\ProvidesFile{catoptions-guide.cfg}% [2011/09/10 v0.2.6 Configuration file for catoptions-guide.tex (AM)] \cptloadpackages{% xwatermark|printwatermark; array; colortbl; ltablex; } \keepXColumns \fancypagenos[% showonpageone = false, showpagenumbers = true, showheadrule = true, showfootrule = false, yposition = -.45\paperheight, xposition = 0, scale = 1, angle = 0, left-header = The \textcolor{macrocolor}{catoptions} package, style = \textsc{Page~\thepage~of~\pageref{xwmlastpage}}, right-header = \tcl{black}{\today} ] \amltxoptions{% geometryoptions = {left=3cm,right=3cm,top=2.5cm,% bottom=2.5cm,includeheadfoot}, reviewdocument = false, parindent = false, toc = false, frontpagestyle = empty, pretitleskip = 0ex, posttitleskip = 1ex, presuptitleskip = 15ex, postsuptitleskip = 0ex, presubtitleskip = 0ex, postsubtitleskip = -\baselineskip, loadnatbib = {numbers,sort&compress}, cmdcolor = xmagenta1, stylecolor = xgreen1, speccolor = teal, sectionheadcolor = blue } \def\otherchars{\quoted{other} characters\sspace} \ltsnewletcs*\sectionbreak\medbreak \AtBeginDocument{\renewdef*\thefootnote{\fnsymbol{footnote}}} \newwatermark [page=1,fontfamily=phv,fontsize=11pt,fontseries=m,textalign=center, coordunit=pc,textwidth=\hsize,textangle=0,textscale=1.8,textxpos=0, textypos=32.5]{\xwmfadingtext[textcolor=blue,boxcolor=red, scale=1.8,height=1.5ex,letterwidth=7.8mm]{catoptions}\\[1ex]% \tcl{blue}{\resizebox{.5\width}{!}{Setting up {\tt\string\futurelet} characters, securing catcodes, and parsing options}}% } \newwatermark [page=1,fontfamily=phv,fontsize=10pt,fontseries=m,color=black,textalign=center, coordunit=pc,textwidth=\hsize,textangle=0,textscale=1,textxpos=0,textypos=24]{% \Citation[author={Michael J. Downes, 1958--2003},textcolor=black,leftmargin=0em, fonttype=\small]{% The \pkgg'{pcatcode} functionality would work best if it were built into the \usecsn{latex2e} kernel, but it cannot be usefully added to the kernel now without adversely affecting document compatibility across different systems. This package therefore modifies one or two of the low-level package-loading functions defined by the kernel. Theoretically speaking, the \pkgg'{pcatcode} itself has to guard against the kind of catcode problems that it is intended to circumvent. If you would like a nice little \texnician's exercise, try your hand, before looking at the code of the \pkgg'{pcatcode}, at the task that I set for myself: find the minimal set of catcode assumptions that one has to make before attempting to establish normalcy, where normalcy is defined as the state at the end of the \latex kernel, just before the last \hx{\makeatother}. This is the state that may normally be expected at the beginning of a \hx{\documentclass} file, if the \latex format file does not have any extensions (\eg, \pkgm{babel}) compiled in. }% } \endinput %%% End of file catoptions-guide.cfg %%%