%% %% This is file `fc-english.def', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% fmtcount.dtx (with options: `fc-english.def,package') %% Copyright (C) 2007 Nicola Talbot, all rights reserved. %% If you modify this file, you must change its name first. %% You are NOT ALLOWED to distribute this file alone. You are NOT %% ALLOWED to take money for the distribution or use of either this %% file or a changed version, except for a nominal charge for copying %% etc. %% \CharacterTable %% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z %% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z %% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 %% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# %% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& %% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) %% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, %% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ %% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< %% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? %% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ %% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ %% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| %% Right brace \} Tilde \~} \ProvidesFile{fc-english}[2005/04/29] \newcommand{\@ordinalMenglish}[1]{% \@orgargctr=#1\relax \@ordinalctr=#1% \@modulo{\@ordinalctr}{100}% \ifnum\@ordinalctr=11 \the\@orgargctr\fmtord{th}% \else \ifnum\@ordinalctr=12 \the\@orgargctr\fmtord{th}% \else \ifnum\@ordinalctr=13 \the\@orgargctr\fmtord{th}% \else \@modulo{\@ordinalctr}{10}% \ifcase\@ordinalctr \the\@orgargctr\fmtord{th}% case 0 \or \the\@orgargctr\fmtord{st}% case 1 \or \the\@orgargctr\fmtord{nd}% case 2 \or \the\@orgargctr\fmtord{rd}% case 3 \else \the\@orgargctr\fmtord{th}% default case \fi \fi \fi \fi } \let\@ordinalFenglish=\@ordinalMenglish \providecommand{\andname}{and} \newcommand{\@@unitstringenglish}[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax zero% \or one% \or two% \or three% \or four% \or five% \or six% \or seven% \or eight% \or nine% \fi } \newcommand{\@@tenstringenglish}[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax \or ten% \or twenty% \or thirty% \or forty% \or fifty% \or sixty% \or seventy% \or eighty% \or ninety% \fi } \newcommand{\@@teenstringenglish}[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax ten% \or eleven% \or twelve% \or thirteen% \or fourteen% \or fifteen% \or sixteen% \or seventeen% \or eighteen% \or nineteen% \fi } \newcommand{\@@Unitstringenglish}[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax Zero% \or One% \or Two% \or Three% \or Four% \or Five% \or Six% \or Seven% \or Eight% \or Nine% \fi } \newcommand{\@@Tenstringenglish}[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax \or Ten% \or Twenty% \or Thirty% \or Forty% \or Fifty% \or Sixty% \or Seventy% \or Eighty% \or Ninety% \fi } \newcommand{\@@Teenstringenglish}[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax Ten% \or Eleven% \or Twelve% \or Thirteen% \or Fourteen% \or Fifteen% \or Sixteen% \or Seventeen% \or Eighteen% \or Nineteen% \fi } \newcommand{\@@numberstringenglish}[1]{% \ifnum#1>99999 \PackageError{fmtcount}{Out of range}% {This macro only works for values less than 100000}% \else \ifnum#1<0 \PackageError{fmtcount}{Negative numbers not permitted}% {This macro does not work for negative numbers, however you can try typing "minus" first, and then pass the modulus of this number}% \fi \fi \@strctr=#1\relax \divide\@strctr by 1000\relax \ifnum\@strctr>9 \divide\@strctr by 10 \ifnum\@strctr>1 \@tenstring{\@strctr}% \@strctr=#1 \divide\@strctr by 1000\relax \@modulo{\@strctr}{10}% \ifnum\@strctr>0 -\@unitstring{\@strctr}\fi \else \@strctr=#1\relax \divide\@strctr by 1000 \@modulo{\@strctr}{10}% \@teenstring{\@strctr}% \fi \ \@thousand% \else \ifnum\@strctr>0 \@unitstring{\@strctr}\ \@thousand\fi \fi \@strctr=#1\relax \@modulo{\@strctr}{1000}% \divide\@strctr by 100 \ifnum\@strctr>0 \ifnum#1>1000 \ \fi\@unitstring{\@strctr}\ \@hundred% \fi \@strctr=#1\relax \@modulo{\@strctr}{100}% \ifnum#1>100 \ifnum\@strctr>0 \ \andname\ \fi\fi \ifnum\@strctr>19 \divide\@strctr by 10 \@tenstring{\@strctr}% \@strctr=#1\relax \@modulo{\@strctr}{10}% \ifnum\@strctr>0 -\@unitstring{\@strctr}% \fi \else \ifnum\@strctr<10 \ifnum\@strctr=0 \ifnum#1<100 \@unitstring{\@strctr}\fi \else \@unitstring{\@strctr}% \fi \else \@modulo{\@strctr}{10}% \@teenstring{\@strctr}% \fi \fi } \newcommand{\@numberstringMenglish}[1]{% \let\@unitstring=\@@unitstringenglish \let\@teenstring=\@@teenstringenglish \let\@tenstring=\@@tenstringenglish \def\@hundred{hundred}\def\@thousand{thousand}% \@@numberstringenglish{#1}} \let\@numberstringFenglish=\@numberstringMenglish \newcommand{\@NumberstringMenglish}[1]{% \let\@unitstring=\@@Unitstringenglish \let\@teenstring=\@@Teenstringenglish \let\@tenstring=\@@Tenstringenglish \def\@hundred{Hundred}\def\@thousand{Thousand}% \@@numberstringenglish{#1}} \let\@NumberstringFenglish=\@NumberstringMenglish \newcommand{\@@unitthstringenglish}[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax zeroth% \or first% \or second% \or third% \or fourth% \or fifth% \or sixth% \or seventh% \or eighth% \or ninth% \fi } \newcommand{\@@tenthstringenglish}[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax \or tenth% \or twentieth% \or thirtieth% \or fortieth% \or fiftieth% \or sixtieth% \or seventieth% \or eightieth% \or ninetieth% \fi } \newcommand{\@@teenthstringenglish}[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax tenth% \or eleventh% \or twelfth% \or thirteenth% \or fourteenth% \or fifteenth% \or sixteenth% \or seventeenth% \or eighteenth% \or nineteenth% \fi } \newcommand{\@@Unitthstringenglish}[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax Zeroth% \or First% \or Second% \or Third% \or Fourth% \or Fifth% \or Sixth% \or Seventh% \or Eighth% \or Ninth% \fi } \newcommand{\@@Tenthstringenglish}[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax \or Tenth% \or Twentieth% \or Thirtieth% \or Fortieth% \or Fiftieth% \or Sixtieth% \or Seventieth% \or Eightieth% \or Ninetieth% \fi } \newcommand{\@@Teenthstringenglish}[1]{% \ifcase#1\relax Tenth% \or Eleventh% \or Twelfth% \or Thirteenth% \or Fourteenth% \or Fifteenth% \or Sixteenth% \or Seventeenth% \or Eighteenth% \or Nineteenth% \fi } \newcommand{\@@ordinalstringenglish}[1]{% \@strctr=#1\relax \ifnum#1>99999 \PackageError{fmtcount}{Out of range}% {This macro only works for values less than 100000 (value given: \number\@strctr)}% \else \ifnum#1<0 \PackageError{fmtcount}{Negative numbers not permitted}% {This macro does not work for negative numbers, however you can try typing "minus" first, and then pass the modulus of this number}% \fi \fi \@strctr=#1\relax \divide\@strctr by 1000\relax \ifnum\@strctr>9 \divide\@strctr by 10 \ifnum\@strctr>1\relax \@tenstring{\@strctr}% \@strctr=#1\relax \divide\@strctr by 1000\relax \@modulo{\@strctr}{10}% \ifnum\@strctr>0 -\@unitstring{\@strctr}\fi \else \@strctr=#1\relax \divide\@strctr by 1000\relax \@modulo{\@strctr}{10}% \@teenstring{\@strctr}% \fi \@strctr=#1\relax \@modulo{\@strctr}{1000}% \ifnum\@strctr=0\ \@thousandth\else\ \@thousand \fi \else \ifnum\@strctr>0\relax \@unitstring{\@strctr}% \@strctr=#1\relax \@modulo{\@strctr}{1000}% \ifnum\@strctr=0\ \@thousandth\else\ \@thousand\fi \fi \fi \@strctr=#1\relax \@modulo{\@strctr}{1000}% \divide\@strctr by 100 \ifnum\@strctr>0 \ifnum#1>1000 \ \fi\@unitstring{\@strctr}% \@strctr=#1\relax \@modulo{\@strctr}{100}% \ifnum\@strctr=0\ \@hundredth\else\ \@hundred\fi \fi \@strctr=#1\relax \@modulo{\@strctr}{100}% \ifnum#1>100 \ifnum\@strctr>0\ and \fi\fi \ifnum\@strctr>19 \@tmpstrctr=\@strctr \divide\@strctr by 10 \@modulo{\@tmpstrctr}{10}% \ifnum\@tmpstrctr=0 \@tenthstring{\@strctr}\else \@tenstring{\@strctr}\fi \@strctr=#1\relax \@modulo{\@strctr}{10}% \ifnum\@strctr>0 -\@unitthstring{\@strctr}% \fi \else \ifnum\@strctr<10 \ifnum\@strctr=0 \ifnum#1<100 \@unitthstring{\@strctr}\fi \else \@unitthstring{\@strctr}% \fi \else \@modulo{\@strctr}{10}% \@teenthstring{\@strctr}% \fi \fi } \newcommand{\@ordinalstringMenglish}[1]{% \let\@unitthstring=\@@unitthstringenglish \let\@teenthstring=\@@teenthstringenglish \let\@tenthstring=\@@tenthstringenglish \let\@unitstring=\@@unitstringenglish \let\@teenstring=\@@teenstringenglish \let\@tenstring=\@@tenstringenglish \def\@hundred{hundred}\def\@thousand{thousand}% \def\@hundredth{hundredth}\def\@thousandth{thousandth}% \@@ordinalstringenglish{#1}} \let\@ordinalstringFenglish=\@ordinalstringMenglish \newcommand{\@OrdinalstringMenglish}[1]{% \let\@unitthstring=\@@Unitthstringenglish \let\@teenthstring=\@@Teenthstringenglish \let\@tenthstring=\@@Tenthstringenglish \let\@unitstring=\@@Unitstringenglish \let\@teenstring=\@@Teenstringenglish \let\@tenstring=\@@Tenstringenglish \def\@hundred{Hundred}\def\@thousand{Thousand}% \def\@hundredth{Hundredth}\def\@thousandth{Thousandth}% \@@ordinalstringenglish{#1}} \let\@OrdinalstringFenglish=\@OrdinalstringMenglish \endinput %% %% End of file `fc-english.def'.