%% %% This is file `uesint.fd', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% esint.dtx (with options: `fdfile') %% %% esint package to typeset integral signs. %% %% Contact: e.saudrais@wanadoo.fr %% %% License: The LATEX Project Public LiĀ­cense %% %% Run XeLaTeX on esint.ins to generate files. %% %% Install the files: %% %% -- esint.sty and usent.fd on TEXINPUT; %% -- esint10.mf, mathint.mf and bigint.mf on MFINPUT %% -- generate Tom files running METAFONT on ensint10.mf files, and put the *.tfm file on the right location. %% %% Run XeLaTeX on esint.dtx to generate documentation. %% \ProvidesFile{uesint.fd} \DeclareFontFamily{U}{esint}{} \DeclareFontShape{U}{esint}{m}{n}{ <-> esint10 }{} \endinput %% %% End of file `uesint.fd'.