\precoveredhead| & SSSC & Test purposes covered \\ \verb|\preinputhead| & SSSC & Input specification \\ \verb|\precriteriahead| & SSSC & Verdict criteria \\ \verb|\preconstraintshead| & SSSC & Constraints on values \\ \verb|\preexechead| & SSSC & Execution sequence \\ \verb|\preextrahead| & SSSC & Extra details \\ \verb|\posthead| & SSC & Postprocessor \\ \verb|\postcoveredhead| & SSSC & Test purposes coverage \\ \verb|\postinputhead| & SSSC & Input specification \\ \verb|\postcriteriahead| & SSSC & Verdict criteria \\ \verb|\postexechead| & SSSC & Execution sequence \\ \verb|\postextrahead| & SSSC & Extra details \\ \verb|\confclassannexhead| & NA & Conformance classes \\ \verb|\postipfilehead| & NA & Postprocessor input specification file names \\ \verb|\atsusagehead| & IA & Usage scenarios \\ \verb|\apasserthead| & SSC & Application assertions \\ %%%\verb|\extrefpurposehead| & SC & External reference test purposes \\ %%%%\verb|\rulepurposehead| & SC & \rulepurposename\ \\ %%%\verb|\excludepurposehead| & NA & Excluded test purposes \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} The commands that take a parameter are listed in \tref{tab:atsphead}. \ixcom{apobjhead} \ixcom{aimenthead} \ixcom{atctitlehead} \ixcom{confclasshead} \begin{table} \centering \caption{ATS package parameterized heading commands} \label{tab:atsphead} \begin{tabular}{|l|c|l|} \hline Command & Clause & Parameterized title \\ \hline \verb|\apobjhead| & SSC & \meta{Application object n} \\ \verb|\aimenthead| & SSC & \meta{Entity name} \\ \verb|\atctitlehead| & SC & \meta{Title} \\ \verb|\confclasshead| & SC & Conformance class \meta{number} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} \sclause{Keyword commands} Several keyword (headings) are used in documenting a test case. \latex{} commands for these keywords are given in \tref{tab:atskey}. \ixcom{atssummary} \ixcom{atscovered} \ixcom{atsinput} \ixcom{atsconstraints} \ixcom{atsverdict} \ixcom{atsexecution} \ixcom{atsextra} \begin{table} \centering \caption{ATS package keyword commands} \label{tab:atskey} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|} \hline Command & Effect \\ \hline \verb|\atssummary| & \atssummary{} \\ \verb|\atscovered| & \atscovered{} \\ \verb|\atsinput| & \atsinput{} \\ \verb|\atsconstraints| & \atsconstraints{} \\ \verb|\atsverdict| & \atsverdict{} \\ \verb|\atsexecution| & \atsexecution{} \\ \verb|\atsextra| & \atsextra{} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} \sclause{Boilerplate commands} The following commands produce boilerplate text. \begin{anote} In the examples, the parameters of those commands that take them have been specified in \textit{this font style} so that their effects can be seen in the printed text. \end{anote} \ssclause{ATS introduction} The command \verb|\atsintroendbp|\ixcom{atsintroendbp} produces the boilerplate for the end of the Introduction to an ATS. \begin{anexample} Remembering that in the preamble \verb|\APnumber|\ixcom{APnumber} was set to \texttt{\theAPpartno} and \verb|\APtitle|\ixcom{APtitle} was set to \texttt{\theAPtitle}, the command \verb|\atsintroendbp| prints: \atsintroendbp \end{anexample} \ssclause{ATS scope} The command \verb|\scopeclause|\ixcom{scopeclause}, from the \file{isov2} class, prints the heading for the Scope clause. The command \verb|\atsscopebp|\ixcom{atsscopebp} produces boilerplate for an ATS \textit{Scope} clause. \begin{anexample} Remembering that in the preamble \verb|\APnumber|\ixcom{APnumber} was set to \texttt{\theAPpartno}, the command \verb|\atsscopebp| prints: \atsscopebp \end{anexample} \ssclause{Test purpose} The command \verb|\purposehead|\ixcom{purposehead} prints the heading for the test purposes clause. The command \verb|\atspurposebp|\ixcom{atspurposebp} prints boilerplate for the introduction to the clause. \begin{anexample} Remembering that in the preamble \verb|\APnumber|\ixcom{APnumber} was set to \texttt{\theAPpartno}, the command \verb|\atspurposebp| prints: \atspurposebp \end{anexample} \ssclause{Application element test purposes} The command \verb|\aepurposehead|\ixcom{aepurposehead} prints the heading for the application element test purposes subclause. The command \verb|\aetpbp|\ixcom{aetpbp} prints boilerplate for the clause. \begin{anexample} Remembering that in the preamble \verb|\APnumber|\ixcom{APnumber} was set to \texttt{\theAPpartno}, the command \verb|\aetpbp| prints: \aetpbp \end{anexample} \ssclause{AIM test purposes} The command \verb|\aimpurposehead|\ixcom{aimpurposehead} prints the heading for the AIM test purposes subclause. The command \verb|\aimtpbp|\ixcom{aimtpbp} prints boilerplate for the clause. \begin{anexample} Remembering that in the preamble \verb|\APnumber|\ixcom{APnumber} was set to \texttt{\theAPpartno}, the command \verb|\aimtpbp| prints: \aimtpbp \end{anexample} \ssclause{Implementation method test purposes} The command \verb|\implementpurposehead|\ixcom{implementpurposehead} prints the heading for the implementation method test purposes subclause. The command \verb|\atsimtpbp|\ixcom{atsimtpbp} prints boilerplate for the clause. \begin{anexample} Remembering that in the preamble \verb|\APnumber|\ixcom{APnumber} was set to \texttt{\theAPpartno}, the command \verb|\atsimtpbp| prints: \atsimtpbp \end{anexample} \ssclause{General test purposes and verdict criteria} The command \verb|\gtpvchead|\ixcom{gtpvchead} prints the heading for the general test purposes and verdict criteria clause. The command \verb|\atsgtpvcbp|\ixcom{atsgtpvcbp} prints boilerplate for the clause \begin{anexample} The command \verb|\atsgtpvcbp| prints: \atsgtpvcbp \end{anexample} \ssclause{General test purposes} The command \verb|\generalpurposehead|\ixcom{generalpurposehead} prints the heading for the general test purposes subclause. The command \verb|\gtpbp|\ixcom{gtpbp} prints boilerplate for the suclause. \begin{anexample} Remembering that in the preamble \verb|\APnumber|\ixcom{APnumber} was set to \texttt{\theAPpartno}, the command \verb|\gtpbp| prints: \gtpbp \end{anexample} \ssclause{General verdict criteria} The command \verb|\gvcatchead|\ixcom{gvcatchead} prints the heading for the general verdict criteria for all cases subclause. The command \verb|\gvatcbp|\ixcom{gvatcbp} prints boilerplate for the subclause. \begin{anexample} Remembering that in the preamble \verb|\APnumber|\ixcom{APnumber} was set to \texttt{\theAPpartno}, the command \verb|\gvatcbp| prints: \gvatcbp \end{anexample} \ssclause{General verdict criteria for preprocessor} The command \verb|\gvcprehead|\ixcom{gvcprehead} prints the heading for the general verdict criteria for preprocessor cases subclause. The command \verb|\gvcprebp|\ixcom{gvcprebp} prints boilerplate for the subclause. \begin{anexample} Remembering that in the preamble \verb|\APnumber|\ixcom{APnumber} was set to \texttt{\theAPpartno}, the command \verb|\gvcprebp| prints: \gvcprebp \end{anexample} \ssclause{General verdict criteria for postprocessor} The command \verb|\gvcposthead|\ixcom{gvcposthead} prints the heading for the general verdict criteria for postprocessor cases subclause. The command \verb|\gvcpostbp|\ixcom{gvcpostbp} prints boilerplate for the subclause. \begin{anexample} Remembering that in the preamble \verb|\APnumber|\ixcom{APnumber} was set to \texttt{\theAPpartno}, the command \verb|\gvcpostbp| prints: \gvcpostbp \end{anexample} \ssclause{Abstract test cases} The command \verb|\atchead|\ixcom{atchead} prints the heading for the abstract test cases clause. The command \verb|\atcbp|\ixcom{atcbp} prints the first paragraph of the boilerplate for the clause. \begin{example} The command \verb|\atcbp| prints: \atcbp \end{example} The command \verb|\atcbpii|\ixcom{atcbpii} prints paragraphs~3 and onwards of the boilerplate. \begin{example} The command \verb|\atcbpii| prints: \atcbpii \end{example} \ssclause{Preprocessor} The command \verb|\prehead|\ixcom{prehead} prints the title for the preprocessor subsubclause. The command \verb|\atcpretpc|\ixcom{atcpretpc} prints boilerplate for the subclause. \begin{anexample} The command \verb|\atcpretpc| prints: \atcpretpc \end{anexample} \ssclause{Postprocessor} The command \verb|\posthead|\ixcom{posthead} prints the title for the postrocessor subsubclause. The command \verb|\atcposttpc|\ixcom{atcposttpc} prints boilerplate for the subclause. \begin{anexample} The command \verb|\atcposttpc| prints: \atcposttpc \end{anexample} \ssclause{Conformance class} The command \verb|\confclassannexhead|\ixcom{confclassannexhead} prints the heading for the conformance classes annex heading. The command \verb|\atsnoclassesbp|\ixcom{atsnoclassesbp} prints the entire boilerplate for the \textit{Conformance class} annex when the AP has no conformance classes. \begin{example} Remembering that in the preamble \verb|\APnumber|\ixcom{APnumber} was set to \texttt{\theAPpartno}, the command \verb|\atsnoclassesbp| prints: \atsnoclassesbp \end{example} The command \verb|\confclasshead{|\meta{number}\verb|}|\ixcom{confclasshead} prints the heading for a conformance class \meta{number} subclause. The command \verb|\confclassbp{|\meta{number}\verb|}|\ixcom{confclassbp} prints the boilerplate for the introduction to a conformance class subclause, where \meta{number} is the number of the conformance class. \begin{example} Remembering that in the preamble \verb|\APnumber|\ixcom{APnumber} was set to \texttt{\theAPpartno}, the command \verb|\confclassbp{27}| prints: \confclassbp{\textit{27}} \end{example} \ssclause{Postprocessor input specification file names} The command \verb|\postipfilehead|\ixcom{postipfilehead} prints the heading for the postprocessor input file names annex. The command \verb|\pisfbp{|\meta{12 or 21}\verb|}{|\meta{url}\verb|}{|\meta{ref}\verb|}|\ixcom{pisfbp} prints the boilerplate for the annex. \begin{anexample} The command \verb|\pisfbp{12}{http://www.mel.nist.gov/step/parts/parts3456/wd}{\ref{TabB1}}| prints: \pisfbp{12}{http://www.mel.nist.gov/step/parts/part3456/wd}{\ref{tabB1}} \end{anexample} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%\end{document} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \normannex{Additional commands} \label{anx:extraiso} \sclause{Internal commands} The code implementing the various facilities includes many commands not described in the body of this document. Any command that includes the commercial at sign (\verb|@|) in its name shall not be used by any author; the implementer of the package code reserves the right to modify or delete these at any time without giving any notice. Internal commands that have names consisting only of letters may be used in a document at the author's own risk. These may be changed, but if so notification will be given. \sclause{Boilerplate} Much of the boilerplate text is maintained in separate \file{.tex} files and many of the commands that generate boilerplate merely \verb|\input| the appropriate file. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%\end{document} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \normannex{Ordering of LaTeX commands} \label{anx:lord} The \latex{} commands to produce an ISO~10303 document are: \begin{verbatim} \documentclass[<options>]{isov2} \usepackage{stepv13} % required package \usepackage{irv12} % for an IR document \usepackage{apv12} % for an AP document \usepackage{aicv1} % for an AIC document \usepackage{atsv11} % for an ATS document \usepackage[<options>]{<name>} % additional packages \standard{<standard identifier>} \yearofedition{<year>} \languageofedition{<parenthesized code letter>} \partno{<part number>} \series{<series title>} \doctitle{<title on cover page>} \ballotcycle{<number>} \aptitle{<title of AP>} % if doc is an AP \aicinaptrue % if doc is an AP that uses AICs \mapspectrue % if doc is an AP that uses mapping spec. \APnumber{<number>} % if doc is an ATS \APtitle{<title>} % if doc is an ATS \mapspectrue % if doc is an ATS and AP uses mapping spec. % other preamble commands \begin{document} \STEPcover{< title commands >} \Foreword % start Foreword & ISO boilerplate \fwdshortlist % STEP boilerplate \endForeword{<param1>}{<param2>} % end Foreword & boilerplate \begin{Introduction} % start Introduction & boilerplate \aicextraintro % extra boilerplate for an AIC \apextraintro % extra boilerplate for an AP % your text \end{Introduction} \stepparttitle{<Part title>} \scopeclause % Clause 1: Scope clause \apscope{<AP purpose>} % boilerplate if an AP % text of scope \normrefsclause % Clause 2: Normative references \normrefbp{<document type>} % boilerplate \begin{nreferences} % \isref{}{} and/or \disref{}{} list of normative references \end{nreferences} \defclause % definitions clause \partidefhead % defs from Part1 subclause % olddefinition list \refdefhead{<ISO 10303-NN>} % defs from Part NN subclause % olddefinition list \otherdefhead % defs in this part % definition list \symabbclause % Symbols & abbreviations clause % symbol lists % THE BODY OF THE DOCUMENT \bibannex % optional; the final Bibliography % bibliography listing % the index \end{document} \end{verbatim} \sclause{Body of a resource document} \index{integrated resource} The body of a resource document has the following structure: \begin{verbatim} \schemahead{<Schema name>} % repeat for each schema \introsubhead % intro subclause % text \fcandasubhead % concepts subclause % text \typehead{<Schema>} % if type defs \atypehead{<type>} % type heading \entityhead{<Schema>}{<group>} % if entity defs \anentityhead{<entity>} % entity heading \rulehead{<Schema>} % if rule defs \arulehead{<rule>} % rule heading \functionhead{<Schema>} % if function defs \afunctionhead{<function>} % function heading % repeat above for each schema \shortnamehead % Annex A: Short names of entities \irshortnames % boilerplate % list of short names \objreghead % Annex B: Information object registration \docidhead % Document identification subclause \docreg{<param1>} % boilerplate \schemaidhead % Schema identification subclause % Either (for single schema) \schemareg{<6 parameters>} % boilerplate % Or (for multiple schemas) repeat: \aschemaidhead{<schema name>} % Schema id subsubclause \schemareg{<6 parameters>} \listingshead % Annex C: Computer interpretable listings \expurls{<short>}{<express>} % boilerplate \expressghead % Annex D: EXPRESS-G figures \irexpressg % boilerplate % EXPRESS-G diagrams \techdischead % optional Technical discussions % text \exampleshead % optional Examples % text \end{verbatim} \sclause{Body of an application protocol} \index{AP} The body of an AP document has the following structure: \begin{verbatim} \inforeqhead % Clause 4: Information requirements \apinforeq{<param1>} % boilerplate \uofhead % Clause 4.1: Units of functionality \begin{apuof} % boilerplate % \item list of UoFs \end{apuof} \auofhead{<UoF1>} % repeat for each UoF % text \applobjhead % Clause 4.2: Application objects \apapplobj % boilerplate % text \applasserthead % Clause 4.3: Application assertions \apassert % boilerplate % text \aimhead % Clause 5: Application interpreted model \maptablehead % Clause 5.1: Mapping table/specification \apmapping % boilerplate \maptemplatehead % if mapping templates used \apmaptemplate % template boilerplate \sstemplates % sup/sub templates \templatehead % text \mapuofhead{<Uof>} % mapping for <UoF> \mapobjecthead{<object>} % mapping for <object> \mapattributehead{<attr>} % mapping for <attr> \aimshortexphead % Clause 5.2: AIM EXPRESS short listing \apshortexpress % boilerplate % text \confreqhead % Clause 6: Conformance requirements \apconformance{<param1>} % boilerplate \begin{apconformclasses} % optional boilerplate % \item list \end{apconformclasses} % text \aimlongexphead % Annex A: AIM EXPRESS expanded listing \aimlongexp % boilerplate % text \aimshortnameshead % Annex B: AIM short names \apshortnames % boilerplate % text \impreqhead % Annex C: Impl. specific reqs \apimpreq{<schema name>} % boilerplate \picshead % Annex D: PICS \picsannex % boilerplate % text \objreghead % Annex E: Information object registration \docidhead % Annex E.1: Document identification \docreg{<param1>} % boilerplate \schemaidhead % Annex E.2: Schema identification \apschemareg{<6 params>} % boilerplate \aamhead % Annex F: Application activity model \aamfigrange{<figure range>} % Figure range for AAM diagrams \apaamintro % boilerplate % text \aamdefhead % Annex F.1: AAM defs and abbreviations \apaamdefs % boilerplate % text \aamfighead % Annex F.2: AAM diagrams \aamfigures % boilerplate % IDEF0 diagrams \armhead % Annex G: Application reference model \armintro % boilerplate % ARM figures \aimexpressghead % Annex H: AIM EXPRESS-G \aimexpressg % boilerplate % AIM figures \listingshead % Annex J: Computer interpretable listings \apexpurls{<short>}{<express>} % boilerplate \apusagehead % optional Annex: AP usage % text \techdischead % optional Annex: Technical discussions % text \end{verbatim} \sclause{Body of an AIC} \index{AIC} The body of an AIC document has the following structure: \begin{verbatim} \aicshortexphead % Clause 4: EXPRESS short listing \aicshortexpintro % boilerplate \fcandasubhead % Clause 4.1 fundamental concepts % text \typehead{<Schema>} % if type definitions \atypehead{<type>} % repeat for each type \entityhead{<Schema>}{} % if entity defs \anentityhead{<entity>} % repeat for each entity \functionhead{<Schema>} % if function defs \afunctionhead{<function>} % repeat for each function \shortnamehead % Annex A: Short names of entities \shortnames % boilerplate \objreghead % Annex B: Information object registration \docidhead % Annex B.1: Document identification \docreg{<version no>} % boilerplate \schemaidhead % Annex B.2: Schema identification \schemareg{<6 parameters>} % boilerplate \expressghead % Annex C: EXPRESS-G diagrams \aicexpressg % boilerplate \listingshead % Annex D: Computer interpretable listings \expurls % boilerplate \techdischead % optional Annex: Technical discussions \end{verbatim} \sclause{Body of an ATS document}\index{ATS} The body of an Abstract Test Suite document has the following structure: \begin{verbatim} \purposeshead % Clause 4: Test purposes \atspurposebp % boilerplate \aepurposehead % 4.1 Application element test purposes \aetpbp % boilerplate \apobjhead{<object>} % 4.1.n ... \aimpurposehead % 4.2 AIM test purposes \aimtpbp % boilerplate \aimenthead{<entity>} % 4.2.n ... \implementpurposehead % (optional) 4.3 Implementation t.p \atsimtpbp % boilerplate % text \domainpurposehead % (optional) 4.2+ Domain test purposes % text \otherpurposehead % (optional) 4.2+ Other test purposes % text \gtpvchead % Clause 5: General t.p and verdict criteria \atsgtpvcbp % boilerplate \generalpurposehead % 5.1 General test purposes \gtpbp % boilerplate ... \gvcatchead % 5.2 General verdict criteria for all ATC \gvatcbp % boilerplate ... \gvcprehead % 5.3 General verdict criteria for preprocessor \gvcprebp % boilerplate ... \gvcposthead % 5.4 General verdict criteria for postprocessor \gvcpostbp % boilerplate ... \atchead % Clause 6: Abstract test cases \atcbp % boilerplate (para 1) % your para 2 \atcbpii % boilerplate (paras 3+) \atctitlehead{<title>} % 6.n an abstract test case \prehead % 6.n.1 Preprocessor \precoveredhead.. % Test purposes covered \atcpretpc % boilerplate \preinputhead % Input specification % text \precriteriahead % Verdict criteria % text \preconstrainthead % Constraints on values % text \preexechead % (optional) Execution sequence % text \preextrahead % (optional) Extra details % text \posthead % 6.n.2 Postprocessor \postcoveredhead % Test purposes covered % text \atcposttpc % boilerplate \postinputhead % Input specification % text \postcriteriahead % Verdict criteria % text \postexechead % (optional) Execution sequence % text \postextra % (optional) Extra details % text \confclassannexhead % Annex A: Conformance classes \atsnoclassesbp % boilerplate if no conformance classes, else \confclasshead{<number>} % A.n Conformance class <number> \confclassbp{<number>} % boilerplate % text ... \postipfilehead % Annex B: Postprocessor input file names \pisfbp{..}{..}{..} % boilerplate ... \objreghead % Annex C: Information object registration \docreg{<partno>} % registration boilerplate \atsusagehead % Annex D: Usage scenarios % text \end{verbatim} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % object registration annex \objreghead \docreg{-1} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%\end{document} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \infannex{Deprecated, deleted, new and modified commands} This release has involved many internal changes to the \latex{} \file{.sty} files. In particular boilerplate text is, as far as possible, maintained in external \file{.tex} files in order to save memory space within the \latex{} processor. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%\end{document} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \sclause{New commands} The commands that are new in this release are: \begin{itemize} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% STEP %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item \verb|\bibieeeidefo|\ixcom{bibieeeidefo} STEP: reference to IDEF0 document; \item \verb|\exampleshead|\ixcom{exampleshead} STEP: clause heading; \item \verb|\expressgdef|\ixcom{expressgdef} STEP: location of \ExpressG{} definition; \item \verb|\Theseries|\ixcom{Theseries} STEP: print \verb|\series| argument; \item \verb|\theseries|\ixcom{theseries} STEP: print \verb|\series| argument in lowercase; \item \verb|\ifanir|,\ixcom{ifanir} \verb|\anirtrue|,\ixcom{anirtrue} \verb|\anirfalse|\ixcom{anirfalse} STEP: flag for an IR document; \item \verb|\ifhaspatents|,\ixcom{ifhaspatents} \verb|\haspatentstrue|,\ixcom{haspatentstrue} \verb|\haspatentsfalse|\ixcom{haspatentsfalse} STEP: flag for known patents; \item \verb|\ifmapspec|,\ixcom{ifmapspec} \verb|\mapspectrue|,\ixcom{mapspectrue} \verb|\mapspecfalse|\ixcom{mapspecfalse} STEP: flag for mapping specification; \item \verb|\ixent|\ixcom{ixent} STEP: index an \Express{} \xword{entity}; \item \verb|\ixenum|\ixcom{ixenum} STEP: index an \Express{} \xword{enumeration}; \item \verb|\ixfun|\ixcom{ixfun} STEP: index an \Express{} \xword{function}; \item \verb|\ixproc|\ixcom{ixproc} STEP: index an \Express{} \xword{procedure}; \item \verb|\ixrule|\ixcom{ixrule} STEP: index an \Express{} \xword{rule}; \item \verb|\ixsc|\ixcom{ixsc} STEP: index an \Express{} \xword{subtype\_constraint}; \item \verb|\ixschema|\ixcom{ixschema} STEP: index an \Express{} \xword{schema}; \item \verb|\ixselect|\ixcom{ixselect} STEP: index an \Express{} \xword{select}; \item \verb|\ixtype|\ixcom{ixtype} STEP: index an \Express{} \xword{type}; \item \verb|\maptableorspec|\ixcom{maptableorspec} STEP: prints `table' or `specification'; \item \verb|\xword|\ixcom{xword} STEP: prints an \Express{} keyword; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% AP %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item \verb|\apmaptemplate|\ixcom{apmaptemplate} AP: boilerplate; \item \verb|\apusagehead|\ixcom{apusagehead} AP: clause heading; \item \verb|\ifidefix|,\ixcom{ifidefix} \verb|\idefixtrue|,\ixcom{idefixtrue} \verb|\idefixfalse|\ixcom{idefixfalse} AP: flag for an IDEF1X ARM; \item \verb|\ifmaptemplate|,\ixcom{ifmaptemplate} \verb|\maptemplatetrue|,\ixcom{maptemplatetrue} \verb|\maptemplatefalse|\ixcom{maptemplatefalse} AP: flag for using mapping templates; \item \verb|\mapattributehead|\ixcom{mapattributehead} AP: clause heading; \item \verb|\mapobjecthead|\ixcom{mapobjecthead} AP: clause heading; \item \verb|\mapuofhead|\ixcom{mapuofhead} AP: clause heading; \item \verb|\sstemplates|\ixcom{sstemplates} AP: boilerplate; \item \verb|\templateshead|\ixcom{templateshead} AP: clause heading; %%% \item \verb|\apmappingspec|\ixcom{} internal (not used?) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ATS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item \verb|\atcposttpc|\ixcom{atcposttpc} ATS: boilerplate; \item \verb|\atcpretpc|\ixcom{atcpretpc} ATS: boilerplate; \item \verb|\atsimtpbp|\ixcom{atsimtpbp} ATS: boilerplate; \item \verb|\atsusagehead|\ixcom{atsusagehead} ATS: clause heading. \end{itemize} \sclause{Modified commands} The commands that have been modified in this release are: \begin{itemize} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% STEP %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item STEP: The \verb|\Introduction|\ixcom{Introduction} command is now the \verb|Introduction|\ixenv{Introduction} environment, with no argument; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IR %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item \verb|\irexpressg|\ixcom{irexpressg} IR: takes no argument; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% AP %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item \verb|\aimexpressg|\ixcom{aimexpressg} AP: takes no argument; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% AIC %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item \verb|\aicexpressg|\ixcom{aicexpressg} AIC: takes no argument; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ATS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item \verb|\atcbpii|\ixcom{atcbpii} ATS: takes no argument; \item \verb|\atspurposebp|\ixcom{atspurposebp} ATS: takes no argument; \item \verb|\pisfbp|\ixcom{pisfbp} ATS: takes 3 arguments. \end{itemize} \sclause{Deleted commands} The commands that have been deleted in this release are: \begin{itemize} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% STEP %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item \verb|\fwddivlist|\ixcom{fwddivlist} STEP: used in Foreword; \item \verb|\fwdpartslist|\ixcom{fwdpartslist} STEP: used in Foreword; \item \verb|\introend|\ixcom{introend} STEP: was for use at the end of the Introduction; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IR %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item \verb|\irschemaintro|\ixcom{irschemaintro} IR: has been replaced by \verb|\schemaintro|\ixcom{schemaintro}; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% AP %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item \verb|\apintroend|\ixcom{apintroend} AP: has been replaced by \verb|\apextraintro|\ixcom{apextraintro}; \item \verb|\apschemareg|\ixcom{apschemareg} AP: use \verb|\schemareg|\ixcom{schemareg} instead; \item \verb|\apmappingtable|\ixcom{apmappingtable} AP: has been replaced by \verb|\apmapping|\ixcom{apmapping}; \item \verb|\armfigures|\ixcom{armfigures} AP: has been replaced by \verb|\armintro|\ixcom{armintro}; \item \verb|\maptablehead|\ixcom{maptablehead} AP: has been replaced by \verb|\mappinghead|\ixcom{mappinghead}; \item \verb|\modelscopehead|\ixcom{modelscopehead} AP: was the heading for a `Model scope' annex; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% AIC %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item \verb|\aicexpressghead|\ixcom{aicexpressghead} AIC: use \verb|\expressghead|\ixcom{expressghead} instead; \item \verb|\aicshortnames|\ixcom{aicshortnames} AIC: use \verb|\expurls|\ixcom{expurls} instead; \item \verb|\aicshortnameshead|\ixcom{aicshortnameshead} AIC: use \verb|\shortnamehead|\ixcom{shortnamehead} instead; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ATS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \item \verb|\excludepurposehead|\ixcom{excludepurposehead} ATS: was the heading for an `Exclude purposes' clause. \end{itemize} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%\end{document} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % sgmlannx.tex latex and SGML \infannex{LaTeX, the Web, and *ML} \label{anx:sgml} \index{SGML} ISO are becoming more interested in electronic sources for their standards as well as the traditional camera-ready copy. Acronyms like PDF, HTML, SGML and XML have been bandied about. Fortunately documents written using \latex{} are well placed to be provided in a variety of electronic formats. A comprehensive treatment of \latex{} with respect to this topic is provided by Goossens and Rahtz~\bref{lwebcom}. SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) is a document tagging language that is described in ISO~8879~\bref{sgml} and whose usage is described in~\bref{bryan}, among others. The principal mover behind SGML is Charles Goldfarb from IBM, who has authored a detailed handbook~\bref{goldfarb} on the SGML standard. The concepts lying behind both \latex{} and SGML are similar, but on the face of it they are distinctly different in both syntax and capabilities. ISO is migrating towards electronic versions of its standard documents and, naturally, would prefer these to be SGML tagged. Like \latex, SGML has a concept of style files, which are termed DTDs, and both systems support powerful macro-like capabilities. SGML provides for logical document markup and not typesetting --- commercial SGML systems often use \tex{} or \latex{} as their printing engine, as does the NIST SGML environment for ISO~10303~\bref{pandl}. NIST have SGML tagged some STEP documents using manual methods, which are time consuming and expensive. In about 1997 there was a NIST effort underway to develop an auto-tagger that would (semi-) automatically convert a \latex{} tagged document to one with SGML tags. This tool assumed a fixed set of \latex{} macros and a fixed DTD. The design of an auto-tagger essentially boils down to being able to convert from a source document tagged according to a \latex{} style file to one which is tagged according to an SGML DTD. Fully automatic conversion is really only possible if the authors' of the documents to be translated avoid using any `non-standard' macros within their documents. There is a program called \file{ltx2x}\index{ltx2x} available from SOLIS, which replaces \latex{} commands within a document with user-defined text strings~\bref{ltx2x}. This can be used as a basis for a \latex{} to whatever auto-tagger, provided the \latex{} commands are not too exotic. HTML is a simple markup language, based on SGML, and is used for the publication of many documents on the Web. XML is a subset of SGML and appears to being taken up by every man and his dog as \emph{the} document markup language. HTML is being recast in terms of XML instead of SGML. PDF is a page description language that is a popular format for display of documents on the Web. \latex{} documents can be output in PDF by using pdfLaTeX. Instead of a \file{.dvi} file being produced a \file{.pdf} file is output directly. The best results are obtained when PostScript fonts rather than Knuth's cm fonts are used. Noting that the \file{isov2} class provides an \verb|\ifpdf| command, a general form for documents to be processed by either \latex{} or pdfLaTeX is \begin{verbatim} \documentclass{isov2} \usepackage{times} % PostScript fonts Times, Courier, Helvetica \ifpdf \pdfoutput=1 % request PDF output \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx} \else \usepackage{graphicx} \fi ... \end{verbatim} There are several converters available to transform a \latex{} document into an HTML document, but like \file{ltx2x} they generally do their own parsing of the source file, and unlike \file{ltx2x} are typically limited to only generating HTML. Eitan Gurari's \file{TeX4ht}\index{TeX4ht} suite is a notable exception (see Chapter~4 and Appendix~B of~\bref{lwebcom}). It uses the \file{.dvi} file as input, so that all the parsing is done by \tex, and can be configured to generate a wide variety of output formats. A set of \file{TeX4ht} configuration files are available for converting STEP \latex{} documents into HTML\footnote{Later, configuration files for XML output will be developed.}. It is highly recommended that for the purposes of ISO~10303, document editors refrain from defining their own \latex{} macros. If new generally applicable \latex{} commands are found to be necessary, these should be sent to the editor of this document for incorporation into the \file{isov2}\ixclass{isov2} class, the \file{step}\ixpack{step} package and/or appropriate other packages. Some other points to watch when writing \latex{} documents that will assist in translations into *ML are given below. Typically, attention to these points will make it easier to parse the \latex{} source. \begin{itemize} \item Avoid using the \verb|\label|\ixcom{label} command within clause headings or captions. It can just as easily be placed immediately after these constructs. \item Avoid using the \verb|\index|\ixcom{index} command within clause headings or captions. It can just as easily be placed immediately after these constructs. \item Use all the specified tagging constructs when defining an \Express{} model --- this will also assist any program that attempts to extract \Express{} source code and descriptive text from a document. \end{itemize} \infannex{Obtaining LaTeX and friends} \label{anx:getstuff} \latex{} is a freely available document typesetting system. There are many public domain additions to the basic system, for example the \file{iso.cls} and \file{step.sty} styles. The information below gives pointers to where you can obtain \latex{} etc., from the\index{Internet} Internet. \latex{} runs on a wide variety of hardware, from PCs to Crays. Source to build a \latex{} system is freely available via anonymous ftp\index{ftp} from what is called CTAN\index{CTAN} (Comprehensive \tex\ Archive Network). There are three sites; pick the one nearest to you. \begin{itemize} \item \url{ftp.dante.de} CTAN in Germany; \item \url{ftp.tex.ac.uk} CTAN in the UK; \item \url{ctan.tug.org} CTAN in the USA; \end{itemize} The top level CTAN directory for \latex{} and friends is \url{/tex-archive}. CTAN contains a wide variety of (La)TeX sources, style files, and software tools and scripts to assist in document processing. \begin{anote} CTAN is maintained by the \tex{} Users Group (TUG). Their homepage \isourl{http://www.tug.org} should be consulted for the current list of CTAN sites and mirrors. \end{anote} \begin{comment} \sclause{SOLIS} \index{SOLIS} SOLIS is the \textit{SC4 On Line Information Service}. It contains many electronic sources of STEP related documents. The relevant top level directory is \url{pub/subject/sc4}. In particular, SOLIS contains the source for this document and the \file{.sty} files, as well as other \latex{} related files. The \latex{} root directory is \url{sc4/editing/latex}. The latest versions of the \latex{} related files are kept in the sub-directory \url{latex/current}. Some \latex{} related programs are also available in the \url{latex/programs} sub-directory. There are several ways of accessing SOLIS; instructions are detailed by Ressler~\bref{ressler} and Rinaudot~\bref{rinaudot}. Copies of these reports may be obtained by telephoning the IPO Office at \verb|+1 (301) 975-3983|, although they are probably somewhat dated by now. The simplest method is to point your browser at the following URL: \\ \isourl{http://www.nist.gov/sc4} \end{comment} \bibannex \label{biblio} \begin{references} \reference{LAMPORT, L.,}{LaTeX --- A Document Preparation System,} {Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 2nd edition, 1994} \label{lamport} \reference{WILSON, P. R.,}{LaTeX for standards: The LaTeX package files user manual,}% {NISTIR, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899. June 1996.} \label{doc:isorot} \reference{GOOSENS, M., MITTELBACH, F. and SAMARIN, A.,}{% The LaTeX Companion,} {Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1994} \label{goosens} \reference{GOOSENS, M. and RAHTZ, S.,}{% The LaTeX Web Companion --- Integrating TeX, HTML, and XML,} {Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1999} \label{lwebcom} \reference{CHEN, P. and HARRISON, M.A.,}{Index preparation and processing,}{Software--Practice and Experience, 19(9):897--915, September 1988.} \label{chen} %\reference{KOPKA, H. and DALY, P.W.,}{A Guide to LaTeX,} % {Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1993.} \label{kopka} \reference{ISO 8879:1986,}{Information processing --- Text and office systems --- Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)}{} \label{sgml} \reference{GOLDFARB, C.F.,}{The SGML Handbook,} {Oxford University Press, 1990.} \label{goldfarb} \reference{BRYAN, M.,}{SGML --- An Author's Guide to the Standard Generalized Markup Language,}{Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1988. }\label{bryan} \reference{PHILLIPS, L., and LUBELL, J.,}{An SGML Environment for STEP,}% {NISTIR 5515, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899. November 1994.} \label{pandl} \reference{WILSON, P. R.,}{LTX2X: A LaTeX to X Auto-tagger,}% {NISTIR, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899. June 1996.} \label{ltx2x} \bibidefo \bibieeeidefix \begin{comment} \reference{RESSLER, S.,}{The National PDES Testbed Mail Server User's Guide,} {NSTIR 4508, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899. January 1991.} \label{ressler} \reference{RINAUDOT, G. R.,}{STEP On Line Information Service (SOLIS),} {NISTIR 5511, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899. October 1994. } \label{rinaudot} \end{comment} \end{references} % the INDEX \input{stepman.ind} \end{document}