This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License 2018-09-17T21:00:00+02:00 advance online publication album audio recording film henceforth loc. cit. no place n.p. no publisher n.p. on op. cit. original work published особисте спілкування podcast podcast episode preprint radio broadcast radio series radio series episode special issue special section television broadcast television series television series episode video working paper дата звернення і та інші анонімний анон. на доступний у відповідно до близько c. цит. за reference references number numbers видання ref. refs. no. nos. вид. et al. майбутній із там само в у пресі інтернет лист без дати б. д. online представлена на список використаних джерел джерела review of rev. of вилучено масштаб версія preprint journal article magazine article newspaper article bill broadcast classic collection dataset document entry dictionary entry encyclopedia entry event graphic hearing інтервю legal case legislation manuscript map video recording musical score pamphlet conference paper patent performance periodical особисте спілкування post blog post regulation report review book review software audio recording presentation standard thesis treaty webpage journal art. mag. art. newspaper art. doc. graph. interv. MS video rec. rep. rev. bk. rev. audio rec. testimony of review of review of the book н. е. до н. е. BCE CE « » : , ; ий перший другий третій четвертий п'ятий шостий сьомий восьмий дев'ятий десятий act acts appendix appendices article articles canon canons location locations equation equations rule rules scene scenes table tables title titles книга книги розділ розділи графа графи рисунок рисунки фоліант фоліанти випуск Рядок Рядки примітка примітки opus opera С. volume volumes page pages printing printings chap. chaps. cit. cits. вип. с. параграф параграфи частина частини розділ розділи supplement supplements sub verbo sub verbis verse verses Том Томи app. apps. art. arts. loc. locs. eq. eqs. r. rr. sc. scs. tbl. tbls. tit. tits. кн. розд. ряд. рис. ф. вип. л. прим. оп. с. vol. vols. p. pp. print. prints. с. пар. ч. сек. supp. supps. s.v. s.vv. с. вип. ¶¶ chapter chapters citation citations випуск § §§ ed. eds. chair chairs compiler compilers contributor contributors curator curators executive producer executive producers guest guests host hosts narrator narrators organizer organizers performer performers producer producers writer writers series creator series creators режисер режисери за ред. за ред. ілюстратор ілюстратори перекладач перекладачі За ред. & переклад comp. comps. contrib. contribs. cur. curs. exec. prod. exec. prods. narr. narrs. org. orgs. perf. perfs. prod. prods. writ. writs. cre. cres. реж. ред. ред. іл. пер. ред. & пер. edited by chaired by compiled by with curated by executive produced by with guest hosted by narrated by organized by performed by produced by written by created by by directed by edited by edited by illustrated by interview by to by ed. by translated by edited & translated by comp. by w. cur. by exec. prod. by w. guest hosted by narr. by org. by perf. by prod. by writ. by cre. by dir. ed ed. illus. trans ed. & trans. by Січень Лютий Березень Квітень Травень Червень Липень Серпень Вересень Жовтень Листопад Грудень Січ Лют Бер Квіт Трав Чер Лип Сер Вер Жов Лис Груд Spring Summer Autumn Winter