% censor.sty %% Copyright 2009 Steven B. Segletes % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2005/12/01 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. % % The Current Maintainer of this work is Steven B. Segletes. % % This work consists of all files listed in manifest.txt. % % This notice added 2010/01/04 by Clea F. Rees the permission of % Steven B. Segletes. \ProvidesPackage{censor} [2009/12/07 v1.00 Provides capability for redaction of sensitive information] % CHOOSE MODE OF OPERATION: % 1) IF .tex FILE IS CREATED IN PRIVATE (SECURE) ENVIRONMENT: % a) To produce censored document, censor individual words with % \censor{word} % b) To produce uncensored document, place \StopCensoring in preamble % c) To produced a mixed document with some redaction, but elsewhere % turned off, place \StopCensoring and/or \RestartCensoring in % various document locations as needed. % % DISCLAIMER: Don't \censor whitespace (i.e., phrases), or justifications % could get fouled up. If space-laden phrase needs repeated censoring, % I suggest typesetting according to the following example: % \def\CodeName{\censor{Little} \censor{Bo} \censor{Peep}} % In the text, refer to {\CodeName} as often as needed. % % 2) IF .tex FILE IS INITIALLY CREATED IN PUBLIC (UNSECURE) ENVIRONMENT: % a) To produce censored document, define (in the document preamble) % placeholders for all censored phrases, like: % \def\ProjectName{\censor*{7}} % In document, refer to {\ProjectName} as needed. The "7" refers % to the approximate width (in ex's) of the censored word. % b) Use of \StopCensoring in preamble will merely turn censored % black rectangles into underlined blank spaces, since uncensored % word is not known to the public source (.tex) document. % c) To produce uncensored document, the source code must be moved % to a private (secure) working environment. At that point, the % uncensored document may be created merely by editing the document % preamble and redefining the censored placeholders, so that % \def\ProjectName{\censor*{7}} becomes \def\ProjectName{Liberty}, % for example. Note that line justification could be affected, since % censored placeholders are not exactly the same width as the % actual word, in Mode 2 operation. % d) To produced (in the private/secure environment) a mixed document % with some redaction, but elsewhere turned off, place \StopCensoring % and/or \RestartCensoring in various document locations as needed. % % DISCLAIMER: Don't \censor whitespace (i.e., phrases), or justifications % could get fouled up. I suggest typesetting multi-word phrases according % to the following example: % \def\CodeName{\censor*{6} \censor*{2} \censor*{4}} % In the text, refer to {\CodeName} as often as needed. % % NOTE: For both modes of operation, placeholders are placed in curly % braces, so that surrounding white space and/or punctuation is properly % handled. \usepackage{pbox} \newcommand\censor{\@ifstar{\@cenlen}{\@cenword}} \newcommand\@cenlen[1]{\protect\rule[-.3ex]{#1 ex}{2.1ex}} \newcommand\@cenword[1]{% \protect\rule[-.3ex]{\widthofpbox{#1}}{2.1ex}} \newcommand\un@censor{\@ifstar{\un@cenlen}{\un@cenword}} \newcommand\un@cenlen[1]{\protect\underline{\hspace{#1 ex}}} \newcommand\un@cenword[1]{#1} \newcommand\StopCensoring{\let\censor\un@censor} \newcommand\RestartCensoring{% \renewcommand\censor{\@ifstar{\@cenlen}{\@cenword}}} \endinput