% This is the file hangul.cpx of the CJK package % for using Asian logographs (Chinese/Japanese/Korean) with LaTeX2e % % created by Werner Lemberg % % Version 4.8.0 (22-May-2008) % Copyright (C) 1994-2008 Werner Lemberg % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program in doc/COPYING; if not, write to the Free % Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, % MA 02110-1301 USA \def\fileversion{4.8.0} \def\filedate{2008/05/22} \ProvidesFile{hangul.cpx}[\filedate\space\fileversion] % Hangul captions % % character set: KS X 1001:1992 (=KS C 5601-1992) % encoding: EUC (=Wansung) % % preprocessed \renewcommand\contentsname{¸241Â247} \renewcommand\listfigurename{±215¸178~¸241Â247} \renewcommand\listtablename{Ç165~¸241Â247} \renewcommand\indexname{»246À206} \CJK@ifundefined\chapter {\renewcommand\refname{Â252°237~¼173À251}} {\renewcommand\bibname{Â252°237~¹174Ç229}} \renewcommand\figurename{±215¸178} \renewcommand\tablename{Ç165} \newcommand\prepartname{Á166} \newcommand\postpartname{º206} \renewcommand\partformat{\prepartname~\thepart~\postpartname} % \newcommand\prechaptername{Á166} % \newcommand\postchaptername{À229} % \newcommand\presectionname{Á166} % \newcommand\postsectionname{À253} % \renewcommand\appendixname{º206·207} \CJK@ifundefined\mainmatter {\renewcommand\abstractname{¿228¾224}}{} % \renewcommand\ccname{»231º187} % \renewcommand\enclname{Ã183º206¹176}% ȤÀº µ¿ºÀ¹° % \renewcommand\pagename{Æ228À204Á246~} % \renewcommand\headtoname{¹222´194À204} % \renewcommand\seename{Â252Á182} \renewcommand{\today}{% \number\year³226~\number\month¿249~\number\dayÀ207} \endinput