%% File 'babelfr.sty'
%% Babelfr package for LaTeX2e and frenchle.
%% Copyright (C) 2006 Bernard GAULLE,
%%                            all rights reserved.
%% Package babelfr: since the 2003 release of Babel, the options "french" no 
%% more loads french.ldf and so disallows the global option "french"; so 
%%% nobody can now provide, thru Babel, any other French option than the 
%% "frenchb" option, thanks!
%% The goal of this litte package "babelfr" is to come back on that decision
%% and reestablish this historical facility coming from the begining of Babel.
%% =========================
%% A noter : si "french" est fourni en option dans \documentclass
%% et que d'aures langues sont indiquees dans \usepackage{babel},
%% il est alors necessaire de passer en francais (par \french) juste 
%% apres le \begin{document}.
%% Bogues : m'envoyer les rapports de bogue a  <frenchle at free.fr>
\ProvidesPackage{babelfr}[2006/09/27 v1.0 The Bfr package]
\ifx\LdfInit\@undefined\input babel.def\relax\fi
\DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{babel} }%
                                           \input french.ldf}%
                                           \input frenchle.ldf}%
                                           \input frenchpro.ldf}%   
% Same as \RequirePackageWithOptions{babel} but it runs. %
\input babel.sty %%
%% End of file `babelfr.sty'.