%% %% This is file `hi-pathways.tex', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% heria.dtx (with options: `hi-pathways') %% %% This is a generated file. %% \begin{itemize} \item \begin{quote} Provide a \textbf{narrative} explaining how the project's results are expected to make a difference in terms of impact, beyond the immediate scope and duration of the project. The narrative should include the components below, tailored to your project. \end{quote} \begin{enumerate} \def\labelenumi{(\alph{enumi})} \item Describe the unique contribution your project results would make towards (1) the \textbf{outcomes} specified in this topic, and (2) the \textbf{wider impacts}, in the longer term, specified in the respective destinations in the work programme. \begin{itemize}[label=\twarn] \item \emph{Be specific, referring to the effects of your project, and not R\&I in general in this field.} \item \emph{State the target groups that would benefit. Even if target groups are mentioned in general terms in the work programme, you should be specific here, breaking target groups into particular interest groups or segments of society relevant to this project.} \item \emph{The outcomes and impacts of your project may:} \begin{itemize} \item \emph{Scientific, e.g. contributing to specific scientific advances, across and within disciplines, creating new knowledge, reinforcing scientific equipment and instruments, computing systems (i.e. research infrastructures);} \item \emph{Economic/technological, e.g. bringing new products, services, business processes to the market, increasing efficiency, decreasing costs, increasing profits, contributing to standards' setting, etc.} \item \emph{Societal , e.g. decreasing CO\textsubscript{2} emissions, decreasing avoidable mortality, improving policies and decision making, raising consumer awareness.} \end{itemize} \emph{Only include such outcomes and impacts where your project would make a significant and direct contribution. Avoid describing very tenuous links to wider impacts. However, include any potential negative environmental outcome or impact of the project including when expected results are brought at scale (such as at commercial level). Where relevant, explain how the potential harm can be managed.} \end{itemize} \item Give an indication of the scale and significance of the project's contribution to the expected outcomes and impacts, should the project be successful. Provide quantified estimates where possible and meaningful. \begin{itemize}[label=\twarn] \item `\emph{\uline{Scale'} refers to how widespread the outcomes and impacts are likely to be. For example, in terms of the size of the target group, or the proportion of that group, that should benefit over time; \uline{`Significance'} refers to the importance, or value, of those benefits. For example, number of additional healthy life years; efficiency savings in energy supply.} \item \emph{Explain your baselines, benchmarks and assumptions used for those estimates. Wherever possible, quantify your estimation of the effects that you expect from your project. Explain assumptions that you make, referring for example to any relevant studies or statistics. Where appropriate, try to use only one methodology for calculating your estimates: not different methodologies for each partner, region or country (the extrapolation should preferably be prepared by one partner).} \item \emph{Your estimate must relate to this project only - the effect of other initiatives should not be taken into account.} \end{itemize} \item Describe any requirements and potential barriers - arising from factors beyond the scope and duration of the project - that may determine whether the desired outcomes and impacts are achieved. These may include, for example, other R\&I work within and beyond Horizon Europe; regulatory environment; targeted markets; user behaviour. Indicate if these factors might evolve over time. Describe any mitigating measures you propose, within or beyond your project, that could be needed should your assumptions prove to be wrong, or to address identified barriers. \begin{itemize}[label=\twarn] \item \emph{Note that this does not include the critical risks inherent to the management of the project itself , which should be described below under `Implementation'.} \end{itemize} \end{enumerate} \end{itemize} \endinput %% %% End of file `hi-pathways.tex'.