%% %% This is file `ctexheading.sty', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% ctex.dtx (with options: `style,ctexheading') %% %% Copyright (C) 2003--2015 %% CTEX.ORG and any individual authors listed in the documentation. %% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either %% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later %% version. This version of this license is in %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/lppl-1-3c.txt %% and the latest version of this license is in %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt %% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of %% LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later. %% %% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. %% %% The Current Maintainers of this work are Leo Liu, Qing Lee and Liam Huang. %% %% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %% \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \RequirePackage{expl3} \GetIdInfo$Id: ctex.dtx 6255367 2015-07-01 01:15:24 +0800 Qing Lee $ {Heading style modification (CTEX)} \ProvidesExplPackage{ctexheading} {\ExplFileDate}{2.2}{\ExplFileDescription} \RequirePackage { xparse , l3keys2e } \RequirePackage { ctexhook , ctexpatch } \tl_new:N \l__ctex_tmp_tl \int_new:N \l__ctex_tmp_int \box_new:N \l__ctex_tmp_box \cs_new_protected:Npn \ctex_file_wrapper:nnn #1#2#3 { \use:x { \ExplSyntaxOff \char_set_catcode_letter:n { 64 } #1 \exp_not:n {#2} \bool_if:NTF \l__kernel_expl_bool { \ExplSyntaxOn } { \ExplSyntaxOff } \char_set_catcode:nn { 64 } { \char_value_catcode:n { 64 } } #3 } } \cs_new_protected_nopar:Npn \ctex_file_input:n #1 { \ctex_file_wrapper:nnn { } { \file_input:n {#1} } { } } \cs_new_protected_nopar:Npn \ctex_scheme_input:n #1 { \ctex_file_wrapper:nnn { } { \tl_if_exist:NTF \c__ctex_class_tl { \file_if_exist_input:nF { ctex-scheme- #1 - \c__ctex_class_tl .def } { \file_input:n { ctex-scheme- #1 .def } } } { \file_input:n { ctex-scheme- #1 .def } } } { } } \cs_generate_variant:Nn \ctex_scheme_input:n { o } \cs_new_eq:NN \g__ctex_section_depth_flag \c_two \keys_define:nn { ctex / option } { sub3section .code:n = { \cs_gset_eq:NN \g__ctex_section_depth_flag \c_three } , sub4section .code:n = { \cs_gset_eq:NN \g__ctex_section_depth_flag \c_four } , sub3section .value_forbidden: , sub4section .value_forbidden: , scheme .tl_set:N = \l__ctex_scheme_tl , scheme .default:n = { plain } , scheme .initial:n = { plain } } \ProcessKeysOptions { ctex / option } \NewDocumentCommand \ctexset { } { \keys_set:nn { ctex } } \clist_map_inline:nn { article , book , report } { \@ifclassloaded {#1} { \clist_map_break:n { \tl_const:Nn \c__ctex_std_class_tl {#1} } } { } } \msg_new:nnn { ctex } { not-standard-class } { None~of~the~standard~document~classes~was~loaded.\\ Heading~`#1'~is~selected.\\ ctex~may~not~work~as~expected. } \use:n { \tl_if_exist:NTF \c__ctex_std_class_tl { \cs_new_eq:NN \c__ctex_class_tl \c__ctex_std_class_tl } { \cs_if_exist:NTF \chapter { \cs_if_exist:NF \if@mainmatter { \cs_new_eq:NN \if@mainmatter \tex_iftrue:D } \tl_const:Nn \c__ctex_class_tl { book } } { \tl_const:Nn \c__ctex_class_tl { article } } \msg_warning:nnx { ctex } { not-standard-class } { \c__ctex_class_tl } } \ctex_file_input:n { ctex- \c__ctex_class_tl .def } } %% %% This package consists of the file ctex.dtx, %% and the derived files ctex.pdf, %% ctex.ins, %% ctex.sty, %% ctexsize.sty, %% ctexheading.sty, %% ctexart.cls, %% ctexbook.cls, %% ctexrep.cls, %% ctexcap.sty, %% ctexhook.sty, %% ctexpatch.sty, %% ctex-c5size.clo, %% ctex-cs4size.clo, %% ctex-article.def, %% ctex-book.def, %% ctex-report.def, %% ctex-scheme-plain.def, %% ctex-scheme-plain-article.def, %% ctex-scheme-plain-book.def, %% ctex-scheme-plain-report.def, %% ctex-scheme-chinese.def, %% ctex-scheme-chinese-article.def, %% ctex-scheme-chinese-book.def, %% ctex-scheme-chinese-report.def, %% ctex-name-gbk.cfg, %% ctex-name-utf8.cfg, %% ctex.cfg, %% ctexopts.cfg, %% ctex-engine-pdftex.def, %% ctex-engine-xetex.def, %% ctex-engine-luatex.def, %% c19rm.fd, %% c19sf.fd, %% c19tt.fd, %% c70rm.fd, %% c70sf.fd, %% c70tt.fd, %% ctex-fontset-windows.def, %% ctex-fontset-windowsnew.def, %% ctex-fontset-windowsold.def, %% ctex-fontset-adobe.def, %% ctex-fontset-fandol.def, %% ctex-fontset-mac.def, %% ctex-fontset-founder.def, %% ctex-fontset-ubuntu.def, %% ctexspa.def, %% ctexpunct.spa, %% ctexmakespa.tex, %% ctexspamacro.tex, %% zhadobefonts.tex, %% zhfandolfonts.tex, %% zhfounderfonts.tex, %% zhubuntufonts.tex, %% zhwindowsfonts.tex, and %% README. %% %% End of file `ctexheading.sty'.