% $Id: csquotes.cfg,v 3.5 2006/08/24 22:54:30 lehman stable $ \ProvidesFile{csquotes.cfg}[2006/08/24 v3.5 Quotation configuration] % Put your definitions here. \endinput % What follows are examples of what you will typically do in this % file. Note that you need to move the examples above \endinput if % you want to try them out. % PRESETTING PACKAGE OPTIONS % Use \ExecuteQuoteOptions to preset package options if you are not % satisfied with the built-in defaults. Options given here will be % processed before any options specified in the document preamble. \ExecuteQuoteOptions{babel=once,strict=true} % CHANGING THE DEFAULT PARAMETERS % All preset values may be changed in the document preamble as % usual. The following values are the built-in defaults: \SetBlockEnvironment{quote} \SetBlockThreshold{3} \SetCiteCommand{\cite} % SETTING UP A NEW QUOTE STYLE % Defining a new style with several variants: \DeclareQuoteStyle[quotes]{example}% [variant]{style} {\textquotedblleft}% opening outer mark {\textquotedblright}% closing outer mark {\textquoteleft}% opening inner mark {\textquoteright}% closing inner mark \DeclareQuoteStyle[quotes*]{example} {\quotedblbase} {\textquotedblright} [0.1em]% kern adjoining marks {\quotesinglbase} {\textquoteright} \DeclareQuoteStyle[everypar]{example} {\guillemotleft} [\guilsinglleft]% middle outer mark {\guillemotright} {\textquotedblleft} [\textquoteleft]% middle inner mark {\textquotedblright} \DeclareQuoteStyle[everyline]{example} [\seteverylineleft{\guillemotleft}]% requires Omega {\guillemotleft} {\guillemotright} {\guilsinglleft} {\guilsinglright} \DeclareQuoteStyle[everyline*]{example} [\seteverylineright{\guillemotright}]% requires Omega {\guillemotleft} {\guillemotright} {\guilsinglleft} {\guilsinglright} % Defining the default variant of the style: \DeclareQuoteAlias[quotes]{example}{example} % Defining a second-level alias: \DeclareQuoteAlias{example}{demo} % Adding a package option for a style: \DeclareQuoteOption{example} % DEFINING ENVIRONMENTS FOR PARAGRAPH QUOTATIONS % Here are some alternative environments for paragraph quotations % (block and display), as discussed in the tutorial. The first one % decreases the font size of the `quote' environment by one step: \RequirePackage{relsize} \newenvironment*{smallquote} {\quote\smaller} {\endquote} \SetBlockEnvironment{smallquote} % This environment forces indentation after all paragraph quotations: \newenvironment*{paraquote} {\begingroup\quote} {\endquote\endgroup} \SetBlockEnvironment{paraquote} % The last environment combines the previous ones: \RequirePackage{relsize} \newenvironment*{smallparaquote} {\begingroup\quote\smaller} {\endquote\endgroup} \SetBlockEnvironment{smallparaquote}