% % EPSDICE.STY by Thomas Heim % % LICENSE: LPPL % % a small package to include dice faces in .eps format % % provides the command \epsdice{#1} % taking one argument, an integer from 1 to 6 % % See the file dicetest.tex for further info! % % Version 1.1 now works with pdfLaTeX as well % % 2001/02/15 -- thomas.heim@unibas.ch % \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{epsdice}[2001/02/15 Version 1.1 (TAH)] \RequirePackage{graphicx} \RequirePackage{ifthen} \InputIfFileExists{epsdice.cfg}{}{\def\dicefile{epsdice}} % \newcounter{face} \newcommand*\epsdice[1]{% \setcounter{face}{\number #1}% \ifthenelse{\value{face}>6}{\theface\setcounter{face}{0}}{}% \ifthenelse{\value{face}<0}{\theface\setcounter{face}{0}}{}% \ifcase\value{face}% \PackageError{EPSDICE}{% Argument is not a number, or its value\MessageBreak lies outside the allowed range for dice}{% Make sure the argument is either 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6.\MessageBreak -- Just go on and I'll write whatever you typed;\MessageBreak the output may not make much sense, though}% \or \includegraphics[height=1.75ex,viewport= 3 4 38 39,% clip=true]{\dicefile}% \or \includegraphics[height=1.75ex,viewport= 46 4 81 39,% clip=true]{\dicefile}% \or \includegraphics[height=1.75ex,viewport= 89 4 124 39,% clip=true]{\dicefile}% \or \includegraphics[height=1.75ex,viewport= 132 4 167 39,% clip=true]{\dicefile}% \or \includegraphics[height=1.75ex,viewport= 175 4 210 39,% clip=true]{\dicefile}% \or \includegraphics[height=1.75ex,viewport= 218 4 253 39,% clip=true]{\dicefile}% \fi} % \endinput