% % \GetFileInfo{gmverb.sty} % \title{The \pk{gmverb} Package\thfileinfo} % \author{Grzegorz `Natror' Murzynowski} % \date{\today} % \maketitle %% %% This is (a~documentation of) file \pk{gmverb.sty}, %% intended to be used with \LaTeXe\ as a~package for %% a~slight redefinition of the |\verb| macro and \env{verbatim} %% environment and for short verb marking such as \verb+|\mymacro|+. %% \medskip %% % \begin{copyrnote} % %%Written by Grzegorz `Natror' Murzynowski, %% natror at o2 dot pl %% %% \copyright\,2005, 2006 by Grzegorz `Natror' Murzynowski. %% %% This program is subject to the \LaTeX\ Project Public License. %% See \url{http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/licenses.lppl.html} ^^A %% for the details of that license. %% %% LPPL status: "author-maintained".\par %% %% Many thanks to my \TeX\ Guru Marcin Woli\'nski for his \TeX nical ^^A %% support.\par %\end{copyrnote} % % \ChangesStart{}{1000/00/00} % % \chschange{v0.70}{06/8/15}{523} % \chschange{v0.71}{06/9/04}{596} % \chschange{v0.72}{06/9/05}{660} % \chschange{v0.73}{06/9/06}{671} % \chschange{v0.74}{06/9/7}{678} % \chschange{v0.76}{06/9/24}{679} % \chschange{v0.77}{06/9/28}{639} % \chschange{v0.78}{06/12/1}{648} % \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{gmverb} [2006/12/01 v0.78 After shortvrb (FM) but my way (GM)] % % \tableofcontents % % \division{Intro, Usage} % % This package redefines the |\verb| command and the \env{verbatim} % environment so that the verbatim text can break into lines, with |%| % (or another character chosen to be the comment char) as % a~`hyphen'. Moreover, it allows the user to define \hisher\ own % \env{verbatim}-like environments provided their contents would be not % \emph{horribly} long (as long as a macro's argument may be at most). % % This package also allows the user to declare a chosen char(s) as % a `short verb' e.g., to write \verb+|\a\verbatim\example|+ instead of % \verb+\verb|\a\verbatim\example|+. % \dekmedskip % % The \pk{gmverb} package redefines the |\verb| command and the % \env{verbatim} environment in such a~way that | |, |{| and |\| are % breakable, the first with no `hyphen' and the other two with the % comment char as a~hyphen. I.e. |{|\|}| breaks into % |{%|\par \|}| ^^A] bal. braces for Emacs % and \|\mymacro| breaks into \|%|\par % |\mymacro|. % % (If you don't like linebreaking at backslash, there's the % \TextUsage\fixbslash\ declaration (observing the common scoping % rules, hence OCSR) and an analogous % declaration for the left brace: \TextUsage\fixlbrace.) % \dekmedskip % % The default `hyphen' is |%| since it's the default comment char. If % you wish another char to appear at the linebreak, use the % \TextUsage\VerbHyphen\ declaration that takes |\|\ as the only % argument. This declaration is always global. % % \stanza % Another difference is the \TextUsage\verbeolOK\ declaration % (OCSR). Within its scope, |\verb| allows an % end of a~line in its argument and typesets it just as a~space. % % As in the standard version(s), the plain |\verb| typesets the spaces % blank and |\verb*| makes them visible. % % Moreover, \pk{gmverb} provides the \TextUsage\MakeShortVerb\ macro % that takes a~one-char control sequence as the only argument and % turns the char used into a~short verbatim delimiter, e.g., after % \verb+\MakeShortVerb*\|+ (as you guess, the declaration has its % starred version, which is for visible spaces, and the non-starred for % the spaces blank) you may type \verb+|\mymacro|+ to achieve |\mymacro| % instead of typing |\verb+\mymacro+|. Because the char used in this % example is my favourite and used just this way by DEK in the % \TeXbook's format, \pk{gmverb} provides a~macro \TextUsage\dekclubs\ % as a~shorthand for \verb+\MakeShortVerb*\|+. % % Be careful because such active chars may interfere with other % things, e.g., the \verb+|+ with the vertical marker in tables and % with the \pk{tikz} package. If this happens, you can declare e.g., % \TextUsage\DeleteShortVerb\verb+\|+ and the previous meaning of the % char used shall be restored. % % One more difference between \pk{gmverb} and \pk{shortvrb} is that % the chars |\active|ated by |\MakeShortVerb| in the math mode behave % as if they were `other', so you may type e.g., \verb+$|$+ to achieve % $|$ and |+| |\active|ated this way is in the math mode typeset properly % etc. % % There's one more declaration provided by \pk{gmverb}: % \TextUsage\dekclubs, which is a~shorthand for % \verb+\MakeShortVerb*\|+\,. % % \stanza % As many good packages, this also does not support any options. % % \begin{gmlonely} % \subdivision{Installation} % % Just put the \pk{gmverb.sty} somewhere in the \file{texmf/\:tex/\:latex} % branch. Creating a~\file{texmf/\:tex/\:latex/\:gm} directory may be advisable % if you consider using other packages written by me. % % Then you should refresh your \TeX\ distribution's files' database % most probably. % \end{gmlonely} % % \subdivision{Contents of the \pk{gmverb.zip} Archive} % % The distribution of the \pk{gmverb} package consists of the % following four files. % \begin{verse} % \pk{gmverb.sty}\\ % \pk{README}\\ % \pk{gmverbDoc.tex}\\ % \pk{gmverbDoc.pdf} % \end{verse} % % \begin{gmlonely} % \subdivision{Compiling the Documentation} % % The last of the above files (the \pk{.pdf}, i.e., \emph{this % file}) is a~documentation compiled from the \pk{.sty} file by % running \LaTeX\ on the \pk{gmverbDoc.tex} file twice, % then MakeIndex on the gmverb.idx file, and then \LaTeX\ % on gmverbDoc.tex once more. % % MakeIndex shell command: %\begin{verbatim} %makeindex -r gmverbDoc %\end{verbatim} % The |-r| switch is to forbid MakeIndex to make implicit ranges since % the (code line) numbers will be hyperlinks. % % Compiling the documentation requires the packages: % \pk{gmdoc} (\pk{gmdoc.sty} and \pk{gmdocc.cls}), \pk{gmverb.sty}, % \pk{gmutils.sty} and also some standard packages: % \pk{hyperref.sty}, \pk{color.sty}, \pk{geometry.sty}, % \pk{multicol.sty}, \pk{lmodern.sty} and \pk{fontenc.sty} that should % be installed on your computer by default. % % If you had not installed the \pk{mwcls} classes (available on % CTAN and present in \TeX\ Live e.g.), the result of your % compilation might differ a~bit from the \pk{.pdf} provided in this % \pk{.zip} archive in formatting: If you had not installed % \pk{mwcls}, the standard \pk{article.cls} class would be used. % \end{gmlonely} % % % \StopEventually{\NoEOF} % % % \division{The Code} % % \DoIndex{\verb \verb*} % \subdivision{Preliminaries} % \CodeDefine\firstofone \CodeDefine\afterfi \long\def\firstofone#1{#1} \long\def\afterfi#1\fi{\fi#1} % The standard |\obeyspaces| command is only re|\catcode|ing of the % space to be \catactive. Since we'll know a~bit of where these % macros are used, we know we have also to (re)define such an active % space to be some space. % \CodeDefine\gmobeyspaces \begin{catcode}`\ \active \gdef\gmobeyspaces{\catcode`\ \active\let \ } \end{catcode} % (The above three preliminary definitions are present also in % \pk{gmutils}.) % \CodeDefine\twelvepercent % \begin{oldmc} \bgroup \@makeother\% \firstofone{\egroup \def\twelvepercent{%}} % \end{oldmc} % Someone may want to use another char for comment, but we assume here % `orthodoxy'. Other assumptions in \pk{gmdoc} are made. The `knowledge' % what char is the comment char is used to put proper `hyphen' when % a~\env{verbatim} line is broken. % \CodeDefine\verbhyphen % \changes{v0.75}{06/9/8}{renamed from a~rather confusing % \cs{commentchar}} \let\verbhyphen\twelvepercent % Provide a~declaration for easy changing it. Its argument should be % of |\|\ form (of course, a~\\catother is also allowed). % \CodeDefine\VerbHyphen % \changes{v0.78}{06/12/1}{added} \def\VerbHyphen#1{% {\escapechar\m@ne \expandafter\gdef\expandafter\verbhyphen\expandafter{\string#1}}} % As you see, it's always global. % \subdivision{The Breakables} % % Let's define a~|\discretionary| left brace such that if it breaks, % it turns |{%| at the end of line. We'll use it in almost Knuthian % |\ttverbatim|---it's part of this `almost'. % \CodeDefine\breaklbrace \CodeDefine\twelvelbrace \bgroup \catcode`\<=1 \@makeother\{ \catcode`\>=2 % \firstofone<\egroup \def\breaklbrace<\discretionary<{\verbhyphen><><{>>% \def\twelvelbrace<{>%^^A]] >% of |\firstofone| % \CodeDefIndex\dobreaklbrace \bgroup \catcode`\<=1 \catcode`\{=\active \catcode`\>=2 \firstofone<\egroup \def\dobreaklbrace<\catcode`\{=\active \def{<\breaklbrace>>% >% end of |\firstofone|. \iffalse|}}}}|\fi % The |\bslash| macro defined below I~use also in more `normal' \TeX ing, e.g., % to |\typeout| some |\outer| macro's name. %\CodeDefine\bslash \CodeDefine\breakbslash {\catcode`\!=0 \@makeother\\%\CodeEscapeChar\! !gdef!bslash{\}%^^A] !gdef!breakbslash{!discretionary{!verbhyphen}{\}{\}}%^^A]] } %\CodeEscapeChar\\ % % Sometimes linebreaking at a~backslash may be unwelcome. The basic % case, when the first CS in a~verbatim breaks at the lineend leaving % there |%|, is covered by line \ref{special opening bslash}. For the % others let's give the user a~countercrank: \CodeDefine\fixbslash \newcommand*\fixbslash{\let\breakbslash=\bslash}% to use due to the % common scoping rules. But for the special case of a~backslash % opening a~verbatim scope, we deal specially in the line % \ref{special opening bslash}. % % Analogously, let's provide a~possibility of `fixing' the left brace: % \CodeDefine\fixlbrace \newcommand*\fixlbrace{\let\breaklbrace=\twelvelbrace} % \CodeDefIndex\dobreakbslash {\catcode`\!=0 %\CodeEscapeChar\!^^A[ %^^A~One rbrace is turned off for Emacs by |\{|. !catcode`!\=!active !gdef!dobreakbslash{!catcode`!\=!active !def\{!breakbslash}}% } %\CodeEscapeChar\\ % The macros defined below, |\visiblebreakspaces| and |\twelveclub| % we'll use in the almost Knuthian macro making verbatim. This `almost' % makes a~difference. % \CodeDefine\twelvespace % \CodeDefIndex\breakabletwelvespace \bgroup\catcode`\ =12 % \firstofone{\egroup% \def\twelvespace{ }% \def\breakabletwelvespace{\discretionary{ }{}{ }}} \bgroup\obeyspaces% it's just re|\catcode|'ing. % \CodeDefine\activespace % \CodeDefIndex\dobreakvisiblespace % \CodeDefIndex\dobreakblankspace \firstofone{\egroup% \newcommand*\activespace{ }% \newcommand*\dobreakvisiblespace{\let =\breakabletwelvespace\obeyspaces}%^^A % |%\def|ing it caused a~stack overflow disaster with \pk{gmdoc}. \newcommand*\dobreakblankspace{\let =\space\obeyspaces}% } % \CodeDefine\twelveclub \bgroup\@makeother\| \firstofone{\egroup\def\twelveclub{|}} % \subdivision{Almost-Knuthian \cs{ttverbatim}} % % |\ttverbatim| comes from \TeXbook\ too, but I~add into it a~\LaTeX\ % macro changing the |\catcode|s and make spaces visible and breakable % and left braces too. % \CodeDefine\ttverbatim \newcommand*\ttverbatim{% \let\do=\do@noligs \verbatim@nolig@list \let\do=\@makeother \dospecials \dobreaklbrace\dobreakbslash \dobreakspace \tt} % We wish the visible spaces to be the default. % \CodeDefIndex\dobreakspace \let\dobreakspace=\dobreakvisiblespace % %^^A~|\meta| and pals moved to \pk{gmutils} % \subdivision{The Core: From \pk{shortvrb}} % % The below is copied verbatim ;-) from % \file{doc.pdf} and then is added my slight changes. % \CodeDefine\MakeShortVerb \CodeDefine*\MakeShortVerb* \def\MakeShortVerb{% \@ifstar {\def\@shortvrbdef{\verb*}\@MakeShortVerb}% {\def\@shortvrbdef{\verb}\@MakeShortVerb}} % \CodeDefine\@MakeShortVerb \def\@MakeShortVerb#1{% \expandafter\ifx\csname cc\string#1\endcsname\relax \@shortvrbinfo{Made }{#1}\@shortvrbdef \add@special{#1}% \AddtoPrivateOthers#1% a~macro to be \emph{really} defined in % \pk{gmdoc}. \expandafter \xdef\csname cc\string#1\endcsname{\the\catcode`#1}% \begingroup \catcode`\~\active \lccode`\~`#1% \lowercase{% \global\expandafter\let \csname ac\string#1\endcsname~% \expandafter\gdef\expandafter~\expandafter{% \expandafter\ifmmode\expandafter\string\expandafter~% \expandafter\else\expandafter\afterfi\@shortvrbdef~\fi}}% This % terrible number of |\expandafter|s is to make the shortverb char % just other in the math mode (my addition). \endgroup \global\catcode`#1\active \else \@shortvrbinfo\@empty{#1 already}{\@empty\verb(*)}% \fi} % \CodeDefine\DeleteShortVerb \def\DeleteShortVerb#1{% \expandafter\ifx\csname cc\string#1\endcsname\relax \@shortvrbinfo\@empty{#1 not}{\@empty\verb(*)}% \else \@shortvrbinfo{Deleted }{#1 as}{\@empty\verb(*)}% \rem@special{#1}% \global\catcode`#1\csname cc\string#1\endcsname \global \expandafter\let \csname cc\string#1\endcsname \relax \ifnum\catcode`#1=\active \begingroup \catcode`\~\active \lccode`\~`#1% \lowercase{% \global\expandafter\let\expandafter~% \csname ac\string#1\endcsname}% \endgroup \fi \fi} % My little addition % \CodeDefIndex\gmv@packname \@ifpackageloaded{gmdoc}{% \def\gmv@packname{gmdoc}}{% \def\gmv@packname{gmverb}} % \CodeDefine\@shortvrbinfo \def\@shortvrbinfo#1#2#3{% \PackageInfo{\gmv@packname}{% ^^J\@empty #1\expandafter\@gobble\string#2 a short reference for \expandafter\string#3}} % \CodeDefine\add@special \def\add@special#1{% \rem@special{#1}% \expandafter\gdef\expandafter\dospecials\expandafter {\dospecials \do #1}% \expandafter\gdef\expandafter\@sanitize\expandafter {\@sanitize \@makeother #1}} % For the commentary on the below macro see the \pk{doc} package's % documentation. Here let's only say it's just amazing: so tricky and % wicked use of |\do|. The internal macro |\rem@special| defines |\do| % to expand to nothing if the |\do|'s argument is the one to be % removed and to unexpandable CSs |\do| and \<\cs{do}'s argument> % otherwise. With |\do| defined this way the entire list is just % globally expanded itself. Analogous hack is done to the |\@sanitize| % list. % \CodeDefine\rem@special \def\rem@special#1{% \def\do##1{% \ifnum`#1=`##1 \else \noexpand\do\noexpand##1\fi}% \xdef\dospecials{\dospecials}% \begingroup \def\@makeother##1{% \ifnum`#1=`##1 \else \noexpand\@makeother\noexpand##1\fi}% \xdef\@sanitize{\@sanitize}% \endgroup} % And now the definition of \env{verbatim} itself. As you'll see (I~hope), % the internal macros of it look for the name of the current % environment (i.e., |\@currenvir|'s meaning) to set % their expectation of the environment's |\end| properly. This is done % to allow the user to define his/her own environments with % |\verbatim| inside them. I.e., as with the \pk{verbatim} package, % you may write |\verbatim| in the begdef of your environment and then % necessarily |\endverbatim| in its enddef. Of course (or maybe % surprisingly), the commands written in the begdef after |\verbatim| % will also be executed at \cs{begin\marg{environment}}. % \CodeDefine\verbatim % \CodeDefine*{verbatim} \def\verbatim{\@beginparpenalty \predisplaypenalty \@verbatim \frenchspacing \gmobeyspaces \@xverbatim}% in the \LaTeX\ version % there's |%\@vobeyspaces| instead of |\gmobeyspaces|. % \changes{v0.73}{06/09/06}{\cs{@vobeyspaces} changed to % \cs{obeyspaces} to make the blank \cs{verb/atim} spaces breakable} % \CodeDefine*{verbatim*} \@namedef{verbatim*}{\@beginparpenalty \predisplaypenalty \@verbatim \@sxverbatim} % \CodeDefine\endverbatim \def\endverbatim{\@@par \ifdim\lastskip >\z@ \@tempskipa\lastskip \vskip -\lastskip \advance\@tempskipa\parskip \advance\@tempskipa -\@outerparskip \vskip\@tempskipa \fi \addvspace\@topsepadd \@endparenv} % \CodeDefine\endverbatim* \expandafter\let\csname endverbatim*\endcsname =\endverbatim % \CodeDefine\@xverbatim \begingroup \catcode `!=0 % \catcode `[= 1 \catcode`]=2 % \catcode`\{=\active \@makeother\}% \catcode`\\=\active%\CodeEscapeChar\! !gdef!@xverbatim[% !edef!verbatim@edef[% !def!noexpand!verbatim@end% ####1!noexpand\end!noexpand{!@currenvir}[% ####1!noexpand!end[!@currenvir]]]% !verbatim@edef !verbatim@end]% !endgroup % \CodeEscapeChar\\ % \CodeDefine\@sxverbatim \let\@sxverbatim=\@xverbatim % \CodeDefine\@verbatim % F.\,Mittelbach says the below is copied almost verbatim from \LaTeX\ % source, modulo |\check@percent|.\CodeDefine\@verbatim \def\@verbatim{% % \changes{v0.71}{06/09/04}{trivlist substituted with % chosen explicit macros. Analog. in endverbatim.} % % Originally here was just |\trivlist \item[]|, but it worked % badly in my document(s), so let's take just highlights of if. \parsep\parskip % From |\@trivlist|: \if@noskipsec \leavevmode \fi \@topsepadd \topsep \ifvmode \advance\@topsepadd \partopsep \else \unskip \par \fi \@topsep \@topsepadd \advance\@topsep \parskip \@outerparskip \parskip % (End of |\trivlistlist| and |\@trivlist| highlights.) \@@par\addvspace\@topsep \if@minipage\else\vskip\parskip\fi \leftmargin\parindent% please notify me if it's a~bad idea. \advance\@totalleftmargin\leftmargin \raggedright \leftskip\@totalleftmargin% so many assignments to preserve the % \env{list} thinking for possible future changes. However, we may % be sure no internal \env{list} shall use |\@totalleftmargin| as % far as no inner environments are possible in \env{verbatim(*)}. %^^A \rightskip\z@ %^^A \parindent\z@\parfillskip\@flushglue\parskip\z@ \@@par% most probably redundant. \@tempswafalse \def\par{% but I~don't want the terribly ugly empty lines when % a~blank line is met. Let's make them \pk{gmdoc}-like % i.e., let a~vertical space be added as in between stanzas % of poetry. Originally |\if@tempswa\hbox{}\fi|, in my version will % be \ifvmode\if@tempswa\addvspace\stanzaskip\@tempswafalse\fi\fi \@@par \penalty\interlinepenalty \check@percent}% \everypar{\@tempswatrue\hangindent\verbatimhangindent\hangafter\@ne}%^^A % since several chars are breakable, there's a~possibility of % breaking some lines. We wish them to be hanging indented. \obeylines \ttverbatim} \@ifundefined{stanzaskip}{\newlength\stanzaskip}{} \stanzaskip=\medskipamount % \CodeDefine\verbatimhangindent % \changes{v0.71}{06/09/04}{added to verbatim parameters.} \newlength\verbatimhangindent \verbatimhangindent=3em \providecommand*\check@percent{} % In the \pk{gmdoc} package shall it be defined to check if the next % line begins with a~comment char. % % Similarly, the next macro shall in \pk{gmdoc} be defined to update % a~list useful to that package. For now let it just gobble its % argument. \providecommand*\AddtoPrivateOthers[1]{} % Both of the above are |\provide|d to allow the user to load % \pk{gmverb} after \pk{gmdoc} (which would be redundant since % \pk{gmdoc} loads this package on its own, but anyway should be % harmless). % Let's define the `short' verbatim command. % % \CodeDefine\verb \CodeDefine*\verb* \def\verb{\relax\ifmmode\hbox\else\leavevmode\null\fi \bgroup \ttverbatim \gm@verb@eol \@ifstar{\@sverb@chbsl}{\gmobeyspaces\frenchspacing\@sverb@chbsl}}%^^A % in the \LaTeX\ version there's |\@vobeyspaces| instead of % |\gmobeyspaces|. % \CodeDefIndex\@sverb@chbsl \def\@sverb@chbsl#1{\@sverb#1\check@bslash} % \CodeDefIndex\@def@breakbslash \def\@def@breakbslash{\breakbslash}% because |\| is |\def|ined % as \cs{break\-b\-slash} not |\let|. % For the special case of a~backslash opening a~(short) verbatim, in % which it shouldn't be breakable, we define the checking macro. % \CodeDefine\check@bslash \def\check@bslash{\@ifnextchar{\@def@breakbslash}{\bslash\@gobble}{}} % \label{special opening bslash} % \changes{v0.70}{06/09/02}{Opening backslash made unbreakable.} \let\verb@balance@group\@empty % \CodeDefine\verb@egroup \def\verb@egroup{\global\let\verb@balance@group\@empty\egroup} % \CodeDefine\gm@verb@eol %\changes[\verb]{v0.74}{06/09/07}{line end forbidden inside \*} \let\gm@verb@eol\verb@eol@error % The latter is a~\LaTeXe\ kernel macro that |\active|ates line end % and defines it to close the verb group and to issue an error % message. We use a~separate CS 'cause we are not quite positive to % the forbidden line ends idea. (Although the allowed line ends with % a~forgotten closing shortverb char caused funny disasters at my % work a~few times.) Another reason is that \pk{gmdoc} wishes to % redefine it for its own queer purpose. % % However, let's leave my former `permissive' definition under the % |\verb@eol| name. % % \CodeDefine\verb@eolOK \begingroup \obeylines\obeyspaces% \gdef\verb@eolOK{\obeylines% \def^^M{ \check@percent}% }% \endgroup % The |\check@percent| macro here is |\provide|d to be |\@empty| but in % \pk{gmdoc} employed shall it be. % % Let us leave (give?) a~user freedom of choice: % \CodeDefine\verbeolOK % \changes{v0.74}{06/09/07}{added} \def\verbeolOK{\let\gm@verb@eol\verb@eolOK} % And back to the main matter, % \CodeDefIndex\@sverb \CodeDefIndex\verb@balance@group \def\@sverb#1{% \catcode`#1\active \lccode`\~`#1% \gdef\verb@balance@group{\verb@egroup \@latex@error{Illegal use of \bslash verb command}\@ehc}% \aftergroup\verb@balance@group \lowercase{\let~\verb@egroup}} % \CodeDefine\verbatim@nolig@list \def\verbatim@nolig@list{\do\`\do\<\do\>\do\,\do\'\do\-} % \CodeDefine\do@noligs \def\do@noligs#1{% \catcode`#1\active \begingroup \lccode`\~=`#1\relax \lowercase{\endgroup\def~{\leavevmode\kern\z@\char`#1}}} % And finally, what I~thought to be so smart and clever, now is just % one of many possible uses of a~general almost Rainer Sch\"opf's % macro: % \CodeDefine\dekclubs \def\dekclubs{\MakeShortVerb*\|} %\subdivision{\pk{doc}- And \pk{shortvrb}-Compatibility} % % One of minor errors while \TeX ing \pk{doc.dtx} was caused by my % understanding of a~`shortverb' char: at my settings, in the math % mode an active `shortverb' char expands to itself's `other' version % thanks to |\string|. \pk{doc/shortvrb}'s concept is different, there % a~`shortverb' char should work as usual in the math mode. So let it % may be as they wish: % \CodeDefine\old@MakeShortVerb \def\old@MakeShortVerb#1{% \expandafter\ifx\csname cc\string#1\endcsname\relax \@shortvrbinfo{Made }{#1}\@shortvrbdef \add@special{#1}% \AddtoPrivateOthers#1% a~macro to be \emph{really} defined in % \pk{gmdoc}. \expandafter \xdef\csname cc\string#1\endcsname{\the\catcode`#1}% \begingroup \catcode`\~\active \lccode`\~`#1% \lowercase{% \global\expandafter\let \csname ac\string#1\endcsname~% \expandafter\gdef\expandafter~\expandafter{% \@shortvrbdef~}}% \endgroup \global\catcode`#1\active \else \@shortvrbinfo\@empty{#1 already}{\@empty\verb(*)}% \fi} % \CodeDefine\OldMakeShortVerb \def\OldMakeShortVerb{\begingroup \let\@MakeShortVerb=\old@MakeShortVerb \@ifstar{\eg@MakeShortVerbStar}{\eg@MakeShortVerb}} % \CodeDefine\eg@MakeShortVerbStar \CodeDefine\eg@MakeShortVerb \def\eg@MakeShortVerbStar#1{\MakeShortVerb*#1\endgroup} \def\eg@MakeShortVerb#1{\MakeShortVerb#1\endgroup} \endinput% for the Tradition. % \PrintChanges \PrintIndex % \Finale % (For my GNU Emacs:) %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: "e:/LaTeX/TeXGuru/gmverb/gmverbDoc" %%% End: