%% %% This is file `combcite.sty', %% generated with the docstrip utility. %% %% The original source files were: %% %% combine.dtx (with options: `citepack') %% %% Author: Peter Wilson, Herries Press %% Maintainer: Will Robertson (will dot robertson at latex-project dot org) %% Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Peter R. Wilson %% Copyright 2010 Will Robertson %% %% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the %% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either %% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any %% later version: %% %% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". %% The Current Maintainer of this work is Will Robertson. %% %% This work consists of the files listed in the README file. %% \ProvidesPackage{combcite} [2010/03/22 v0.7 combine version of cite package] source file for the combine class] \@ifclassloaded{combine}{}{% \PackageError{combcite}{The `combine' class is expected}{\@ehc}} \newif\ifc@lbsuperopt \c@lbsuperoptfalse \DeclareOption{super}{\ExecuteOptions{superscript}} \DeclareOption{superscript}{\c@lbsuperopttrue \PassOptionsToClass{superscript}{cite}} \ProcessOptions \RequirePackageWithOptions{cite}[2003/11/04] \DeclareRobustCommand\c@lbciten[1]{% \begingroup \let\@safe@activesfalse\@empty %% \c@lb@nocite{#1}% ignores spaces, writes to .aux file, returns #1 in \@no@sparg \@nocite{#1}% ignores spaces, writes to .aux file, returns #1 in \@no@sparg \@tempcntb\m@ne % \@tempcntb tracks highest number \let\@h@ld\@empty % nothing held from list yet \let\@citea\@empty % no punctuation preceding first \let\@celt\delimiter % an unexpandable, but identifiable, token \def\@cite@list{}% % empty list to start \@for \@citeb:=\@no@sparg\do{\c@lb@make@cite@list}% make a sorted list of numbers % After sorted citelist is made, execute it to compress citation ranges. \@tempcnta\m@ne % no previous number \let\@celt\@compress@cite \@cite@list % output number list with compression \@h@ld % output anything held over \endgroup \@restore@auxhandle } \def\c@lb@make@cite@list{% \expandafter\let \expandafter\@B@citeB \csname B?\jobname?@\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb \endcsname \ifx\@B@citeB\relax % undefined: output ? and warning \@citea {\bfseries ?}\let\@citea\citepunct \G@refundefinedtrue \@warning {Citation `\@citeb' on page \thepage\space undefined}% \oc@verbo \global\@namedef{B?\jobname?@\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}{?}% \else % defined % remove previous line to repeat warnings \ifcat _\ifnum\z@<0\@B@citeB _\else A\fi % a positive number, put in list \@addto@cite@list \else % citation is not a number, output immediately \@citea \citeform{\@B@citeB}\let\@citea\citepunct \fi\fi} \ifc@lbsuperopt \DeclareRobustCommand{\c@lbcite}{% \@ifnextchar[{\@tempswatrue\c@lb@citex}{\@tempswafalse\c@lb@citew}} \else \DeclareRobustCommand{\c@lbcite}{% \@ifnextchar[{\@tempswatrue\c@lb@citex}{\@tempswafalse\c@lb@citex[]}} \fi \def\c@lb@citex[#1]#2{\@cite{\c@lbciten{#2}}{#1}} \def\c@lb@citew#1{\begingroup \leavevmode \@if@fillglue \lastskip \relax \unskip \def\@tempa{\@tempcnta\spacefactor \/% this allows the last word to be hyphenated, and it looks better. \@citess{\c@lbciten{#1}}\spacefactor\@tempcnta \endgroup \@restore@auxhandle}% \oc@movep\relax}% check for following punctuation (depending on options) \DeclareRobustCommand\c@lbnocite[1]{% \@bsphack \@nocite{#1}% \@for \@citeb:=\@no@sparg\do{\@ifundefined{B?\jobname?@\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}% {\G@refundefinedtrue\@warning{Citation `\@citeb' undefined}% \oc@verbo \global\@namedef{B?\jobname?@\@citeb\@extra@b@citeb}{?}}{}}% \@esphack} \def\@nocite#1{\begingroup\let\protect\string% normalize active chars \xdef\@no@sparg{\expandafter\@ignsp#1 \: }\endgroup% and remove ALL spaces \if@filesw \immediate\write\@newciteauxhandle % = \@auxout, except with multibib {\string\citation {\@no@sparg}}\fi } \g@addto@macro{\setuppapers}{\let\cite\c@lbcite} \g@addto@macro{\setuppapers}{\let\citenum\c@lbciten} \g@addto@macro{\setuppapers}{\let\citeonline\c@lbciten} \endinput %% %% End of file `combcite.sty'.