%% cascadilla.cls %% Copyright 2008-2011 Max Bane %% Version 1.8.1 % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2005/12/01 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. % % The Current Maintainer of this work is Max Bane. % % This work consists of the files cascadilla.cls and example.tex. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % This LaTeX class provides an extension of the "article" document class that % can be used to typeset papers conforming to the stylesheet of the Cascadilla % Proceedings Project (http://www.lingref.com/cpp/authors/style.html), which % is used by a number of linguistics conference proceedings (e.g., WCCFL). % Suggestions, questions, and bug reports should be directed to Max Bane at % bane@uchicago.edu. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Changes: % Version 1.8.1: Fixed centering of author line by simplifying \blankline % command - thanks to Christopher Piñón. % Version 1.8: Added author's signature statement at the top of the first page, % and the "nosignature" option to suppress it. % Version 1.7.1: Added commented example of listing multiple % authors/institutions to example.tex. % Version 1.7: Added "a4paper" option for typsetting on A4 paper, which is % allowed by the Cascadilla stylesheet with particular margin settings. % Version 1.6.1: Fixed compile bug caused by ill-formed date string in % \ProvidesClass. % Version 1.6: Redefined \thanks command once more, to conform with the new % requirements for an "invisible asterisk". % Version 1.5: Redefined \thanks command for use in titles. % Version 1.4: Modified bibpunct to use cascadilla's (Cascadilla, 2006:13) % style. % Version 1.3: Put in some missing \selectfont's, adjusted \abovecaptionskip % and \belowcaptionskip for use with \centering rather than the center % environment. % Version 1.2: Restored blank space between title and author % Version 1.1: Made title matter optional, added notimes option, added % additional blank line after title, section labels end with a space rather % than a quad, made figure/table captions bold, added immediate subsection % commands. % Version 1.0: Initial release. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Identification \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesClass{cascadilla}[2011/11/12 v1.8.1 Class for Cascadilla Proceedings Project articles, by Max Bane] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Class Options \RequirePackage{ifthen} \newboolean{hyphenate} \newboolean{copyright} \setboolean{copyright}{true} \newboolean{nopagenums} \setboolean{nopagenums}{true} \newboolean{times} \setboolean{times}{true} \newboolean{a4paper} \newboolean{signature} \setboolean{signature}{true} \DeclareOption{hyphenate}{\setboolean{hyphenate}{true}} \DeclareOption{nocopyright}{\setboolean{copyright}{false}} \DeclareOption{pagenums}{\setboolean{nopagenums}{false}} \DeclareOption{notimes}{\setboolean{times}{false}} \DeclareOption{a4paper}{\setboolean{a4paper}{true}} \DeclareOption{nosignature}{\setboolean{signature}{false}} \ProcessOptions \relax %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Package Loading % We're just an extension of the built-in article class. % The Cascadilla stylesheet requires US Letter paper and 10pt body fontsize % (which is happily LaTeX's default fontsize) % Update (version 1.7): the Cascadilla stylesheet now admits A4 paper, with % different margins; check for the "a4paper" option before loading the article % class and setting the margins. \ifthenelse{\boolean{a4paper}}{ \LoadClass[a4paper]{article} % Set up the margin widths/heights using the geometry package \RequirePackage[a4paper,left=3.15cm,right=3.15cm,top=2.54cm,bottom=4.29cm,foot=0.75in]{geometry} }{ \LoadClass[letterpaper]{article} % Set up the margin widths/heights using the geometry package \RequirePackage[letterpaper,left=1.38in,right=1.38in,top=1.0in,bottom=1.0in,foot=0.75in]{geometry} } % Stylesheet requires Times Roman font \ifthenelse{\boolean{times}}{ \RequirePackage{times} }{} % Stylesheet requires the the first paragraphs of all sections be indented. % The standardly available indentfirst package does that for us. \RequirePackage{indentfirst} % We'll need fancyhdr for typesetting the copyright notice required by the % stylesheet \RequirePackage{fancyhdr} % We'll use titlesec to format section titles according to the stylesheet \RequirePackage{titlesec} % We use natbib for formatting the bibliography (plus a hacked .bst file) \RequirePackage{natbib} % Cascadilla prefers if table/figure captions are labeled bold \RequirePackage[labelfont=bf]{caption} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Main Definitions \newcommand{\blankline}{\quad\\} % Booleans for whether various strings have been set \newboolean{haveAuthor} \newboolean{haveTitle} \newboolean{haveInstitution} \newboolean{afterPar} % Commands for setting author, title, completed date, institution and copyright year \renewcommand{\author}[1]{\gdef\@cascauthor{#1}\gdef\@author{#1}\setboolean{haveAuthor}{true}} \renewcommand{\title}[1]{\gdef\@casctitle{#1}\gdef\@title{#1}\setboolean{haveTitle}{true}} \newcommand{\completed}[1]{\gdef\@cascdate{#1}} \newcommand{\institution}[1]{\gdef\@institution{#1}\setboolean{haveInstitution}{true}} \newcommand{\copyrightyear}[1]{\gdef\@copyrightyear{#1}} %\renewcommand{\thanks}[1]{\def\thefootnote{\fnsymbol{footnote}}\footnote[1]{#1}} \renewcommand{\thanks}[1]{\def\thefootnote{\fnsymbol{footnote}}\footnotetext[1]{#1}} %% Redefine \maketitle to conform to cascadilla stylesheet \renewcommand{\maketitle}{% \begin{center} \ifthenelse{\boolean{signature}}{ \normalsize \selectfont This printout has been approved by me, the author. Any mistakes in this printout will not be fixed by the publisher. Here is my signature and the date: \underline{\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\quad}\\ \blankline }{\blankline\blankline\blankline} \ifthenelse{\boolean{haveTitle}}{ \fontsize{18}{18} \selectfont \textbf{\@title}\\ %\blankline \vspace{18pt} \normalsize }{} \ifthenelse{\boolean{haveAuthor}}{ \ifthenelse{\boolean{haveTitle}}{\blankline}{} \fontsize{14pt}{14pt} \selectfont \textbf{\@author} \normalsize \selectfont }{} \ifthenelse{\boolean{haveInstitution}}{ \normalsize \selectfont \textbf{\@institution} }{} \blankline \end{center} } % The stylesheet (apparently) demands justified text *without* any % hyphenation (i.e., only word and letter spacing), even though this is % really ugly and violates every typographic convention, and ends up % looking like a cheap MS Word document. The following parameter settings % discourage TeX's layout algorithm from breaking lines with syllabic hyphens. % Can be suppressed by the "hyphenate" class option. \ifthenelse{\boolean{hyphenate}}{}{ \hyphenpenalty=5000 \tolerance=1000 } % Paragraph indents should be one quarter inch \parindent=0.25in % Footnotes should be set in 9pt, which is \small \let\footnotesize\small % Disable page numbers. Suppressed by "pagenums" class option. \ifthenelse{\boolean{nopagenums}}{ \pagestyle{empty} \setlength{\footskip}{0in} }{} % Reduce the spacing around captions in tables and figures \setlength{\abovecaptionskip}{12pt} \setlength{\belowcaptionskip}{-5pt} % The following bit of code increases the size of the bottom margin on the % first page only, to make room for the copyright statement \ifthenelse{\boolean{copyright}}{ \setlength{\textheight}{8.75in} \AtBeginDocument{\setlength{\textheight}{9in}} }{} % The first page of the article gets a copyright statement, as specified in % the cascadilla stylesheet % Suppressed by the "nocopyright" class option. \newcommand\CascadillaCopyright { \fancypagestyle{plain}{ \fancyhf{} \fancyfoot[L]{\ifthenelse{\boolean{nopagenums}}{\vspace{0.1in}}{\vspace{-0.65in}}\small\copyright{}\ \@copyrightyear\ \@cascauthor\\Cascadilla Proceedings Project\\Completed \@cascdate} \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} } } \ifthenelse{\boolean{copyright}}{ \AtBeginDocument{\CascadillaCopyright{}} \AtBeginDocument{\thispagestyle{plain}} }{ \ifthenelse{\boolean{nopagenums}}{ \AtBeginDocument{\thispagestyle{empty}} }{} } % Tell natbib to indent hanging lines by a quarter inch \setlength{\bibhang}{0.25in} % Format section headings according to the cascadilla stylesheet \titlelabel{\thetitle.\ } \titleformat*{\section}{\fontsize{12pt}{0}\bf} \titleformat*{\subsection}{\fontsize{11pt}{0}\itshape} \titleformat*{\subsubsection}{\fontsize{11pt}{0}\itshape} \titlespacing{\section}{0pt}{11pt}{10pt} \titlespacing{\subsection}{0pt}{11pt}{10pt} \titlespacing{\subsubsection}{0pt}{11pt}{10pt} % Commands for immediate subsections, which require different spacing than % normal headings \newcommand{\immedsubsection}[1]{\vspace{-9pt}\subsection{#1}} \newcommand{\immedsubsubsection}[1]{\vspace{-9pt}\subsubsection{#1}} % Provide a command for the bibliography \newcommand{\cascadillabibliography}[1]{\small\renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{2}\bibliographystyle{cascadilla}\bibliography{#1}} % Set up citation punctuation for, e.g., (Shosted, 2006:13). \AtBeginDocument{ \bibpunct[:]{(}{)}{;}{a}{,}{,} }