%% %% This is file `fcprefix.sty', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% fmtcount.dtx (with options: `fcprefix.sty,package') %% %% fmtcount.dtx %% Copyright 2017 Nicola Talbot and Vincent Belaïche %% %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 %% of this license or (at your option) any later version. %% The latest version of this license is in %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX %% version 2005/12/01 or later. %% %% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. %% %% The Current Maintainer of this work is Nicola Talbot and Vincent Belaïche. %% %% This work consists of the files fmtcount.dtx and fmtcount.ins and the derived files fc-american.def, fc-brazilian.def, fc-british.def, fc-english.def, fc-francais.def, fc-french.def, fc-frenchb.def, fc-german.def, fc-germanb.def, fc-italian.def, fc-ngerman.def, fc-ngermanb.def, fc-portuges.def, fc-portuguese.def, fc-spanish.def, fc-UKenglish.def, fc-USenglish.def, fcnumparser.sty, fcprefix.sty, fmtcount.sty. %% %% \CharacterTable %% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z %% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z %% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 %% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# %% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& %% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) %% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, %% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ %% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< %% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? %% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ %% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ %% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| %% Right brace \} Tilde \~} %%\subsection{Prefixes} %%\label{sec:latin-prefixes} %% %%\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\latinnumeralstring}] %%\cs{latinnumeralstring}\marg{counter}\oarg{prefix options} %%\end{definition} %% %%\begin{definition}[\DescribeMacro{\latinnumeralstringnum}] %%\cs{latinnumeralstringnum}\marg{number}\oarg{prefix options} %%\end{definition} %% Local Variables: %% coding: utf-8 %% End: \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{fcprefix}[2012/09/28] \RequirePackage{ifthen} \RequirePackage{keyval} \RequirePackage{fcnumparser} \define@key{fcprefix}{use duode and unde}[below20]{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{below20}}{% \def\fc@duodeandunde{2}% }{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{never}}{% \def\fc@duodeandunde{0}% }{% \PackageError{fcprefix}{Unexpected option}{% Option `use duode and unde' expects `below 20' or `never' }% }% }% } \def\fc@duodeandunde{2} \define@key{fcprefix}{numeral u in duo}[false]{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{false}}{% \let\fc@u@in@duo\@empty }{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{true}}{% \def\fc@u@in@duo{u}% }{% \PackageError{fcprefix}{Unexpected option}{% Option `numeral u in duo' expects `true' or `false' }% }% }% } \define@key{fcprefix}{e accute}[false]{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{false}}{% \let\fc@prefix@eaccute\@firstofone }{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{true}}{% \let\fc@prefix@eaccute\'% }{% \PackageError{fcprefix}{Unexpected option}{% Option `e accute' expects `true' or `false' }% }% }% } \let\fc@prefix@eaccute\'% \define@key{fcprefix}{power of millia}[prefix]{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{prefix}}{% \let\fc@power@of@millia@init\@gobbletwo \let\fc@power@of@millia\fc@@prefix@millia }{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{arabic}}{% \let\fc@power@of@millia@init\@gobbletwo \let\fc@power@of@millia\fc@@arabic@millia }{% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{recursive}}{% \let\fc@power@of@millia@init\fc@@recurse@millia@init \let\fc@power@of@millia\fc@@recurse@millia }{% \PackageError{fcprefix}{Unexpected option}{% Option `power of millia' expects `recursive', `arabic', or `prefix' }% }% }% }% } \def\fc@@recurse@millia#1#2{% \let\@tempp#1% \edef#1{millia\@tempp}% } \def\fc@@recurse@millia@init#1#2{% {% \edef\@tempb{\number#2}% \count0=0 % \let\@tempa\@empty \loop \ifnum\count0<\@tempb \advance\count0 by 1 % \expandafter\def \expandafter\@tempa\expandafter{\@tempa millia}% \repeat \edef\@tempb{\def\noexpand#1{\@tempa}}% \expandafter }\@tempb } \def\fc@@arabic@millia#1#2{% \ifnnum#2=0 % \let#1\@empty \else \edef#1{millia\^{}\the#2}% \fi } \def\fc@@prefix@millia#1#2{% \fc@@latin@numeral@pefix{#2}{#1}% } \let\fc@power@of@millia@init\@gobbletwo \let\fc@power@of@millia\fc@@prefix@millia \ifcsundef{fc@@latin@cardinal@pefix}{}{% \PackageError{fmtcount}{Duplicate definition}{Redefinition of macro `fc@@latin@cardinal@pefix'}} \def\fc@@latin@cardinal@pefix#1#2{% {% \edef\@tempa{\number#1}% \expandafter\fc@number@parser\expandafter{\@tempa}% \count2=0 % \let\@tempt\@empty \def\@tempu{t}% \let\@tempm\@empty \def\@templ{% \ifnum\count2>\fc@max@weight \let\next\relax \else \fc@read@unit{\count3}{\count2}% \advance\count2 by 1 % \fc@read@unit{\count4}{\count2}% \advance\count2 by 1 % \fc@read@unit{\count5}{\count2}% \advance\count2 by 1 % \edef\@tempn{% \ifnum\count3=0\else 1\fi \ifnum\count4=0\else 1\fi \ifnum\count5=0\else 1\fi }% \ifx\@tempn\@empty\else \let\@tempt\@tempu \let\@tempu\@empty \fi \let\@tempp\@tempa \edef\@tempa{% \ifcase\count5 % \or cen% \or ducen% \or trecen% \or quadringen% \or quingen% \or sescen% \or septigen% \or octingen% \or nongen% \fi \ifnum\count4=0 % % x0(0..9) \ifnum\count2=3 % % Absolute weight zero \ifcase\count3 \@tempt \or m% \or b% \or tr% \or quadr% \or quin\@tempt \or sex\@tempt \or sep\@tempt \or oc\@tempt \or non% \fi \else \ifcase\count3 % \or \ifnum\count2>\fc@max@weight\else un\fi \or d\fc@u@in@duo o% \or tre% \or quattuor% \or quin% \or sex% \or septen% \or octo% \or novem% \fi \fi \else % x(10..99) \ifcase\count3 % \or un% \or d\fc@u@in@duo o% \or tre% \or quattuor% \or quin% \or sex% \or septen% \or octo% \or novem% \fi \ifcase\count4 % \or dec% \or vigin\@tempt \or trigin\@tempt \or quadragin\@tempt \or quinquagin\@tempt \or sexagin\@tempt \or septuagin\@tempt \or octogin\@tempt \or nonagin\@tempt \fi \fi \@tempm \@tempp }% \fc@power@of@millia\@tempm{\count2}% \fi \next }% \let\@tempa\@empty \let\next\@templ \@templ \def\@tempb##1{\def\@tempa{\def#2{##1}}}% \expandafter\@tempb\expandafter{\@tempa}% \expandafter }\@tempa } \ifcsundef{fc@@latin@numeral@pefix}{}{% \PackageError{fmtcount}{Duplicate definition}{Redefinition of macro `fc@@latin@numeral@pefix'}} \def\fc@@latin@numeral@pefix#1#2{% {% \edef\@tempa{\number#1}% \def\fc@unit@weight{0}% \expandafter\fc@number@parser\expandafter{\@tempa}% \count2=0 % \let\@tempm\@empty \def\@templ{% \ifnum\count2>\fc@max@weight \let\next\relax \else \fc@read@unit{\count3}{\count2}% \advance\count2 by 1 % \fc@read@unit{\count4}{\count2}% \advance\count2 by 1 % \fc@read@unit{\count5}{\count2}% \advance\count2 by 1 % \let\@tempn\@secondoftwo \ifnum\count3>7 % \ifnum\count4<\fc@duodeandunde \ifnum\count4>0 % \let\@tempn\@firstoftwo \fi \fi \fi \@tempn {% use duodevicies for eighteen \advance\count4 by 1 % \let\@temps\@secondoftwo }{% do not use duodevicies for eighteen \let\@temps\@firstoftwo }% \let\@tempp\@tempa \edef\@tempa{% % hundreds \ifcase\count5 % \expandafter\@gobble \or c% \or duc% \or trec% \or quadring% \or quing% \or sesc% \or septing% \or octing% \or nong% \fi {enties}% \ifnum\count4=0 % \ifcase\count3 % \or \ifnum\count2=3 % s\fc@prefix@eaccute emel% \else \ifnum\count2>\fc@max@weight\else un\fi \fi \or bis% \or ter% \or quater% \or quinquies% \or sexies% \or septies% \or octies% \or novies% \fi \else \ifcase\count3 % \or un% \or d\fc@u@in@duo o% \or ter% \or quater% \or quin% \or sex% \or septen% \or \@temps{octo}{duod\fc@prefix@eaccute e}% x8 = two before next (x+1)0 \or \@temps{novem}{und\fc@prefix@eaccute e}% x9 = one before next (x+1)0 \fi \ifcase\count4 % % can't get here \or d\fc@prefix@eaccute ec% \or vic% \or tric% \or quadrag% \or quinquag% \or sexag% \or septuag% \or octog% \or nonag% \fi ies% \fi % Insert the millies^(n/3) only if one of \count3 \count4 \count5 is non zero \@tempm % add up previous version of \@tempa \@tempp }% \let\@tempp\@tempp \edef\@tempm{millies\@tempp}% \fi \next }% \let\@tempa\@empty \let\next\@templ \@templ \def\@tempb##1{\def\@tempa{\def#2{##1}}}% \expandafter\@tempb\expandafter{\@tempa}% \expandafter }\@tempa } \def\fc@call@opt@arg@second#1#2{% \def\@tempb{% \ifx[\@tempa \def\@tempc[####1]{% {#1{####1}{#2}}% }% \else \def\@tempc{{#1{}{#2}}}% \fi \@tempc }% \futurelet\@tempa \@tempb } \def\fc@call@opt@arg@first#1{% \def\@tempb{% \ifx[\@tempa \def\@tempc[####1]####2{{#1{####1}{####2}}}% \else \def\@tempc####1{{#1{}{####1}}}% \fi \@tempc }% \futurelet\@tempa \@tempb } \let\fc@call\fc@call@opt@arg@first \newcommand*{\@latinnumeralstringnum}[2]{% \setkeys{fcprefix}{#1}% \fc@@latin@numeral@pefix{#2}\@tempa \@tempa } \newcommand*{\@latinnumeralstring}[2]{% \setkeys{fcprefix}{#1}% \expandafter\let\expandafter \@tempa\expandafter\csname c@#2\endcsname \expandafter\fc@@latin@numeral@pefix\expandafter{\the\@tempa}\@tempa \@tempa } \newcommand*{\latinnumeralstring}{% \fc@call\@latinnumeralstring } \newcommand*{\latinnumeralstringnum}{% \fc@call\@latinnumeralstringnum } \iffalse Local variables: \fi \iffalse mode: docTeX \fi \iffalse End: \fi \endinput %% %% End of file `fcprefix.sty'.