%% %% This is file `hypdvips.sty', %% Copyright 2008-2010 Raimund Niedrist %% %% With portions written by Donald Arsenau, David Carlisle, Steven %% Douglas Cochran, Toby Cubitt, Geoffrey Keating, Heiko Oberdiek, %% Sebastian Rahtz, and the Latex3 Project 1986-2010 %% %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions %% of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this %% license or (at your option) any later version. %% The latest version of this license is in %% %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% %% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX %% version 2005/12/01 or later. %% %% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `author-maintained' %% and consists of all files listed in manifest.txt. %% ------------------------------------------------------------------ %% \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{hypdvips} [2010/09/08 v2.02 Hyperref extensions for use with dvips] \@ifpackageloaded{hyperref} { \def\pp@string{hdvips} 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Rivest, MIT, RSADSI; Copyright 1996 Geoffrey Keating. % % We construct the MD5 transform by a sort of inline expansion. % this takes up quite a bit of memory (around 17k), but gives a % factor-of-two speed increase. % This also allows us to take advantage of interpreters with 64-bit % wide integers. % This will not run on interpreters with 16-bit wide integers, if such % things exist. % 20 dict begin /T [ 16#d76aa478 16#e8c7b756 16#242070db 16#c1bdceee 16#f57c0faf 16#4787c62a 16#a8304613 16#fd469501 16#698098d8 16#8b44f7af 16#ffff5bb1 16#895cd7be 16#6b901122 16#fd987193 16#a679438e 16#49b40821 16#f61e2562 16#c040b340 16#265e5a51 16#e9b6c7aa 16#d62f105d 16#02441453 16#d8a1e681 16#e7d3fbc8 16#21e1cde6 16#c33707d6 16#f4d50d87 16#455a14ed 16#a9e3e905 16#fcefa3f8 16#676f02d9 16#8d2a4c8a 16#fffa3942 16#8771f681 16#6d9d6122 16#fde5380c 16#a4beea44 16#4bdecfa9 16#f6bb4b60 16#bebfbc70 16#289b7ec6 16#eaa127fa 16#d4ef3085 16#04881d05 16#d9d4d039 16#e6db99e5 16#1fa27cf8 16#c4ac5665 16#f4292244 16#432aff97 16#ab9423a7 16#fc93a039 16#655b59c3 16#8f0ccc92 16#ffeff47d 16#85845dd1 16#6fa87e4f 16#fe2ce6e0 16#a3014314 16#4e0811a1 16#f7537e82 16#bd3af235 16#2ad7d2bb 16#eb86d391 ] def /F [ { c d /xor b /and d /xor } { b c /xor d /and c /xor } { b c /xor d /xor } { d /not b /or c /xor } ] def /R [ 16#0007 16#010c 16#0211 16#0316 16#0407 16#050c 16#0611 16#0716 16#0807 16#090c 16#0a11 16#0b16 16#0c07 16#0d0c 16#0e11 16#0f16 16#0105 16#0609 16#0b0e 16#0014 16#0505 16#0a09 16#0f0e 16#0414 16#0905 16#0e09 16#030e 16#0814 16#0d05 16#0209 16#070e 16#0c14 16#0504 16#080b 16#0b10 16#0e17 16#0104 16#040b 16#0710 16#0a17 16#0d04 16#000b 16#0310 16#0617 16#0904 16#0c0b 16#0f10 16#0217 16#0006 16#070a 16#0e0f 16#0515 16#0c06 16#030a 16#0a0f 16#0115 16#0806 16#0f0a 16#060f 16#0d15 16#0406 16#0b0a 16#020f 16#0915 ] def /W 1 31 bitshift 0 gt def /A W { /add } { /md5add } ifelse def /t W { 1744 } { 1616 } ifelse array def /C 0 def 0 1 63 { /i exch def /r R i get def /a/b/c/d 4 i 3 and roll [ /d/c/b/a ] { exch def } forall t C [ a F i -4 bitshift get exec a A /x r -8 bitshift /get A T i get A W { 1 32 bitshift 1 sub /and } if /dup r 31 and /bitshift /exch r 31 and 32 sub /bitshift /or b A /def ] dup length C add /C exch def putinterval } for 1 1 C 1 sub { dup 1 sub t exch get /def cvx eq {pop} {t exch 2 copy get cvx put} ifelse } for % % If we could put t into a _packed_ array, its memory requirements % would go from about 13k to about 4k. Unfortunately, we'd need around % 1600 stack positions, around 3 times what we can expect to have % available---and if that kind of memory is available, we don't really % need to pack t. Sigh. % % In fact, it's worse than that. You can't even determine what t will % be and write it in directly (something like % { /a c d xor b and d xor a md5add x 0 get md5add -680876936 md5add dup 7 % bitshift exch -25 bitshift or b md5add def /d b c xor a ... % ) because the scanner uses the operand stack to accumulate procedures. % So the only way to have md5transform as a single procedure is the above % trick. % W /md5transform t end cvx bind def % % Unfortunately, PostScript & its imitators convert large % integers to floating-point. Worse, the fp representation probably % won't have 32 significant bits. % This procedure accounts for about 35% of the total time on 32-bit % machines. % not { /md5add { 2 copy xor 0 lt % if one is positive and one is negative, can't overflow { add } % if both are positive or negative { 16#80000000 xor add 16#80000000 xor } % same as subtracting (or adding) 2^31 and then subtracting (or adding) it back. ifelse } bind def } { /md5add {add 16#0FFFFFFFF and} bind def } ifelse /md5.init % arguments: screen_update_rate(ms), file { /md5.file exch def /md5.rate exch def /a 16#67452301 def /b 16#efcdab89 def /c 16#98badcfe def /d 16#10325476 def /x 16 array def /md5.eof false def /md5.console (\%stdout) (w) file def /md5.consolewidth 80 def /md5.sizebyte0 2#00000000 def /md5.sizebyte1 2#00000000 def /md5.sizebyte2 2#00000000 def /md5.sizebyte3 2#00000000 def /md5.sizebyte4 2#00000000 def /md5.sizebyte5 2#00000000 def /md5.sizebyte6 2#00000000 def /md5.sizebyte7 2#00000000 def \ifpp@fish /md5.time realtime def /md5.fish (\string\074\string\047\string\050\string\050\string\076\string\173) def /md5.fishpos 74 def /md5.fishspeed 0 def /md5.consolepos 1 def \fi } def /md5.calc % argument: 512-bit chunk (64 8bit-wide integers) { 15 -1 0 { x exch 6 2 roll 3 { 8 bitshift or } repeat put } for a b c d md5transform d md5add /d exch def c md5add /c exch def b md5add /b exch def a md5add /a exch def } def /md5.string { 16 string [ [ a b c d ] { 3 { dup -8 bitshift } repeat } forall ] 0 1 15 {3 copy dup 3 1 roll get 255 and put pop} for pop } def \ifpp@fish /md5.invertfish % argument: newfishpos { pop md5.fish 0 get 125 eq { md5.consolewidth md5.fish length sub md5.fish 0 (\string\074\string\047\string\050\string\050\string\076\string\173) putinterval /md5.fishspeed 0 def } { 1 md5.fish 0 (\string\175\string\074\string\051\string\051\string\140\string\076) putinterval /md5.fishspeed 4 def } ifelse } def /md5.progress { realtime dup md5.time lt exch md5.time sub md5.rate gt or { md5.console dup md5.consolepos md5.fishpos ge md5.consolepos md5.fishpos md5.fish length add lt and {md5.fish md5.consolepos md5.fishpos sub 1 getinterval} {(.)} ifelse writestring flushfile /md5.consolepos md5.consolepos 1 add def md5.consolepos md5.consolewidth eq { md5.console dup (\string\n) writestring flushfile /md5.fishspeed md5.fishspeed 1 add def /md5.fishpos md5.fishpos md5.fish dup length md5.fishspeed add exch 0 get 125 eq {add} {sub} ifelse dup md5.fish length 1 sub add md5.consolewidth ge 1 index 1 lt or {md5.invertfish} if def /md5.consolepos 1 def } if /md5.time realtime def } if } def \fi /md5.addtomsgsize % argument: increment { /md5.carry false def 0 1 7 { 1 index 1 index -8 mul bitshift 2#11111111 and exch 1 string cvs (md5.sizebyte?) exch 1 index exch 12 exch putinterval exch 1 index cvx exec md5.carry {1 add} if add dup 2#11111111 gt /md5.carry exch def exch cvn exch 2#11111111 and def } for md5.carry { (\string\n MD5 error: Message size is larger than 18446744073709551615 bits (2^64 - 1)\string\n) print md5.console flushfile /md5.addtomsgsize errordict /limitcheck get exec } if pop } def /md5.msgsize { 0 1 7 { 1 string cvs (md5.sizebyte?) exch 1 index exch 12 exch putinterval cvx exec } for } def /md5.filesize { /md5.carry 2#00000000 def 7 -1 0 { 1 string cvs (md5.sizebyte?) exch 1 index exch 12 exch putinterval cvx exec md5.carry 1 index 2#00000111 and 8 bitshift /md5.carry exch def add -3 bitshift } for } def /md5.fromfile % arguments: screen_update_rate(ms), file; returns: filesize(bytes) (8 8bit-wide integers with LSB on top), md5hash (16-byte string) { 100 dict begin md5.init mark { \ifpp@fish md5.progress \fi 64 {md5.file read not {/md5.eof true def exit} if} repeat md5.eof {exit} if 512 md5.addtomsgsize md5.calc } loop counttomark 8 mul md5.addtomsgsize 2#10000000 counttomark 56 gt { 65 counttomark sub {2#00000000} repeat md5.calc } if 57 counttomark sub {2#00000000} repeat md5.msgsize md5.calc pop md5.filesize md5.string end } def /pp.append % arguments: array, any { exch dup length 1 add array exch 1 index copy pop exch 1 index exch 1 index length 1 sub exch put } def /pp.embedfile % arguments: mark, /Name, UnicodeName, /FS, mark, obj_Filespec, Filespec { exch pop exch pop /EMBED pdfmark } def /pp.appendef {pop pop} def /pp.putefnametree {} def % % substitute for /EMBED-pdfmark: % /pp.subst.embedfile % arguments: mark, /Name, UnicodeName, /FS, mark, obj_Filespec, Filespec { /PUT pdfmark cleartomark } def /pp.subst.appendef % arguments: obj_Filespec, UnicodeName { pp.globaldict /pp.efnametree get exch pp.append exch pp.append pp.globaldict exch /pp.efnametree exch put } def /pp.subst.putefnametree { mark {Catalog} << /Names << /EmbeddedFiles << /Names pp.globaldict /pp.efnametree get >> >> >> /PUT pdfmark } def /pp.substEMBEDpdfmark { /pp.embedfile {pp.subst.embedfile} def /pp.appendef {pp.subst.appendef} def /pp.putefnametree {pp.subst.putefnametree} def } def /pp.strippt % arguments: string { (pt) search {cvr exch pop exch pop} {pop 0} ifelse } def /pp.savecurrentpoint % arguments: xname, xoffset, yname, yoffset { gsave initmatrix \ifpp@flip 0 vsize translate 1 -1 scale \fi \ifpp@mirror hsize 0 translate -1 1 scale \fi currentpoint exch pop add def currentpoint pop add def grestore } def /pp.concat % argument: array_of_strings; returns: concatenated_string { 0 string exch { dup length 2 index length add dup string dup 0 6 -1 roll putinterval dup 4 -2 roll 1 index length sub exch putinterval } forall } def /pp.getlasterror % returns: string { [(\string\(PostScript\string\256 error: /) (\string\044error) cvx exec /errorname get pp.cvs (\string\))] pp.concat } def /pp.warning % argument: string { () pp.println (-------------------------------------------------------------------------------) dup pp.println exch (Package hypdvips Warning:\string\n) 3 {pp.println} repeat pp.globaldict /pp.warncount 1 index 1 index get 1 add put } def /pp.error % argument: string { () pp.println (===============================================================================) dup pp.println exch (Package hypdvips Error:\string\n) 3 {pp.println} repeat pp.globaldict /pp.errcount 1 index 1 index get 1 add put } def /pp.println % arguments: string { print (\string\r\string\n) print pp.stdout flushfile } def /pp.cvs % arguments: any { 65534 string cvs } def /pp.sysinfo { (Machine serial number: ) print serialnumber pp.cvs pp.println (Product name: ) print product pp.println (Product revision level: ) print revision pp.cvs pp.println (Interpreter version: ) print version pp.println (LanguageLevel: ) print languagelevel pp.cvs pp.println (64-bit support: ) print pp.64bit {(yes)} {(no)} ifelse pp.cvs pp.println } def /pp.drawdest % arguments: name, top { dup dup gsave initmatrix newpath 0 exch moveto hsize exch lineto 0.1 setlinewidth 1 0 0 setrgbcolor stroke /Courier findfont 5 scalefont setfont newpath 15 exch 6 sub moveto show grestore } def /pp.drawcurrentpoint % arguments: R, G, B, linewidth { gsave initmatrix setlinewidth setrgbcolor -5 -5 rmoveto 10 10 rlineto -10 0 rmoveto 10 -10 rlineto stroke grestore } def /pp.addtocreator % arguments: /DOCINFO-pdfmark { pop counttomark 2 mod 0 eq { counttomark /pp.count exch def { pp.count 0 eq {exit} if counttomark 2 roll 1 index /Creator eq {pop (LaTeX with hyperref package + hypdvips) exit} {pp.count 2 sub /pp.count exch def} ifelse } loop } if /DOCINFO } def /pp.PDFArrayToDvips % arguments: array (in PDF-coordinates) { /pp.origmatrix matrix currentmatrix def 0 exch dup length 2 idiv { dup dup 3 index get exch 3 index 1 add get gsave initmatrix moveto pp.origmatrix setmatrix currentpoint grestore 2 index exch 4 index 1 add exch put 1 index exch 3 index exch put exch 2 add exch } repeat exch pop } def /pp.DvipsArrayToPDF % arguments: array (in user-coordinates) { 0 exch dup length 2 idiv { dup dup 3 index get exch 3 index 1 add get gsave moveto initmatrix currentpoint grestore 2 index exch 4 index 1 add exch put 1 index exch 3 index exch put exch 2 add exch } repeat exch pop } def /pp.enabletracing { SDict /pp.leftboundary undef SDict /pp.rightboundary undef /a where { /a { currentpoint pop SDict /pp.rightboundary known dup { SDict /pp.rightboundary get 2 index lt {not} if } if {pop} {SDict exch /pp.rightboundary exch put} ifelse moveto currentpoint pop SDict /pp.leftboundary known dup { SDict /pp.leftboundary get 2 index gt {not} if } if {pop} {SDict exch /pp.leftboundary exch put} ifelse } put } if } def /pp.disabletracing { /a where {/a {moveto} put} if SDict /pp.leftboundary known {pp.outerbox 0 pp.leftboundary put} if SDict /pp.rightboundary known {pp.outerbox 2 pp.rightboundary put} if } def /pp.addtoquadpoints { currentdict /pp.qp known {pp.qp length 8 add array dup pp.qp exch copy pop} {8 array} ifelse dup dup length 8 sub pp.currentrect 0 get put dup dup length 7 sub pp.currentrect 1 get put dup dup length 6 sub pp.currentrect 2 get put dup dup length 5 sub pp.currentrect 1 get put dup dup length 4 sub pp.currentrect 2 get put dup dup length 3 sub pp.currentrect 3 get put dup dup length 2 sub pp.currentrect 0 get put dup dup length 1 sub pp.currentrect 3 get put /pp.qp exch def } def /pp.writebrokenlink % arguments: /ANN-pdfmark with /Rect as last entry and without /ANN { counttomark 1 add copy pop pp.currentrect /ANN pp.backup.pdfmark } def /pp.breaklink % arguments: /ANN-pdfmark { pop counttomark 2 mod 0 eq { counttomark /pp.count exch def { pp.count 0 eq {exit} if counttomark 2 roll 1 index /Rect eq { dup 4 array copy dup dup 1 get pp.outerbox 3 get HyperBorder 2 mul add sub 3 exch put dup 2 pp.outerbox 2 get HyperBorder add put dup dup 3 get pp.outerbox 3 get HyperBorder 2 mul add add 1 exch put /pp.currentrect exch def SDict /pp.quadpoints known {pp.addtoquadpoints} {pp.writebrokenlink} ifelse { pp.currentrect dup 0 pp.outerbox 0 get HyperBorder sub put dup 2 pp.outerbox 2 get HyperBorder add put dup dup 1 get pp.baselineskip add 1 exch put dup dup 3 get pp.baselineskip add 3 exch put /pp.currentrect exch def SDict /pp.quadpoints known {pp.addtoquadpoints} {pp.writebrokenlink} ifelse } 1 index 3 get HyperBorder 2 mul add pp.outerbox 3 get add 2 index 1 get sub pp.baselineskip div round cvi 1 sub exch repeat pp.currentrect dup 0 pp.outerbox 0 get HyperBorder sub put dup dup 1 get pp.baselineskip add 1 exch put dup dup 3 get pp.baselineskip add 3 exch put dup 2 index 2 get 2 exch put /pp.currentrect exch def SDict /pp.quadpoints known { pp.addtoquadpoints dup 2 pp.outerbox 0 get HyperBorder sub 1 PDFToDvips sub put dup dup 1 get pp.outerbox 3 get HyperBorder 2 mul add sub 1 PDFToDvips sub 3 exch put dup 0 pp.outerbox 2 get HyperBorder add 1 PDFToDvips add put dup 1 pp.currentrect 1 get 1 PDFToDvips add put /QuadPoints pp.qp pp.DvipsArrayToPDF } { pp.writebrokenlink SDict /pp.goodpdfmark false put } ifelse exit } {pp.count 2 sub /pp.count exch def} ifelse } loop } if /ANN } def /pp.storepdfmark % argument: pdfmark { /pp.pdfmarkcontent 65534 dict def counttomark 1 add copy pop { dup mark eq {pop exit} {pp.pdfmarkcontent begin def end} ifelse } loop } def /pp.pdfmark % argument: pdfmark { SDict /pp.goodpdfmark true put dup /DOCINFO eq { pp.storepdfmark pp.pdfmarkcontent begin Creator (LaTeX with hyperref package) eq {pp.addtocreator} if end } if dup /DEST eq { pp.storepdfmark pp.pdfmarkcontent begin Dest pp.cvs (subfigure.) search {exch pop exch pop () eq} {pop false} ifelse { SDict /pp.goodfiguredest known not {SDict /pp.goodpdfmark false put} if SDict /pp.goodfiguredest undef } if SDict /pp.showdests known pp.goodpdfmark and { Dest pp.cvs false View 0 get /FitH eq {View 1 get exch not} if View 0 get /FitBH eq {View 1 get exch not} if View 0 get /XYZ eq {View 2 get exch not} if {pp.drawdest} {pop} ifelse } if end currentdict /pp.pdfmarkcontent undef } if dup /ANN eq { pp.storepdfmark pp.pdfmarkcontent begin Subtype /Link eq currentdict /Rect known and SDict /pp.outerbox known and SDict /pp.baselineskip known and {Rect 1 get Rect 3 get sub pp.outerbox 3 get lt {pp.breaklink} if} if end SDict /pp.outerbox undef SDict /pp.baselineskip undef currentdict /pp.pdfmarkcontent undef } if pp.goodpdfmark {pp.backup.pdfmark} {cleartomark} ifelse } def /pp.disablepdfmarks { /H.S {} def /H.L {} def /H.A {} def /H.R {} def /pdfmark {cleartomark} def } def /pp.enablepdfmarks { /H.S {pp.H.S} def /H.L {pp.H.L} def /H.A {pp.H.A} def /H.R {pp.H.R} def /pdfmark {pp.pdfmark} def } def /pp.BPToPDF { 72 mul 72.27 div } def /pp.addifknown % arguments: offsetname { currentdict 1 index known { currentdict 1 index get exch currentdict exch undef add } { pop } ifelse } def /pp.H.S { currentpoint HyperBorder add /pp.yoffset pp.addifknown /pdf@lly exch def dup DvipsToPDF 72 add /pp.hoffset pp.addifknown /pdf@hoff exch def HyperBorder sub /pp.xoffset pp.addifknown /pdf@llx exch def } def /pp.H.L % arguments: baselineskip { 2 sub dup /HyperBasePt exch def PDFToDvips /HyperBaseDvips exch def currentpoint HyperBorder sub HyperBaseDvips sub /pp.yoffset pp.addifknown /pdf@ury exch def HyperBorder add /pp.xoffset pp.addifknown /pdf@urx exch def } def /pp.H.A % arguments: baselineskip { pp.H.L currentpoint exch pop vsize 72 sub exch DvipsToPDF HyperBasePt sub % baseline skip sub /pp.voffset pp.addifknown /pdf@voff exch def } def /pp.H.R { currentpoint HyperBorder sub /pp.yoffset pp.addifknown /pdf@ury exch def HyperBorder add /pp.xoffset pp.addifknown /pdf@urx exch def currentpoint exch pop vsize 72 sub exch DvipsToPDF sub /pp.voffset pp.addifknown /pdf@voff exch def } def /pp.cvsr % arguments: int, length { exch dup 0 lt { pop pop () } { pp.cvs exch dup 2 index length le { dup 2 index length eq {pop} {pop pop ()} ifelse } { string dup 0 exch { pop 1 index 1 index 48 put 1 add } forall pop 1 index length 1 index length exch sub 1 index exch 3 index putinterval exch pop } ifelse } ifelse } def /pp.getlatextime % arguments: timezonestring { [ (D:) (\number\year) cvi 4 pp.cvsr (\number\month) cvi 2 pp.cvsr (\number\day) cvi 2 pp.cvsr (\number\time) dup cvi 60 idiv 2 pp.cvsr exch cvi 60 mod 2 pp.cvsr (00) true 9 index length 1 ge { 9 index 0 get dup 43 eq 1 index 45 eq or exch 90 eq or and % +, -, Z 9 index 0 get 90 eq {9 index dup (Z) eq exch (Z00'00') eq or and} if % Z 9 index 0 get dup 43 eq exch 45 eq or % +, - { 9 index length 7 eq dup { 10 index 1 get dup 47 ge exch 51 lt and and % 0-2 10 index 2 get dup 47 ge exch 52 lt and and % 0-3 10 index 3 get 39 eq and % ' 10 index 4 get dup 47 ge exch 54 lt and and % 0-5 10 index 5 get dup 47 ge exch 58 lt and and % 0-9 10 index 6 get 39 eq and % ' } if and } if } if {8 index} {[(Illegal timezone offset `) 10 index (' discarded.)] pp.concat pp.warning} ifelse ] pp.concat exch pop /pp.latextime exch def } def /pp.unixtime2pdftime % arguments: unixtime (=seconds since Jan. 1, 1970 00:00:00) { /pp.datestring 17 string dup dup 0 (D:) putinterval 16 (Z) putinterval def dup 60 mod 2 pp.cvsr pp.datestring exch 14 exch putinterval dup 3600 mod 60 idiv 2 pp.cvsr pp.datestring exch 12 exch putinterval dup 86400 mod 3600 idiv 2 pp.cvsr pp.datestring exch 10 exch putinterval 86400 idiv 2509157 add cvi /pp.date1 exch def pp.date1 4 mul 146097 idiv /pp.date2 exch def pp.date1 pp.date2 146097 mul 3 add 4 idiv sub /pp.date1 exch def pp.date1 1 add 4000 mul 1461001 idiv /pp.date3 exch def pp.date1 pp.date3 1461 mul 4 idiv sub 31 add /pp.date1 exch def pp.date1 80 mul 2447 idiv /pp.date4 exch def pp.date4 11 idiv /pp.date5 exch def pp.date1 pp.date4 2447 mul 80 idiv sub 2 pp.cvsr pp.datestring exch 8 exch putinterval pp.date4 2 add pp.date5 12 mul sub 2 pp.cvsr pp.datestring exch 6 exch putinterval pp.date2 49 sub 100 mul pp.date3 add pp.date5 add 4 pp.cvsr pp.datestring exch 2 exch putinterval pp.datestring } def /pp.getfileinfo % arguments: rffilename, filename { dup status { true product (AFPL Ghostscript) eq product (GPL Ghostscript) eq or { pop pp.fidict /CreationDate known {pop} {pp.fidict exch /CreationDate exch pp.unixtime2pdftime put} ifelse pp.fidict /ModDate known {pop} {pp.fidict exch /ModDate exch pp.unixtime2pdftime put} ifelse pop pop false } if product (Distiller) eq { pop pp.fidict /ModDate known {pop} {pp.fidict exch /ModDate exch pp.unixtime2pdftime put} ifelse pop pop pop false } if { pop pop pop pop } if } if /pp.readerror false def {dup (r) file} stopped { pop pop [(Unable to access file `) 2 index ('.\string\n) pp.getlasterror] pp.concat pp.error /pp.readerror true def } { pop } ifelse \ifpp@mac 1 index () ne { {1 index (r) file} stopped { pop [(Unable to access resourcefork file `) 2 index ('.\string\n) pp.getlasterror] pp.concat pp.error pop /pp.readerror true def } { pop } ifelse } if \fi pp.readerror { pop } { pp.fidict /CheckSum known not { (\string\n Calculating MD5-checksum of file: ) print dup pp.println 125 exch (r) file md5.fromfile dup pp.fidict exch /CheckSum exch put (\string\n<) print pp.stdout exch writehexstring (>) pp.println pp.fidict /Size known { 8 {pop} repeat } { 8 -1 1 {1 roll} for pp.64bit { 56 -8 0 {bitshift 8 1 roll} for 7 {add} repeat pp.fidict exch /Size exch put } { true 4 {exch 0 eq and} repeat 1 index 128 lt and { 24 -8 0 {bitshift 4 1 roll} for add add add pp.fidict exch /Size exch put } { 4 {pop} repeat (File size exceeds maximum of 2147483647 bytes.\string\n`Size'-entry in embedded file parameter dictionary omitted.) pp.warning } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } { pp.fidict /Size known {pop} {pp.getfilesize} ifelse } ifelse } ifelse pop } def /pp.mimetype % arguments: string { 0 1 index length {1 index 1 index get 0 eq {exit} {1 add} ifelse} repeat 0 exch getinterval cvn } def /pp.getbbox % argument: iconfilename { {(r) file} stopped { [2 index (.eps)] pp.concat exch {file} stopped {pop pop [(Unable to access icon file `) 2 index ('.\string\n) pp.getlasterror] pp.concat pp.warning pop false} {exch pop true} ifelse } { true } ifelse { { dup 32768 string readline {(BoundingBox:) search {pop pop exch pop exit} {pop} ifelse} {exch pop (BoundingBox:) search {pop pop exch pop} {pop ()} ifelse exit} ifelse } loop [exch cvx stopped pop] dup length 4 eq } { [] false } ifelse 1 index {dup type /integertype eq exch type /realtype eq or and} forall {/pp.bbox exch def} {pop /pp.bbox [0 0 0 0] def} ifelse } def /pp.isemptybbox { false pp.bbox {0 ne or} forall } def /pp.iconrect % arguments: defaultarray, arraystring (with coordinates in default user space) { true 1 index { dup 47 gt 1 index 58 lt and % 0-9 1 index 46 eq % . 2 index 32 eq % space or or exch pop and } forall dup { [ 2 index cvx stopped pop ] dup length 4 eq exch {dup type /integertype eq 1 index type /realtype eq or dup {1 index 0 ge and} if exch pop and} forall and } if {[exch cvx exec] exch pop} { [(Illegal icon coordinates [) 2 index (] discarded.)] pp.concat pp.warning pop } ifelse /pp.attachmentrect exch def } def /pp.opacity % argument: string; returns: real (default: 1.0) { {cvr} stopped dup not { 1 index 1.0 gt 2 index 0 lt or or } if { [(Illegal opacity value `) 2 index pp.cvs (' discarded.)] pp.concat pp.warning pop 1.0 } if } def /pp.flags % argument: string; returns: flags (default: 2#00000000000000000000000000000100) { {cvi} stopped { [(Illegal annotation flags `) 2 index (' discarded.)] pp.concat pp.warning pop 2#00000000000000000000000000000100 } { dup 2#11111111111111111111110000000000 and 0 ne { [(Reserved flag bits \string\(positions 11-32\string\) of annotation flags 2#) 2 index 2 32 string cvrs ( set to 0.)] pp.concat pp.warning 2#00000000000000000000001111111111 and } if } ifelse } def /pp.color % argument: string; returns: colorarray (default: [1 1 0]) { true 1 index { dup 47 gt 1 index 58 lt and % 0-9 1 index 46 eq % . 2 index 32 eq % space or or exch pop and } forall dup { [ 2 index cvx stopped pop ] dup length 3 eq exch {dup type /integertype eq 1 index type /realtype eq or dup {1 index 1 le 2 index 0 ge and and} if exch pop and} forall and } if {[exch cvx exec]} { [(Illegal attachment color `) 2 index (' discarded.)] pp.concat pp.warning pop [1 1 0] } ifelse } def /pp.save { count array astore /pp.operandstack exch def pp.operandstack aload pop /pp.vmimage save def } def /pp.restore { pp.vmimage restore clear pp.operandstack aload pop } def /pp.dest % argument: string { dup () ne dup {1 index 0 get 91 eq and} if % [ { dup dup length 1 sub get 93 eq % ] {pp.save dup cvx stopped {/SDict where {/SDict get} {TeXDict begin SDict} ifelse begin pp.restore true} {false} ifelse} {true} ifelse dup not { 1 index length 2 lt or dup not {1 index 0 get type /integertype ne or} if dup not {1 index 0 get 0 lt or} if dup not {1 index 1 get type /nametype ne or} if dup {exch pop} {3 -1 roll pop} ifelse } if } { true } ifelse { dup () ne dup { 1 index 0 get 40 eq and % ( 1 index dup length 1 sub get 41 eq and % ) } if {1 1 index length 2 sub getinterval false} {true} ifelse } { false } ifelse { true 1 index {0 ne and} forall { dup 0 get 47 eq % / { 1 1 index length 1 sub getinterval } if cvn } if } if } def /pp.ischecksum % argument: string; returns: boolean { dup length dup 32 eq exch 0 eq or 1 index { dup 47 gt 1 index 58 lt and % 0-9 1 index 96 gt 2 index 103 lt and % a-f 2 index 64 gt 3 index 71 lt and % A-F or or exch pop and } forall dup not {[(Illegal MD5-checksum <) 3 index (> discarded.)] pp.concat pp.warning} if exch pop } def /pp.getfilesize % argument: filename { true pp.64bit {1 index status {pop pop pp.fidict exch /Size exch put pop pop pop false} if} if { \ifpp@fish /md5.rate 125 def /md5.console pp.stdout def /md5.consolewidth 80 def /md5.time realtime def /md5.fish (\string\074\string\047\string\050\string\050\string\076\string\173) def /md5.fishpos 74 def /md5.fishspeed 0 def /md5.consolepos 1 def \fi (\string\n Calculating size of file: ) print dup pp.println (r) file 32768 string 0 { \ifpp@fish md5.progress \fi 2 index 2 index readstring {length add} {length add exch pop exch pop exit} ifelse } loop dup type /integertype eq { (\string\n\string\() print dup pp.cvs print dup 1 gt {( bytes\string\))} {( byte\string\))} ifelse pp.println pp.fidict exch /Size exch put } { pop [ (File size exceeds maximum of ) pp.maxint pp.cvs ( bytes. `Size'-entry in embedded file parameter dictionary omitted.) ] pp.concat pp.warning } ifelse } if } def /pp.size % argument: string { true 1 index { dup 47 gt 1 index 58 lt and % 0-9 exch pop and } forall dup 2 index () ne and { exch {cvi} stopped { (\string\044error) cvx exec /errorname get /rangecheck eq {[(File size `) 2 index (' exceeds maximum of ) pp.maxint pp.cvs ( bytes.)] pp.concat pp.warning} if } if dup type /integertype ne {exch not exch} if exch } if {pp.fidict exch /Size exch put} {[(Illegal file size `) 2 index pp.cvs (' discarded.)] pp.concat pp.warning pop} ifelse } def /pp.macenc % argument: string; returns: (int, true) or (string, false) { dup length 4 eq {0 0 1 3 {2 index 1 index get exch 3 exch sub 8 mul bitshift add} for exch pop true} {false} ifelse } def /pp.maccreator % argument: string { pp.macenc {pp.fidict exch /Creator exch put} {[(Illegal file creator signature `) 2 index pp.cvs (' discarded.)] pp.concat pp.warning pop} ifelse } def /pp.macfiletype % argument: string { pp.macenc {pp.fidict exch /Subtype exch put} {[(Illegal file type `) 2 index pp.cvs (' discarded.)] pp.concat pp.warning pop} ifelse } def /pp.undefifempty %argument: key (in pp.fidict) { dup pp.fidict exch known {dup pp.fidict exch get () eq {pp.fidict exch undef} {pop} ifelse} {pop} ifelse } def /pp.getifknown % argument: key (in pp.fidict) { dup pp.fidict exch known {dup pp.fidict exch get} {pop} ifelse } def /pp.fliprect { [ exch {} forall 3 1 roll exch] } def /pp.mirrorrect { [ exch {} forall 4 -2 roll 3 1 roll exch] } def /pp.BPEPmatrix { initmatrix } def pp.sysinfo /pdfmark where { /pdfmark get /pp.backup.pdfmark exch def } { /pp.backup.pdfmark {cleartomark} def (Product doesn't support pdfmarks.) pp.error } ifelse pp.enablepdfmarks product (Jaws PDF Creator) eq { /BorderArrayPatch {} def % interprets the values as default user space version (3010) eq { pp.substEMBEDpdfmark /pp.BPEPmatrix {} def % uses CTM in /BP- & /EP-pdfmarks } if } if product (AFPL Ghostscript) eq product (GPL Ghostscript) eq or { pp.substEMBEDpdfmark /BorderArrayPatch { [ exch { dup dup type /integertype eq exch type /realtype eq or {BPToDvips} if dup type /arraytype eq { pop pp.globaldict /pp.gsborderwarning get { (Ghostscript doesn't support dashed borders in hyperref option `pdfborder'.\string\n Use option `pdfborderstyle={/W /S /D /D }' instead.) pp.warning pp.globaldict /pp.gsborderwarning false put } if } if } forall ] } def } if << /DeferredMediaSelection true /PageSize [\strip@pt\paperwidth\space pp.BPToPDF \strip@pt\paperheight\space pp.BPToPDF] /ImagingBBox null \ifpp@twoside /Duplex true \fi >> setpagedevice userdict /end-hook { TeXDict begin SDict begin () pp.println realtime pp.globaldict /pp.starttime get sub dup 0 gt {[exch (Elapsed time: ) exch 1000 div pp.cvs ( seconds.)] pp.concat pp.println} if pp.globaldict /pp.errcount get pp.globaldict /pp.warncount get add 0 gt { [ (Package hypdvips encountered ) pp.globaldict /pp.errcount get dup 0 gt {dup pp.cvs exch 1 eq {( error)} {( errors)} ifelse} {pop} ifelse pp.globaldict /pp.errcount get 0 gt pp.globaldict /pp.warncount get 0 gt and {( and )} if pp.globaldict /pp.warncount get dup 0 gt {dup pp.cvs exch 1 eq {( warning)} {( warnings)} ifelse} {pop} ifelse (\string\n during processing of this PostScript\string\256 file.) ] pp.concat pp.println } if end end } put } \pp@TeXcatcodes \let\pp@backup@begin\begin \renewcommand{\begin}[1]{% \global\expandafter\let\csname pp@saved@before#1@cref@currentlabel\endcsname\cref@currentlabel% \global\expandafter\let\csname pp@saved@before#1@@currentHref\endcsname\@currentHref% \pp@backup@begin{#1}% } \let\pp@backup@end\end \renewcommand{\end}[1]{% \pp@backup@end{#1}% \global\expandafter\let\expandafter\@currentHref\csname pp@saved@before#1@@currentHref\endcsname% 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