%% %% \iffalse ^^A we skip the debug setting \IfFileExists{\string~/bin/gen_and_xela}{\errorcontextlines=1000 }{} %% \fi %% ^^A $Id: TheUltimateMaster.gmd,v 0.297 2011/02/02 18:13:11 natror Exp natror $ %% This is file “gmRCS.sty” generated with the DocStrip utility. %% %% %% The original source files were: %% %% gmutils/gmutils.gmd (with options: `RCS') %% %% %% Copyright © %% by Grzegorz ‘Natror’ Murzynowski %% natror (at) o2 (dot) pl %% %% This program is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License. %% See http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/licenses.lppl.html %% for the details of that license. %% %% LPPL status: "author-maintained". %% %% %% %% For the documentation please refer to the file(s) %% gmutils.{gmd,pdf}. %% %% \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{gmRCS} [2010/10/24 v0.993 (GM)] %% %% %% ^^A\typeout{\unexpanded{#4}}%% \def\ParseRCSVersion$Id% : #1.#2,v #3 #4 #5 #6 #7${% \def\RCSFileName{#1}% \def\RCSFileExt{#2}% \def\RCSFile{#1.#2}% \def\RCSVersion{#3}% \def\RCSDate{#4}% \def\RCSTime{#5}% \def\RCSAuthor{#6}% } \def\defRCSeDatum #1% datum name #2% datum definition (basically |#|number) {% \@namedef{eRCS#1}$Id% : ##1.##2,v ##3 ##4 ##5 ##6 ##7${#2}% } \defRCSeDatum{File}{#1.#2} % |\eRCSFile| \defRCSeDatum{Version}{#3}% |\eRCSVersion| \defRCSeDatum{Date}{#4}% |\eRCSVDate| \defRCSeDatum{Time}{#5}% |\eRCSVTime| \defRCSeDatum{Author}{#6}% |\eRCSVAuthor| \endinput %% %% End of file `gmRCS.sty'.