%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% chemplants.sty %% Copyright 2018-2019 Elia Arnese Feffin % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2005/12/01 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained". % % The Current Maintainer of this work is Elia Arnese Feffin. % The Current Maintainer can be reached at the e-mail: elia24913@me.com. % % This work consists of the files chemplants.sty, chemplants-doc.tex % and chemplants-changes.tex, together with the derived files % chemplants-doc.pdf and chemplants-changes.pdf. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %:File chemplants.sty \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \def\chpversion{0.9.8} \def\chpdate{2019/11/19} \ProvidesPackage{chemplants}[% 2019/11/19 v0.9.8 Symbology to draw chemical plants with TikZ% ] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %: Packages Loading \RequirePackage{ifthen} % If-Then Logic \RequirePackage{tikz} % The Mother of Them All \usetikzlibrary{decorations.markings} % Patch Patterns \usetikzlibrary{hobby} % Hobby's Algorithm %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %: Definitions, Parameters and Commands %: Default Parameters \def\chp@StreamTip{stealth} % Stream Tip \def\chp@MainStreamThickness{semithick} % Main Stream Thickness \def\chp@SecondaryStreamThickness{thin} % Secondary Stream Thickness \def\chp@UtilityStreamThickness{very thin} % Utility Stream Thickness \def\chp@UnitThickness{thick} % Unit Thickness \def\chp@UnitScale{1} % Unit Scale \def\chp@SignalThickness{very thin} % Signal Thickness \def\chp@HiddenStreamStyle{dashed} % Hidden Stream \def\chp@HiddenComponentStyle{densely dotted} % Hidden Component \def\chp@MeasureColor{gray} % Measure Color \def\chp@MeasureTip{|} % Measure Tip \def\chp@MeasureThickness{thin} % Measure Thickness \def\chp@MeasureFontSize{\footnotesize} % Measure Font Size \def\chp@InstrumentThickness{thin} % Instrument Thickness \def\chp@InstrumentScale{1} % Instrument Scale \def\chp@InstrumentFontSize{\footnotesize} % Instrument Font Size \def\chp@BlockThickness{thick} % Block Thickness \def\chp@BlockScale{1} % Block Scale \def\chp@BlockFontSize{\footnotesize} % Block Font Size %: Commands to Set Parameters \newcommand*{\setchpstreamtip}[1]{% % Stream Tip \gdef\chp@StreamTip{#1}% } \newcommand*{\setchpmainstreamthickness}[1]{% % Main Stream Thickness \gdef\chp@MainStreamThickness{#1}% } \newcommand*{\setchpsecondarystreamthickness}[1]{% % Secondary Stream Thickness \gdef\chp@MainStreamThickness{#1}% } \newcommand*{\setchputilitystreamthickness}[1]{% % Utility Stream Thickness \gdef\chp@UtilityStreamThickness{#1}% } \newcommand*{\setchpunitthickness}[1]{% % Unit Thickness \gdef\chp@UnitThickness{#1}% } \newcommand*{\setchpunitscale}[1]{% % Unit Scale \gdef\chp@UnitScale{#1}% } \newcommand*{\setchpsignalthickness}[1]{% % Signal Thickness \gdef\chp@SignalThickness{#1}% } \newcommand*{\setchphiddenstreamstyle}[1]{% % Hidden Stream Style \gdef\chp@HiddenStreamStyle{#1}% } \newcommand*{\setchphiddencomponentstyle}[1]{% % Hidden Component Style \gdef\chp@HiddenComponentStyle{#1}% } \newcommand*{\setchpmeasurecolor}[1]{% % Measure Color \gdef\chp@MeasureColor{#1}% } \newcommand*{\setchpmeasuretip}[1]{% % Measure Tip \gdef\chp@MeasureTip{#1}% } \newcommand*{\setchpmeasurethickness}[1]{% % Measure Thickness \gdef\chp@MeasureThickness{#1}% } \newcommand*{\setchpmeasurefontsize}[1]{% % Measure \gdef\chp@MeasureFontSize{#1}% } \newcommand*{\setchpinstrumentthickness}[1]{% % Instrument Thickness \gdef\chp@InstrumentThickness{#1}% } \newcommand*{\setchpinstrumentscale}[1]{% % Instrument Scale \gdef\chp@InstrumentScale{#1}% } \newcommand*{\setchpinstrumentfontsize}[1]{% % Instrument Font Size \gdef\chp@InstrumentFontSize{#1}% } \newcommand*{\setchpblockthickness}[1]{% % Block Thickness \gdef\chp@BlockThickness{#1}% } \newcommand*{\setchpblockscale}[1]{% % Block Scale \gdef\chp@BlockScale{#1}% } \newcommand*{\setchpblockfontsize}[1]{% % Block Font Size \gdef\chp@BlockFontSize{#1}% } %: Measure Command \newcommand*{\measure}[4][below]{% \draw [chpmeasure] #2 -- #3 node [pos=0.5,sloped,#1,font=\chp@MeasureFontSize] {#4};% } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %: Styles for Streams, Units and Signals %: Main Stream \tikzset{main stream/.style=% {% -\chp@StreamTip,% \chp@MainStreamThickness,% }% } %: Secondary Stream \tikzset{secondary stream/.style=% {% -\chp@StreamTip,% \chp@SecondaryStreamThickness,% }% } %: Utility Stream \tikzset{utility stream/.style=% {% -\chp@StreamTip,% \chp@UtilityStreamThickness, }% } %: Process Unit \tikzset{chpunitstyle/.style=% {% \chp@UnitThickness,% scale=\chp@UnitScale% }% } %: Signal \tikzset{signal/.style=% {% \chp@SignalThickness,% decoration={% markings, mark=between positions 5mm and (1-5mm) step 5mm with{% \draw [\chp@SignalThickness] (-2pt,2pt) -- (2pt,-2pt); \draw [\chp@SignalThickness] (-1pt,2pt) -- (3pt,-2pt); }% }, postaction={decorate}% }% } %: Short Signal \tikzset{short signal/.style=% {% \chp@SignalThickness,% decoration={% markings, mark=at position 0.5 with{% \draw [\chp@SignalThickness] (-2pt,2pt) -- (2pt,-2pt); \draw [\chp@SignalThickness] (-1pt,2pt) -- (3pt,-2pt);% }% }, postaction={decorate}% }% } %: Hidden Stream \tikzset{hidden stream/.style=% {% \chp@HiddenStreamStyle% }% } %: Hidden Component \tikzset{hidden component/.style=% {% \chp@HiddenComponentStyle% }% } %: Measure \tikzset{chpmeasure/.style=% {% draw=\chp@MeasureColor,% \chp@MeasureTip-\chp@MeasureTip,% \chp@MeasureThickness% }% } %: Instrument \tikzset{chpinstrumentstyle/.style=% {% \chp@InstrumentThickness,% scale=\chp@InstrumentScale% }% } %: Block \tikzset{chpblockstyle/.style=% {% \chp@BlockThickness,% scale=\chp@BlockScale% }% } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %: Process Units %: Fluids and Solids Storage %: Tank \tikzset{tank/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (-1,-0.915) to [out=270,in=270] (1,-0.915) -- (1,0.915) to [out=90,in=90] (-1,0.915) -- cycle; \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-left) at (-1,0); \coordinate (-bottom left) at (-1,-0.915); \coordinate (-bottom) at (0,-1.5); \coordinate (-bottom right) at (1,-0.915); \coordinate (-right) at (1,0); \coordinate (-top right) at (1,0.915); \coordinate (-top) at (0,1.5); \coordinate (-top left) at (-1,0.915); \end{scope} }% } %: Cone Tank \tikzset{cone tank/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (-1.5,-1.5) -- (1.5,-1.5) -- (1.5,1.1) -- (0,1.5) -- (-1.5,1.1) -- cycle; \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-left) at (-1.5,0); \coordinate (-bottom left) at (-1.5,-1.4); \coordinate (-bottom) at (0,-1.5); \coordinate (-bottom right) at (1.5,-1.4); \coordinate (-right) at (1.5,0); \coordinate (-top right) at (1.5,1.1); \coordinate (-top) at (0,1.5); \coordinate (-top left) at (-1.5,1.1); \end{scope} }% } %: Dome Tank \tikzset{dome tank/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (-1.5,-1.5) -- (1.5,-1.5) -- (1.5,0.7) to [out=90,in=0] (0,1.5) to [out=180,in=90] (-1.5,0.7) -- cycle; \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-left) at (-1.5,0); \coordinate (-bottom left) at (-1.5,-1.4); \coordinate (-bottom) at (0,-1.5); \coordinate (-bottom right) at (1.5,-1.4); \coordinate (-right) at (1.5,0); \coordinate (-top right) at (1.5,0.7); \coordinate (-top) at (0,1.5); \coordinate (-top left) at (-1.5,0.7); \end{scope} }% } %: Floating Roof Tank \tikzset{floating roof tank/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (-1.5,1.5) -- (-1.5,-1.5) -- (1.5,-1.5) -- (1.5,1.5); \draw [chpunitstyle] (-1.45,1.4) circle (0.05) (1.45,1.4) circle (0.05) (-1.4,1.3) rectangle (1.4,1.5); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-left) at (-1.5,0); \coordinate (-bottom left) at (-1.5,-1.4); \coordinate (-bottom) at (0,-1.5); \coordinate (-bottom right) at (1.5,-1.4); \coordinate (-right) at (1.5,0); \coordinate (-top right) at (1.5,1.2); \coordinate (-top) at (0,1.5); \coordinate (-top left) at (-1.5,1.2); \end{scope} }% } %: Bell Gasholder \tikzset{bell gasholder/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (-1.5,0.5) -- (-1.5,-1.5) -- (1.5,-1.5) -- (1.5,0.5); \draw [chpunitstyle] (1.45,-0.5) -- (1.45,0.7) to [out=90,in=0] (0,1.45) to [out=180,in=90] (-1.45,0.7) -- (-1.45,-0.50); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-left) at (-1.5,0); \coordinate (-bottom left) at (-1.5,-1.4); \coordinate (-bottom) at (0,-1.5); \coordinate (-bottom right) at (1.5,-1.4); \coordinate (-right) at (1.5,0); \coordinate (-top right) at (1.45,0.7); \coordinate (-top) at (0,1.5); \coordinate (-top left) at (-1.45,0.7); \end{scope} }% } %: Dry Gasholder \tikzset{dry gasholder/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (1.5,-1.0) arc (0:180:1.5) -- cycle; \draw [chpunitstyle] (1.5,-1.0) -- (1.5,1.0) -- (-1.5,1.0) -- (-1.5,-1.0); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-left) at (-1.5,0); \coordinate (-bottom left) at (-1.5,-0.9); \coordinate (-bottom) at (0,-1.0); \coordinate (-bottom right) at (1.5,-0.9); \coordinate (-right) at (1.5,0); \coordinate (-top right) at (1.5,1); \coordinate (-top) at (0,1); \coordinate (-top left) at (-1.5,1); \coordinate (-dome top) at (0,0.5); \end{scope} }% } %: Fluids Handling %: Centrifugal Pump \tikzset{centrifugal pump/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (0,0) circle (0.4) circle (0.05); \draw [chpunitstyle] (230.19:0.4) -- ++(230.19:0.377) -- ++(1,0) -- ++(129.81:0.377); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-left) at (-0.4,0); \coordinate (-bottom) at (0,-0.6); \coordinate (-right) at (0.4,0); \coordinate (-top) at (0,0.4); \end{scope} }% } %: Rotary Pump \tikzset{rotary pump/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.4,0) arc (180:360:0.4) -- (0.4,0.5) arc (0:180:0.4) -- cycle (0,0) circle (0.225) (0,0.5) circle (0.225); \draw [chpunitstyle] (230.19:0.4) -- ++(230.19:0.377) -- ++(1,0) -- ++(129.81:0.377); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-left) at (-0.4,0.25); \coordinate (-bottom) at (0,-0.6); \coordinate (-right) at (0.4,0.25); \coordinate (-top) at (0,0.9); \end{scope} }% } %: Liquid Ring Pump \tikzset{liquid ring pump/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (0,0) circle (0.4) circle (0.325); \draw [chpunitstyle] (230.19:0.4) -- ++(230.19:0.377) -- ++(1,0) -- ++(129.81:0.377); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-left) at (-0.4,0); \coordinate (-bottom) at (0,-0.6); \coordinate (-right) at (0.4,0); \coordinate (-top) at (0,0.4); \end{scope} }% } %: Reciprocating Pump \tikzset{reciprocating pump/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.4,-0.4) rectangle (0.4,0.4); \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.3,-0.4) -- (-0.3,-0.6) (0.3,-0.4) -- (0.3,-0.6) (-0.5,-0.6) -- (0.5,-0.6); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-left) at (-0.4,0); \coordinate (-bottom) at (0,-0.6); \coordinate (-right) at (0.4,0); \coordinate (-top) at (0,0.4); \end{scope} }% } %: Fan \tikzset{fan/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (0.4,0.4) -- (0,0.4) arc (90:360:0.4) -- cycle (0,0) circle (0.15); \draw [chpunitstyle] (230.19:0.4) -- ++(230.19:0.377) -- ++(1,0) -- ++(129.81:0.377); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-left) at (-0.4,0); \coordinate (-bottom) at (0,-0.6); \coordinate (-right) at (0.4,0); \coordinate (-top) at (0,0.4); \coordinate (-outlet) at (0.4,0.4); \end{scope} }% } %: Centrifugal Compressor \tikzset{centrifugal compressor/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.9,-0.4) -- (0.9,-0.2) -- (0.9,0.2) -- (-0.9,0.4) -- cycle; \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.8,-0.39) -- (-0.8,-0.6) (0.8,-0.21) -- (0.8,-0.6) (-1.0,-0.6) -- (1.0,-0.6); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-left) at (-0.9,0); \coordinate (-bottom) at (0,-0.6); \coordinate (-right) at (0.9,0); \coordinate (-inlet bottom) at (-0.9,-0.4); \coordinate (-outlet bottom) at (0.9,-0.2); \coordinate (-outlet top) at (0.9,0.2); \coordinate (-inlet top) at (-0.9,0.4); \end{scope} }% } %: Rotary Compressor \tikzset{rotary compressor/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.4,0) arc (180:360:0.4) -- (0.4,0.5) arc (0:180:0.4) -- cycle (0.325,0.5) arc (0:180:0.325) to [out=270,in=90] (0.325,0) arc (360:180:0.325); \draw [chpunitstyle] (230.19:0.4) -- ++(230.19:0.377) -- ++(1,0) -- ++(129.81:0.377); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-left) at (-0.4,0.25); \coordinate (-bottom) at (0,-0.6); \coordinate (-right) at (0.4,0.25); \coordinate (-top) at (0,0.9); \end{scope} }% } %: Reciprocating Compressor \tikzset{reciprocating compressor/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (0,0) circle (0.4) (0.2,-0.346) -- (1.4,-0.346) -- (1.4,0.346) -- (0.2,0.346); \draw [chpunitstyle] (0.2,-0.346) -- (0.2,-0.6) (-0.2,-0.346) -- (-0.2,-0.6) (1.3,-0.346) -- (1.3,-0.6) (-0.5,-0.6) -- (1.5,-0.6); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-left) at (-0.4,0); \coordinate (-bottom) at (0.5,-0.6); \coordinate (-top) at (0,0.4); \coordinate (-inlet bottom) at (0.8,-0.346); \coordinate (-outlet) at (1.4,0); \coordinate (-inlet top) at (0.8,0.346); \end{scope} }% } %: MultiStage Compressor \tikzset{multistage compressor/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (0,0) circle (0.4) (0.2,-0.346) -- (0.7,-0.346) -- (0.7,0.346) -- (0.2,0.346) (0.7,-0.231) -- (1.1,-0.231) -- (1.1,0.231) -- (0.7,0.231) (1.1,-0.116) -- (1.4,-0.116) -- (1.4,0.116) -- (1.1,0.116); \draw [chpunitstyle] (0.2,-0.346) -- (0.2,-0.6) (-0.2,-0.346) -- (-0.2,-0.6) (1.3,-0.116) -- (1.3,-0.6) (-0.5,-0.6) -- (1.5,-0.6); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-left) at (-0.4,0); \coordinate (-bottom) at (0.5,-0.6); \coordinate (-top) at (0,0.4); \coordinate (-first bottom) at (0.45,-0.346); \coordinate (-second bottom) at (0.9,-0.231); \coordinate (-third bottom) at (1.25,-0.116); \coordinate (-outlet) at (1.4,0); \coordinate (-third top) at (1.25,0.116); \coordinate (-second top) at (0.9,0.231); \coordinate (-first top) at (0.45,0.346); \end{scope} }% } %: Ejector \tikzset{ejector/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (0.25,-0.1) -- (0.25,-0.25) -- (-0.25,-0.25) -- (-0.25,0.25) -- (0.25,0.25) -- (0.25,0.1) -- (1.25,0.25) -- (1.25,-0.25) -- cycle; \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-main inlet) at (-0.25,0); \coordinate (-suck inlet bottom) at (0,-0.25); \coordinate (-outlet) at (1.25,0); \coordinate (-suck inlet top) at (0,0.25); \end{scope} }% } %: Heat Exchangers %: Heat Exchanger \tikzset{heat exchanger/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (0,0) circle (0.5) (-0.5,0) -- (-0.25,0) -- (-0.25,0.3) -- (0.25,-0.3) -- (0.25,0) -- (0.5,0); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-shell bottom) at (0,-0.5); \coordinate (-shell top) at (0,0.5); \coordinate (-pipes left) at (-0.5,0); \coordinate (-pipes right) at (0.5,0); \end{scope} }% } %: Two-Phases Heat Exchanger \tikzset{heat exchanger biphase/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (0,0) circle (0.5) (30:0.5) -- ++(-0.6,0) -- ++(0.3,-0.25) -- ++(-0.3,-0.25) -- ++(0.6,0); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-shell left) at (-0.5,0); \coordinate (-shell bottom) at (0,-0.5); \coordinate (-shell right) at (0.5,0); \coordinate (-shell top) at (0,0.5); \coordinate (-pipes bottom) at (-30:0.5); \coordinate (-pipes top) at (30:0.5); \end{scope} }% } %: Boiler \tikzset{boiler/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (0,0) circle (0.5); \draw [chpunitstyle, -\chp@StreamTip] (-0.7,0.5) -- (-0.5,0.5) -- (0.5,-0.5) -- (0.7,-0.5); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-left) at (-0.5,0); \coordinate (-bottom) at (0,-0.5); \coordinate (-right) at (0.5,0); \coordinate (-top) at (0,0.5); \coordinate (-pipes inlet) at (-0.7,0.5); \coordinate (-pipes outlet) at (0.7,-0.5); \end{scope} }% } %: Condenser \tikzset{condenser/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (0,0) circle (0.5); \draw [chpunitstyle, -\chp@StreamTip] (-0.7,-0.5) -- (-0.5,-0.5) -- (0.5,0.5) -- (0.7,0.5); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-left) at (-0.5,0); \coordinate (-bottom) at (0,-0.5); \coordinate (-right) at (0.5,0); \coordinate (-top) at (0,0.5); \coordinate (-pipes inlet) at (-0.7,-0.5); \coordinate (-pipes outlet) at (0.7,0.5); \end{scope} }% } %: Air Heat Exchanger \tikzset{air heat exchanger/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.5,-0.5) rectangle (0.5,0.5) (0,0) circle (0.4) (-0.3,0) -- (-0.3,-0.15) -- (0.3,0.15) -- (0.3,0) -- cycle; \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-left) at (-0.5,0); \coordinate (-bottom) at (0,-0.5); \coordinate (-right) at (0.5,0); \coordinate (-top) at (0,0.5); \end{scope} }% } %: Tube Bundle Heat Exchanger \tikzset{tube bundle heat exchanger/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (-1.0,-0.3) -- (0.7,-0.3) arc (270:450:0.3) -- (-1.0,0.3) -- cycle; \foreach \i in {1, 2, ...,10} {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.6,-0.3 + 0.06*\i) -- ++(1.2,0); } \draw [chpunitstyle] (-1.0,-0.35) -- (-1.0,-0.3) (-1.0,0.35) -- (-1.0,0.3) (-0.6,-0.35) -- (-0.6,0.35) (0.6,-0.35) -- (0.6,0.35); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-left) at (-1.0,0); \coordinate (-right) at (1.0,0); \coordinate (-head bottom) at (-0.8,-0.3); \coordinate (-head top) at (-0.8,0.3); \coordinate (-shell bottom left) at (-0.5,-0.3); \coordinate (-shell bottom) at (0,-0.3); \coordinate (-shell bottom right) at (0.5,-0.3); \coordinate (-shell top right) at (0.5,0.3); \coordinate (-shell top) at (0,0.3); \coordinate (-shell top left) at (-0.5,0.3); \end{scope} }% } %: Plate Heat Exchanger \tikzset{plate heat exchanger/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.5,-0.7) rectangle (0.5,0.7); \foreach \i in {1, 2, ..., 4} {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.5 + 0.2*\i,-0.7) -- ++(0,1.4); } \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.5,-0.6) -- (0.5,0.6); \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.5,-0.75) -- (-0.5,-0.7) (-0.5,0.7) -- (-0.5,0.75) (0.5,-0.75) -- (0.5,-0.7) (0.5,0.7) -- (0.5,0.75); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-left) at (-0.5,0); \coordinate (-bottom) at (0,-0.7); \coordinate (-right) at (0.5,0); \coordinate (-top) at (0,0.7); \coordinate (-inner left) at (-0.5,-0.6); \coordinate (-inner right) at (0.5,0.6); \coordinate (-outer left) at (-0.5,0.6); \coordinate (-outer right) at (0.5,-0.6); \end{scope} }% } %: Spiral Heat Exchanger \tikzset{spiral heat exchanger/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (0,0) circle (0.7); \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.7,0) -- (0.001,0); \draw [chpunitstyle] plot [variable=\t, domain=0:720, hobby] (\t:\t*0.7/720); \draw [chpunitstyle, dashed] (0,0) -- (0,0.7); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-inner center) at (-0.7,0); \coordinate (-inner edge) at (0.7,0); \coordinate (-outer center) at (0,0.7); \coordinate (-outer edge) at (0,-0.7); \end{scope} }% } %: Pipe Furnace \tikzset{pipe furnace/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (-1.0,-0.5) -- (1.0,-0.5) -- (1.0,0.5) -- (0.2,0.75) -- (0.2,1.5) -- (-0.2,1.5) -- (-0.2,0.75) -- (-1.0,0.5) -- cycle; \draw [chpunitstyle] (-1.0,0) -- (-0.75,0) -- (-0.6,-0.4) -- (-0.3,0.4) -- (0,-0.4) -- (0.3,0.4) -- (0.6,-0.4) -- (0.75,0) -- (1.0,0); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-bottom) at (0,-0.5); \coordinate (-top) at (0,1.5); \coordinate (-pipes left) at (-1.0,0); \coordinate (-pipes right) at (1.0,0); \end{scope} }% } %: Separators %: Steam Trap \tikzset{steam trap/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (45:0.15) arc (45:225:0.15); \draw [chpunitstyle, fill] (225:0.15) arc (225:405:0.15) -- cycle; \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-left) at (-0.15,0); \coordinate (-bottom) at (0,-0.15); \coordinate (-right) at (0.15,0); \coordinate (-top) at (0,0.15); \end{scope} }% } %: Gas-Liquid Separator \tikzset{gas-liquid separator/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.8,-1.032) to [out=270,in=270] (0.8,-1.032) -- (0.8,1.032) to [out=90,in=90] (-0.8,1.032) -- cycle; \draw [chpunitstyle, densely dotted] (-0.755,1.2) -- (0.755,1.2); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-bottom left) at (-0.8,-1.032); \coordinate (-bottom right) at (0.8,-1.032); \coordinate (-top right) at (0.8,1.032); \coordinate (-top left) at (-0.8,1.032); \coordinate (-stirrer) at (0.5,1.5); \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-inlet left) at (-0.8,0); \coordinate (-inlet right) at (0.8,0); \coordinate (-gas outlet) at (0,1.5); \coordinate (-liquid outlet) at (0,-1.5); \end{scope} }% } %: Cyclone \tikzset{cyclone/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.3,0.25) rectangle (0.3,0) -- (0,-1.0) -- (-0.3,0); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-inlet left) at (-0.3,0.125); \coordinate (-inlet right) at (0.3,0.125); \coordinate (-gas outlet) at (0,0.25); \coordinate (-solid outlet) at (0,-1.0); \end{scope} }% } %: Stratifier \tikzset{stratifier/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (1.032,-0.8) to [out=0,in=0] (1.032,0.8) -- (-1.032,0.8) to [out=180,in=180] (-1.032,-0.8) -- cycle; \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.9,-0.85) -- (-0.9,0.3) (0.9,-0.85) -- (0.9,0) (0.6,0.85) -- (0.6,0.7) (0.6,0.6) -- (0.6,-0.6); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-left) at (-1.5,0); \coordinate (-bottom) at (0,-0.8); \coordinate (-right) at (1.5,0); \coordinate (-top right) at (1.032,0.8); \coordinate (-top left) at (-1.032,0.8); \coordinate (-inlet) at (0,0.8); \coordinate (-light outlet) at (-1.032,-0.8); \coordinate (-heavy outlet) at (1.032,-0.8); \end{scope} }% } %: Settler \tikzset{settler/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (-1.5,-0.2) -- (0,-0.8) -- (1.5,-0.2) -- (1.5,0.8) -- (-1.5,0.8) -- cycle; \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-inlet left) at (-1.5,-0.2); \coordinate (-inlet right) at (1.5,-0.2); \coordinate (-inlet top) at (0,0.8); \coordinate (-liquid outlet left) at (-1.5,0.8); \coordinate (-liquid outlet right) at (1.5,0.8); \coordinate (-solid outlet) at (0,-0.8); \end{scope} }% } %: Scrubber \tikzset{scrubber/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.3,-0.25) -- (0,-0.75) -- (0.3,-0.25) -- (0.3,0.55) to [out=90,in=0] (0,0.75) to [out=180,in=90] (-0.3,0.55) -- cycle; \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-gas inlet left) at (-0.3,-0.25); \coordinate (-gas inlet right) at (0.3,-0.25); \coordinate (-liquid inlet left) at (-0.3,0.55); \coordinate (-liquid inlet right) at (0.3,0.55); \coordinate (-gas outlet) at (0,0.75); \coordinate (-liquid outlet) at (0,-0.75); \end{scope} }% } %: Kettle Bolier \tikzset{kettle boiler/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (-1.0,-0.3) -- (0.7,-0.3) to [out=0,in=270] (1.0,0.2) to [out=90,in=0] (0.7,0.7) -- (-0.3,0.7) -- (-0.6,0.3) -- (-1.0,0.3) -- cycle; \draw [chpunitstyle] (-1.0,-0.35) -- (-1.0,-0.3) (-1.0,0.35) -- (-1.0,0.3) (-0.6,-0.35) -- (-0.6,0.35) (0.6,-0.35) -- (0.6,0.35); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-left) at (-1.0,0); \coordinate (-right) at (1.0,0.2); \coordinate (-inlet) at (0,-0.3); \coordinate (-gas outlet) at (0.2,0.7); \coordinate (-liquid outlet) at (0.7,-0.3); \coordinate (-head bottom) at (-0.8,-0.3); \coordinate (-head top) at (-0.8,0.3); \end{scope} }% } %: Tube Bundle Evaporator \tikzset{tube bundle evaporator/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.8,-1.032) to [out=270,in=270] (0.8,-1.032) -- (0.8,1.032) to [out=90,in=90] (-0.8,1.032) -- cycle; \foreach \i in {0, 1, ..., 10} {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.85,-0.9 + 0.08*\i) -- ++(1.7,0); } \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.85,-0.95) -- (-0.85,-0.05) (0.85,-0.95) -- (0.85,-0.05); \draw [chpunitstyle, densely dotted] (-0.755,1.2) -- (0.755,1.2); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-bottom left) at (-0.8,-1.032); \coordinate (-bottom right) at (0.8,-1.032); \coordinate (-top right) at (0.8,1.032); \coordinate (-top left) at (-0.8,1.032); \coordinate (-inlet left) at (-0.8,0); \coordinate (-inlet right) at (0.8,0); \coordinate (-gas outlet) at (0,1.5); \coordinate (-liquid outlet) at (0,-1.5); \coordinate (-pipes left) at (-0.85,-0.5); \coordinate (-pipes right) at (0.85,-0.5); \end{scope} }% } %: Basket Evaporator \tikzset{basket evaporator/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.8,-1.032) to [out=270,in=270] (0.8,-1.032) -- (0.8,1.032) to [out=90,in=90] (-0.8,1.032) -- cycle; \foreach \i in {1, 2, ...,19} {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.8 + 0.08*\i,-0.9) -- ++(0,0.8); } \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.85,-0.9) -- (0.85,-0.9) (-0.85,-0.1) -- (0.85,-0.1); \draw [chpunitstyle, densely dotted] (-0.755,1.2) -- (0.755,1.2); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-bottom left) at (-0.8,-1.032); \coordinate (-bottom right) at (0.8,-1.032); \coordinate (-top right) at (0.8,1.032); \coordinate (-top left) at (-0.8,1.032); \coordinate (-inlet left) at (-0.8,0); \coordinate (-inlet right) at (0.8,0); \coordinate (-gas outlet) at (0,1.5); \coordinate (-liquid outlet) at (0,-1.5); \coordinate (-shell top left) at (-0.8,-0.2); \coordinate (-shell left) at (-0.8,-0.5); \coordinate (-shell bottom left) at (-0.8,-0.8); \coordinate (-shell bottom right) at (0.8,-0.8); \coordinate (-shell right) at (0.8,-0.5); \coordinate (-shell top right) at (0.8,-0.2); \end{scope} }% } %: Climbing Film Evaporator \tikzset{climbing film evaporator/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.4,0.4) -- (-0.4,-1.2) to [out=270,in=180] (0,-1.5) to [out=0,in=270] (0.4,-1.2) -- (0.4,0.4) (0.4,0.3) -- (0.8,0.6) -- (0.8,1.032) to [out=90,in=90] (-0.8,1.032) -- (-0.8,0.6) -- (-0.4,0.3); \foreach \i in {1, 2, ...,10} {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.4 + 0.08*\i,-1.2) -- ++(0,1.5); } \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.45,0.3) -- (0.45,0.3) (-0.45,-1.2) -- (0.45,-1.2); \draw [chpunitstyle, -\chp@StreamTip] (-0.5,0.37) -- (-0.6,0.23) -- (-0.6,-1.35) -- (-0.35,-1.35); \draw [chpunitstyle, densely dotted] (-0.755,1.2) -- (0.755,1.2); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-top right) at (0.8,1.032); \coordinate (-top left) at (-0.8,1.032); \coordinate (-inlet left) at (-0.8,0.6); \coordinate (-inlet right) at (0.8,0.6); \coordinate (-gas outlet) at (0,1.5); \coordinate (-liquid outlet) at (0,-1.5); \coordinate (-shell top left) at (-0.4,0.2); \coordinate (-shell left) at (-0.4,-0.45); \coordinate (-shell bottom left) at (-0.4,-1.1); \coordinate (-shell bottom right) at (0.4,-1.1); \coordinate (-shell right) at (0.4,-0.45); \coordinate (-shell top right) at (0.4,0.2); \end{scope} }% } %: Tube Bundle Crystallizer \tikzset{tube bundle crystallizer/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.8,-1.032) -- (0,-1.5) -- (0.8,-1.032) -- (0.8,1.032) to [out=90,in=90] (-0.8,1.032) -- cycle; \foreach \i in {0, 1, ..., 10} {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.85,-0.9 + 0.08*\i) -- ++(1.7,0); } \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.85,-0.95) -- (-0.85,-0.05) (0.85,-0.95) -- (0.85,-0.05); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-bottom left) at (-0.8,-1.032); \coordinate (-bottom right) at (0.8,-1.032); \coordinate (-top right) at (0.8,1.032); \coordinate (-top left) at (-0.8,1.032); \coordinate (-inlet left) at (-0.8,0); \coordinate (-inlet right) at (0.8,0); \coordinate (-liquid outlet) at (0,1.5); \coordinate (-solid outlet) at (0,-1.5); \coordinate (-pipes left) at (-0.85,-0.5); \coordinate (-pipes right) at (0.85,-0.5); \end{scope} }% } %: Stirred Crystallizer \tikzset{stirred crystallizer/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.8,-1.032) -- (0,-1.5) -- (0.8,-1.032) -- (0.8,1.032) to [out=90,in=90] (-0.8,1.032) -- cycle; \draw [chpunitstyle, yshift=-0.25cm, xslant=0.285] (0,1.75) -- (0,0) to [out=150,in=90] (-0.5,0) to [out=270,in=210] (0,0) to [out=30,in=90] (0.5,0) to [out=270,in=330] (0,0); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-bottom left) at (-0.8,-1.032); \coordinate (-bottom right) at (0.8,-1.032); \coordinate (-top right) at (0.8,1.032); \coordinate (-top left) at (-0.8,1.032); \coordinate (-inlet left) at (-0.8,0); \coordinate (-inlet right) at (0.8,0); \coordinate (-liquid outlet) at (0,1.5); \coordinate (-solid outlet) at (0,-1.5); \coordinate (-shaft) at (0.5,1.5); \end{scope} }% } %: Columns %: Column \tikzset{pics/column/.style=% {% code=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.5,-2.7) to [out=270,in=270] (0.5,-2.7) -- (0.5,2.7) to [out=90,in=90] (-0.5,2.7) -- cycle; \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{empty}}{% \relax% }% {% \relax% } \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{trayed}}{% \foreach \i in {0, 1, ..., 24} {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.5,-2.4 + 0.2*\i) -- (0.5,-2.4 + 0.2*\i); }% }% {% \relax% } \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{packed}}{% \draw [chpunitstyle, join=bevel] (-0.5,-2.4) -- (0.5,2.4) -- (-0.5,2.4) -- (0.5,-2.4) -- cycle; }% {% \relax% } \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{packed double}}{% \draw [chpunitstyle, join=bevel] (-0.5,-2.4) -- (0.5,-0.2) -- (-0.5,-0.2) -- (0.5,-2.4) -- cycle; \draw [chpunitstyle, join=bevel] (-0.5,2.4) -- (0.5,0.2) -- (-0.5,0.2) -- (0.5,2.4) -- cycle; }% {% \relax% } \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-left) at (-0.5,0); \coordinate (-bottom left) at (-0.5,-2.6); \coordinate (-bottom) at (0,-3); \coordinate (-bottom right) at (0.5,-2.6); \coordinate (-right) at (0.5,0); \coordinate (-top right) at (0.5,2.6); \coordinate (-top) at (0,3); \coordinate (-top left) at (-0.5,2.6); \end{scope} }% }% } %: Reactors %: Stirred Reactor \tikzset{stirred reactor/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.8,-0.732) to [out=270,in=270] (0.8,-0.732) -- (0.8,0.732) to [out=90,in=90] (-0.8,0.732) -- cycle; \draw [chpunitstyle, yshift=-0.25cm, xslant=0.285] (0,1.75) -- (0,0) to [out=150,in=90] (-0.5,0) to [out=270,in=210] (0,0) to [out=30,in=90] (0.5,0) to [out=270,in=330] (0,0); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-left) at (-0.8,0); \coordinate (-bottom left) at (-0.8,-0.732); \coordinate (-bottom) at (0,-1.2); \coordinate (-bottom right) at (0.8,-0.732); \coordinate (-right) at (0.8,0); \coordinate (-top right) at (0.8,0.732); \coordinate (-top) at (0,1.2); \coordinate (-top left) at (-0.8,0.732); \coordinate (-shaft) at (0.5,1.5); \end{scope} }% } %: Packed Bed Reactor \tikzset{packed bed reactor/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (-1.0,-0.4) rectangle (1.0,0.4) (-1.0,-0.45) -- (-1.0,0.45) (1.0,-0.45) -- (1.0,0.45); \draw [chpunitstyle, join=bevel] (-0.8,0.4) -- (0.8,-0.4) -- (0.8,0.4) -- (-0.8,-0.4) -- cycle; \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-left) at (-1,0); \coordinate (-bottom) at (0,-0.4); \coordinate (-right) at (1,0); \coordinate (-top) at (0,0.4); \coordinate (-utility bottom left) at (-0.9,-0.4); \coordinate (-utility bottom right) at (0.9,-0.4); \coordinate (-utility top right) at (0.9,0.4); \coordinate (-utility top left) at (-0.9,0.4); \end{scope} }% } %: Fluidized Bed Reactor \tikzset{fluidized bed reactor/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.8,-0.4) -- (-0.2,-0.8) -- (-0.2,-1.2) -- (0.2,-1.2) -- (0.2,-0.8) -- (0.8,-0.4) -- (0.8,0.732) to [out=90,in=90] (-0.8,0.732) -- cycle; \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-left) at (-0.8,0); \coordinate (-bottom left) at (-0.8,-0.4); \coordinate (-bottom) at (0,-1.2); \coordinate (-bottom right) at (0.8,-0.4); \coordinate (-right) at (0.8,0); \coordinate (-top right) at (0.8,0.732); \coordinate (-top) at (0,1.2); \coordinate (-top left) at (-0.8,0.732); \end{scope} }% } %: Tube Bundle Reactor \tikzset{tube bundle reactor/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.8,-0.732) to [out=270,in=270] (0.8,-0.732) -- (0.8,0.732) to [out=90,in=90] (-0.8,0.732) -- cycle; \foreach \i in {1, 2, ...,19} {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.8 + 0.08*\i,-0.65) -- ++(0,1.3); } \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.85,-0.65) -- (0.85,-0.65) (-0.85,0.65) -- (0.85,0.65); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-left) at (-0.8,0); \coordinate (-bottom left) at (-0.8,-0.732); \coordinate (-bottom) at (0,-1.2); \coordinate (-bottom right) at (0.8,-0.732); \coordinate (-right) at (0.8,0); \coordinate (-top right) at (0.8,0.732); \coordinate (-top) at (0,1.2); \coordinate (-top left) at (-0.8,0.732); \end{scope} }% } %: Associative Pics for Reactors %: Tank Reactor \tikzset{tank reactor/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.8,-0.732) to [out=270,in=270] (0.8,-0.732) -- (0.8,0.732) to [out=90,in=90] (-0.8,0.732) -- cycle; \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-left) at (-0.8,0); \coordinate (-bottom left) at (-0.8,-0.732); \coordinate (-bottom) at (0,-1.2); \coordinate (-bottom right) at (0.8,-0.732); \coordinate (-right) at (0.8,0); \coordinate (-top right) at (0.8,0.732); \coordinate (-top) at (0,1.2); \coordinate (-top left) at (-0.8,0.732); \end{scope} }% } %: Jacket \tikzset{jacket/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.8,0.7) -- (-1.0,0.5) -- (-1.0,-0.732) to [out=270,in=180] (-0.15,-1.3) -- (-0.1,-1.2) (0.8,0.7) -- (1.0,0.5) -- (1.0,-0.732) to [out=270,in=0] (0.15,-1.3) -- (0.1,-1.2); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-left) at (-1.0,0); \coordinate (-bottom left) at (-0.15,-1.3); \coordinate (-bottom right) at (0.15,-1.3); \coordinate (-right) at (1.0,0); \coordinate (-top right) at (1.0,0.5); \coordinate (-top left) at (-1.0,0.5); \end{scope} }% } %: Stirrer \tikzset{stirrer/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle, yshift=-0.25cm, xslant=0.285] (0,1.75) -- (0,0) to [out=150,in=90] (-0.5,0) to [out=270,in=210] (0,0) to [out=30,in=90] (0.5,0) to [out=270,in=330] (0,0); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-shaft) at (0.5,1.5); \end{scope} }% } %: Coil \tikzset{coil/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle, join=bevel] (1.0,0.7) -- (-0.7,0.7) -- (0.7,0.467) -- (-0.7,0.233) -- (0.7,0) -- (-0.7,-0.233) -- (0.7,-0.467) -- (-0.7,-0.7) -- (1.0,-0.7); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-bottom) at (1.0,-0.7); \coordinate (-top) at (1.0,0.7); \end{scope} }% } %: Sprayer \tikzset{sprayer/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (0,0) -- (1.4,0) -- ++(0.1,-0.1) (0.2,0) -- ++(-0.1,-0.1) (0.2,0) -- ++(0.1,-0.1) (0.6,0) -- ++(-0.1,-0.1) (0.6,0) -- ++(0.1,-0.1) (1.0,0) -- ++(-0.1,-0.1) (1.0,0) -- ++(0.1,-0.1) (1.4,0) -- ++(-0.1,-0.1); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \end{scope} }% } %: Bubbler \tikzset{bubbler/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (0,0) -- (1.4,0) -- ++(0.1,0.1) (0.2,0) -- ++(-0.1,0.1) (0.2,0) -- ++(0.1,0.1) (0.6,0) -- ++(-0.1,0.1) (0.6,0) -- ++(0.1,0.1) (1.0,0) -- ++(-0.1,0.1) (1.0,0) -- ++(0.1,0.1) (1.4,0) -- ++(-0.1,0.1); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \end{scope} }% } %: Packing \tikzset{packing/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle, join=bevel] (-0.8,-0.7) -- (0.8,0.7) -- (-0.8,0.7) -- (0.8,-0.7) -- cycle; \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \end{scope} }% } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %: Process Utilities %: Valves %: Lamination Valve \tikzset{lamination valve/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (-0.2,-0.1) rectangle (0.2,0.1) (-0.2,0.1) -- (0.2,0) (-0.2,-0.1) -- (0.2,0); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-inlet) at (-0.2,0); \coordinate (-outlet) at (0.2,0); \end{scope} }% } %: Valve \tikzset{pics/valve/.style=% {% code=% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{main}}{% \let\chp@ValveThickness\chp@MainStreamThickness% }% {% \relax% } \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{secondary}}{% \let\chp@ValveThickness\chp@SecondaryStreamThickness% }% {% \relax% } \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{utility}}{% \let\chp@ValveThickness\chp@UtilityStreamThickness% }% {% \relax% } \draw [\chp@ValveThickness, scale=\chp@UnitScale] (-0.2,-0.1) -- (-0.2,0.1) -- (0.2,-0.1) -- (0.2,0.1) -- cycle; \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-left) at (-0.2,0); \coordinate (-right) at (0.2,0); \end{scope} }% }% } %: Three-Way Valve \tikzset{pics/valve triple/.style=% {% code=% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{main}}{% \let\chp@ValveThickness\chp@MainStreamThickness% }% {% \relax% } \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{secondary}}{% \let\chp@ValveThickness\chp@SecondaryStreamThickness% }% {% \relax% } \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{utility}}{% \let\chp@ValveThickness\chp@UtilityStreamThickness% }% {% \relax% } \draw [\chp@ValveThickness, scale=\chp@UnitScale] (0,0) -- (-0.2,-0.1) -- (-0.2,0.1) -- (0,0) -- (-0.1,0.2) -- (0.1,0.2) -- (0,0) -- (0.2,-0.1) -- (0.2,0.1) -- cycle; \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-left) at (-0.2,0); \coordinate (-right) at (0.2,0); \coordinate (-top) at (0,0.2); \end{scope} }% }% } %: Four-Way Valve \tikzset{pics/valve quadruple/.style=% {% code=% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{main}}{% \let\chp@ValveThickness\chp@MainStreamThickness% }% {% \relax% } \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{secondary}}{% \let\chp@ValveThickness\chp@SecondaryStreamThickness% }% {% \relax% } \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{utility}}{% \let\chp@ValveThickness\chp@UtilityStreamThickness% }% {% \relax% } \draw [\chp@ValveThickness, scale=\chp@UnitScale] (-0.2,-0.1) -- (-0.2,0.1) -- (0.2,-0.1) -- (0.2,0.1) -- cycle (-0.1,0.2) -- (0.1,0.2) -- (-0.1,-0.2) -- (0.1,-0.2) -- cycle; \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-left) at (-0.2,0); \coordinate (-bottom) at (0,-0.2); \coordinate (-right) at (0.2,0); \coordinate (-top) at (0,0.2); \end{scope} }% }% } %: Safety Valve \tikzset{pics/safety valve/.style=% {% code=% {% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{main}}{% \let\chp@ValveThickness\chp@MainStreamThickness% }% {% \relax% } \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{utility}}{% \let\chp@ValveThickness\chp@UtilityStreamThickness% }% {% \relax% } \draw [\chp@ValveThickness, scale=\chp@UnitScale] (0,0) -- (-0.1,-0.2) -- (0.1,-0.2) -- cycle (0,0) -- (0.2,-0.1) -- (0.2,0.1) -- cycle; \draw [\chp@ValveThickness, scale=\chp@UnitScale, fill] (0,0) circle (0.025); \draw [\chp@ValveThickness, scale=\chp@UnitScale] (0,0) -- (0,0.3) (-0.05,0.26) -- (0.05,0.24) (-0.05,0.21) -- (0.05,0.19) (-0.05,0.16) -- (0.05,0.14); \draw [\chp@ValveThickness, scale=\chp@UnitScale] (0.2,0) -- (0.4,0) (0.35,0.1) -- (0.45,-0.1); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-inlet) at (0,-0.2); \coordinate (-outlet) at (0.4,0); \end{scope} }% }% } %: Process Streams %: Inlet \tikzset{inlet/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (0,0) circle (0.25); \draw [chpunitstyle, fill] (0.25,0) -- (150:0.25) (0.25,0) -- (-150:0.25) arc (210:150:0.25); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-left) at (-0.25,0); \coordinate (-bottom) at (0,-0.25); \coordinate (-stream) at (0.25,0); \coordinate (-top) at (0,0.25); \end{scope} }% } %: Outlet \tikzset{outlet/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (0,0) circle (0.25) (0.25,0) -- (150:0.25) (0.25,0) -- (-150:0.25); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-stream) at (-0.25,0); \coordinate (-bottom) at (0,-0.25); \coordinate (-right) at (0.25,0); \coordinate (-top) at (0,0.25); \end{scope} }% } %: Instrumentation %: Instrument \tikzset{pics/instrument/.style=% {% code=% {% \draw [chpinstrumentstyle] (0,0) circle (0.5); \node [font=\chp@InstrumentFontSize] at (0,0) {#1}; \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@InstrumentScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-left) at (-0.5,0); \coordinate (-bottom) at (0,-0.5); \coordinate (-right) at (0.5,0); \coordinate (-top) at (0,0.5); \end{scope} }% }% } %: Controller \tikzset{pics/controller/.style=% {% code=% {% \draw [chpinstrumentstyle] (-0.5,-0.5) rectangle (0.5,0.5); \node [font=\chp@InstrumentFontSize] at (0,0) {#1}; \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@InstrumentScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-left) at (-0.5,0); \coordinate (-bottom) at (0,-0.5); \coordinate (-right) at (0.5,0); \coordinate (-top) at (0,0.5); \end{scope} }% }% } %: Actuator \tikzset{actuator/.pic=% {% \draw [\chp@InstrumentThickness, scale=\chp@UnitScale] (0,0) -- (0,0.2) (0.1,0.2) arc (0:180:0.1) -- cycle; \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-top) at (0,0.3); \end{scope} }% } %: Nozzles %: Input \tikzset{input/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle] (0,0) circle (0.05); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \end{scope} }% } %: Output \tikzset{output/.pic=% {% \draw [chpunitstyle, fill] (0,0) circle (0.05); \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@UnitScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \end{scope} }% } %: Blocks %: Block \tikzset{pics/block/.style=% {% code=% {% \draw [chpblockstyle] (-1.5,-0.75) rectangle (1.5,0.75); \node [align=center, font=\chp@BlockFontSize] at (0,0) {#1}; \begin{scope} [scale=\chp@BlockScale] \coordinate (-anchor) at (0,0); \coordinate (-left) at (-1.5,0); \coordinate (-bottom) at (0,-0.75); \coordinate (-right) at (1.5,0); \coordinate (-top) at (0,0.75); \end{scope} }% }% } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \endinput % End of the Package