%% %% This is file `hi-methodology.tex', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% heria.dtx (with options: `hi-methodology') %% %% This is a generated file. %% \begin{itemize} \item Describe and explain the overall methodology, including the concepts, models and assumptions that underpin your work. Explain how this will enable you to deliver your project's objectives. Refer to any important challenges you may have identified in the chosen methodology and how you intend to overcome them. \emph{{[}e.g. 10 pages{]}} \begin{itemize}[label=\twarn] \item \emph{This section should be presented as a narrative. The detailed tasks and work packages are described below under `Implementation'.} \item \emph{Where relevant, include how the project methodology complies with the `do no significant harm' principle as per Article 17 of \href{https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=celex:32020R0852}{Regulation (EU) No 2020/852} on the establishment of a framework to facilitate sustainable investment (i.e. the so-called \textquotesingle EU Taxonomy Regulation\textquotesingle). This means that the methodology is designed in a way it is not significantly harming any of the six environmental objectives of the EU Taxonomy Regulation.} \item \emph{If you plan to use, develop and/or deploy artificial intelligence (AI) based systems and/or techniques you must demonstrate their technical robustness. AI-based systems or techniques should be, or be developed to become:~} \begin{itemize} \item \emph{technically robust, accurate and reproducible, and able to deal with and inform about possible failures, inaccuracies and errors, proportionate to the assessed risk they pose~} \item \emph{socially robust, in that they duly consider the context and environment in which they operate~} \item \emph{reliable and function as intended, minimizing unintentional and unexpected harm, preventing unacceptable harm and safeguarding the physical and mental integrity of humans~} \item \emph{able to provide a suitable explanation of their decision-making processes, whenever they can have a significant impact on people's lives.} \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \item Describe any national or international research and innovation activities whose results will feed into the project, and how that link will be established; \emph{{[}e.g. 1 page{]}} \item Explain how expertise and methods from different disciplines will be brought together and integrated in pursuit of your objectives. If you consider that an inter-disciplinary approach is unnecessary in the context of the proposed work, please provide a justification. \emph{{[}e.g. 1/2 page{]}} \item For topics where the work programme indicates the need for the integration of social sciences and humanities, show the role of these disciplines in the project or provide a justification if you consider that these disciplines are not relevant to your proposed project. \emph{{[}e.g. 1/2 page{]}} \item Describe how the gender dimension (i.e. sex and/or gender analysis) is taken into account in the project's research and innovation content \emph{{[}e.g. 1 page{]}. If} you do not consider such a gender dimension to be relevant in your project, please provide a justification. \begin{itemize}[label=\twarn] \item \emph{Note: This section is mandatory except for topics which have been identified in the work programme as not requiring the integration of the gender dimension into R\&I content.} \item \emph{Remember that that this question relates to the \uline{content} of the planned research and innovation activities, and not to gender balance in the teams in charge of carrying out the project.} \item \emph{Sex and gender analysis refers to biological characteristics and social/cultural factors respectively. For guidance on methods of sex / gender analysis and the issues to be taken into account, please refer to} \url{https://ec.europa.eu/info/news/gendered-innovations-2-2020-nov-24_en} \end{itemize} \item Describe how appropriate open science practices are implemented as an integral part of the proposed methodology. Show how the choice of practices and their implementation are adapted to the nature of your work, in a way that will increase the chances of the project delivering on its objectives \emph{{[}e.g. 1 page{]}}. If you believe that none of these practices are appropriate for your project, please provide a justification here. \begin{itemize}[label=\twarn] \item \emph{Open science is an approach based on open cooperative work and systematic sharing of knowledge and tools as early and widely as possible in the process. Open science practices include early and open sharing of research (for example through preregistration, registered reports, pre-prints, or crowd-sourcing); research output management; measures to ensure reproducibility of research outputs; providing open access to research outputs (such as publications, data, software, models, algorithms, and workflows); participation in open peer-review; and involving all relevant knowledge actors including citizens, civil society and end users in the co-creation of R\&I agendas and contents (such as citizen science).} \item \emph{Please note that this question does not refer to outreach actions that may be planned as part of communication, dissemination and exploitation activities. These aspects should instead be described below under `Impact'.} \end{itemize} \item Research \textbf{data management and management of other research outputs:} Applicants generating/collecting data and/or other research outputs (except for publications) during the project must provide maximum 1 page on how the data/ research outputs will be managed in line with the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable), addressing the following (the description should be specific to your project): \emph{{[}1 page{]}} \begin{quote} \textbf{Types of data/research outputs} (e.g. experimental, observational, images, text, numerical) and their estimated size; if applicable, combination with, and provenance of, existing data. \textbf{Findability of data/research outputs:} Types of~persistent and unique~identifiers (e.g. digital object identifiers)~and~trusted repositories~that will be used. \textbf{Accessibility of data/research outputs:}~IPR considerations and timeline for open access (if open access not provided, explain why); provisions for access to restricted data for verification purposes. \textbf{Interoperability of data/research outputs:} Standards, formats and vocabularies for data and metadata. \textbf{Reusability of data/research outputs}:~ Licenses for data sharing and re-use (e.g. Creative Commons, Open Data Commons);~availability of tools/software/models for data generation and validation/interpretation /re-use. \textbf{Curation and storage/preservation costs}; person/team responsible for data management and quality assurance. \end{quote} \begin{itemize}[label=\twarn] \item \emph{Proposals selected for funding under Horizon Europe will need to develop a~detailed data management plan (DMP) for making their data/research outputs findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR) as a deliverable by month 6 and revised towards the end of a project's lifetime.} \item \emph{For guidance on open science practices and research data management, please refer to the relevant section of the \href{https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/docs/2021-2027/horizon/guidance/programme-guide_horizon_en.pdf}{HE Programme Guide} on the Funding \& Tenders Portal.} \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \endinput %% %% End of file `hi-methodology.tex'.